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ARMAROLI, C., CIAVOLA, P., CALEFFI, S., GARDELLI, M. (2007). Morphodynamics of nearshore rhythmic forms: an energy-based classification. Atti di: International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2006), San Diego, CA, USA, Settembre 2006, vol. 4, 1.4 MB 30/03/2009 00:52 Pubblicato
CHAUVELON, P., CIAVOLA, P., BINO, T., DODBIBA, E., ZUNA, V., DADE, D. (2006). Water and sediment management challenges on Narta and Karavasta coastal wetlands, Albania. Balwois 2006 Report, Skopje, Macedonia 1.4 MB 30/03/2009 00:53 Pubblicato
CIAVOLA, P., NADALINI, F., ARDONE, V. (2006). Depth of sand activation on protected and non-protected nourished beaches: a laboratory study in a large-scale wave flume. Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2005, ASCE, New York, USA 809.8 KB 30/03/2009 00:55 Pubblicato
BALOUIN, Y., CIAVOLA, P., ARMAROLI, C. (2006). Sediment transport patterns and coastal evolution at Lido di Dante beach, Adriatic Sea. Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2005, ASCE, New York, USA 957.0 KB 30/03/2009 00:56 Pubblicato
ARMAROLI, C., BALOUIN, Y., CIAVOLA, P., GARDELLI, M. (2006). Bar changes due to storm events using ARGUS: Lido di Dante, Italy. Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2005, ASCE, New York, USA 962.0 KB 30/03/2009 00:58 Pubblicato
CALEFFI, S. & CIAVOLA, P. (2006). Wave energy transformation processes in a low-energy Mediterranean surf zone. Proceedings of the 16th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 907.2 KB 30/03/2009 00:58 Pubblicato
ARMAROLI, C., BALOUIN, Y., CIAVOLA, P., & CAPATTI, D. (2005). Nearshore bars as a natural protection of beaches, field evidences from Lido di Dante beach, Adriatic Sea. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Mana 821.0 KB 30/03/2009 01:00 Pubblicato
12. CIAVOLA P., FALATI S., CORBAU C., PAIREAU O. & COLLINS M. (2002), Modulation of wave energy by a linear sand bank in the Gironde Estuary (France): Implications for Coastal Zone Management. Proceedings of Littoral 2002, Eurocoast Portugal, Porto, Port 626.6 KB 30/03/2009 01:01 Pubblicato