Michela Toni
Curriculum Vitae. Synopsis of Scientific & Teaching Activity. Publications (1979 – 2014)
1. Curriculum Vitae (Synopsis)
2. Scientific Activity
2.1 Researches & Contributions
2.2 Contributions to Meetings
3. Teaching Activity
4. Inter-disciplinary Co-ordination Activities on Thesis Works
5. Publications
5.1 Monographs / Scientific Treatises
5.2 Contributed Chapters or Essays
5.3 Contributed Booklets, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara
5.4 Prefaces/Postfaces
5.5 Encyclopaedia Entries
5.6 Articles
5.7 Exhibitions, design


Michela Toni was born in La Spezia (Italy) on April 3, 1954.

In 1973 she obtained her school-leaving certificate from state-owned secondary school focusing on humanities “L. Costa”, La Spezia

In April 1979 she graduated in Architecture with honors at the University of Florence – by a dissertation on the technological implications in design with reference to alternative energy sources (“Implicazioni tecnologiche nella progettazione in riferimento a fonti energetiche alternative”), supervisor Professor M. Zaffagnini.

In 1979 she enrolled with the Register of Architects of Genova and La Spezia (license # 880), then she enrolled with the Architects Board, Province of La Spezia (license # 71).

From 1979 to 1990 she collaborated with EDINRICERCHE S.n.C., Bologna, to research, design awards, exhibitions and collective publications associated with SAIE, Bologna.

From AY 1979-80 to AY 1987-88 she carried out teaching and research activity at the coordinated courses of Tecnologia dell’Architettura 2°, Department of Architecture, University of Florence.
She wrote two articles - “Classe di elementi tecnici: infissi esterni verticali” and “Classe di elementi tecnici: infissi esterni orizzontali” – for the collective book Progettare nel processo edilizio. La realtà come scenario per l’edilizia residenziale, published by Casa Editrice Luigi Parma, Bologna (editor M. Zaffagnini).

In 1979 she took part (with Professor M. Zaffagnini) to the national competition “Il sole e l’habitat” concerning the use of solar collectors in school and residential buildings, held by Ministero dell’Industria, Commercio e Artigianato and Istituto Nazionale di Architettura – and was awarded a prize for her project (based on her thesis work).

In 1979 she joined the Building Production, CNR Research Unit, Florence, established in the same year at IRA (Istituto di Ricerca Architettonica), Department of Architecture, University of Florence. She was a researcher for the “Metodologie, Normative e Progettazione” section.

In 1980 she published the booklet Tetti ed energia, released by VECOM, Verona – a work dealing with the outcomes of a research made on behalf of CPTC (Consorzio Produttori Tegole in Cemento).

In 1980 she published a treatise - Il collettore solare come componente edilizio – for Edizioni Ente Fiere di Bologna. This work summarizes the outcomes of the research she carried out within her graduate thesis in 1979.

In 1980, together with a group of designers from Rimini and EDINRICERCHE, Bologna, she took part to a contest for the design and construction of a 1,500 student high school at Abbiategrasso, Milan (Concorso-Appalto per la progettazione e la realizzazione di un Centro Scolastico Secondario Superiore per 1500 alunni ad Abbiategrasso). Their project was awarded the contract.

In years 1980 and 1981, within her collaboration with EDINRICERCHE, Bologna, she took part to a research supported by DAM S.p.A. Studi, Ricerche e Progetti, Ravenna – a preliminary research needed to establish a Regional Technical Standard for the Building Sector, Liguria Region. Specifically, her work was on the area of types and dimensional parameters.

In the years 1981 to 1988, within her collaboration with EDINRICERCHE, Bologna, she carried out an extensive research work for the account of ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI, by working on the areas of environmental and technological quality associated with a new use of conventional technologies.

In 1981 she took part to a research held by the CNR Research Unit, Florence, Produzione Edilizia, concerning the first stage of the Programma di Sperimentazione della Regione Toscana focusing on energy saving in the building sector.

In 1981 she published a booklet - Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture – released by VECOM, Verona. This work contains the outcomes of a research developed for the account of CPTC (Consorzio Produttori Tegole in Cemento).

In 1981, jointly with designers working for EDINRICERCHE and TECNICOOP, Bologna, she took part to a competition of ideas for designing the New Town Hall and redesigning the town centre of Casalecchio di Reno in the province of Bologna. This project came first in the competition.

In 1982 she took part to a design competition - Un mobile e il suo spazio (A piece of furniture and its space) – initiated by the Town Council of Alessandria, the Fiere di San Giorgio Committee, the Provincial Association of Furniture Manufacturers of Alessandria and the Domus magazine.

In 1983 and 1984 she took part to the third yearly edition of the research study intended to define the quality and characteristics of equipped wall systems depending on their application (Qualità e caratteristiche della parete attrezzata in funzione di diverse categorie edilizie: uffici, residenza e collettività), sponsored by Ente Autonomo per le Fiere di Bologna and by Federlegno-Arredo.

In 1984, jointly with a group of designers working for EDINRICERCHE and for TECNICOOP, Bologna, she took part to the competition and bid for tender for designing the New Town Hall and redesigning the town centre of Casalecchio di Reno, Province of Bologna.

In the period 1984 to 1987 she carried out research activities in the framework of the Ph.D. course in Architecture Technology, Ist cycle, held by the Department of Industrial Design and Building Production of the Faculty of Architecture, La Sapienza University in Rome (subsidiaries in Rome, Florence, Venice, Pescara, and Reggio Calabria).

In 1987 she obtained the title of Research PhD in Architecture Techology, defending the dissertation Qualità involucro: contributo attorno ai problemi del comfort abitativo (Cladding quality: a contribution to the problems of comfortable living).

In the period 1984 to 1993 she worked for the research firm CRESME (Centro Ricerche Economiche Sociologiche e di Mercato dell’Edilizia) in Rome, then for ECOSFERA S.r.l. (Studi di Fattibilità per l’Edilizia e la Riqualificazione dell’Ambiente).

Over the years, Toni carried out her activity as an observer of the town-planning, social and environmental conditions in the area of Florence - which she continued for about 10 years.
In this framework, in 1984 and 1985 she was in charge of the research section focusing on Florence metropolitan area “Il mercato abitativo nelle aree metropolitane negli anni ‘80” - sponsored by Credito Fondiario S.p.A. and managed by CRESME.

In 1987 and 1988 she carried on research work in the framework of the first stage of the Experimental Programme co-ordinated by the Emilia Romagna Regional Council referred to the Experimental Subsidised Housing Programme according to Article 4 of Act of Law no. 94 of 25.3.1982, as a member of a research group that drafted the document Piani Operativi di Fattibilità on behalf of API (Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie).

In AY 1987-88 she taught and carried on research in the framework of the Environmental Design course held by M. Zaffagnini, Faculty of Architecture, Florence University.
Toni was dealing with issues related to the environmental quality. She also published lecture notes for the course titling Primi strumenti per il controllo del benessere ambientale (jointly with M. Zaffagnini), Alinea, Florence 1988.

In 1987 she attended the course on Recovey of Existing Buildings and Seismic Upgrading of Buildings, held by the Association of Engineers of the Province of Massa-Carrara, in Carrara.

In 1987 and 1988 she was responsibile – for the Florence area - for a research sponsored by Credito Fondiario S.p.A. and managed by CRESME (L’Italia da recuperare - Indagine sui processi di recupero, riqualificazione e trasformazione in sedici grandi città italiane).

In 1988 and 1989 she was invited by ANDIL (Associazione Nazionale degli Industriali dei Laterizi), in her capacity as an expert in the field, to contribute to a series of conferences on the Environmental Quality issue. Her contributions are contained in the book Rosso Mattone (edited by M. Zaffagnini) published by Luigi Parma, Bologna.

In 1988 and 1989 she joined a research group drafting the first volume of the manual Progettazione Edilizia, Vol. I , “Tipologia e Criteri di Dimensionamento”, edited by Professor M. Zaffagnini for the publishing house U. Hoepli.
Toni was focusing on building for caterers.

In 1989, for ANCE (Associazione Nazionale dei Costruttori Edili), she wrote the book L’isolamento acustico nell’edilizia - Guida alla progettazione del benessere acustico, published by Edilstampa, Rome.

In 1990 she was a member of the teaching staff of the Course for Project Managers held by Forlì Provincial Committee of ENFAP (Ente Nazionale Formazione e Addestramento Professionale) under the auspices of the European Community.

In 1990 she carried on research in the framework of stage two of the Experimental Programme coordinated by the Emilia Romagna Regional Council included in the Experimental Subsidised Housing Programme according to Article 4 of Act no. 94 dated March 25, 1982, joining a research group engaged in drafting Final Projects for Action on behalf of API (Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie) and several co-operatives.

In 1990 she wrote the book Qualità involucro. Contributo attorno ai problemi del comfort abitativo, published by Pitagora, Bologna, containing the outcomes of her PhD dissertation (defended in 1987).

In 1992 she applied for a job as a university researcher for the H09 Group, Ferrara University, and was awarded one of two places.

From May 1, 1993 to October 31, 2002 she worked as a researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Ferrara University.

In 1996 the Board consisting of Professors V. Gangemi Gambardella, G. Guazzo and B. Spadolini confirmed Toni’s appointment as a researcher as from May 15, 1996. She then opted for fixed period employment.

In 1994 she attended the course Architecture and technology of building with steel structures, held by CREA (Consorzio innovazione e sviluppo dell’acciaio nelle costruzioni) at the Turin Polytechnic School (November 24 to 26, 1994).

In the period 1994 to 1996 she joined an international research group co-ordinated by Giorgio Giallocosta, working on the role of small enterprises in the hypothetical case of evolution of the construction field. The outcomes are contained in the book Imprese, Mercato & Innovazione - Il caso dell’artigianato edile in due realtà nazionali: Francia e Italia - Analisi, problemi e prospettive, published by Alinea.

From 1996 to 1999 the Faculty Board appointed Toni to run the Environmental Design course.
Results of the work carried on with her students are contained in issue 3, May-June 1997, of Paesaggio Urbano and following publications as mentioned below.

She continued to carry out research into the aspects of protection against noise connected with building design.
In 1996 she prepared the second edition of the book L’isolamento acustico nell’edilizia - Guida alla progettazione del benessere acustico – 2nd edition, completely up-dated and revised in accordance with Act no. 447 of October 2, 1995 published by Edilstampa.

On the same topic, in 1997 she worked for the Italian Public Works Council in the framework of the fulfilments connected with the preparatory work for drafting decrees for implementing the Outline Law on Noise Pollution.

In 1997 Maggioli published her book Interventi, materali e strumenti per l’isolamento acustico degli edifici.

In 1997 Toni started her activity as a thesis supervisor. Todate, she has supervised 245 graduates, for a total of 175 dissertations.

She considers this activity an extremely stimulating opportunity for carrying on research work into the issues of Environmental Design. Many of Toni’s students and graduates have won awards.

In 1998-1999 she attended a 120-hour training course on safety at building sites, designed for safety co-ordinators for design projects and safety co-ordinators for performing works in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 494 dated August 14, 1996 – held at CNA (Consorzio Nationale Artigianato) in Massa-Carrara.

In 1998 the Faculty Board invited Toni to become a member of the Panel of Judges of the Competition of Ideas for designing Piazza dell’Unità, part of Via Roma and the Cortilone area in Formignana (Ferrara), announced in 1998. The works were carried out in 1999.

In AY 1999-2000 the Faculty Board placed Toni in charge of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) for which she also co-ordinated the work of integrated modules on Progetto di strutture (Domenico Capuani, professor of Tecnica delle Costruzioni at Unife) and Environmental Engineering (Guido Iacono; Luigi Dal Cin in AY 2007/2008) – the latter being replaced with the Energetica module (Michele Bottarelli, professor of Technical Physics at Unife). in AY 2009-10.
Toni has been in charge of the Workshop from AY 2001/2002 to AY 2011/2012.

In 2000 she joined the Committee for the comparative assessment for filling a position as researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Turin Polytechnic School, for the scientific area of Architecture Technology.

In 2001 she taught the Masters’ course for Architects expert in design and rehabilitation of the environment, held by the Provincial Builders’ School of Ravenna at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara.

In 2001, following a decision by the Faculty Board, she became a member of the Board of Management of the University Theatrical Centre of Ferrara.

In AYs 1999- 2000, 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 she was in charge of a Research of Local Interest (so-called “ex 60%”), by co-ordinating the work of researchers in other subject areas.

In 2002 she passed the comparative assessment for the post of associate professor for scientific field ICAR/12 – Architecture Technology held at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara University.
On 1st November, 2002 she was appointed associate professor of Architecture Technology at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara University.

In 2002 she published the book Il filo di Arianna – Idee su Ferrara (jointly with Carlo Bassi), published by Alinea; part of the research work conducted in the prior years and thesis projects are contained in this book.

