- Info
"Most of them are dead!"- Ukraine's army DECIMATED says Col. MacGregor | Redacted w Clayton Morris
Colonel Douglas MacGregor reveals the devastating truth about Ukraine's standing army, they've been obliterated. President Zelensky this weekend said there are long lines at Ukraine's recruitment centers but there is no evidence of that. Russia continues to decimate air defense across Ukraine ahead of a June offensive.
John Mearsheimer Ukraine Salon
The Biden Administration is engulfed in a staggeringly expensive folly in Ukraine with no forseeable good outcomes. The Committee hosted University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer the week after the Russian invasion fourteen months ago. That zoom salon had 1,136,000 views. The Committee has invited John to return -- this time in person.
John will argue twin themes: First, we are in a war where both sides – Ukraine and the West versus Russia – see the other as an existential threat. That makes a workable peace agreement beyond reach. The best possible outcome is a frozen conflict that is likely to have a variety of terrible consequences. The worst possible outcome is a nuclear war, which is unlikely but cannot be ruled out. Second, Russia is going to win the war, although it is not going to decisively defeat Ukraine. It will end up, however, conquering a large swath of Ukrainian territory and making it part of Russia, while at the same time turning Ukraine into a dysfunctional rump state.
The Committee would not be holding this salon over Ukraine if we had been faithful to constitutional processes. The systematic provision of $113 billion in military assistance to Ukraine in its war with Russia makes the United States a co-belligerent requiring a congressional declaration. But no co-belligerency declaration has been initiated by Congress nor sought by President Joe Biden. If Congress were required to vote, it would balk at co-belligerency as it balked in 2013 when President Barack Obama asked for a declaration of war against Syria and as it balked in 1999 when President Bill Clinton asked for a declaration of war against Serbia.
"Washington played the cental role in leading Ukraine down the path of destruction" - John Mearsheimer
The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace, JD SACHS
By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Only diplomatic efforts can do that.
May 23, 2023
Common Dreams
The Geopolitics Of a Changing World by Professor Jeffrey Sachs.
-Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, and global leader in sustainable development. Sachs serves as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he holds the rank of University Professor. Sachs was the Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University from 2002 to 2016.Prior to Columbia, Sachs spent over twenty years as a professor at Harvard University, including as the Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade. Sachs has authored and edited numerous books, including three New York Times bestsellers: The End of Poverty (2005), Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (2008), and The Price of Civilization (2011). He is the recipient of several international prizes and has advised several governments across the globe. Prof Sachs has also served as the Special Advisor to UN Secretaries-General Kofi Annan, Ban Ki-moon, and António Guterres.
-The Dadabhoy Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Karachi that seeks to promote the educational, cultural, and scientific development of Pakistani society. The Sir Muhammad Iqbal Lecture is supported by the Dadabhoy Foundation whose Board of Trustees includes Mr Abdul Ghani Dadabhoy, an Oxford alumnus.
-The Oxford Pakistan Programme (OPP) is an initiative led by Pakistani-origin alumni and academics that seeks to generate new opportunities for Pakistani-origin scholars at the University of Oxford, promote academic exchange between Oxford and Pakistan’s institutions of higher learning and broaden academic conversations on Pakistan at oxford. The OPP is anchored at Lady Margaret Hall. For further information visit: https://oxpakprogramme.org/.
Date: 2 March 2023
Time: 5:00PM GMT (10PM PST)
Location: Simpkins Lee Theatre, Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 6QA
John Mearsheimer Ukraine Salon
The Biden Administration is engulfed in a staggeringly expensive folly in Ukraine with no forseeable good outcomes. The Committee hosted University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer the week after the Russian invasion fourteen months ago. That zoom salon had 1,136,000 views. The Committee has invited John to return -- this time in person.
John will argue twin themes: First, we are in a war where both sides – Ukraine and the West versus Russia – see the other as an existential threat. That makes a workable peace agreement beyond reach. The best possible outcome is a frozen conflict that is likely to have a variety of terrible consequences. The worst possible outcome is a nuclear war, which is unlikely but cannot be ruled out. Second, Russia is going to win the war, although it is not going to decisively defeat Ukraine. It will end up, however, conquering a large swath of Ukrainian territory and making it part of Russia, while at the same time turning Ukraine into a dysfunctional rump state.
The Committee would not be holding this salon over Ukraine if we had been faithful to constitutional processes. The systematic provision of $113 billion in military assistance to Ukraine in its war with Russia makes the United States a co-belligerent requiring a congressional declaration. But no co-belligerency declaration has been initiated by Congress nor sought by President Joe Biden. If Congress were required to vote, it would balk at co-belligerency as it balked in 2013 when President Barack Obama asked for a declaration of war against Syria and as it balked in 1999 when President Bill Clinton asked for a declaration of war against Serbia.
One of the most fascinating and important US voices is Jeffrey Sachs, long an avatar of establishment power.
The Epic Failures of US Foreign Policy | Robert Wright & Jeffrey Sachs
0:49 America’s missed opportunity to create a peaceful post-Cold-War world
8:09 The moment US foreign policy went off track
14:19 Why didn’t the West invest in Russia’s post-Cold War recovery?
22:18 The foreign policy Blob’s continuity across presidential administrations
30:01 Has the American journalism gotten worse in recent decades?
Robert Wright (Bloggingheads.tv, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia, The End of Poverty, The Ages of Globalization). Recorded May 01, 2023.
Jeffrey's website: https://www.jeffsachs.org/
Comments on BhTV: http://bloggingheads.tv/videos/66121
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NonzeroPods
Jeffrey Sachs on the Path to Peace in Ukraine
World-renowned intellectual Jeffrey Sachs will speak on “The Path to Peace in Ukraine". Sachs was twice named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by Time and ranked by The Economist among the top three most influential living economists. He will be joined by University of Ottawa Ukraine expert Ivan Katchanovski who will provide background on the conflict in Ukraine as well as context around Canada's role.
