A credit-money and structural perspective on the European crisis: why exiting the euro is the answer to the wrong question, Riccardo Bellofiore, Francesco Garibaldo, Mariana Mortagua, paper al EuroMemorandum 2014, Roma 25-27 settembre 2014 (draft)
This paper presents an analysis of the crisis combining a Marxian and a Financial Keynesian
perspective. Both are framed in a long-run, structural perspective of the capitalist dynamics. Each crisis
erupts because of the contradictions in the idiosyncratic factors explaining the ascent. We are
experiencing the crisis not of a generic Neoliberalism or a void financialisation, but of a money
manager capitalism, which was built upon a concentration without centralisation of capital, new forms
of corporate governance, aggressive competition, a capital market inflation, indebted consumption. A
world able to gain in new forms the same good (or rather, bad) old exploitation, to provide internally
demand, and to present itself as a stable Great Moderation. It can be characterised as a financially
privatised Keynesianism, based on a new monetary policy and a new autonomous demand driving the
process, a configuration which was necessarily unsustainable. Its crisis is evolving from a Great
Recession to a Lesser Depression.
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