In 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 she remained in charge of Research of Local Interest (so-called “ex 60%”), also co-ordinating work by researchers in other areas.
In 2004-2005 she joined a group combining several areas of the Department of Architecture.
From 2005-2006 to 2007-2008 she was part of an interfaculty research group combining researchers of the faculties of Architecture and Engineering. Co-funding was obtained in 2006.

In 2003-2004 she was a member of the Examination Board for the State Examinations for senior and junior architects care of the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara.

Her research into sustainable technology suitable for consolidating natural sites, went on.
She conducted the first experiments at active job sites involving students of the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara University in using naturalistic engineering techniques: in the Apuan mountains in AYs 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, and in a nature reserve belonging to the Ferrara provincial council in AY 2006-2007.

In 2005 the Board consisting of Professors G. Guazzo, G. Cavaglià and G. Vitale confirmed Toni’s appointment as associate professor in scientific area ICAR 12 – Architecture Technology, Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara, as from November 1, 2005.

From 2003 to 2008, alongside research work developed around poor technology, she continued to carry on research into the relationship between technological innovation and architecture, working on new opportunities offered by the market of highly innovative construction materials in terms of sustainability.
Specifically, she continued to take an interest in applications for composite materials made of resins and fibres, currently still used only to a marginal extent in the building industry

In 2005 she published FRP Architettura – Costruire con materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre, issued by Alinea.
This text was the first on the subject, and also introductory to reflections on possible new development of FRP architecture.

In 2005 she drafted the research report Il caso di un edificio nel Parco del Delta del Po for the Provincial Council of Ferrara.

In 2006 she developed a research study that contributed towards the document Un edificio residenziale a Reggio Emilia: confronto con la normativa CasaClima for CMR (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo).

In continuity with the work she had started in 1999, she carried on research into design innovation in the field of stone materials, with special attention to the Apuan area.
In 2005 she entered into a Protocol of Understanding between the Ferrara University and Massa-Carrara CNA (Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato) on issues concerned with enhancing the value of local resources connected with specific types of production and technological skills.
She also carried on research into the relationship between marble as a material (technology, but also the culture of a place, the quality of a natural and human environment) and the area it is quarried from, in the Apuan Alps. She focused on energy-related issues, recovery of materials, re-composition of the historical environmental structures and methods for enhancing the value of the architectural and landscape heritage.

In 2007 she wrote Rinforzare sostenibile-Idee sull’utilizzo dell’ingegneria naturalistica attraverso esperienze in Alta Versilia e in Garfagnana, issued by Alinea.
Part of the research work conducted in earlier years on the use of natural materials – wood, stone, search and vegetation – in constructions is contained in this book.

In 2007 she published FRP Architecture – Building by Fiber-Reinforced Plastics, issued by Alinea in English in time for the Autumn Frankfurter Buchmesse.
This book presented additional progresses in the study of applications for composite materials in constructions.

In 2007 she worked on developing ideas for events for CMR (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo) to celebrate the organization’s 100 years of activity.
She organised a conference and symposium titling Il bello e la qualità, riflessi sulla città e sul cittadino, held in Reggio Emilia on October 12, 2007 during the Fiera Casa & Tavola exhibition and attended by Franco Laner, Paola Gennaro, Raffaele Pisani, Alberto Manfredini and Andrea Morgante.

On December 14, 2007 she introduced a meeting titling Conversazione su Città, Architettura, Felicità, sponsored by CMR (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo) and held in Reggio ( Aimaro Isola, Gianni Vattimo and Graziano Del Rio, Michela Toni were attending).

In October 6 to 14, 2007 she designed and created the stand “100 anni di storia di CMR” to celebrate CMR’s 100 years of activity, at the Reggio Emilia Fair.
For the stand she also developed and designed the graphics conveying the idea of building a happy town (Costruire la città felice) for 22 square metres of exhibition panels.

In the period 2008 to 2012 she kept researching on the relationship between project and technological innovation, also applied to restoration. In this field, she published short texts (Colorata e leggera – Architettura in materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre; and A Torino tra innovazione e restauro – Nuove icone per la Mole di Antonelli) with Alinea, in 2012.

From 2006 to 2012 she has carried out research on the design impacts of CasaClima standards and developed in-depth studies on the relationship between architecture and energy.
Specifically she worked on the possible relationships between the raising of technological quality and architecture in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. This research became even more concrete in the six study trips that Toni organised involving also the students of the Laboratorio SF Progettazione Ambientale.

In this field, she published Guardare più in là: dall'efficienza alla qualità della città, with Alinea, in 2012. She also published Sole e non solo: l'architettura prende coscienza – Elementi della ricerca progettuale di Mario Zaffagnini, docente presso le Facoltà di Firenze e Ferrara, with Alinea, Florence 2012

During AY 2007/2008 requested to initiate the module Energetica (Prof. Michele Bottarelli), in lieu of Ingegneria del territorio, in order to work on the Energy certification of buildings, based on Directive 2002/91/EC and to experiment with the chance of obtaining credits for students interested in becoming Certifiers, following the work carried out at the Workshop. In 2010-2011, obtained the regional crediting through developing the Progetto Certificatore energetico in edilizia.

In 2009, at the Town Hall of Goro, she organised the staging of an exhibition with the works by final-year students of the Laboratorio SF di Progettazione Ambientale on hypotheses for the use of a natural oasis. She organised and attended two conferences.
On this occasion she exhibited her own graphics on the subject of the relationship between the purchasers and the project.

In this field, in 2012, she completed the works Foce di Pianza – Ipotesi per un laboratorio di progettazione ambientale and Goro lavoro natura Gorino – Salvaguardare l'ambiente, consolidare le opportunità di lavoro, published by All'Insegna del Giglio.
She also published Un materiale e il suo ambiente – Utilizzo della canna palustre nelle costruzioni, with Alinea, and Un ambiente di marmo, with All'Insegna del Giglio.

From 2007 to 2011 she joined the Teaching Committee of the Faculty of Architecture.
In 2008, she chaired the State Examination Board.
She had a part in drafting the Yearbooks of the Faculty and the Department’s Booklet.

She attended the 2011 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica), La parte del committente nel progetto di architettura: esperienze del passato e del presente.
The research team included Susanna Pasquali (team leader) Gianluca Frediani, (ICAR/14), Michela Toni (ICAR/12).

In AY 2012/2013 she was granted a sabbatical year which she spent reorganizing the vast material she had collected in many years of research on the South Tyrol architecture (a vantage point on the building sector due to – and beyond - the high technical performance attained in compliance with the CasaClima standards).
Briefly, this research aims at thinking about the relationship between architecture and the cultural conditions in South Tyrol.
This study is dealt with a book titling Sudtirolo Architettura – Le differenze di un territorio attraverso costruzioni realizzate nel rispetto della normativa CasaClima / Südtirol Architektur – Die Eigenheiten eines Gebietes am Beispiel von Gebäuden mit KlimaHaus Standard, issued by Edicom.

She attended the 2012 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica), Architectural Landscapes. The research team included G. Frediani (team leader, ICAR/14), M. Mulazzani (ICAR/18), M. Toni (ICAR/12).

She attended the 2013 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica), Storia, progetto, costruzione e riqualificazione dell’architettura e dell'ambiente urbano.
The research team included M. Mulazzani (team leader, ICAR 18), G. Frediani (ICAR14), V. Mallardo (ICAR/08), M. Toni (ICAR 12).

In 2014 she joined the board of IDAUP – International Doctorate on Architecture and Urban Planning.

In 2014 she carried on researching on the use of natural materials in the constructions – as documented by her attendance to a collective research on the use of paper, steered by Prof. Alfonso Acocella (this research resulted into a publication - Paper Design – issued by AltrAlinea) and her attendance to the International Symposium Routing Sustainable Development towards a Culture of Wellbeing (Ferrara, October 2014).

Having carried out an extensive research on the Istituto per l'Edilizia Sociale (IPES) della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano’s work, Toni presented it as a "model to manage the building process“ at the 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing Sustainable Housing Construction, in 2014.

In 2014 she joined Società Italiana di Tecnologia SidTa in order to share her research experience on sustainability.

In 2014 she started a collaboration with the international magazine TECHNE and Teknoring, the portal of technical expertise (Wolkers Kluvers Italia).


Toni’s research activity focuses on the environmental design – a matter she deals systematically as a filter for experimenting the close relationship between the architectural and urban projects in a territory and its multiple many resources including human, social, material and natural resources.

Toni’s research activity features several specific branches of interest - performance analysis of components and materials, design of building systems, drafting of performance standards, investigation of problems relating to environmental well-being, from the physical and technical point of view to that of urban analysis, etc. – for which the relationship between technology and typology, aimed at acquiring quality, can be configured as a unifying factor linking the multiple research studies she developed throughout the years. Along these lines, Toni’s work at the various levels of analysis tacked by her – from research into building components to that into construction technology, into building typologies and into urban fabric – aims at the operational quality of the project, even when focusing on specific theoretical issues.
Opportunities and encounters connected with work and research of various types – work for EDINRICERCHE, Bologna (Professors C.C. Buccolieri and M. Maccolini, Mr. Simonelli, Professor M. Zaffagnini), with the teaching staff of the Research Ph. D. in Architecture Technology – Cycle I (Professor M. D’Alessandro – head and Professors G. Boaga, R. Del Nord, G. Ferracuti, G. Guazzo, R. La Creta, E. Legnante, G. Morabito, P. Palumbo, R. Segoni, N. Sinopoli, P. L. Spadolini, A. Sposito, M. Zaffagnini, and E. Vittoria), with ANCE, ANDIL, CRESME etc., were able to enrich and feed Toni’s intuitions.

In the period 1993 to 2014 while working at the Faculty of Architecture, Ferrara University - first as a researcher and then, starting from 2002, as associate professor - Toni was able to develop an extensive research activity as basically documented by her publications and essays.
She has been concerned mainly with the field of innovative technology (paying particular attention to solving the problems of well-being), environmental design (pertaining to different levels of systemic analysis), analysis of the entrepreneurial structure and operating procedures of the small enterprises active on the building market, the relationship between project and technology (including the possible applications of design calculation and/or drafting) and other topics, as mentioned below.

In addition to the innumerable activities that brought Toni into contact with organizations, professional firms, companies, cultural institutions, unions, manufacturers and operators of many different types, her participation in the so-called MURST “40%” and “ex 60 %” research, PRIN (Programma di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale), FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) should be pointed out.

Concretely, Toni has addressed two types of issues: on one hand, she has developed a series of research studies already initiated in earlier years relating to specific issues of interest concerning environmental and technological quality; on the other hand, she has investigated the relationship between the environmental control and the architectural projects, with particular attention to the design applications the work of architects is targeted to.

Within such fields, Toni’s work unfolds mainly around two different scales of design research, to say, construction and local environment.


In April 1979, at the time of discussing her graduate thesis, Toni presented the research study Implicazioni tecnologiche nella progettazione in riferimento a fonti energetiche alternative (supervisor Professor M. Zaffagnini).
In this paper, application of alternative energy, and in particular of solar energy, is considered in the framework of the design of the building system, in the sense that the solar devices are identified and studied as a subsystem of the heating system.
It followed that the research was structured in several parts,. It started out from definition of the requisites of the subsystem – general and specific requisites relating to the peculiar functions not shared with other subsystems. It them went on to identify analytically types of performance referred to classes of phenomena, followed by definition of the performance levels and documentation of some possible technological answers. The research study also included a design stage, taking as inputs some specific criteria for exploiting solar energy that enable the thermodynamic qualities of buildings to be optimised. A summary of the paper was published in the essay “Il collettore solare come componente edilizio”, contained in the book Il nodo energia, Edizioni Ente Fiere di Bologna, Bologna 1980.

In 1979 Toni developed a design research that, developing her graduate thesis, resulting into the definition of an environmental system meeting the need to reduce energy consumption. Her research study focused on the relationship between typology and technology: architectural and technological inclusion of active and passive solar collection devices was experimented with in terraced houses, condominiums built around a courtyard with access from the balconies, and buildings with three to five storeys above ground.
The paper was entered in the national competition Il sole e l’habitat for use of solar collection devices in school and residential buildings, sponsored by Ministero dell’Industria, Commercio e Artigianato and Istituto Nazionale di Architettura (the design team included M. Zaffagnini (team leader) and M. Toni).
A prize-winning project paper, it was published in:
. L'Architettura – Cronache e storia, number 4754, May 5, 1995;
..AAVV, Il sole e l’habitat - 162 progetti per l’impiego di energia solare nell’edilizia residenziale e scolastica (Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1980).