Recently, the Canadian government called for regime change in Moscow and openly opposed China’s call for a truce and negotiations. At the same time Canada has donated more than $2 billion in arms to Ukraine.
Alongside large amounts of weapons, Canada is sharing critical military intelligence and training Ukrainian troops while Canadian special forces and former troops operate in Ukraine.
Russia’s war is illegal and brutal and Ottawa contributed to provoking this horrible conflict through its role in promoting NATO expansion, helping oust elected president Victor Yanukovich and military assistance that undermined the Minsk II peace accord.
It’s time the Canadian government pushed for a truce and negotiations to end the horrors.
Jeffrey D. Sachs is a professor and the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed the Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016. His most recent book is ‘The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions’ (2020). Sachs was twice named as one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential world leaders and was ranked by The Economist among the top three most influential living economists.
Ivan Katchanovski is a University of Ottawa professor who has published four books and numerous articles including “The far right, the Euromaidan, and the Maidan massacre in Ukraine” and “The hidden origin of the escalating Ukraine-Russia conflict”.
Host: Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (www.foreignpolicy.ca)
Co-sponsors: World Beyond War, Rights Action, Just Peace Advocates
Moderator: Bianca Mugyenyi, CFPI
Why Putin's Pathetic Economy is Booming
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The Russian Economy is puzzling to look at. On one hand it is the most resource rich nation on earth, on the other it somehow has a smaller GDP than Italy. It makes sense then, why, after the start of the Russian Ukrainian war, and it being subjected to the most comprehensive sanctions imposed on a major power in nearly a century, many speculated its complete collapse. Yet this never happened. In fact, it has exceeded even the most optimistic predictions, shrinking by a measly 2.1% while this year it is expected to return to growth, outpacing the United Kingdom and Germany. But how is this even possible? Has Putin really created an economy impervious to sanctions? The answer to this question is embedded within the very fabric and history of the Russian state we know of today. After all, armed conflicts are frequently determined by economic power, while the intricate interplay between history and politics plays a crucial role in shaping a nation's economy and how it responds in times of crisis. So what is exactly going on, why has Russia’s Economy not collapsed?
– Contents of this video --------------------------------
00:00 - Russia’s Economy
04:23 - The Soviet Union’s Masterplan
09:25 - Rebuilding From The Ashes
11:57 - “The People’s Capitalism”
17:37 - Putin’s Russia
27:10 - Fortress Russia Policy
29:13 - The Russian Ukrainian War
31:55 - Why Russia’s Economy Has Not Collapsed
37:09 - Russia’s Bleak Economic Future
The Epic Failures of US Foreign Policy | Robert Wright & Jeffrey Sachs
0:49 America’s missed opportunity to create a peaceful post-Cold-War world
8:09 The moment US foreign policy went off track
14:19 Why didn’t the West invest in Russia’s post-Cold War recovery?
22:18 The foreign policy Blob’s continuity across presidential administrations
30:01 Has the American journalism gotten worse in recent decades?
Robert Wright (Bloggingheads.tv, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia, The End of Poverty, The Ages of Globalization). Recorded May 01, 2023.
Jeffrey's website: https://www.jeffsachs.org/
Comments on BhTV: http://bloggingheads.tv/videos/66121
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NonzeroPods
UniBg | La guerra in Ucraina e le conseguenze per la vita di tutti i giorni 14 aprile 2023
00:00 Inizio
00:35 Introduzione di Stefano Lucarelli
14:09 Intervento di Battista Villa
26:20 Intervento di Raul Caruso: Una critica all'industria militare
54:21 Intervento di Raul Caruso: Le politiche per la difesa in Europa
1:23:05 Intervento di Aldo Lazzari: Tavolo della pace
1:26:37 Intervento di Cristiano Poluzzi, ANPI
1:30:56 Intervento di Paolo Vitali, Fondazione La Porta
1:35:26 Intervento di Andrea Moioli
1:38:00 Intervento di Mauro Scaroni, Pax Christi
1:41:19 Intervento di Giovanni Fusar Poli, Coordinatore Punti Pace del Nord di Pax Christi
1:43:35 Intervento di Matteo Marsala, Ufficio Diocesano Pastorale Sociale del Lavoro
1:47:40 Repliche di Raul Caruso e conclusioni degli organizzatori
"La guerra capitalista" Marsciano 15 Maggio 2023
La presentazione è stata organizzata da Altra Marsciano.
Ne ha discusso con Stefano Lucarelli, la deputata Elisabetta Piccolotti. Moderatore: Federico Santi.
Gli autori del libro "La guerra capitalista" (Mimesis) sono Emiliano Brancaccio, Raffaele Giammetti e Stefano Lucarelli.
Jeffrey Sachs on China's "Historic" Push for Multipolar World to End U.S. Domination
China is taking an increasingly assertive role in world affairs, helping to broker a restoration of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, offering a 12-point peace plan for Ukraine, and strengthening its relationships with European and Latin American powers. Last week, China continued its diplomatic outreach by offering to hold talks between Israel and Palestine. "China doesn't want the United States to be the preeminent power. It wants to live alongside the United States," says economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and president of the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as adviser to three U.N. secretaries-general and currently serves as a sustainable development solutions advocate under Secretary-General António Guterres. His latest article is headlined "The Need for a New US Foreign Policy."
Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at https://democracynow.org Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.
Transcript: democracynow.org
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Diàlegs de Pedralbes 2023: Pensar la pau, pensar la guerra. La llei i la guerra
El diàleg del dimarts 14 de març, La llei i la guerra, comptarà amb la presència d' Andrea Guazzarotti, catedràtic de Dret Constitucional a la Università di Ferrara.
