Silvia Brunoro, Architect, is Associate Professor in Architectural Technology (sector 08/C1 Architectural Technology Design and Planning, SSD CEAR 08/C - Architectural Technology) at the Department of Architecture in Ferrara. He has carried out numerous teaching experiences mainly oriented in the field of technological disciplines, in particular deepening the aspects of sustainable design and containment of energy consumption in the design of the envelope system. He currently holds the teaching - characterising discipline - Progettazione Esecutiva in the Laboratory of Architectural Construction II - IV year (84 hours) and the module of Environmental Design (40 hours) in the integrated course of Environmental Design - III year. She has worked and continues to work assiduously as a supervisor for degree theses, assisting students up to the final degree examination and the award of the degree of Doctor of Architecture. She also has numerous teaching experiences in Masters and Postgraduate and Doctorate Courses. He participates in numerous national and international research activities. His research activity is mainly focused on issues concerning tools, methods and techniques for the development of systems for analysing and evaluating the performance of energy-efficient envelope systems and components for new buildings and for the recovery and conservation of the existing architectural heritage, and on issues relating to the optimisation of energy networks and smart grids. The research activities conducted, in addition to being the subject of several publications, are the subject of moments of confrontation with the involvement of the national and international scientific community through the production of scientific contributions and participation in conferences. And author of more than 100 national and international scientific publications, with a focus on energy aspects related to the façade envelope, and energy efficiency of the building stock.