From May to September 1980 Toni worked on a research study promoted by CPTC (Consorzio Produttori Tegole in Cemento) on energy-related issues of roofing subsystems. In addition to energy-saving implications (insulation options, etc.,) the study focused on aspects that are vital for environmental wellbeing, such as thermal inertia and ventilation of building cladding. It reiterated the design results presented for the national competition Il sole e l’habitat in a section dealing with solar collection components build into the structural elements of roofs.
The study was completed by a publication (Tetti ed energia, Vecom, Verona 1980) presented at the 1980 SAIE conference.

From October 1979 to January 1980 Toni took part, together with designers from Rimini and others working for EDINRICERCHE of Bologna, in a design research study aimed at environmental and technological design of a building system for secondary schools.
Requested by CMC (Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti), Ravenna, this study was conducted in order to bid for the competition and tender sponsored by the Milan Provincial Council for designing and building a secondary school for 1,500 students in Abbiategrasso.
Toni’s core work was on the environmental system providing the basic elements for specific design. Se identified environmental, functional nuclei and aggregation of functional nuclei.
The papers enabled the contractor to qualify and, subsequently, award the contract for the construction of a Secondary School in Abbiategrasso, which was then built. This study was fully published in the book Un sistema edilizio per la scuola secondaria superiore (several authors), Luigi Parma, Bologna 1980.

From November 1980 to March 1981 Toni worked for EDINRICERCHE on a research study for DAM S.p.A. - Studi, Ricerche Progetti of Ravenna, in the general framework of studies and research preparatory to the drafting of Regional Technical Standards for Residential Building in the Liguria Region.
This experience enabled her to become closely acquainted with the stages of the process of creation of the standard, from the acquisition of data relating to the regional situation to the proposal of standards up to investigation of building typologies and products.
In the framework of the study, she was concerned mainly with metadesign problems linked with the relationship between nuclei of users and homes and dwellings and aspects connected with the quality of living.
The results of the study were published in a near complete version in Booklet No. 6 of the General Secretary’s Office of CER, Normativa Tecnica Regionale per l’Edilizia Residenziale della Regione Liguria - L’ambiente. Il progetto. La costruzione. La gestione. Esiti della ricerca affidata alla Regione Liguria, Be. Ma. Editrice, Milan 1984.

Since February 1981 Toni has been investigating the use of burnt clay building components ordered by ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI (Associazione Nazionale degli Industriali dei Laterizi) from EDINRICERCHE.
She was mainly concerned with wellbeing and safety issue. In addition, she investigated aspects of environmental and technological quality linked to the use of traditional technology but from an innovative point of view.
This work was included in collective publications (Il tavellone - Impieghi e prospettive di sviluppo di un semilavorato per l’edilizia, Laterconsult, Rome 1981; Il laterizio tra passato e futuro - Mostra organizzata dalle Sezioni Merceologiche dell’ANDIL, Associazione Nazionale degli Industriali dei Laterizi, Laterconsult, Rome 1981; Il laterizio e la qualità dell’abitare, Laterconsult Rome 1982) and in the essays “La qualità ambientale” and “La qualità tecnologica: la resistenza al fuoco” contained in the publication Rosso Mattone, Luigi Parma, Bologna 1987.
In the two-year period 1988-89, Toni was involved in a conferences focusing on environmental quality issues.

In the period May to July 1981, as a researcher in the “Methods, Standards and Design” section of the CNR Research Unit of Florence on Building Production, she contributed to the study Il contenimento dei consumi energetici nel settore dell’edilizia residenziale pubblica – focusing on new buildings. The operational framework was on various different levels, from collection and organisation of data available at regional level to field experiments, for which specific tools and operators were hypothesised.
This work was illustrated in a report on the First Stage of the Tuscany Regional Council’s Experimental Programme.

From April to July of the same year, she drafted a study on behalf of CPTC (Consorzio Produttori Tegole in Cemento) on the user-related. Technoogical and environmental aspects of roofing systems.
The work was developed analysing the performance, the production typologies and the criteria for designing, building in and sizing the components for completing roof subsystems. The study ended with the publication of a booklet (Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento della copertura, Vecom, Verona 1981) that was presented at the 1981 SAIE.

In 1981 Toni contributed to a research conducted by designers working for EDINRICERCHE and TECNICOOP of Bologna for their entry in the competition of ideas for designing the new town hall and redesigning to town centre of Casalecchio di Reno in the province of Bologna. She specifically worked on defining environmental system for offices.
The work was developed by organising the activities and identifying typified functional categories capable of precise spatial configurations, and was structured subsequently in the design of typified or typifiable spaces featuring flexibility of use and aggregation.
This research was the metadesign basis of the proposal entered in the competition of ideas and was contained in the “Techical Report” presented with the motto Un’idea in Comune, which won the competition.

In 1982 she worked on a design research for defining a modular furniture system.
The criteria followed were based on functional variability: without prejudice for the continuity of production, the concept of the containing component called for complete independence of some structural parts so as to enable alternative uses depending on how they were assembled. From the chromatic point of view, also, it was possible to vary the colours and the material forming the panels so as to obtain combinations enabling better inclusion in the environment.
The results of this study were entered in the design competition Un mobile e il suo spazio, promoted by the Town Council of Alessandria, the Fiere di San Giorgio Committee, the Provincial Furniture-manufacturer’s Association and the magazine Domus.

From November 1983 to February 1984 Toni contributed towards the third year of work on the research study Qualità e caratteristiche della parete attrezzata in funzione di diverse categorie edilizie: uffici, residenze e collettività, on behalf of Ente Autonomo per le Fiere di Bologna and Federlegno - Arredo.
She focused on the chance that the functional characteristics of an internal partition subsystem would enable spaces of different sizes to be created depending on the different activities and on the sizes of the user groups.
The results of this study ended into a collective publication (Pareti e collettività - Attrezzabilità e flessibilità dello spazio interno di scuole, ospedali, edifici per la cultura e lo spettacolo ed edifici di residenza collettiva, Ente Fiere di Bologna, Bologna 1984); Toni drafted the parts on school and hospital building in the section “Gli spazi della vita collettiva”.

In 1984 she conducted a research study for EDINRICERCHE of Bologna to devise the geometrical configuration and sizing of a brise-soleil for controlling sunlight.
The study started out from a definition of the period of shading required for the place in question and then investigated how penetration of the sunlight into the rooms could be limited using devices of different types. This study was preparatory to the project entered by EDINRICERCHE and TECNICOOP, Bologna, in the competition and tender for designing the new Town Hall and re-designing the town centre of Casalecchio di Reno, in the Province of Bologna.

In the period from November 1984 to February 1985 Toni contributed, as the person responsible for the metropolitan area of Florence, to the research study Il mercato abitativo nelle aree metropolitane negli anni ‘80, initiated by Credito Fondiario S.p.A. and managed by CRESME (Centro Ricerche Economiche, Sociologiche e di Mercato dell’Edilizia). Starting out from the assumption that, generally speaking, growth and concentration in metropolitan areas are declining, the analysis of the building market in the nineteen-eighties tackled in the study tended to identify the form and the function of large cities and to prefigure the most vital segments of the building market in the near future.
The study was developed in various stages: an analysis of the structural conditions of existing residential housing (1971-81), a cyclic analysis of the building market (1980-84), subsequent identification of the aspects characterising the building market in the Florence area and the provision of indications concerning the possible scenarios of the second half of the nineteen-eighties, highlighting the evolutionary and involutionary features of the variables involved.
As the person in charge of the research study, in addition to drafting specific parts of the reports submitted. Toni also co-ordinated the stages of data acquisition, processing and systematising and feedback. The summary report on the study was published in the book Il mercato delle abitazioni negli anni ‘8O - Indagine in 16 grandi aree urbane italiane, Credito Fondiario S.p.A. - CRESME, Rome 1985.

From February 1984 until April 1987 she carried on research in the framework of the Research PhD. course in Architecture Technology I, held at the Department of Industrial Design and Bulding Production of the Faculty of Architecture of La Sapienza University in Rome and at the Department of Building Processes and Production Methods of the Faculty of Architecture of Florence University.
In addition to playing an active part in the collective work, Toni also contributed towards drafting the final reports of seminars. In particular, in July 1984, in the framework of the report presented by the PhD students at the end of the second seminar, “Archivio delle tecniche” (Progress report on the activities carried on in the second two-month period – Report on visits to production plants and reports on some of the problems that cropped up during the dfirst discussions), she took care of the section on technological innovation.
In December 1984, in the framework of the report presented by the PhD students at the end of the fourth seminar, “Normativa Tecnica” (Technical standards – Introduction to the problem, evolution and possible trends in the concept of a standard), she developed the section “Aspetti del momento normativo”, dealing with several problems connected with the definition of a standard and with the relationship between a standard and a project.
In February 1985 she drafted a Summary Document, that was a rational reconstruction of the problems tackled in each thematic sub-area during the first year of the course.
The most interesting notes were the relationships between economics and building, between technological evolution and business philosophy, between modelling and quality assessment and between standards and innovation of techniques.
The document was structured on several levels and sought a horizontal link between the underlying areas of the Ph. D. course.
In September 1985, in the framework of the report submitted by the PhD students at the end of the fifth seminar, “Cultura tecnologica e progettazione dell’oggetto industriale” (Research and project on designer products), Toni developed a number of issues on the relationship between design and the concept of industrial production.

In 1985, in the framework of the fifth seminar of the Ph D course in Architecture Technology she developed a writing tool for disabled persons. The aim of the study was to solve some emerging anthropometric problems connected with difficulties encountered by disabled persons in moving their wrists and fingers, guaranteeing safety and eliminating any feeling of constriction without going so far as to devising something so different that it would isolate users.
The study was developed around morphological and dimensional characteristics that would enable the user to grasp and put down the object independently and facilitate interchangeability of the writing part. Having eliminated all the special features. The tool could be used by anyone.
The results of the design research are contained in the report Cimento sull’oggetto, presented at the end of the Seminar.

In 1986-87, during the third year of her Research Ph D in Architecture Technology, Toni developed a personal research study on qualitative aspects of environmental control, which was included in her PhD dissertation. The research study was a basically methodological proposal having the goal of identifying tools for design that, used in different real-life contexts, would enable the building object to reach desired quality levels. In particular, she wanted to stress on the possibility of achieving the same specific goal of wellbeing by means of technological or morphological solutions that may also differ from one another
A part of the study included operational sheets enabling the project variables belonging to the classes of wellbeing needs in terms of sound, temperature, humidity and vision, to be analysed and cross-referenced, highlighting the simultaneous presence of some of them in different classes so that sometime, also at this level, clashes were generated. In this respect, the study suggested a method for checking and assessing interferences by means of a horizontal reading, essential for determining priorities and choices needed for a design to achieve quality. The study was published in unabridged form in the book Qualità involucro - Contributo attorno ai problemi del comfort abitativo, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, Bologna 1990.

In 1987 she joined a research group for drafting Operational Feasibility Plans (OFP’s) for the Associazione delle Piccole e Medie Industrie della Regione Emilia Romagna in the framework of the first stage of the Experimental Programme co-ordinated by the Emilia Romagna Regional Council referred to the Experimental Subsidised Housing Programme according to Article 4 of Act 94 of 25 March 1982.
Consistently with the indications provided by CER, in the framework of similar activities coordinated by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Council, the Experimental Programme had the general aim of initiatives tending to achieve overall quality in economic, production, social, housing and design contexts. The specific aims of the experimental work resulted from the need for greater qualification.

Between November 1987 and April 1988 she contributed, as the person in charge of the Florence area, to the research study L’Italia da recuperare - Indagine sui processi di recupero, riqualificazione e trasformazione in sedici grandi città italiane, initiated by Credito Fondiario S.p.A. and managed by CRESME.
This research study included several stages: the bibliographic search was followed by the acquisition of statistical sources in order to identify the nodes and problems of development and requalification in the city of Florence. The work was further developed with the collection of data referred to building activities acquired from the Council Departments (authorisations, permits, applications for regularization procedures), completed by the results of a telephone enquiry on a sample of about one hundred subscribers to SIP telephone services in the city. Data of a quantitative type and others referred to the state of preservation of public housing was collected care of ATER (former IACP).
An enquiry at the Office of the Superintendent for Architectural Herital provided information concerning applications for refurbishment of old and artistic buildings and on the expenses incurred for restoration work.
An analysis of general town-planning tools for the purpose of rehabilitation and an analysis of specific urban policies enabled a number of considerations about the processes of transformation of the city to be developed. The study also made it possible to identify, quantify and describe significantly-decayed areas, in terms of building and town-planning and socio-economic circumstances.
As the person in charge of the study, in addition to drafting the report, Toni also co-ordinates the stages of collection of data, processing, systematising and feedback.
The research study was published in the L’Italia da recuperare- Indagine in sedici grandi città, Credito Fondiario S.p.A. - CRESME, Rome1988.