La proposta del cicle de #DiàlegsDePedralbes del #MonestirDePedralbes d'enguany, "Pensar la pau, pensar la guerra", en col·laboració amb el @diariara està sota la direcció del filòsof Daniel Gamper i moderada pel periodista Antoni Bassas.
Hi ha normes en la declaració, conducció i finalització bèl·liques? És la guerra la suspensió de totes les normes? Quin paper hi juga la diplomàcia? Pot Europa enviar armes a Ucraïna sense declarar la guerra? Quina funció tenen els exèrcits en les democràcies liberals? Quan està justificat que una democràcia declari la guerra? Quines lleis queden suspeses en situació de guerra?
🔗 Segueix-nos a les xarxes socials:
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/mpedralbesbcn
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Noam Chomsky On The Russia-Ukraine War.
Noam Chomsky shares his 2023 perspective on the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, and where does he think this conflict is heading in the future.
Full interview here:
• Noam Chomsky: On ...
Chomsky's 2022 perspective on the Russia-Ukraine War:
• Noam Chomsky: on ...
Download the full transcript of the interview: https://throughconversations.ck.page/...
Wolfgang Streeck: The end of the German empire
UnHerd's Freddie Sayers speaks to economic historian Prof. Wolfgang Streeck about the crisis in Germany and its implications for the future of Europe.
Read the accompanying article: https://unherd.com/thepost/wolfgang-s...
Listen to the podcast: https://shows.acast.com/lockdowntv-wi...
Follow UnHerd on social media:
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00:00 - 01:40 - Introduction
01:40 - 04:19 - How did Germany get into this current economic crisis?
04:19 - 10:20 - Does Germany’s post-war history explain the flaws in its economy?
10:20 - 14:24 - Does the Euro give Germany’s economy a structural advantage in the EU?
14:24 - 20:28 - If Germany’s economy crumbles, could the EU break up?
20:28 - 25:25 - Angela Merkel’s disastrous legacy
25:25 - 32:16 - How have Germany and the West responded to the Ukraine war?
32:16 - 38:06 - War, energy crisis, economic turmoil - what happens next?
38:06 - 44:35 - What does the future of geopolitics look like?
44:35 - 45:14 - Concluding thoughts
#UnHerd #EuropeEnergyCrisis #UkraineWar
Osservatorio geopolitica_ prof Lucarelli di Bergamo autore del libro - La guerra capitalista
Quo vadis, Ukraine Interview with John J Mearsheimer by Max Otte EN The Documentary Room 36 iscritti Iscriviti 7
Diario della crisi: Dalla gestione della crisi al sistema di guerra – di Stefano Lucarelli
In questa decima puntata del “Diario della crisi” – progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra Effimera, Machina-DeriveApprodi ed El Salto – Stefano Lucarelli riflette sull’inopportuno susseguirsi di crisi che spiazzano ed eliminano le cause e i possibili interventi sulle conseguenze di quelle precedenti, facendo sì che gli effetti di queste ultime si accumulino e si articolino con quelli delle prime in modo sempre più intrattabile. L’economia dell’attenzione è quindi legata alla formazione di un potere politico sempre più autoritario, che ci invita a pagare il “prezzo della libertà” (Josep Borrel) e ad accettare la creazione di circuiti economici definiti in termini strettamente geopolitici (friend-shoring) legati all’opzione della guerra come orizzonte normalizzato. Le politiche economiche, monetarie e fiscali sono di conseguenza concepite dalle attuali classi dirigenti secondo questi parametri reazionari, con assoluta indipendenza dai loro effetti nocivi sulle classi lavoratrici e povere. Nel frattempo, l’Unione Europea segue docilmente il disegno delle classi dominanti egemoniche globali, imprigionata nella propria impotenza nazionalista.
Jeffrey Sachs Interivew Ukraine Conflict as a Prelude to War with China
Diario della crisi - Dalla gestione della crisi al sistema di guerra – di Stefano Lucarelli (nuova versione)
In questa decima puntata del Diario della crisi - progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra
, Machina-DeriveApprodi ed
El Salto
- Stefano Lucarelli riflette sull'inopportunosusseguirsi di crisi che, spiazzando ed eliminando le cause e dunque le possibilitàd’intervenire sulle conseguenze di quelle precedenti, fanno sì che gli effetti di questeultime si accumulino e si articolino con quelli delle prime in modo sempre più intrattabile.L'economia dell'attenzione è quindi legata alla formazione di un potere politico semprepiù autoritario, che ci invita a pagare il «prezzo della libertà» (Josep Borrel) e adaccettare la creazione di circuiti economici definiti in termini strettamente geopolitici(friend-shoring) legati all'opzione della guerra come orizzonte normalizzato. Le politicheeconomiche, monetarie e fiscali sono di conseguenza concepite dalle attuali classidirigenti secondo questi parametri reazionari, con assoluta indipendenza dai loro effettinocivi sulle classi lavoratrici e povere. Nel frattempo, l'Unione Europea segue docilmenteil disegno delle classi dominanti egemoniche globali, imprigionata nella propria impotenzanazionalista.
"La guerra in Ucraina è stata provocata dagli StatiUniti", di Jeffrey D. Sachs
Dam Destroyed / What is the Russian's Strategy Col Doug Macgregor
Verso l’economia di guerra, di Alessandro Somma
WW3: West and Russia in a HYBRID WAR, Heading For Direct Collision (Fyodor Lukyanov)
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of Russia in Global Affairs, Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Council of Foreign and Defence Policy, and Research Director at the Valdai Discussion Club. He discusses why currently there is no prospect for direct or indirect negotiations between Russia, Ukraine and NATO nations, the rising distrust against mainstream media in the US and Europe, the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam, the emergence of a multipolar world and Russia’s lack of ruling ideology, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s evolution from a pro-Western leader to a leader now opposing US hegemony, reports of the imminent demise of Russia in NATO nation media and much more.
