

Complete Publications list

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      A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, M. Brunetti, J. Calbó, J. Martin-Vide; 2007. Recent spatial and temporal variability and trends of sunshine duration over the Iberian Peninsula from homogenized dataset. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 112, D20115, doi:10.1029/2007JD008677.

      I. Auer, R. Boehm, A. Jurkovic, W. Lipa, A. Orlik, R. Potzmann, W. Schoener, M. Ungersboeck, C. Matulla, K. Briffa, P. Jones, D. Efthymiadis, M. Brunetti, T. Nanni, M. Maugeri, L. Mercalli, O. Mestre, J.-M. Moisselin, M. Begert, G. Mueller-Westermeier, V. Kveton, O. Bochnicek, P Stastny, M. Lapin, S. Szalai, T. Szentimrey, T. Cegnar, M. Dolinar, M. Gajic-Capka, K. Zaninovic, Z. Majstorovic; 2007. HISTALP - Historical Instrumental climatological Surface Time series of the greater ALPine Region. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 17-46.

      M. Brunetti, T. Nanni, M. Maugeri, I. Auer, R. Boehm, W. Schoener. 2006. Precipitation variability and changes in the Greater Alpine Region over the 1800-2003 period. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 111, D11, D11107.

      M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, F. Monti, T. Nanni. 2006. Temperature and precipitation variability in Italy in the last two centuries from homogenized instrumental time series. International Journal of Climatology, 26, 345-381.

      I. Auer, R. Boehm, A. Jurkovic, A. Orlik, R. Potzmann, W Schoener, M. Ungersboeck, M. Brunetti, T. Nanni, M. Maugeri, K. Briffa, P. Jones, D. Efthymiadis, O. Mestre, J.-M. Moisselin, M. Begert, R. Brazdil, O. Bochnicek, T. Cegnar, M. Gajic-Capka, K. Zaninovic, Z. Majstorovic, S. Szalai, T. Szentimery, L. Mercalli. 2005. A new instrumental Precipitation Dataset for the Greater Alpine Region for the period 1800-2002. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 139-166.

      M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, F. Monti, T. Nanni. 2004. Changes in daily precipitation frequency and distribution in Italy over the last 120 years. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 109, D05, D05102.

      M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, T. Nanni. 2002. Atmospheric circulation and precipitation in Italy for the last 50 years. Int. Jour. of Clim., 22, 1455-1471.

      R. Boehm, I. Auer M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, T. Nanni, W. Scoehner. 2001. Regional Temperature variability in the European Alps 1760 - 1998 from homogenised instrumental time series. Int. Jour. of Clim., 21, 1779-1801.

      M. Maugeri, Z. Bagnati, M. Brunetti, T. Nanni. 2001. Trends in Italian total cloud amount, 1951-1996. Geophys. Res. Let., 28, 4551-4554.