From January to October 1988, Toni conducted a research study on behalf of ANCE (Associazione Nazionale dei Costruttori Edili) into the problems of acoustic protection in the building industry. This research had a merely practical goal – to organise data for a design work aimed at acoustic wellbeing.
It was a multiple work , concerning national and regional regulations, criteria for assessing the acoustic performance of building components, design-related indications for achieving acoustic well-being, an analysis of the characteristics of acoustic protection provided by various types of building component and calculation criteria.
The research ended into the book L’isolamento acustica nell’edilizia - Guida alla progettazione del benessere acustico, Edilstampa, Rome 1989.

From January 1988 to June 1989 she joined a research group drafting – on request of the publishing house Ulrico Hoepli and under the guidance of Professor M. Zaffagnini - the section on Typologies and sizing criteria of a new building design manual.
Toni carried on research activities into catering facilities. This enquiry was inspired by general information on the key types of catering facilities (restaurants, self-service, fast food, bar) and subsequently covered the lines of evolution, relations with the local-area context and the main characteristics of a morphological and dimensional nature.
The study called for various different stages for each type of facility analysed, from the definition of the building type to identification of the functional nuclei and of the related aggregation criteria, so as to focus on possible solutions of functional nuclei and building organizations.

In January 1989 she was in charge for the Florence area of a research study into economic and real-estate factors underlying the definition of expropriation policies, promoted by the Ministry of Public Works and managed by the company ECOSFERA, CRESME group.
The study called for monographs to be drafted on three case studies in the city of Florence referred to disused buildings and to buildings in areas to be completed and enlarged.
Each research section was developed starting out from a note describing the framework (location, town-planning and functional characteristics of the area, etc.) and structured in the form of a physical description of the building, a collection of administrative documentation, a reconstruction of the expropriation procedure, if any, and an estimate of the market value.
The study ended with the collection of the necessary qualitative and quantitative information for an application.

In June and July 1990 Toni joined a research group taking care of drafting Projects (so called PIDs) for the Associazione delle Piccole e Medie Industrie of the Emilia Romagna Region in the framework of the Experimental Programme co-ordinated by the Emilia Romagna Regional Council in relation to the Experimental Subsidised Housing Programme according to Article 4 of Act of Law no- 94 of 25 March 1982. This research study referred to stage two of the Experimental Programme.
Toni’s activity focused on the aspects concerning flexibility and the organisation of inputs for design, with special reference to control of the mean daytime light factor inside the rooms.

Between 1981 and 1990 she drafted design research studies on issues such as the functional re-design, for rural tourism, of farm buildings that were part of natural monuments of environmental and cultural interest (Sant’ Ellero, Impruneta - Florence), the consolidation and enlargement of residential buildings (La Spezia) and the functional re-design of several real-estate units (in Florence, Milan and La Spezia), for which she also designed interior components.

In the period 1992 to 1996 Toni carried on research activities into several aspects concerning product innovation, with particular reference to the production of semi-finished items and components available on the Italian marked and used for controlling the transmission of vibrations, airborne noise and impact-generated noise and for containing dispersion and control of moisture. She also studied technology relating to structural glass and composite materials. Some of the results of this work are contained in the document Progettazione tecnologica e qualità ambientale and, also, in a report on the visit to a producer of semi-finished products made of polyester pultruded with glass fibre (see Un’azienda italiana per la pultrusion; un caso di lavorazione di materiale composito, drafted in May 1995), and in the article “Uffici direzionali ed esposizione - Cooperativa Architetti e Ingegneri di Reggio Emilia”, published in L’Architettura No. 5, May 1995.
She also worked on the acquisition of knowledge in using IT and telematic tools for spreading information in the building industry. She also investigated the process innovation from the management qualification of enterprises point of view, with reference to the new quality systems. The outcomes of this activity are partially contained in the second monographic report on the Italian situation, “I fattori di qualificazione - La situazione italiana”, drafted in January 1995, as part of the international study Dynamiques de la production du cadre bati en Europe - Roles et physionomies des petites entreprises artisanales, par rapport à des hypothèses courantes d’èvolution du secteur des constructions - France, Italy Ministère du Logement - Direction de l’Habitat et de la Construction (Paris), Faculty of Architecture - Institute of Architecture Technology e dell’Ambiente (Genoa).
Yet another field of her specific research work concerned innovative techniques and processes for environmental requalification and restoration on the Italian market and specifically targeting small businesses. In this field, Toni also investigated the paths leading to training at Building Schools using simulated procedures or teaching sites. One result of the research study is contained in the second monographic report on the Italian situation for the international study mentioned above.

Toni contributed to the so-called MURST “40%”research study “Mutazioni di scenario e innovazione in edilizia: processo, prodotto, progetto” (person in charge of the product for Italy: Professor G. Trippa of the Institute of Architecture - Faculty of Architecture – University of Ferrara). The title of the research project of the Institute of Architecture of Ferrara University was: Nuove filosofie di innovazione di prodotto e di processo e ricadute sulle potenzialità del comparto produttivo, anche in rapporto con l’impiego evoluto di strumenti informatici per la diffusione dell’informazione (person in charge of the operational unit: G. Trippa). The disciplines involved in the research were: M15 Building construction procedures and H19 Experiments in building with components and structures (1992-93, 1993-94).

In 1993 she carried on research activities in two fields of building production: technological systems and roof coverings (organisation of technical information about plumbing systems, air-conditioning systems, systems for the distribution of gas and wiring systems, paying special attention to the most recent design solutions for taps and fittings, equipment and terminals, current production with a special focus on installation techniques).

In 1994 and 1995 Toni joined a research team concerned with the creation of informational material to support the teaching activity – in technological subjects related to the Istituto di Architettura, University of Ferrara – under the coordination of Prof. G. Trippa.
In this framework, Toni was concerned with the processing of a research on semi-processed clay goods (bricks and masonry blocks, slab clay blocks, hollow flat blocks, tiles) and their applications.

Contribution to the MURST so-called “40%” research study. Technological research into the transformation of the built environment and into the training of personnel (person in charge of the research project for Italy: Professor S. Dierna – Department of Industrial Design and Building Production, Faculty of Architecture, “La Sapienza” University, Rome), The specific title of the research project of the operational unit of the Institute of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Ferrara University, was: Evoluzione delle tecnologie e ricadute di mercato nei processi di trasformazione dell’ambiente costruito (person in charge of the operational unit: Professor G. Trippa), disciplines involved in the research: H08B Building Technique and Production, H09A Architecture Technology, H09B Building Production Technology (1994-95).

Advisory services referred to control of the acoustic performance of the Gran Sasso National Laboratory. This work was originated by the need to create conditions of proper sound reception in large rooms temporarily used for seminars and conferences, with no ceiling-high intermediate partitions and having a troublesome noise reverberation.
Following the advice given by Toni, interior works to control the reverberation time and to reduce the background noise were created. The height of the panels was limited to that of the researchers in their working positions at their desks. The acoustic treatment, extending to a height only slightly greater than that of the heads of the people enabled the sound waves emitted with speech to be absorbed.
As indicated in the letter from the Deal of Ferrara University Pietro Dal Piaz, the work achieved the pre-established goal and was appreciated by the persons attending conferences and seminars (see Dean’s letter dated July 26, 1994).

Contribution to the so-called MURST “40%” research study: Problemi di meccanica dei materiali compositi e innovativi (person in charge of the project for Italy: Professor L. Ascione - Institute of Civil Engineering – Faculty of Engineering – University of Salerno), specific title of the research project of the operational unit of the Institute of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara University: Materiali compositi ed innovativi: proprietà meccaniche e problemi di modellazione (person in charge of the operational unit: Professor F. Laudiero), disciplines involved in the research: H07A Construction Science, H07B Construction Technique (1994-95, 1995-96).

From January 1994 to July 1995 Toni joined an international group working on the research study Dynamiques de la production du cadre bati en Europe - Roles et physìonomies des petites entreprises artisanales, par rapport à des hiypothèses courantes d’èvolution du secteur des constructions – Francia-Italia Ministère du Logement - Direction de l’Habitat et de la Construction (Paris), Faculty of Architecture - Institute of Architecture Technology and of the Environment (Genoa); work directed and co-ordinated by Professor G. Giallocosta.
In particular, Toni carried on research activities concerning the Italian situation. A first stage of work outlines the production situation characterising small businesses in the field of constructions and installation of systems in our country: data was obtained concerning categories of works, access to the field in question, forms of associations, enterprise size, qualitative data, legal form and so on. During the research, considerable attention was paid to the training issue, with special reference to the activities of Building Schools. One of the topics was professional refreshing and technical information.
This stage of the work was documented in the first monographic report: M. Toni, Gli scenari di riferimento - La situazione italiana, drafted in April 1994, and in the reports by G. Giallocosta 1- Gli scenari di riferimento, Genoa, May 1994 and Sintesi dei risultati, Genoa, June 1995.
A second stage of the research dealt with the factors for qualifying small enterprises, highlighting both the qualification aspects of the management type and those of the specialist and production type. The study investigated the introduction of quality systems, evolution of management, the use of IT tools and the role of initial training and refreshing. A section of the study analysed the role of associations as a possible form of evolution for small businesses. This part of the research is partially contained in the second monographic report, M. Toni, I fattori di qualificazione - La situazione italiana, drafted in January 1995, and in the reports by M. Toni and G. Giallocosta, 2 - I fattori di qualificazione, Genoa , February 1995 and by G. Giallocosta, Sintesi dei risultati, Genoa, June 1995.

From September 1995 to February 1996, she carried out research for ANCE (Associazione Nazionale dei Costruttori Edili) into the national and regional regulations concerning noise containment (DPCM dated 1st March 1991, Standards referred to protection of the health of workers at the workplace, Outline Law on noise pollution no. 447 of 26 October 1995, Trento Provincial Law 6 of 18 March 1991, Decision by the Trento Provincial Council 779 of 8 February 1993, Lombardy Regional Law 36067 of 24 July 1991, Lazio Regional Law 58 of 31 December 1992, Tuscany Regional Laws 48 of 5 August 1993 and 75 of 18 October 1993, Liguria Regional Law 31 of 4 July 1994) and into the provisions of law concerning the protection of workers at the workplace. Her interest in this field is due to the fact that with these provisions of law, aimed at protecting the environment and human health, noise became a factor of pollution also in regulations concerning as a whole the world of construction. Thus, building designers must necessarily tackle problems of passive acoustic protection of buildings (the subject matter of the research concerned criteria for designing, building and refurbishing buildings, testing, type-approval and certification procedures). This work completed and updated a study carried out for ANCE in 1988 and 1989 and ended in the second edition of the document L’isolamento acustico nell’edilizia - Guida alla progettazione del benessere acustico - 2° edizione interamente rivista e aggiornata con la legge n. 447 del 26 october 1995, Edilstampa, Rome, April 1996.

From September 1995 to April 1996 she worked on a research study covering several levels of design involving the designer in environmental issues, referred to both the natural and built-up environments. The study included several stages.
A first study area concerned the problem of Environmental Impact Assessment: in order to outline the role of the designer, the study started out from the basic requirements under European Directive 89/106, and then went on to examine Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985, then national regulations. During this research, several project that had undergone EIA’s - completing successfully the procedure called for by law - were investigated.
In the second stage of the work, Toni went in search of actual cases of design compatible with the natural, urban and social environment. Planning tools referred to natural and/or urban environments (ecoplans, beach plans, plans for bicycle lanes, examples of urban re-qualification) were studied.

In years 1995 to 1999 she carried on research into materials used in systems for insulating and soundproofing buildings. This work focused in particular on components useful for the project.
One section of the research had the aim of analyzing tools for construction of the project, such as geometrical and IT models. The results of this research were contained in the following publication: Toni M., Interventi, materiali e strumenti per l’isolamento acustico degli edifici, Maggioli, Rimini 1997.

On the issue of passive protection of buildings against noise, in 1997 she worked for the Italian Public Works Council in the framework of the research preparatory to drafting decrees for implementing the Outline Law on Noise Pollution. Her personal contribution was illustrated in the document Prima ipotesi di integrazione normativa.
This specific area of research was continued steadily over the years. In particular, in 1997-98 and in 1998-99 Toni worked on the so-called “ex 60%” research study Contributo alla elaborazione di una guida per la progettazione, l’esecuzione e la ristrutturazione delle costruzioni ai fini della tutela dall’inquinamento acustico, of which she was in charge. In this framework she carried out experiments on models, performing measurements on a 1:50 scale model of an open-air theatre.
Some of the results of her research into acoustics applied to the design of areas for theatrical activities were published in:
• issue 0 of March 1998 of Ingegneri Ferraresi, a periodical published by the Association of Engineers of the Province of Ferrara: Toni, M., “Il teatro Verdi: un ‘idea di flessibilità”.
• monographic issue no. 62, 1988 of Costruire in laterizio: Toni, M., “Il teatro”, “Aperto e chiuso in Massachusetts” (jointly with V. Guani), “Perché il teatro”, “Shakespeare rivive sulle sponde del Tamigi”.