John Mearsheimer 8 years
John Mearsheimer 8 years ago predicting the events of today: 'If Ukraine goes along with the US' hardline policy and refuses to compromise with Russia, their country is going to get wrecked'
I fattori dietro la (sorprendente) tenuta economica della Russia, di Giacomo Gabellini
Diga di Novaja Kakhovka: cui prodest?, di Fabrizio Poggi
Jeffrey Sachs: 19 june 2023
Jeffrey Sachs: "The one thing that cannot happen, in my opinion, is that Russia is defeated. And the reason is that if Russia were to lose in a conventional sense, I believe Russia would likely escalate to nuclear war.... I'm told every day, oh, don't be blackmailed by nuclear weapons. People who say that have no idea..."
Ukraine and the West | A Lecture by John J. Mearsheimer & discussion feat. Max Otte & Jasmin Kosubek
Since the upheaval in 2014, Ukraine has not found peace. The bloody battle for Bachmut is the latest sad climax of the conflict between Russia and Western states. Why did this war break out, and what lies ahead for Ukraine, Russia, and the West?
On May 12, 2023, renowned political scientist John J. Mearsheimer came to Germany at the invitation of Max Otte to speak about the Ukrainian crisis. His lecture covered the following four topics:
1. The reasons for the Ukrainian war.
2. Who will win the war?
3. Prospects for a diplomatic solution.
4. What will the future relationship between Russia and the West look like?
In this video, you can see Max Otte's introductory speech as well as John J. Mearsheimer's full lecture. In the last part of the video, Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Otte discussed questions by the audience moderated by Jasmin Kosubek (@JasminKosubekOriginal).
Soon, on Max Otte's video channel, you will be able to watch another conversation between the two in which the topics were further explored.
Mearsheimer is the Chair of International Relations at the University of Chicago. His notable books include "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics" (2001), "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" (2007), and "Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics" (2011). Mearsheimer is considered the leading advocate of the so-called realist school of thought in international relations, which aims for a balance of interests between states.
Mearsheimer gained attention from the general public through his comments on U.S. foreign policy. He criticized U.S. influence in Ukraine starting in 2014. His lecture titled "Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?" from 2015 has already been viewed 29 million times on YouTube alone:
• Why is Ukraine th...
Seit dem Umsturz im Jahr 2014 kommt die Ukraine nicht mehr zur Ruhe. Der blutige Kampf um Bachmut ist der jüngste traurige Höhepunkt der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Russland und den westlichen Staaten. Warum ist dieser Krieg ausgebrochen und wie geht es weiter für die Ukraine, Russland und den Westen?
Der berühmte Politikwissenschaftler John J. Mearsheimer kam am 12. Mai 2023 auf Einladung von Max Otte nach Deutschland, um über die Ukrainekrise zu referieren.
Sein Vortrag umfasst die folgenden vier Themen:
1. Die Gründe für den Ukrainekrieg
2. Wer wird den Krieg gewinnen?
3. Aussichten auf eine diplomatische Lösung
4. Wie wird die Beziehung zwischen Russland und dem Westen in Zukunft aussehen?
In diesem Video sehen Sie die Einführungsrede von Max Otte sowie den Vortrag von John J. Mearsheimer in voller Länge. Im letzten Teil des Videos sehen Sie die Podiumsdiskussion mit Fragen der Gäste, moderiert von Jasmin Kosubek (@JasminKosubekOriginal ).
Auf dem Videokanal von Max Otte können Sie in Kürze ein weiteres Gespräch zwischen John Mearsheimer und Max Otte sehen, in dem die Themen weiter vertieft wurden.
Mearsheimer ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Internationale Beziehungen an der University of Chicago. Zu seinen vielbeachteten Büchern gehören The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001), The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007) und Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics (2011). Mearsheimer gilt als wichtigster Vertreter der sogenannten realistischen Denkschule der Internationalen Beziehungen, die auf einen Interessenausgleich zwischen Staaten abzielt.
Der breiten Öffentlichkeit wurde Mearsheimer nicht zuletzt auch durch seine Kommentare zur US-amerikanischen Außenpolitik bekannt. So kritisiert er den US-Einfluss in der Ukraine ab 2014. Sein Vortrag „Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?“ aus dem Jahr 2015 wurde allein auf YouTube bereits 29 Millionen mal abgerufen:
• Why is Ukraine th...
Max Otte | Website: http://www.max-otte.de/
Max Otte | Newsletter: http://www.max-otte.de/newsletter
Zu unserem offiziellen "Der Privatinvestor TV" YouTube-Kanal:
/ privatinvestortv
Zu unserem offiziellen "PI Politik Spezial - Stimme der Vernunft" YouTube-Kanal:
/ pi-politikspezial
US Neocons Are Warmongering Around The World To Dominate The Globe | Jeffrey Sachs Speech in Vienna
In this video, watch Professor Jeffrey Sachs speak with Dr. Heinz Gärtner at the International Conference for Peace in Vienna (June 2023). Dr. Sachs' lays out clearly and succinctly how belligerent the foreign policy of the United States is and how a small group of elites keeps dragging the country's diplomacy to the brink of nuclear war—time and again.
