Israele, Gaza e la guerra economica mondiale, di Emiliano Brancaccio
Russian American Daily: Mearsheimer
Russia gave them endless number of chances. A terrorist regime receiving Western backing is an existential threat. Denazification + wrecking Ukraine into a dysfunctional rump state is a must at this point. Ukraine must sever ties with the West entirely.
Jeffrey Sachs, 3 april 2024
Jeffrey Sachs 3 april 2024
WHO IS THE THREAT? Who is slowly encroaching on the other’s country?
After a U.S.-supported violent coup toppled Ukraine's democratically elected government, CIA Director John BThe New York Times disclosed yesterday that the CIA built "12 Secret Spy Bases" in Ukraine, waging a shadow war against Russia for the past decade.
After a U.S.-supported violent coup toppled Ukraine's democratically elected government, CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv in April 2014. Shortly after, the new Ukrainian government launched an "anti-terror operation" against its Russian-speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine. For eight years leading up to Russia's invasion in 2022, Ukraine's government, with help from the CIA, relentlessly bombed Eastern Ukraine. Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess match between Russia and the United States. This is part of the story often ignored by the Western press.
La guerra “allargata” di Netanyahu – Alberto Negri, 03.04.2024
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza
The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local Call reveal.
Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin
Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization. Here he is with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard
Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner. Slavic Studies Panel Addresses “Who Promised What to Whom on NATO Expansion?”