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JIMENEZ, J.A., OSORIO, A., MARINO-TAPIA, I., DAVIDSON, M., MEDINA, R., KROON, A., ARCHETTI, R., CIAVOLA, P., AARNIKHOF, S. (2007). Beach recreation planning using video-derived coastal state indicators. Coastal Engineering, 54, pp. 507-521
BALOUIN, Y., CIAVOLA, P. & MICHEL, D. (2006). Support of subtidal tracer studies to quantify the complex morphodynamics of a river outlet: the Bevano, NE Italy. Journal of Coastal Research, SI39, pp. 602-607.
BALOUIN, Y., CIAVOLA, P., ANFUSO, G., ARMAROLI, C., CORBAU, C. & TESSARI, U. (2006). Morphodynamics of intertidal sand bars : field studies in the Northern Adriatic, NE Italy. Special Issue of Journal of Coastal Research, SI39, pp. 323-329.
VILA-CONCEJO, A., FERREIRA, O´., CIAVOLA, P., MATIAS, A., DIAS, J.M.A. (2004). Tracer studies on the updrift margin of a complex inlet system. Marine Geology, 208, pp. 43-72.
NEUMEIER U. & CIAVOLA P. (2004). Flow resistance and associated sedimentary processes in a Spartina maritima saltmarsh. Journal of Coastal Research, 20, pp. 435-447
FRIEND P.L., CIAVOLA P., CAPPUCCI S. & SANTOS R. (2003), Bio-dependent bed parameters as a proxy tool for sediment stability in mixed habitat intertidal areas. Continental Shelf Research, 23, pp. 1899-1917
CIAVOLA P., ORGANO C., LEÓN VINTRÓ L.& MITCHELL P.I. (2002), Sedimentation processes on intertidal areas of the Lagoon of Venice: identification of exceptional flood events (acqua alta) using radionuclides. Journal of Coastal Research, SI36, 139-147
CORBAU C., CIAVOLA P., GONZALEZ R. & FERREIRA O. (2002), Measurements of cross-shore sand fluxes on a macrotidal pocket beach (Saint-Georges Beach, Atlantic Coast, SW France). Journal of Coastal Research, SI36, 182-189
FERREIRA O., CIAVOLA P., TABORDA R., BAIRROS M. & DIAS J.M.A. (2000), Sediment mixing depth determination for steep and gentle foreshores. Journal of Coastal Research, 16, 830-839
CIAVOLA P., DIAS N., TABORDA R., FERREIRA Ó. & ALVEIRINHO DIAS J. (1998), Fluorescent sands for measurements of longshore transport rates: a case study from Praia de Faro in southern Portugal. Geo-Marine Letters, 18, 49-57
CIAVOLA P., TABORDA, R., FERREIRA, Ó. & ALVEIRINHO DIAS, J. (1997), Field observations of sand-mixing depths on steep beaches. Marine Geology, 141, 147-156
CIAVOLA P., TABORDA, R., FERREIRA, Ó. & ALVEIRINHO DIAS, J. (1997), Field Measurements of Longshore Sand Transport and Control Processes on a Steep Meso-Tidal Beach in Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research, 13, 1119-1129