How Russia Went from Ally to Adversary, by Keith Gessen, June 12, 2023, The New Yorker
Some of America’s actions, after the Soviet Union dissolved, were selfish and malevolent. Others
were well-meaning but ineffectual. And sometimes policymakers were simply faced with
impossible choices. Illustration by Eduardo Morciano; Source photograph from Getty
Verso la Nato globale? - L'approfondimento di Lucio Caracciolo
Gli Stati Uniti vogliono estendere l'area di azione dell'Alleanza Atlantica fino all'Indo-Pacifico, per coinvolgerla con Giappone, Corea del Sud, Australia, e per certi versi India e Filippine anche nella sfida con la Cina. Giappone e Polonia diventano in particolare gli alleati principali, il primo nella sfida con la Cina, la seconda nella guerra in Ucraina e il confronto con la Russia. Puntata registrata il 17 giugno 2023.
Some very clear words from Scott why NATO can’t beat Russia:
Ukraine War - Is Moscow Lying? w/Col Doug Macgregor (Trasmesso in live streaming il giorno 23 giu 2023)
Attacco al potere, Niicola Melloni, 27 Giugno 2023
Putin ha sempre rivendicato il ruolo di stabilizzatore
che pone fine alla lotta fra clan in Russia.
Paradossalmente, ora pare vittima di milizie private che
hanno obiettivi politici interni
Questa analisi che traduco e pubblichiamo mi pare in assoluto la migliore e la più equilibrata tra tutte le moltissime comparse sinora sulla vicenda dell’insurrezione armata delle milizie Wagner; forse anche perché coincide con la mia, pubblicata il 25 giugno scorso[1]: si tenga dunque in considerazione il possibile conflitto di interessi, nel mio giudizio positivo.
L’analisi di Big Serge sfugge al pericolo principale, che in casi simili è: sovrainterpretare. Una miriade di informazioni impossibili da verificare, manipolazioni a tutto spiano, emozioni al calor bianco: è in casi come questo che la nebbia della guerra clausewitziana sale più fitta. Per farsi un’idea, invece, è necessario attenersi a quel che è possibile valutare con un minimo sindacale di attendibilità, non farsi travolgere dai pregiudizi e dalle ipotesi onnicomprensive che spiegano tutto, in breve sospendere il giudizio su tutto ciò che non suoni autentico, e tenersi pronti a cambiare idea se il contesto muta con il passare dei giorni.
L’Autore, inoltre, ha ben chiaro che “nel nostro tempo prevale un modello analitico: c’è una macchina che prende istantaneamente vita, accogliendo voci e informazioni parziali in un ambiente di estrema incertezza e risputando formule che corrispondono a presupposti ideologici. L’informazione non è valutata in modo neutrale, ma è costretta a passare attraverso un filtro cognitivo che le assegna un significato alla luce di conclusioni predeterminate.”
In altre parole, la maggior parte dell’informazione e dei commenti, sia nei media ufficiali, sia nelle fonti che si vogliono “critiche” e “alternative”, corrisponde a quel che Leszek Kolakowski chiamava “la quinta operazione”. Nelle quattro operazioni aritmetiche – addizione, sottrazione, moltiplicazione, divisione – il risultato consegue ai fattori, e non è noto prima che l’operazione aritmetica sia eseguita. La “quinta operazione”, invece, precostituisce il risultato e vi adatta i fattori che lo producono.
Buona lettura.
Roberto Buffagni
Professor John Mearsheimer explains that the Biden administration had made it abundantly clear, on multiple occasions leading up to the war, that Ukraine's membership in NATO was a definite plan.
Professor John Mearsheimer explains that the Biden administration had made it abundantly clear, on multiple occasions leading up to the war, that Ukraine's membership in NATO was a definite plan. This message was conveyed at the Brussels NATO Summit in June 2021, outlined in a strategic document in November 2021, and responded to a Russian letter in December 2021.
Additionally, Professor Mearsheimer discusses the security dilemma and highlights why Russia perceives NATO's expansion into Ukraine as a significant threat to its national security:
"They said it in a statement that was made at the Brussels NATO Summit in June of 2021. They said it in a very important strategic document that was issued in November 2021. And when the Russians wrote a letter on December 17th, 2021, asking President Biden to put in writing that Ukraine would not become a member of NATO, Tony Blinken made it clear to the Russians that we rejected that request and that Ukraine would become a part of NATO.
Part two of the story is that Ukraine was effectively a de facto member of NATO by early 2022...We were arming the Ukrainians, we were training the Ukrainians, we were including them in military exercises that we ran, that NATO ran. We were obsessed with interoperability between Ukrainian and NATO fighting forces. So Ukraine was well on its way to developing the military capability to be a NATO member, this idea that there was no chance that Ukraine would ever become part of NATO is a fiction that proponents of the war have invented to defend themselves...
It's virtually impossible to distinguish between defense and offense, whether you're talking about weapons or military strategy, or military plans. So you can have an alliance that you think is defensive in nature. But if you're standing on the other side of the line, it does not look defensive in nature, it looks offensive in nature... Are you going to be able to distinguish as to whether they're defensive or offensive divisions?
I don't think so. The end result is what we have with regard to NATO expansion into Ukraine is a situation where on the Western side, we think this is a defensive move, whereas, on the Russian side, they think it's it is an offensive move. Whereas we think we are containing the Russians, the Russians think we are encircling them. This is the security dilemma."
Il buio che ci sta davanti: dove è diretta la guerra in Ucraina, di John J. Mearsheimer
Questo recentissimo articolo di John Mearsheimer, che traduciamo e pubblichiamo, raccoglie gli argomenti fondamentali degli interventi pubblici recenti e prossimi del grande studioso americano. Difficile sopravvalutarne l’importanza. In esso si ritrovano, corredati da un ampio apparato di note e documenti, gli elementi essenziali della situazione in Ucraina, e dei suoi prossimi, probabili sviluppi. Come d’uso, Mearsheimer li esprime con la massima semplicità e chiarezza, in uno sforzo di obiettività e perspicuità che gli fa onore.