Toni’s research into the design of buildings for theatrical use includes the supervision of many degree theses (see teaching activity).
Some projects that arose from that area of research were presented at the exhibition held at the MUSARC - Museo di Architettura in Ferrara (8-17 October 1999.
The following prize was awarded to a thesis on buildings for theatrical, supervised by Toni:
Premio Soroptimist Club di Ferrara for the best thesis of the Faculty of Architecture in 1999: Thesis by Simona Roccoli, Ipotesi progettuale per l’avviamento di un quarto polo per attività culturali ed artistiche legato al Teatro Galli, all’ex Convento degli Agostiniani e al Palazzo Arengo Podestà a Rimini.

In the years 1996-2001 Toni carried on research activities into the use of composite materials with a polymer matrix in buildings.
In addition to contributing to the MURST 40% research work co-coordinated by Professor L. Ascione of the Institute of Civil Engineering of Salerno University, in 1997 she also worked on the CNR’s co-ordinated project (co-ordinated by Professor D. Bruno) Materiali innovativi nell’ingegneria strutturale e loro sviluppo nelle costruzioni.
She took part in the Jec Composites Show held in 1998 at the Defense in Paris.
In September 1999 she visited the company Maunsell in Kent, GB, a leading company in the design and production of composite materials. She also visited some of the sites in England and Scotland where FRP had been used.

Toni carried on intense design research work with her students. Many of their degree theses were based on the results of this work, and some were supervised jointly with the Chair of Construction Technique, Professor F. Laudiero. In order to promote this research activity together with her students, Toni promoted the publication of two theses, forming the following books:
• Gianluca Minguzzi, Fiber Reinforced Plastics - Utilizzo dei materiali compositi a matrice polimerica in edilizia civile, Alinea, Florence 1998
• Emanuela Bartolucci, Progettare la piscina - Pianificazione, tipologia, tecnologie, normativa, Alinea, Florence 1999.

The research into composite materials is documented in reports drafted on the basis of contacts developed with manufacturers of semi-finished products made of pultruded composite material.
In 1999 she wrote the following reports: Aberfeldy: un ponte pedonale strallato; Bonds Mill: un ponte sollevabile; Avon: un edifìcio a due piani as well as, Aberfeldy Footbridge - Advanced Composite Office Building, Second Severn crossing, Avon - Bonds Mill Lift Bridge: un approccio modulare.
Yet another direct development was her entry in the competition organised by the Viareggio Town Council for a mobile bicycle and pedestrian overpass, for which Toni developed an idea of a technological mix suggesting the use of composites together with marble: resin and fibreglass for the overpass, which had to move and therefore needed to be light, and for the access ramps, which had to have a very minor visual impact in spite of their considerable length, and marble for the two towers acting as curtains, forming small squares at a height for the people to stop on while the overpass is being moved.

In the years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 she was in charge of the so-called “ex 60%” research study Il disegno di architettura - Uno studio interdisciplinare. Contributions to this research came from several disciplinary groups from the Department of Architecture of Ferrara (Architecture Technology, History of Architecture, Restoration), with the intention of investigating architectural projects at many levels of critical development, starting from the ideation stage tight up to implementation.
Some results of this research were used in the article by Toni “Gianfranco Gritella and Antes Bortolotti - Riproporre la Mole”, Costruire in laterizio n. 82, 2001 and also in “Un’interpretazione sulle possibilità del vetro strutturale” and in “Ipotesi sull’utilizzo dei materiali compositi”, and again in “Note al margine sulle tendenze attuali di innovazione tecnologico-produttiva nell’edilizia civile”, contained in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M.- C. Bassi, Alinea, Florence 2002.
A second area of research enabled the use of forms of graphic schematisation to enucleate hypotheses of environmental repair of damaged river shores and slops to be analysed, with reference to action involving nature engineering techniques.
This study focused on recently build works in areas that had been badly damaged by flooding.
This part of the research was contained in Toni M., (edited by) Interventi di environmental re-qualification in Alta Versilia in aree comprese all’interno del Parco Regionale delle Alpi Apuane, an analysis of projects implemented following the 1996 floods.

In the years 1999-2002, Toni continued to carry on research into the issues of design and environmental re-qualification, also with reference to damaged areas inside nature reserves (in particular, she worked with her students in the Migliarino- S.Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park, in the Po Delta Regional Park and in the Apuan Alps Regional Park). In this framework, an intense activity was conducted with the students aimed at identifying types of project compatible with the contexts involved.
The interest roused by the projects resulting from research into environmental issues was shown by the fact that the institutions concerned asked for groups of students about to graduate to attend the event Delta chiama Delta organised by the Po Delta Regional Park in Comacchio in the month of September in 1998 and again in 1999 and by the invitation to the SANA exhibition in Bologna in September 1999, with a presentation of the drawings accompanying the thesis Un’esperienza di progettazione ambientale nel Parco Regionale del Delta del Po, students: Benedetta Cacciari, Alessandra De Cecco and Antonietta Ricchiuti.
In this area numerous students for whom Toni acted as supervisor received awards for their theses:
- Third prize at SAIE 1998 Architettura, Tecnologia, Ambiente for a graduate thesis by Marco Di Ricco Il canale dei Molini di Lugo: percorso attraverso natura e architettura (equally placed with another entry), awarded on 15 October 1998 by the panel of judges and confirmed by Associazione Nuovo Ambiente;
- in the Competition of Ideas for the Bagnoli area, organised in 1998, a prize was awarded to the work containing the design ideas of part of the degree thesis by Chiara Bencivelli and Cristina Garavelli, Progetto di riqualificazione delle aree adiacenti al canale Corsini di Ravenna, concerning the rehabilitation of the former Sarom refinery area;
- in the Competition of ideas for designing fountains in local areas in the province of Ferrara, organised in 1999, a prize was awarded to the project included in Federica Sandri and Federica Tartari’s graduate thesis Riqualificazione ambientale di un isolato a Porotto in provincia di Ferrara.
Prizes were also awarded to students followed by Toni during the Environmental Design course in AY 1998-99:
- Abitare l’ambiente – a competition of ideas for redesigning the “Parco mare Nord” area and including it in the urban context, organised in 1988 by the Misano Adriatico Town Council under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment:
• the first prize was won by the project Camere verdi by the students C. Baldini and D. Tabanelli;
• the second prize was won by the project Parco: immaginare un nuovo verde by the students F.Deserti, P. Cappelletti, M. Odorizzi and G.Sorichetti;
• the third prize (equally placed) was won by the project Sotto il sole tra verde e mare by the students M. Carli, E. Contini and F. Andreetti.
61 projects were entered in the competition. The prizes were awarded in July 1999 by the panel of judges consisting of university professors, members of the technical staff of the Misano Adriatico Town Council, the secretary of ANAB (Associazione Nazionale di Architettura Bioecologica) and the chairperson of INBAR (Istituto Nazionale di Bioarchitettura).

For the year 2001-2002 Toni presented a new so-called “ex 60%” research study Conservazione, storia, reinterpretazione nel architectural project, with contributions by three disciplinary groups from the Department of Architecture of Ferrara University (Architecture Technology, Hisroty of Architecture and Restoration). During the course of the research work. Cases of environmental re-composition that paid special attention to enhancing landscapes with more or less high levels of criticality, also with reference to projects for redesigning the waterways and roads, cases of protection and preservation of habitats, of cultural landscapes, of anthropic values, of historical heritage and of material culture were analysed.
She developed an activity of research into historical areas of the city of Ferrara in which theatrical events could be held. Both outdoor areas and indoor areas were considered, promoting the development of design solutions in the context of degree theses for this she was the supervisor.
Her work completed the critical reflection on projects in relation to history, contained in the document by Toni M. and Bassi C., Il filo di Arianna – Idee su Ferrara, published by Alinea in 2002.

In 2002, following her research work on innovative technology in earlier years, Toni entered the competition organised by Tetraktis for the 15th Tercas Architecture Award, on the subject of the renovation of Palazzo Cardinale Cicada in Atri, for the purpose of creating a library, a reading room, a meeting room and teaching workshops, to be completed with residential facilities for students attending Teramo University, and redesign of the archaeological area with an open-air theatre (jointly with D. Capuani).

In the years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 she was in charge of the so-called “ex 60%” research study, Conservazione, storia, reinterpretazione nel progetto di architettura, to which several disciplinary groups of the Department of Architecture of Ferrara University contributed (Architecture Technology, History of Architecture and Restoration), tending to develop elements of critical reflection on the project, aimed particularly at a comparison with the cultural testimonies of different local areas.
Toni’s activity was conducted in two areas of research.
The first, concerning typologies of activity for natural areas using nature engineering techniques, continued to analyse typological schemes suitable for areas of significant natural interest, and in which the fact that the land was no longer being cultivated, further aggravated by the creation of road infrastructures not supported by consolidation works on slopes and proper regulation of water, had led to widespread damage and frequent flooding.
This part of the research was also developed in the document by Toni M., Costruire con il legno, le pietre, la terra.
The second area of work referred to the analysis of cases of environmental re-composition paying special attention to enhancing historical local-area structures with more or less high levels of criticality. It concerned specifically the investigation of methods for protecting and preserving the cultural and local-area structures connected with stone-quarrying activities.
Elements of this research were included in the document by Toni M., Ipotesi per un Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale.
The two fields of research reach a conclusion at project scale as an opportunity to experiment with and compare different functional models able to meet the need for quality scattered throughout the local area, in terms of critical awareness in the use of environment-friendly technical resources and/or materials.
These activities had strong repercussions on Toni’s teaching activity.

During the course of the second year of the research study Conservazione, storia, reinterpretazione nel progetto di archittettura (so-called “ex 60%”) 2003-2004, of which she was in charge, and in continity with the activities developed over the years of the research study Il disegno di architettura – Uno studio interdisciplinare, of which she was also in charge, she also investigated in depth the Mole Antonelliana building, with regard both to the technical solutions adopted and with regard to its architecture.
The results were illustrated in Toni’s essay, Tra innovazione e restauro.

In 2003 Toni contributed to the first stage of drafting of the Coastal Master Plan of the Po Delta Regional Park, working specifically in the framework of the Ferrara Operational Unit – Architecture Component (jointly with G. Iacono).
She applied herself to the identification of Action 6, for situating the Framework of existing regulations for the Province of Ferrara.
She also worked on drafting structured passages configuring Action 7, concerning the various different forms of Pressure on the local area, considered also from the point of view of the coastal planning set up.

In the years 2004 and 2005 she continued her research into sustainable technology capable of being used for consolidating natural sites and promoted active site experiences.
A first stage of this work took place in 2004 and a second one was implemented in 2005: They involved the students of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) engaging in the construction of small natural engineering works: a piled structure made of plant cuttings with wooden sides and steps and a small channel for collecting water, made of dry stone, earth and wood.
The operational procedures and the sequences of the various stages of progress of the work site are illustrated in the documents by M. Toni Imparare facendo- 1 and Imparare facendo - 2.

In AY 2004-2005, since the Department of Architecture decided to bring together all its forces in only two multi-disciplinary research groups (so-called “ex 60%”), Toni joined the group working on the topic Città e territorio: conoscenza, gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio monumentale, architettonico e paesaggistico. With the group that had existed for some years and that included members from three areas (Architecture Technology, History of Architecture, Restoration), she worked in particular on the sub-study Conoscenza dell’architettura costruita, metodologie e linee guida per la conservazione dell’architettura antica e moderna e di siti di rilevante valore ambientale.
Specifically, she worked on the construction of methodologies and for the assessment or drafting of proposals for activities for preserving and circulating knowledge of the historical and documentary values of a local area, taking into consideration above all aspects connected with the usability and enhancing of sites and finds to be implemented by means of an environmental project.
The results of this research contributed to develop the document Toni M., Progettare a Fossacava.

From 2002 to 2005 Toni carried on research activities concerning the use of stone materials in buildings, paying special attention to the evolution of European standards.
The subject matter of a first area of work was Community provisions concerning the certification of finished products made of natural stone: in particular, she studied UNI EN standards on slabs for coverings, slabs for flooring and stairs, modular marble floor tiles, slabs for outdoor paving, cubes for outdoor paving, kerbstones, components for discontinuous roof coverings, components for masonrywork.
A second area of research took the complex system of standards concerning material testing into consideration. Specifically, she analysed the UNI EN standards referred to the physical and mechanical characterisation of types of stone concerning the coefficient of water absorption, specific mass, porosity, compression strength and flexural strength, ultimate strength, modulus of elasticity, hardness, speed of propagation of sound and coefficient of heat expansion. Durability tests and technological tests to be carried out on finished products were also studied.
This interest was enriched by innovations introduced by the standards issued regularly at European level.
The results of this research area were illustrated in the following document: Toni M., La certificazione, una frontiera per il marmo.

