Deindustrializzazione, finanza e crisi. Il rilancio del manifatturiero ed il ruolo dell'Italia, di Roberto Panizza, La Comunità Internazionale della Sioi, n.1, 2013
In this article, the author highlights the mistakes made by the major
Western industrialized countries in dismantling their industrial and
manufacturing sectors in favour of the expansion of the financial sector.
The continuing concentration on financial operations, as a means to
overcome the crisis that has hit Western capitalist system, is exacerbating the
gap in performance between different national economies, to the benefit of
those on the rise, such as China and India, with important differences in
terms of growth rates and strength within international markets.
The authors highlights not only the causes of the West’s industrial
crisis, but also the strengths of different industrial systems, such as that of
Italy, the features which could provide the right solution to the recession and
its worst consequences, such as high unemployment and deteriorated
standards of living.
In this analysis of the Italian industrial system, the crucial role of
districts as a winning factor emerges, because this can ensure innovation and
openness to foreign markets, in response to the decline in output and
domestic demand due to the marked decline in income.
The author argues that in the face of a national emergency, it is
necessary to work out a coherent industrial policy which responds to the real
needs of the country, by focusing on the real strength of the Italian system.
This means a fundamental shift away from the ever-increasing emphasis on
the growth of the financial sector of the economy and a return to the
expansion of industrial sector and manufacturing as strategic engines to
recover from the global crisis.
4panizza 2013.pdf
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