Lo spettro dell’opriscnina sulla marcia di Prigozhin – Roberto Valle*, 04.07.2023
Il limite ignoto Le analogie fra il gruppo Wagner e l’ordine militare di monaci-guerrieri
istituito da Ivan il Terribile
Don’t Let Ukraine Join NATO, By Justin Logan and Joshua Shifrinson, July 7, 2023
Daniel Ellsberg, l'Impero americano e la guerraucraina
L'Ucraina in fiamme - Documentario di Igor Lopatonok - Oliver Stone 2016
"L'Ucraina in fiamme" è un film documentario del produttore ucraino Igor Lopatonok e del regista americano Oliver Stone.
Per secoli l'Ucraina è stata al centro di un braccio di ferro tra le potenze imperialiste che cercavano di controllare le sue ricche terre e l'accesso al Mar Nero.
"Ukraine on Fire" di Igor Lopatonok fornisce una prospettiva storica delle profonde divisioni nella regione che hanno portato alla Rivoluzione arancione del 2004, alle rivolte del 2014 e al violento rovesciamento di Yanukovich democraticamente eletto. L'evento descritto dai media occidentali come una rivoluzione popolare, è stato in realtà un colpo di stato sceneggiato e messo in scena da gruppi nazionalisti e dal Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti. Il giornalista investigativo Robert Parry rivela come le ONG politiche e le società di media finanziate dagli Stati Uniti siano emerse dagli anni '80 in sostituzione della CIA nel promuovere l'agenda geopolitica americana all'estero.
- Subtitles are available in Italian, English, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Romanian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese. Click on "settings" (gear symbol on the desktop or three dots at the top right in the mobile app). Go to "Subtitles" and choose the desired language.
“It’s not an accident that the US went to war in Iraq, Syria, and Libya to install US-friendly governments because those were 3 countries that had been allied with the Soviet Union. The US went after Saddam Hussein, Bashar al Assad, and Muammar Gaddafi.”
By Jaffrey Sachs, 9.7.2023
A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1
An investigation of Volodymyr Zelensky.
Hanno mentito sull'Afghanistan. Hanno mentitosull'Iraq. E stanno mentendo sull'Ucraina, di Chris Hedges - ScheerPost
Il manuale che gli sfruttatori della guerra usano per attirarci in un fiasco militare dopo l'altro, cheinclude Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libia, Siria e ora Ucraina, non cambia. La libertà e la democraziasono minacciate. Il male deve essere sconfitto. I diritti umani devono essere protetti. È in gioco ildestino dell'Europa e della NATO, nonché di un "ordine internazionale basato sulle regole". La vittoriaè assicurata.
Ucraina: resistenza? No, “regime change”. Il totem Zelensky si sbriciola in tv, di di Barbara Spinelli
Per il momento non è dato sapere quale sarà la strategia statunitense, dopo la breve ma traumatica
insurrezione di Prigožin. Se prevarrà un atteggiamento più guardingo, mosso dal timore che il crollo
del potere centrale a Mosca generi un caos ingovernabile, mettendo a repentaglio il controllo di oltre
6000 testate nucleari russe (oggi dispiegate anche in Bielorussia, in risposta all’insistente domanda
polacca di ospitare atomiche Nato sul modello italiano della “condivisione nucleare”).
Why Putin's Pathetic Economy is Booming
The Russian Economy is puzzling to look at. On one hand it is the most resource rich nation on earth, on the other it somehow has a smaller GDP than Italy. It makes sense then, why, after the start of the Russian Ukrainian war, and it being subjected to the most comprehensive sanctions imposed on a major power in nearly a century, many speculated its complete collapse. Yet this never happened. In fact, it has exceeded even the most optimistic predictions, shrinking by a measly 2.1% while this year it is expected to return to growth, outpacing the United Kingdom and Germany. But how is this even possible? Has Putin really created an economy impervious to sanctions? The answer to this question is embedded within the very fabric and history of the Russian state we know of today. After all, armed conflicts are frequently determined by economic power, while the intricate interplay between history and politics plays a crucial role in shaping a nation's economy and how it responds in times of crisis. So what is exactly going on, why has Russia’s Economy not collapsed?
“In Ucraina le bombe a grappolo colpiscono i civili”. La denuncia di Human rights watch
Scenari Geopolitici con Elia Morelli
Parliamo con Elia Morelli, ricercatore di Storia presso l'Università di Pisa e collaboratore della rivista Domino, della transizione mutlipolare in corso. BRICS, Europa, Medio Oriente, fine dell'egemonia unica statunitenste e le possibili evoluzioni del conflitto ucraino
NATO summit failure and further Biden escalation w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
Verso l’economia di guerra, DI ALESSANDRO SOMMA
The EU has quickly moved from economic talk shop to military player—butstill has a way to go. By Caroline de Gruyter , a columnist at Foreign Policy and a Europe correspondent for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad .
La vera storia della guerra in Ucraina, di Jeffrey D. Sachs
Una dettagliata cronologia degli eventi e un caso per la diplomazia
Ucraina: l’Occidente alla ricerca di un nuovocapobranco, di Fabrizio Poggi
Guerra energetica: l'ultima (disperata) mossa in mano all'Ucraina, di Giuseppe Masala
Global economic crisis & the geopolitical reaction w/Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
Trasmesso in live streaming il giorno 20 dic 2022 #TheDuranLive #TheDuran
Global economic crisis & the geopolitical reaction w/Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
“L’Occidente in Ucraina ha sabotato i negoziati”, Aaron Malè intervista John Mearsheimer
Gli ucraini non sfondano: in Occidente inizia lo scaricabarile? 14 Agosto 2023, di Gianandrea Gaiani (https://www.analisidifesa.it/author/ggaiani/)
John Bolton escalation. Removing Imran Khan w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live) 16 AGOSTO 2023
The Real History of the War in Ukraine | Jeffrey Sachs
Dialogue works discusses the Real History of the War in Ukraine with Jeffrey Sachs, considering his remarkable article on the Chronology of Events that led to the war: https://www.jeffsachs.org/newspaper-a...