In continuity with the work started in 1999 and continued in time, further work was carried out on the subject of the use of natural stone in architectural projects. Toni’s work as the supervisor of many degree theses also involved this area of research. In this framework, two awards were won by students for whom she acted as supervisor:
- Tesi per Carrara 2002 award assigned to Supremo Zaccherini’s thesis Postazione ad elevato contenuto tecnologico - Ipotesi progettuale per la sistemazione di un’area di cava dismessa ad alta quota nel Parco regionale delle Alpi Apuane;
- Tesi per Carrara 2004 award assigned to the theses by Francesca Nobili and Cristina Tartari, Interazioni sinuose – Progettazione di manufatti-tipo per la conservazione e la fruizione di un’area di cava dimessa di valenza storica ubicata nel Parco regionale delle Alpi Apuane.

Since 2002 she has been researching the standards issued at various levels (European, national and regional) on energy-related problems, starting with European Directive 2002 calling for the introduction of energy certification of buildings. In this study area, she developed a number of simulations concerning the energy performance of buildings designed for contexts featuring different environmental conditions.
Specifically, the calculation method proposed by CasaClima, province of Bolzano, and which at the current time is the only standard actually applied to many recently erected buildings, was used.
The purpose was to highlight the improvement in energy performance, in terms of reduction of the overall thermal load, that could be achieved by means of alternative solutions concerning the technology and morphology of the various different parts of a building; the Casa Clima algorithms were applied to sample buildings.
In 2005 some of the results were included in the research report Il caso di un edificio nel Parco del Delta del Po, drafted for the Ferrara Provincial Council.

On the same subject, Toni continued to investigate the relationship between technological innovation and architecture, paying special attention to the use of fibre-reinforced resins in buildings.
The new potential in terms of performance levels that can be developed by using FRP’s were studied; the research activity also took the various types of construction system made of composite materials into consideration. Considerations were developed on the possibility of using composite materials in order to determine a manner of building consistent with the contexts and sustainable in terms of the quantity of resources used (ecobalance).

The subject-matter of a second work area was the architectural language that can be developed with the use of FRP’s.
The research study enabled new material to be acquired concerning examples of creations in different countries. Bridges were the most widespread construction typology in current applications. Ventilated façade systems were also very innovative.
Parts of this study were included in the book FRP Architettura – Costruire con materia plastiche rinforzate con fibre, published in 2005 by Alinea.

In August 2005 Toni’s name was included in the List of Experts drafted by the CIVR (Comitato Indirizzo Valutazione Ricerca) for Panel 08, Civil engineering and architecture, and she contributed to the first exercise of national assessment of research in Italy.

In AY 2005-2006 she joined a group of researchers of the University of Ferrara, of the Milan Polytechnic School and of the Polytechnic University of the Marche Region, and took part in the Scientific Research Programme of Significant National Interest Diagnostica e salvaguardia di opere in calcestruzzo armato per le infrastrutture con degrado ambientale.
The Ferrara-based group (headed for the Department by Domenico Capuani), in which the disciplinary groups Construction Techniques and Architecture Technology took part, engaged in the Local Research Study Salvaguardia del costruito e affidabilità di tecniche di consolidamento in ambito sismico.
This study obtained level 1 and level 2 funding (Cofin).
The aim of this project was to devise innovative criteria for diagnosing and safeguarding works made of reinforced concrete. The performs of types of FRP reinforcements were also investigated.
The research was developed in synergy with the Emilia Romagna Department of ANAS (Ente Nazionale per le Strade).
In this framework, she updated and enlarged the English edition of the book FRP Architecture – Building by Fiber-Reinforced Plastics which she had published with Alinea in 2007.

In 2006 Toni carried out research for the CMR (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo) on the subject of the energy performance of newly designed buildings in view of the recent standards. Applying CasaClima, the level of effectiveness obtainable with different project solutions concerning both morphological and technological characteristics was investigated.
The results were contained in the research report Un edificio residenziale a Reggio Emilia: confronto con la norma CasaClima.

In AY 2006-2007 she joined a research group comprising several disciplinary areas of Ferrara University and took part in the programme of the University Fund for Scientific Research Vulnerabilità sismica di strutture esistenti ed efficacia di tecniche innovative di consolidamento (person in charge for the Department of Architecture: Domenico Capuani).
Significant aspects of the research were the development of methods for assessing the levels of safety of existing structures in relation to seismic events and the analysis of the factors conditioning the effectiveness of consolidation with fibre-reinforced composite materials.
Progress in studies on the application of FRP to constructions and on the relationship between technological innovation and developments in contemporary architecture were illustrated in Toni’s publication FRP Architecture – Building by Fiber-Reinforced Plastics, published by Alinea in 2007 in time for the Frankfurter Buchmesse.

In 2006, she carried out research on the Altoatesine architectures of different types, which use innovative solutions for energy saving and the use of renewable sources on the basis of CasaClima standards. In November she went on a study trip to Bolzano, Lagundo, Merano, Brunico, Laion, Nova Ponente, where she involved the students of the Laboratorio SF Progettazione Ambientale that she chaired.

In 2007, on the basis of the research activity conducted over the years on the use of stone materials in construction work, Toni found reasons to foster a Protocol of Understanding between the University of Ferrara and CNA (Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato) of Massa-Carrara.
The activities identified in the first project originating from the Protocol of Understanding between the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara University and the CNA called for exchanges between enterprises that were members of the Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa of Massa Carrara and students of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA), in the form of study days at artistic and industrial workshops were stone materials were processed.
This relationship made it possible to acquire direct knowledge of the use of techniques for the application of stone and marble in buildings, with particular reference to the characteristics, properties and performance of the materials, production typologies and semi-finished products and applications.
These exchanges with the production community enabled direct experience to be acquired of the technical skills existing in the Apuan area with regard to the processing and use of marble and other stone materials, also including the experimenting of innovative types of methods and techniques.

Toni continued the research work conducted in earlier years on the use of natural materials in buildings.
In 2007 Rinforzare sostenibile-Idee sull’utilizzo dell’ingegneria naturalistica attraverso esperienze in Alta Versilia e in Garfagnana was published by Alinea.
The spectrum was broadened, from completion works to actual construction components, according to the experiments conducted in the third active jobsite experience with the students in the Oasi di Porto-Bacino di Bando, nature reserve in the Province of Ferrara in AY 2006-2007 (see Toni, M., Un materiale e il suo ambiente, 2011).

In 2006, she carried out research on the Altoatesine architectures of different types, which use innovative solutions for energy saving and the use of renewable sources on the basis of CasaClima standards. In November she went on a study trip to Bolzano, Lagundo, Merano, Brunico, Laion, Nova Ponente, where she involved the students of the Laboratorio SF Progettazione Ambientale that she chaired.

In 2007 she carried on research activities for CMR (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo). The results led to an activity aimed at highlighting both the social and cultural reasons underlying the co-operative and the results achieved by it in the 100 years of its history.
Some of the results of this research were discussed at the following conferences:
- La qualità e il bello, riflessi sulla città e sul cittadino, held in Reggio Emilia on 12 October 2007 (speakers: Paola Gennaro, Raffaele Pisani, Franco Laner, Andrea Morgante and Alberto Manfredini);
- Il bello e la qualità, riflessi sulla città e sul cittadino.
Other parts of the research were developled as follows:
- presentation of the conference Conversazione su Città, Architettura, Felicità held in Reggio Emilia on 14 December 2007 (speakers: Aimaro Isola, Gianni Vattimo, Graziano Del Rio and Toni);
- Toni designed and created the stand 100 years of history of the CMR at the Reggio Emilia Fair, 6 to 14 October 2007. For the stand, she also developed and designed the graphics for 22 square metres of exhibition panels on the subject Costruire la città felice.

In 2008, consistently with the research issues that have always characterised Toni’s activity, she investigated the relationship between energy-related problems and projects. In this context, she worked on a first critical study of the design implications of application of CasaClima standards to the architecture of the Province of Bolzano.
She drafted the document CasaClima Architettura - Riflessioni sul rapporto tra architettura contemporanea ed aspetti del environmental control.

In 2008 she took part in PRIN-Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale 2008, Diagnostica e salvaguardia di opere in calcestruzzo armato per le infrastrutture con degrado ambientale, coordinated by D. Capuani, with another researcher, Engineer A. Aprile.
The project aims at devising innovative criteria for the diagnostics and safeguarding of reinforced concrete works for infrastructures. Developed in collaboration with the Ente Nazionale per le Strade (ANAS), Compartment of Emilia Romagna, which makes available for studying the viaducts and tunnels built along the Strada di grande comunicazione Orte-Ravenna (E45).

In 2008, she continued to carry out research on housing in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, and developed the third phase of work to study technological and typological solutions adopted in school buildings, social housing and tourist accommodations.
In December she organised a study trip to San Lorenzo di Sebato, Monguelfo, Stegona, S. Vigilio, Lana, Merano, Bolzano, where she involved the students of the Laboratorio SF di Progettazione Ambientale that she chaired.

In 2009 she participated in the 2009 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) , Vulnerabilità sismica di strutture esistenti ed efficacia di tecniche innovative di consolidamento, coordinated by D. Capuani, with another researcher A. Aprile.
Innovative aspects of research are the development of methods for assessing the safety levels in existing structures in relation to seismic events and the analysis of factors that condition the effectiveness of consolidation with composite fibre-reinforced materials.

In 2009, she worked as an Auditor of PRIN projects, Area 08 Civil Engineering and Architecture (Evaluation criteria and indicators of environmental factors in built; Energy efficiency; Systemic integration of renewable sources technologies; Performance based building design), July-September 2009.

At the end of 2009 she organised a number of initiatives having the object of sustainable use of the territory of outstanding natural interest of the Po Delta: in particular, in the Town hall of Goro, she prepared an exhibition entitled Goro Lavoro natura Gorino (November-December 2009) and two conferences (28 November 2009; 1 December 2009). On that occasion, some panels were presented to the public with graphics entitled A cosa serve l'architettura? by Toni.

In 2009, she developed the fourth phase of the research on the low-cost energy efficient solutions adopted in social housing in Alto Adige, in compliance with CasaClima standards.
In December she organised a study trip to Varna, Valle Aurina, Merano, Val D'Ultimo, Bressanone, Brunico, Bolzano, Bronzolo, in which she involved the students of the Laboratorio SF Progettazione Ambientale that she chaired.

In 2010 and 2011 she developed the Progetto Certificatore energetico in edilizia (Building energy certifier), approved by the Province of Ferrara (Servizio Politiche del Lavoro e Formazione Professionale), delegated by the Region of Emilia Romagna with deed no. 76645 dated September 17, 2010.
Private funding.
Leader of the initiative: University of Ferrara.
Chair: Toni.
The first innovative experience in this field within the University of Ferrara, this Project was intended to promote the qualification of its young graduates, thus enabling them to get – throughout their curriculum – credits to become building energy certifier, an important skill in the last years.
Through this project starting from AY 2006//2007, ninety graduates from the University of Ferrara
who attended the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (chair: Michela Toni; other lecturers: Domenico Capuani, Guido Iacono, Luigi Dal Cin, Michele Bottarelli) in their last AY; and
who graduated
could get 60 hour credits in compliance with the regulations of the Emilia Romagna Region - valid to get a Certificate of attendance with supervision of learning in order to become Certificatore energetico in edilizia (Building energy certifier) by sitting directly the exams (Project Work 1 and 2) required by law to in order assess the acquired skills
. without enrolling in any other course;
. without any further disbursement.

In 2010 the Project was approved. In 2011 three editions consisting of two 6-hour exams (Project Work 1, Energy Optimization of an Existing Building; and Project Work 2, Design of a New High Efficiency Building, in compliance with the energy efficiency standard) and an oral test were held – as follows:
Edition One on February 18 and 19, 2011;
Edition Two on April 15 and 18, 2011; and
Edition Three on July 7 and 8, 2011.

In 2011, in continuity with previous years, she developed the fifth phase of the research aiming at the study of the evolution of the built environment in Alto Adige as a product of a project culture which is respectful of the environment. In April she organised a study trip to Bolzano, Brunico, Carezza, Nova Ponente, Bronzolo, to analyse different types of buildings constructed with highly energy-efficient standards. The students of the Laboratorio SF di Progettazione Ambientale that she chaired took part in the trip.

Following the work of earlier years, she studied the application of natural materials in the building industry.
In 2011, the Società di Naturalisti Ferraresi, which has the purpose of promoting the study of territory-related issues, awarded a prize to Daria Guzzinati’s thesis, Un Po di Goro: natura e pesca come risorsa di un territorio in continua evoluzione (supervisor Michela Toni, co-supervisor Domenico Capuani), discussed in 2009.
This topic was dealt with by Toni in her book Un materiale e il suo ambiente – Utilizzo della canna palustre nelle costruzioni, which she published with Alinea in 2011.

