

2009-2011 Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology, University of Ferrara. (Supervisor: Prof. Guido Barbujani. Thesis: Genealogical inferences based on comparison of modern and ancient DNA).

2008 Master Degree in BioMolecular Science at University of Ferrara, with final mark 110/110 cum laude. (Supervisor: Prof. Guido Barbujani. Thesis (in Italian): Relazioni genealogiche tra Sardi nuragici e popolazioni moderne: stima di parametri evolutivi.)

2006 Degree in Biological Science at University of Ferrara, with final mark 110/110 cum laude. (Supervisor: Prof. Guido Barbujani. Thesis (in Italian): Relazioni genealogiche tra sequenze mitocondriali neandertaliane, cro-magnon ed europee moderne.)

2003 Diploma di Perito Chimico Industriale (General Certificate of chemistry engineer ) with final mark 95/100 at “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale F.Viola " of Rovigo.

Work experiences

2015-present Assistant Professor (RTD-b, tenure track) in Genetics (SSD BIO/18) at the University of Ferrara.

2013-2015 European Research Council fellowship, University of Ferrara. “Meeting Darwin's last challenge: toward a global tree of human languages and genes (LANGELIN)”.

2011 – 2013 Research fellowship at the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnologies, University of Ferrara, “Genetic data analysis and simulation of demographic processes”.

2009 – 2011 Research fellowship at the Department of Biology and Evolution, University of Ferrara, “Biostatistical Analysis of Clinical Data”.

Additional Research Experience

2016 External Scientific Member of the Humanities Center for Advanced Studies, Tübingen, Germany. Principal Investigators: Professor Gerhard Jäger, Professor Katerina Harvati.

2014 Visiting fellow at the University of Leicester (UK). Supervisor: Professor Mark Jobling

2010 Research fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. (for the DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, program). Supervisor: Dr Dr Brigitte Pakendorf


AY 2017-2018

Genetics and Evolution (6 credits/48 hours). Bachelor Degree in Biology, University of Ferrara.

Conservation Genetics (6 credits/48 hours). Bachelor Degree in Biomolecular Sciences and Evolution, University of Ferrara.

AY 2016-2017

Genetics and Evolution (6 credits/48 hours). Bachelor Degree in Biology, University of Ferrara.

AY 2015-2016

Molecular Evolution (6 credits/48 hours). Master Degree in Biomolecular Sciences and Evolution, University of Ferrara.

AY 2014-2015

Molecular Evolution (6 credits/48 hours). Master Degree in Biomolecular Sciences and Evolution, University of Ferrara.

AY 2013-2014

Bioinformatic and Genome Analysis (6 credits/48 hours). Master Degree in Biomolecular and Cellular Sciences, University of Ferrara.

Other Teaching experiences

AY 2012-2013                       Teaching Assistant of Genetics (Prof Guido Barbujani). University of Ferrara

AY 2012-2013                       Teaching Assistant of Population Genetics (Prof Guido Barbujani). University of Ferrara

AY 2011-2012                       Teaching Assistant of Genetics (Prof Guido Barbujani). University of Ferrara

AY 2011-2012                       Teaching Assistant of Population Genetics (Prof Guido Barbujani). University of Ferrara

AY 2011-2012                       Tutor of Genetics. University of Ferrara

July 2011                              Teacher Assistant at the Summer School In Conservation Genetics Of Marine Organisms, Chioggia (Italy)

AY 2010-2011                       Teaching Assistant of Population Genetics (Prof Guido Barbujani). University of Ferrara

AY 2010-2011                       Tutor of Genetics. University of Ferrara

AY 2010-2011                       Tutor of Genetics. University of Ferrara


2012 Perl for Bioinformatics. Courses and Schools, CINECA HPC (Bologna, Italy).

2011 Python for computational science. Courses and Schools, CINECA HPC (Bologna, Italy).

2011 Computational Molecular Evolution. Wellcome Trust Advanced Course, at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge.

2008 Dal C alla programmazione ad oggetti in C++. Courses and Schools, CINECA HPC (Bologna, Italy).

Contributed presentations

2017 Following human expansions in East Asia and the Americas through Helicobacter pylori. Invited lecture at: “Associazione Genetisti Italiani 2017”, Cortona (Italy).

2016 Basic knowledge of genetics. Invited lecture at: “Summer School in Forensic Genetics”, Cortona (Italy).

2015 Early human dispersal from Africa: genomic evidence for multiple waves of migration. Invited lecture at: “words bones genes tools. Center for Advanced Study”, Tubingen (Germany).

2015 Early human dispersal from Africa: genomic evidence for multiple waves of migration. Poster at: "Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2015", Vienna (Austria).

2013 Origin and Evolution of the Etruscans’ mtDNA. Invited lecture at: “Origines : percorsi di ricerca sulle identità etniche nell'Italia antica”, École française de Rome, Rome (Italy).

2013 Across language families: exploration in genomic and linguistic variation in Europe. Oral Presentation at: “Associazione Genetisti Italiani 2013”, Cortona (Italy).

2013 Across language families: Exploring the relationships between linguistic and genomic diversity in Europe. Invited lecture at: “Advances in Phylogenetic Linguistics - International workshop”, Ragusa Ibla (Italy).