Sachs is widely recognized for bold and effective strategies to address complex challenges including the escape from extreme poverty, the global battle against human-induced climate change, international debt and financial crises, national economic reforms, and the control of pandemic and epidemic diseases.
Sachs serves as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he holds the rank of University Professor, the university’s highest academic rank. Sachs was Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University from 2002 to 2016. He is President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Co-Chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, academician of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican, Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University, and SDG Advocate for UN Secretary General António Guterres. From 2001-18, Sachs served as Special Advisor to UN Secretaries-General Kofi Annan (2001-7), Ban Ki-moon (2008-16), and António Guterres (2017-18).
Sachs has authored and edited numerous books, including three New York Times bestsellers: The End of Poverty (2005), Commonwealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (2008), and The Price of Civilization (2011). Other books include To Move the World: JFK’s Quest for Peace (2013), The Age of Sustainable Development (2015), Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair & Sustainable (2017), A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (2018), The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and Institutions (2020), and most recently, Ethics in Action for Sustainable Development (2022).
Sachs is the 2022 recipient of the Tang Prize in Sustainable Development and was the co-recipient of the 2015 Blue Planet Prize, the leading global prize for environmental leadership. He was twice named among Time magazine’s 100 most influential world leaders. Sachs has received 42 honorary doctorates, and his recent awards include the 2022 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development, the Legion of Honor by decree of the President of the Republic of France, and the Order of the Cross from the President of Estonia.
Prior to joining Columbia, Sachs spent over twenty years as a professor at Harvard University, most recently as the Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade. A native of Detroit, Michigan, Sachs received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard.
Ucraina, il cinismo dei falchi Nato e Usa. di Barbara Spinelli
John Mearsheimer sulla controffensiva ucraina, September 3, 2023
John Mearsheimer - Existential Threat, 2 sept 2023
Defense Contractor Funded Think Tanks Dominate Ukraine Debate MAY 2023 | QUINCY BRIEF NO. 41, di Ben Freeman
Think tanks in the United States are a go–to resource for media outlets seeking expert
opinions on pressing public policy issues. But think tanks often have entrenched
stances; a growing body of research has shown that their funders can influence their
analysis and commentary. This influence can include censorship — both self-censorship
and more direct censoring of work unfavorable to a funder — and outright
pay–for–research agreements with funders. The result is an environment where the
interests of the most generous funders can dominate think tank policy debates.
Destinata a fallire, di John J. Mearsheimer
Time to Talk: Jeffrey Sachs calls upon EU leaders to push back against foolish US war policies (SEPT 2023)
Jakob de Jonge interviews Jeffrey Sachs: economics professor, author, educator, and global leader in sustainable development
Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more Lord Skidelsky: “We’re not helping Ukraine by continuing to support a war it cannot win”
Enrico Tomaselli: Lezioni ucraine – 1
Enrico Tomaselli: Lezioni ucraine – 2
Un anno di bugie sul Nord Stream, di Seymour Hersh
Blinken: eccezionalismo USA, scontro fra grandipotenze, e guerra a oltranza in Ucraina, di Roberto Iannuzzi
The Lawfare Podcast: How States Think, John Mearsheimer and Sebastian Rosato join to discuss their theory of state rationality
Jack Goldsmith, John Mearsheimer, Sebastian Rosato, Friday, September 22, 2023, 8:00 AM
Salvatore Minolfi: Le origini della guerra russo-ucraina
Salvatore Minolfi: Le origini della guerra russo-ucraina. La crisi dellaglobalizzazione e il ritorno della competizione strategica, Istituto Italiano per glistudi filosofici, 2023
La confessione: come i necon hanno provocato laguerra in Ucraina, di Caitlin Johnstone – Consortium News
Il gruppo “Repubblicani per l’Ucraina” guidato da Bill Kristol ha pubblicato uno spot televisivo per aiutare a raccogliere il sostegno del GOP alla guerra per procura di Washington contro la Russia, ed è sorprendentemente onesto su cosa sia realmente questa guerra: promuovere gli interessi strategici degli Stati Uniti utilizzando gli ucraini come vittima sacrificale e pedine.
JEFFREY SACHS, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 7 ott 2023
Morire per centimetri in Ucraina, di Caitlin Johnstone – Consortium News
NATO, Ukraine, and Israel w/Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, 10.10.2023
I 4 eventi che infrangono le speranze neocon di unulteriore espansione della NATO verso est, di Jeffrey Sachs - Common Dreams
Ucraina, le ultime trovate antistoriche delle democrazie liberali, di Fabrizio Poggi
Linvasione russa è stata un atto razionale, di John Mearsheimer e Sebastian Rosato
Come sarebbe stata l'Ucraina se certi accordi fossero stati firmati?, di Andrea Zhok
Col. Douglas Macgregor: Can the US support two wars?
John Mearsheimer - Changes in the Israel Lobby
Full speech given by John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago professor and co-author of "Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy") discussing how the lobby has changed since the original publication of the book he co-authored with Stephen Walt and the future of the lobby under the new administration at the "Israel Lobby and American Policy" conference on March 24th, 2017 at the National Press Club.
Sachs: "The world is absolutely standing against what the United States is standing for right now"
Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke 62 years ago, it was his farewell address, 1961, January, and he warned us already then about the power of the military-industrial complex. President Biden said, we're the beacon to the world. The world is absolutely standing against what the United States is standing for right now. And if you want proof of it, it was 14 to one in the UN Security Council in recent days. When the other 14 members of the UN Security Council said we need a ceasefire and humanitarian relief and the United States vetoed that. Watch the Full Interview with Prof. Jeffrey Sachs here.