She kept on investigating FRP innovative products, with special attention to coating technological solutions having a strong visual impact for use in high efficiency systems.
On the relation between architecture and public innovation, see Toni, M. Colorata e leggera – Architettura in materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre, Alinea, Firenze 2012.
Within the framework of the researches she had conducted in earlier years, Toni has developed the topic of transforming the existing buildings by not only focusing on performance enhancement but also opening a discussion on the significance of architecture.
This research is documented on a booklet - Toni, M., A Torino tra innovazione e restauro – Nuove icone per la Mole di Antonelli – published with Alinea, Florence, in 2012.

Toni went on investigating the issues related to environmental design. Innovative ideas on a possibile evolution of the standard on efficiency performance of buildings can be found in the following publication: Toni, M., Guardare più in là: dall'efficienza alla qualità della città, Alinea, Firenze 2012.

In 2012 she has kept researching on the Alto Adige architectures, developing the sixth phase of work on the consequences of the enforcement of the CasaClima standards in the Province territory.
In April, she went on a study trip to Bolzano, Bressanone, Valle Aurina, Vipiteno, where she involved the students of the Laboratorio SF di Progettazione Ambientale that she chaired.

In March 2, 2012 she attended the Giornata della Ricerca – Lo stato della ricerca nel Dipartimento di Architettura di Ferrara, with a paper entitled “Gruppo SI', Sostenibilità e innovazione – Materiali naturali nella progettazione e nella riqualificazione ambientale”, in Ferrara.
She documented her research activity on the relationship between resources and environmental quality.
The goal of this activity was to experiment with strategies for the use of natural materials which are locally available – plants, stones, wood, earth, organised also by means of working models with an innovative concept – for the environmental design and regeneration on different scales, with the lowest impact on environment and resource erosion.

She wrote Un ambiente di marmo, Foce di Pianza – Ipotesi per un laboratorio di progettazione ambientale, Goro lavoro natura Gorino – Salvaguardare l'ambiente, consolidare le opportunità di lavoro, published with All'Insegna del Giglio in 2012 .

In 2012 she was involved in the events around Mario Zaffagnini, a founder of the Faculty of Architecture, Ferrara University, held at the Faculty itself. She specifically wrote an article - M. Toni, La ricerca sostenibile – which was included in the monograph on Mario Zaffagnini, published by the Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Modena. In addition, she reported about this theme within the symposium Mario Zaffagnini – Una scuola di architettura fondata sulle necessità dell'uomo, held at the Faculty of Architecture, Ferrara, on March 13, 2012.
Still on this topic she published a book - Toni, M., Sole e non solo: l'architettura prende coscienza – Elementi della ricerca progettuale di Mario Zaffagnini, docente presso le Facoltà di Firenze e Ferrara – with Alinea, Florence, in 2012.

She collaborated to the 2011 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica), "La parte del committente nel progetto di Architettura: esperienze del passato e del presente" (Susanna Pasquali: coordinator; other members: Gianluca Frediani, Paola Gennaro, and Michela Toni).

In AY 2012/2013 – a Sabbatical Year – she was involved in a specific research o the relations between architecture and the cultural conditions of the South Tyrol territory. Following many conyacts, M. T. felt a need to investigate the elements which make South Tyrol a place of special architectural interest in comparison with other areas of Italy, hence she thought it was worth devoting this research a sabbatical year.
Based on the review of a great number of building projects, this research work enables to understand that high technologcal and environmental buildings are the pieces of a puzzle that highlights - as a whole - how complex is the tissue of a territory which conveys a strong diversity in comparison with the other Italian regions. Here Toni offered her own perspective about understanding South Tyrol’s excellence. The link between technical abilities and social development confirms that archicteture is not merely a technical fact, but definitely a cultural one – as shown by the integrated work of administrators, public and private contractors, designers, building companies, and operators in the building industry.
The new approach of this research deals with the core issue of the alleged neutrality of technology as to the territory where it is exploited, or its speculative indifference – whilst the complete opposie comes out to be true. In addition, it helps highlighting a very close relationship between innovation and architecture, and also the architecture’s role within the society.
This research was partially incorporated into Toni‘s book: Toni, M. (2013), Sudtirolo Architettura – Le differenze di un territorio attraverso costruzioni realizzate nel rispetto della normativa CasaClima / Südtirol Architektur – Die Eigenheiten eines Gebietes am Beispiel von Gebäuden mit KlimaHaus Standard, Edicom, Monfalcone, ISBN 978-88-96386-34-7, pages 336
The text of the book, in both Italian and German languages, aims at making this work known outside Italy too, in order to pave the way for debate.
Part of this research was transferred in the essay “Il territorio culturale di un'eccellenza tecnologica – Una ricerca sul campo in Sudtirolo / The Cultural Territory of a Technological Excellence - A Field Research in South Tyrol”, published by TECHNE (08 2014).

In 2013 she had a part in the 2012 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) research, Architectural Landscapes. The research team included: G. Frediani (team leader, ICAR/14) M. Mulazzani (ICAR/18), and M. Toni (ICAR/12).

In 2014, still specifically researching on the use of natural materials in the building sector, Toni has been concerned with the study of the application chances of cellulose as a sound and heat insulating material. In this occasion, she investigated further on new buildings and upgraded buildings within the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
Some outcomes of Toni’s research are documented in the essay “Isolare con la carta – Alte prestazioni dalla natura”, contained in the collective volume Paper Design (AltrAlinea, 2014).
Through her report “Building with Local, Natural Materials”, section Environment and Infrastructure, Toni presented the outcomes of this research work on natural materials at the International Symposium Routes towards sustainability, Routing Sustainable Development towards a culture of Wellbeing, held at the University of Ferrara, Ferrara, on October 1, 2014.

In April 13 to 15, 2014 she led a study trip to Turin.
The goal was to make in-field experiences about a number of recent metal structure works, which are changing the image of the town of Turin, while keeping into account sustainability needs. In such projects, the architectural and engineering solutions are highly integrated – both helping to finalize the construction phase.
The students of the three coordinated labs of Costruzioni dell'Architettura 2 took part to this study trip – as specially interested for the purposes of the work developed during the academic course.

In line with the topic of the 2011 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) research on the contractors’ role in an architectural project, some parts of the research Toni carried out during her sabbatical leave conveyed into a study devoted to IPES’ building activity. In particular, she gave her own perspective about the quality work developed by IPES – which she investigated as a champion in managing the social housing sector.
This research was partially documented in a report Toni submitted (jointly with M. De Fonzo from IPES) to the 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing Susuainable Housing Construction, Funchal (December 16 to 19, 2014), “Tools for Enhanced Sustainability Plans in Urban Areas” – for the New business models and innovative tools for future housing develop (R. Di Giulio) section.

In 2014 she joined Società Italiana di Tecnologia SidTa in order to share her own experience from the research on sustainability.
She joined the IDAUP – International Doctorate on Architecture and Urban Planning - board.

In line with the 2013 FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) research, Storia, progetto, costruzione e riqualificazione dell’architettura e dell'ambiente urbano. Research team consisting of M. Mulazzani (ICAR 18, team leader), G. Frediani (ICAR14), V. Mallardo (ICAR/08), and M. Toni (ICAR 12), she went on investigating on environmental project and compatibility, with special attention to the relationship between technological, construction and architectural options within the South Tyrol excellence.
This research was partially transferred into the Teknoring portal, Wolkers Kluvers Italia, through Toni’s contribution “Casaclima Awards 2014, Casa Salute: progetto, materiali, tecnologie” (October 20, 2014).


In October 1980 she attended the conference on the topic Coperture per gli anni 80 held during the SAIE in Bologna by the Consorzio Produttori Tegole in Cemento (Bologna, 15.10.1980), presenting a paper on the topic ”Tetti e risparmi energetici: il ruolo della copertura nelle sue diverse tipologie di funzionamento”.

In February 1988 she attended the meeting Il laterizio e la costruzione della qualità promoted by the Boards of Engineers of the provinces of Padua and Venice, with the Engineers’ Associations of Padua, Treviso and Venice, the University Institute of Architecture of Venice, ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI, as well as the Architects’ Association, the Board of Surveyors, the Boards of Building Companies and the Industrial Associations of Padua, Treviso and Venice (Marghera, 27.2.1988).
She presented a paper with the title “La qualità ambientale”, published in the book Zaffagnini, M. (edited by), Rosso Mattone (Luigi Parma, Bologna 1987).

In May 1988 she attended the meeting Il laterizio e la costruzione della qualità promoted by the Association of Engineers and Architects of the Province of Ravenna, with the Regional Board of Engineers and Architects of Emilia Romagna, ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI, with the Architects’, Engineers’ and Surveyors’ Associations of the province of Raenna and Forlì, the Industrialists’ Association of Rimini and the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna on (Ravenna, 13.5.1988).
She presented a paper with the title “La qualità ambientale’”, published in the book Zaffagnini, M. (edited by), Rosso Mattone (Luigi Parma, Bologna 1987).

In November 1988 she attended the meeting Il laterizio e la costruzione della qualità promoted by the Associazione Nazionale Ingegneri ed Architetti Italiani - Sodalizio di Napoli e Campania, CIE (Centro Italiano dell’Edilizia), with ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI, and with the Associations of Architects and Engineers and the Board of Surveyors of the Province of Naples and the Associazione Costruttori Edili of Naples, the Industrialist’s Union of Naples, the Department of Configuration and Implementation of Architecture and the Department of Materials Engineering and Production of Naples University, (Naples, 14.11.1988).
She presented a paper on the topic “La qualità ambientale”, published in the book Zaffagnini, M. (edited by), Rosso Mattone (Luigi Parma, Bologna 1987).

In February 1989 she attended the meeting Il laterizio e la costruzione della qualità promoted by the Regional Committee of the Surveyors’ Boards of the Marche Region jointly with ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI, with the Architects’ and Engineers’ Associations of Ancona, the Industrialists’ Association of Ancona, the Associazione Costruttori Edili of the Province of Ancona and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Ancona (Ancona, 15.2.1989).
She presented a paper on the topic “La qualità ambientale”, published in the book Zaffagnini, M. (edited by), Rosso mattone.

In January and February 1994 she organised and presented two meetings and seminars on the research activities connected with the experiments according to Article 4 of Act of Law no. L. 94/82 with the title Normativa e progresso tecnico - Programmi sperimetali; attended by A. Stanganelli of CER, P. M. Alemagna, chairman of INU for the Emilia Romagna Region, G. Manchia, co-ordinator of CONIT - Casa Interventi Sperimentali, P. Maroni and A. Castelletto, who contributed to the Architecture Technology 1 course held by Professor A. Acocella in AY 1993-94 (Ferrara, 27.1.1994 e 3.2.1994).

In December 1995 she organised and presented a meeting with the title Un caso di studio relativo all’applicazione della tecnologia del legno lamellare: la chiesa di Cesenatico dello studio A.I.R. di Rimini; attended by C. Cabassi and T. Piccioni of Studio A.I.R., who contributed to the course on Materials and Design of Construction Components held by Professor A. Acocella in the AY 1995-96 (Ferrara, 19.12.1995).

In March 1996 she attended the Meeting organised by CNA (Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e delle Piccole Imprese) with the title Caratteristiche e ruoli delle imprese artigiane in relazione all’evoluzione del settore delle costruzioni. Un raffronto tra Italia e Francia. This initiative had the purpose of investigating in depth the main results of the international research study Roles et physionomies des petites entreprises artisanales, par rapport a des hypothèses courantes d’évolution du secteur des constructions: France – Italie. Person in charge: G. Giallocosta, Faculty of Architecture, University of Genoa (SAIE 2 - Bologna, 23.3.1996).
Toni presented a paper with the title L’associazionismo è una formula per l’evoluzione dell’impresa artigiana?, in Giallocosta, G. Imprese, mercato & innovazione, Alinea, 1996.

In February 1996 Toni read a paper at the 14th Meeting of the Associazione Italiana di Acustica co-ordinated by P. Simonetti (Trento, 12-13-14 June 1996).
The title of her paper was Contributo alla lettura della “legge quadro” sull’inquinamento acustico, in Pedretti, A., Simonetti, P. (edited by), XXIV Convegno Nazionale (Trento, 12-14 giugno 1996) Atti dell'Associazione Italiana di Acustica, provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento 1996.

She took part in the round table conference organised by the Town Council of Formignana (province of Ferrara) on 30 April 1999 on the occasion of the prize-giving to the winners of the Competition of ideas for designing Piazza dell’Unità, part of Via Roma and the Cortilone area.

She attended the meeting organised by Soroptimist on 19 May 1999 in Ferrara on the occasion of the prize-giving ceremony of the Soroptimist Club of Ferrara award for the best thesis at the Faculty of Architecture in 1999 – of which Toni was the supervisor.