2012 Testing for a Southern route of early human dispersal from Africa. Poster at: “Federazione Italiana delle Scienze della vita 2012”, Rome (Italy).

2012 Origins and Evolution of the Etruscans’ DNA. Poster at: "Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2012", Dublin (Ireland).

2011 Origins and Evolution of the Etruscans’ DNA. Poster at: "Joint Meeting AGI-SIBV-SIGA 2011", Assisi (Italy).

2010 No evidence of            Neandertal admixture in Cro-Magnoid and modern European mitochondrial genomes. Oral presentation at: "Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica 2010", Milan (Italy).

2010 Testing for the genealogical relationship among Modern, Cro-Magnoid and Neandertal Europeans by approximate bayesian computation. Poster at: "Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010", Lyon (France).

2009 Inferring Genealogical Processes from Patterns of Bronze-Age and Modern DNA variation in Sardinia. Poster at: “Federazione Italiana delle Scienze della vita 2009”, Riva del Garda (Italy).

Academic Seminars

2016 “Complete mitochondrial sequences from Mesolithic Sardinia”. University of Tubingen (Germany).

2014 “Population Genetic methods to infer past human history.” University of    Leicester (UK).

2012Dalla storia dell'eugenetica alla biologia della "invenzione delle razze": riflessioni sulle basi delle nostre differenze biologiche e culturali.” University of Milan (Italy).

2011 Human genetic variation.” International Master's Degree in Design for Cooperation and Sustainable Development. Florence (Italy).

2010 Qualche dato sull'evoluzione dell'uomo.” University of Padua (Italy).

Research Seminars

2016 “MtDNA sequencing and analysis of Szólád, Collegno, and the status of mtDNA sequencing in related sites”. Genetics & the Longobard Migration. Vienna (Austria), 15-16 February 2016.

2015 Evolution of clock genes in human populations”. Conclusive meeting of the PRIN 2011 Project. Roma Tor Vergata (Roma), 6th November 2015.

2014 Across language families: DNA diversity mirrors grammar within Europe.” LanGeLin Meeting. University of Bologna (Italy), 26 -27 March

2014 Tracing Migration from Pannonia to Italy using aDNA: Preliminary Data Analysis.” Multidisciplinary study of migrations by medieval populations in Europe. Tourtour (France), 14 March

2014 Analysis of mtDNA from Piedmont: Status of our general project.” Multidisciplinary study of migrations by medieval populations in Europe. Tourtour (France), 12  March

Relevant Research Meetings

2016 Genetics & the Longobard Migration. Vienna (Austria), 15-16 February 2016.

2015 Inaugural simposyum: words bones genes tools. Center for Advanced Study, University of Tubingen (Germany). 29th November-1st December 2015.

2014 ERC LanGeLin Meeting. University of Bologna (Italy), 26-27  March

2014 Multidisciplinary study of migrations by medieval populations in Europe. Residential Study at the Fondation des Treilles. Tourtour (France), 10-15  March

2012 Genetic History & Medieval Studies - International Workshop. Vienna (Austria), 30-31 January

Attended Workshops

2013 Ancient DNA: the first three decades and the satellite meeting Ancient DNA: applications in human evolutionary history. The Royal Society, London (UK), 18-21 November

2013 Advances in Phylogenetic Linguistics - International Workshop. Ragusa Ibla (Italy), 15-17 July

2013 Approximate Bayesian Computation in Rome. Rome (Italy), 30-31 May

2013 Genetic diversity and origin of Europeans. Geneva (Switzerland), 15-17 January

2012 Stephen J. Gould's Legacy: Nature, History, Society. Venice (Italy), 10-12 May

2012 A day with ancient DNA. Florence (Italy), 22th March

2012 Genetic History & Medieval Studies - International Workshop. Vienna (Austria), 30-31 January

2011 Human evolution, migration and history revealed by genetics, immunity and infection. The Royal Society, London (UK), 5-6 June

Grants and Awards

2013 Publication of the PhD thesis in the Annals of the Ferrara University as the best thesis in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology of 2012:

2012 Premio AGI/Zanichelli 2012 (Best PhD Thesis in the field of Genetics)

2011 Poster award (“Origins and Evolution of the Etruscans’ DNA”) within the Joint Meeting AGI-SIBV-SIGA 2011, Assisi (Italy)

2009 Vigoni Programme Grant for Italian-German collaborative projects. Italian tutor: Prof. Guido Barbujani, German tutor: Dr Dr Brigitte Pakendorf

Congress organization

2017 SIBE 2017- 7th congress of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology. Roma (Italy), 28-31 Agust.

2016 Workshop SIBE- Inferring natural selection from genomic data. 16-18 December.

2015 SIBE 2015- 6th congress of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology. Bologna (Italy), 31 Agust-3 September.

2014 EMBO Conference. Human evolution in the genomic era: Origins, populations and phenotypes. Leicester (UK), 1-4 April. Member of the Scientific Committee.

2013 SIBE 2013- 5th congress of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology. Trento (Italy), 28-31 August.

2012 SIBE 2012-Simposio Evoluzione e Assemblea dei Soci. Ferrara (Italy), 15-16 December.