Guerra capitalista e condizioni economiche per la pace, LEZIONE DI EMILIANO BRANCACCIO (OTTOBRE 2023)
John Mearsheimer: Will Israel and Ukraine derail the US pivot to Asia
CIS Executive Director Tom Switzer’s interview with Professor Mearsheimer on ABC Radio National., 23 OCTOBER 2023
Col. Douglas Macgregor: How ill-equipped is the US for two wars?
Are Big Donors Trying to Buy this War? About Col. Douglas Macgregor: Col. Douglas Macgregor USA (Ret.) is a decorated combat veteran with a Ph.D. in international relations from the University of Virginia. He is the former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration and the author of five books.
Biden's build up to war w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live) 25 ott 2023
Come gli Usa vogliono evitare la grande guerra in Medio Oriente (LIMES) 26 OTT 2023
Perché gli Stati Uniti vogliono evitare che Israele allarghi la guerra e la faccia diventare la grande guerra del Medio Oriente e stanno invitando la dirigenza ebraica a ritardare un’offensiva su larga scala nella Striscia di Gaza. In collegamento Federico Petroni e Alfonso Desiderio. Puntata registrata il 26 ottobre 2023.
La CRUI condanna ogni forma di guerra, 19 OTT 2023
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: (Live from Rome) How to Save Israel and Palestine, 26 OCT 2023
La tedesca in me: riflessioni sul conflitto israelo-palestinese – di Anonimo
Abbiamo ricevuto una lettera di una persona di cittadinanza tedesca che vive in Italia.
Rispettiamo la sua richiesta di rimanere anonima perché é comprendiamo che può suscitare paura il clima di sistematica intimidazione di ogni opinione che si allontani dal conformismo occidentalista.
Decidiamo di pubblicarla in più lingue per denunciare la gravità dell’atteggiamento delle autorità europee pronte a tollerare ogni crimine di Israele in nome della colpa europea, come se giustificare un nuovo genocidio potesse assolverci dai genocidi del passato. Version in Deutsch, English, Español, Français below
“Dietro la guerra c’è sempre il denaro”, intervista Emiliano Brancaccio
Umberto De Giovannangeli intervista Emiliano Brancaccio
Conflit Israël-Hamas: la riposte israélienne n'est "ni ciblée ni proportionnée", Dominique de Villepin
Après l'attaque du Hamas le 7 octobre dernier, la riposte israélienne n'est "ni ciblée ni proportionnée", "la légitime défense n'est pas un droit indiscriminé à tuer", juge ce mardi sur franceinfo Dominique de Villepin.
British lord speaks the truth
Richiesta di un’urgente azione per un cessate il fuoco immediato e il rispetto del diritto umanitario internazionale
In quanto membri delle comunità accademiche e dei centri di ricerca italiani, scriviamo questa lettera in nome della pace e della giustizia, uniti dalla richiesta di porre un'immediata fine alla guerra in corso contro Gaza. Riteniamo sia nostro dovere individuale, comunitario e accademico, dissociarsi dalle posizioni finora intraprese dal governo del nostro Paese, ed assumerci la responsabilità di azioni e richieste per contrastare il crescente livello di violenza al quale stiamo assistendo impotenti. Rivolgiamo questo appello al nostro ministro degli Esteri, perché si mobiliti per richiedere e sostenere un immediato cessate il fuoco, la fornitura di aiuti umanitari e la protezione delle Nazioni Unite per l’intera popolazione palestinese. Rivolgiamo questo appello alla ministra dell’Università e della Ricerca ed alla CRUI, perché possano amplificare le nostre voci e le nostre richieste, ricordando la missione centrale delle nostre istituzioni accademiche rivolta alla produzione di conoscenza e rispetto dei diritti umani.
L'appello degli accademici italiani per il cessate il fuoco a Gaza, per la pace e la giustizia
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Contrattazione, produttività, crescita. Ripensare gli obiettivi ed i metodi - gennaio 2013
Lavoro, contrattazione, Europa. Per un cambio di rotta. Ediesse, Roma, 2013
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Valutazione della ricerca 2018 Documento DEM UNIFE
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ASN: Una vita da "mediane"
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Disintossichiamoci - Sapere per il futuro. FIRMA L'APPELLO
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Dal Coronavirus alla recessione economica la strada è brevissima (ARTICOLI E COMMENTI)
Giorgio Lunghini (in ricordo di)
Invertire la rotta, la Lettera dei 15 (dicembre 2013)
Appello: L’Italia chieda una Bretton Woods per l’eurozona (2014)
Il fondo salva Stati (MES/ESM) ? No grazie ! (2019)
L’unica riforma necessaria per il Mes (dicembre 2022)
Il fondo salva Stati MES? No, grazie! (APPELLO, ARTICOLI E COMMENTI)
“Ue e Bce, non è così che si supera la crisi”. L’appello di oltre 100 economisti (APPELLO)
Non firmate quell'accordo! 101 economisti fanno appello a Governo e Parlamento (APPELLO)
Eurogruppo 9 aprile 2020: l'Europa ha partorito un topolino, che è come una polpetta avvelenata ! (ARTICOLI E COMMENTI)
Who said or what said ? (2023)
Agenda 17 Web magazine del Laboratorio Design of Science: Nuovi equilibri internazionali, intervista Paolo Pini (12 settembre 2023)
Agenda 17 Web magazine del Laboratorio Design of Science: Nuovi equilibri internazionali, intervista Paolo Pini (2 dicembre 2024)
Agenda 17: Tra Usa e Brics: l’Europa deve guardare a Oriente e al Sud del Mondo se vuole crescere, intervista all’economista Paolo Pini (2 gennaio 2025)