She attended the round table conference organised by the Town Council of Misano Adriatico on 9 July 1999 on the occasion of Ecopolis for awarding the prizes top the winners of the competition Abitare l’Ambiente – Competition of ideas for the “Parco mare Nord”area and its inclusion in the environment.

She took part in the 27th National Meeting of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Acustica) held in Genoa on giorni 26-28 July 1999.

She attended the round table conference organiksed by MUSARC – Museo di Architettura on the topic of Nuovi spazi teatrali per Ferrara (Ferrara, 14.10.1999).

In November 2002 she organised and presented a conference on Fruibilità ed accessibilità di ambiti naturalistici protetti: il caso della Grotta del Vento, attended by the speleologist Vittorio Verole Bozzello, chairman of the Associazione grotte a fruizione turistica, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2002-2003 (Ferrara, 20.11.2002).

In December 2002 she organised and presented a conference called Elementi per la conoscenza dei materiale lapidei, attended by the geologists Simone Salvetti and Marco Mazzoni of Laboratorio Erica, specialised in ageing tests on stone and marble, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2002-2003 (Ferrara, 18.12.2002).

In April 2003 she organised and presented a conference called Accessibilità nei parchi: sperimentazioni per superare l’handicap, attended by Sergio Paglialunga, head of the Migliarino - S. Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2002-2003 (Ferrara, 9.4.2003).

In May 2003 she organised and presented a conference on Progettazione di moduli ambientali: costruire con il legno e con le canne, attended by the architect Cherubino Gambardella, professor of Architectural Composition at the Ascoli Piceno Faculty of Architecture of Camerino University, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2002-2003 (Ferrara, 7.5.2003).

In November 2003 she organised and presented a conference on La fitodepurazione come strategia di environmental re-qualification, attended by Luigi Dal Cin, expert designer of phytopurification systems, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2003-2004 (Ferrara, 26.11.2003).

In April 2004 she organised and presented a conference called Metodi di verifica delle prestazioni dei materiale lapidei, attended by the geologists Simone Salvetti and Marco Mazzoni of Laboratorio Erica, specialised in ageing tests on stone and marble, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2003-2004 (Ferrara, 7.4.2004).

In May 2004 she organised and presented a conference called Linee di ricerca progettuale sulla compatibilità ambientale: luce, aria, colore, to which the architect Cherubino Gambardella, professor of architectural composition at the Ascoli Piceno Faculty of Architecture of Camerino University contributed in the framework of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2003-2004 (Ferrara, 26.5.2004).

In December 2004 she organised and presented a conference called La progettazione di impianti di fitodepurazione, to which Luigi Dal Cin, employed by the Ferrara Provincial Council contributed in the framework of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2004-2005 (Ferrara, 15.12.2004).

She attended the 2005 Conference of the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara, presenting the report “Obiettivo 1” during the 2nd session onm the subject La formazione curriculare e i profili professionali.

In April 2005 she organised and presented a conference on Servizi, infrastrutture e turismo, attended by the architect Carlo Cabassi, designer for the firm A.I.R. of Rimini, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2004-2005 (Ferrara, 13.4.2005).

In May 2005 she organised and presented a conference called Verso l’oasi del lago di cava a Settepolesine: progetto per un museo paleontologico, attended by Professor Benedetto Sala, the architect Carlo Bassi and the engineer Franco Mantero, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2004-2005 (Ferrara, 18.5.2005).

In April 2007 she organised and presented a conference on La scelta di utilizzare materiali naturali nelle costruzioni apre uno spazio per la ricerca architettonica?, attended by the architect Carlo Bassi, designer and scholar, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2006-2007 (Ferrara, 4.4.2007).

In April 2006 she organised and presented a conference called Il sistema dell’accoglienza nel Parco del Delta del Po: il caso del centro storico di Comacchio, attended by the architect Lucilla Previati, head of the Po Delta Park, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2005-2006 (Ferrara, 5.4.2006).

In May 2006 she organised and presented a conference called Tecniche e modelli per la progettazione, la realizzazione e la gestione di aree umide, attended by Luigi Dal Cin of the technical staff of Ferrara Provincial Council, whjo contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2005-2006 (Ferrara, 3.5.2006).

In April 2007 she organised and presented a conference on Spigolature sulla progettazione ambientale, attended by the architect Andrea Dal Fiume of the technical staff of Imola Town Council, who contributed to the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) in AY 2006-2007 (Ferrara, 18.4.2007).

In September 2007 she attended the meeting Costruzioni in materiale composito, All-FRP Constructions promoted by the Construction Science Workshop of the University Instiotute of Architecture of Venice (Venice, 18.9.2007), presenting a paper on the topic “Architettura con materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre-Realtà e sperimentazione”.

In 2007 she organised two meetings for the CMR (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo) on the occasion of their 100 years of activity:
- Il bello e la qualità, riflessi sulla città e sul cittadino; La qualità e il bello, riflessi sulla città e sul cittadino, held in Reggio Emilia on 12 october 2007 at the Fiera Casa & Tavola exhibition, attended by Franco Laner, Paola Gennaro, Raffaele Pisani, Alberto Manfredini, Andrea Morgante.

In December 2007 she attended the meeting promoted by CMR Conversazione su Città, Architettura, Felicità held in Reggio Emilia, 14 December 2007, with Aimaro Isola, Gianni Vattimo and Graziano Del Rio.
She introduced the meeting with a paper with the title “Bellezza qualità Qualità bellezza.- Il ruolo del progetto” in Toni, M. (edited by) Sul bello e la qualità, Alinea, Firenze 2008.

In April 2008, organisation and presentation of a conference entitled Tipizzazione modulare e progetto ambientale alle diverse scale, with the participation of architect Carlo Cabassi from the firm A.I.R. of Rimini, who lectured within the LSF Progettazione Ambientale in the AY 2008-2009 (Ferrara, 28 April 2009).

In May 2009, she planned and presented the conference Progettazione ambientale nella realtà di un Comune dell'Emilia Romagna, with the attendance of architect Andrea dal Fiume, responsible for Public Works of the Municipality of Imola, who had lectured within the LSF Progettazione Ambientale in AY 2008-2009 (Ferrara, 4 May 2009).

In June 2009, she attended the ISTeA’s Conference Ricerche ISTeA verso un'edilizia “ragionevole” (Procchio, 18-20 June 2009).
She wrote a paper “Semplice e complesso: primi elementi di conoscenza per un'ipotesi di utilizzo strutturale della canna palustre”, published in Capone, P. (edited by), Ricerche ISTeA verso un'edilizia “ragionevole”, Proceedings of the yearly conference ISTeA, (Procchio 18-20 June 2009), Medicea, Florence 2010.

In November 2009, at the Town hall of Goro, she planned the exhibition Lavoro Goro – Natura Gorino (Goro, November-December 2009). She presented her panels with drawings on the subject “A cosa serve l'architettura?”. The projects for the Gorino Oasis, developed in the LSF Progettazione Ambientale in AY 2007/2008, were presented with graphics and texts by Toni.

At the Town hall of Goro, she organised and attended a round table titling Salvaguardare l'ambiente, consolidare le opportunità di lavoro: riflessioni su contributi possibili dell'architettura contemporanea all'esigenza della sosteniblità nell'Oasi di Gorino (with the participation of D. Bellotti, S. Bencivelli, L. Previati, V. Soncini, M. Toni), Goro, 28 November 2009.

At the Town hall of Goro, she organised and attended the Seminar-meeting with the students of the schools of Goro on the subject Ideas for Gorino Oasis (L. Dal Cin, M. Toni attended) (Goro, 1 December 2009).

In March 2010 organisation and presentation of a conference entitled Intervenire sull'architettura per migliorare l'efficenza energetica, with the participation of architect Alberto Manfredini, lecturer of Architectural Composition at the University of Florence, who lectured within the LSF Progettazione Ambientale in AY 2008-2009 (Ferrara,15 March 2010).

In June 2010 she attended the Conference ISTeA, entitled Ricerche ISTeA per l'ingegneria dell'architettura (Procchio, 17-19 June 2010).
She wrote a paper “Certificazione energetica: un nuovo impatto o uno stimolo per la qualità urbana?”, published in Capone, P. (edited by), Ricerche ISTeA per l'ingegneria dell'architettura, Proceedings of the yearly conference ISTeA, (Procchio 17-19 June 2010), Medicea, Florence 2010.

In 2012 Toni, participated in the Giornata della Ricerca – Lo stato della ricerca nel Dipartimento di Architettura di Ferrara. She gave a speech entitled “Gruppo SI' Sostenibilità e innovazione – Materiali naturali nella progettazione e nella riqualificazione ambientale” (Ferrara, 2 March 2012).

She also spoke at a Conference on Mario Zaffagnini – Una scuola di architettura fondata sulle necessità dell'uomo, held by the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara (Ferrara, March 13, 2012).
In the section “Mario Zaffagnini “skills valuer”: an example of how a ‘search engine’ of the analogical era works. The students, researchers and lecturers of the "first generation”, M. T. gave a speech entitled “Sustainable research”, partially published in a monograph on Mario Zaffagnini in 2012 by the Roll of Engineers of the Province of Modena.
Part of the contents is also included in Toni, M., Sole e non solo: l'architettura prende coscienza – Elementi della ricerca progettuale di Mario Zaffagnini, lecturer at the Faculties of Florence and Ferrara, Alinea, Florence 2012.

She attended the International Symposium Routes towards sustainability, Routing Sustainable Development towards a culture of Wellbeing, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, October 1, 2014 – reporting on “Building with Local, Natural Materials”, for the Environment and Infrastructure section.

In cooperation with M. De Fonzo from Istituto per l'Edilizia Sociale della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano (IPES), she spoke on “Tools for Enhanced Sustainability Plans in Urban Areas” – this report being submitted at the 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing, Susuainable Housing Construction, Funchal, December 16 to 19, 2014 as well.
This report is included in the New business models and innovative tools for future housing development section (R. Di Giulio).


After graduating on April 3, 1979 at the Faculty of Architectur, University of Florence, she took part as a subject expert in the research and teaching activity for the courses in Architecture Technology 2, held by Professors A. Andreucci, C. C. Buccolieri, R. Del Nord, G. Trippa, and M. Zaffagnini. In AY she taught at the Progettazione Ambientale course, held by Professor M. Zaffagnini, sharing a common goal to provide their students with critical and operational tools for enabling them to lead and control the building production. With this in mind, Toni took care of the students’ practical exercises and was a member of the examination boards, taking an interest above all in energy and environmental problems connected with building design in the framework of the building process.
The work with her students drew inspiration from the original experience of design research developed while preparing her degree thesis which was, for the chair of Architecture Technology, Faculty of Architecture of Florence University, the first contribution in the form of a thesis on issues that had to be tackled with reference to the application of alternative energy sources. This experience enabled Toni to have her students carry out a series of research studies and exercises on the issues of energy saving, also using as tools specific regulatory provisions introduced for the first time as a subject taught during the Architecture Technology 2 courses (Act no. 373 of April 30, 1976 and other provisions intended to reduce energy consumption).
Toni played an active role in the training of several final year students.

In 1981, together with the researchers of the “Processes and Methods for Industrialised Building” Functional Unit of the Institute of Architectural Research, Faculty of Architecture of Florence University, Toni collected and organised critically the technical documentation used for the research and design work of the students, including it in the collective publication Progettare nel processo edilizio - La realtà come scenario per l’edilizia residenziale (Luigi Parma, Bologna 1981, edited by M. Zaffagnini).
Specific contributions included: Toni, M., “Classe di elementi tecnici: infissi esterni orizzontali” and Toni, M., “Classe di elementi tecnici; infissi esterni verticali”.

Toni was included in the Florence CNR Research Group on “Building Production”, in the framework of which she contributed to the Tuscany Regional Council’s Experimental Programme on reduction of energy consumption in the field of public residential building”.

Toni joined a research group investigating the use of conventional technologies within EDINRICERCHE, Bologna. In time, this research activity gave rise to a series of collective publications edited by ANDIL-ASSOLATERIZI: Il tavellone - Impieghi e prospettive di sviluppo di un semilavorato per l’edilizia (Laterconsult, Rome 1981); Il laterizio tra passato e futuro (Laterconsult, Rome 1981); Il laterizio e la qualità dell’abitare (Laterconsult, Rome 1982); and Rosso mattone (Luigi Parma, Bologna 1987).

Toni’s booklets Tetti ed energia and Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture (Vecom, Verona 1980-81) provided basic texts for her teaching activities for the Architecture Technology 2 courses also in subsequent AYs. In 1988 such contents – together with other papers written by Toni - were partly taken up and proposed as study material for the students of the Technological stream and published by the Department of Building Production Processes and Methods of the Faculty of Architecture, Florence University in AY 1987-88, under the title Primi strumenti per il controllo del benessere ambientale (Alinea, Florence 1988).

She was also a member of the editorial staff of the Bollettino di Dipartimento of the Department of Building Production Processes and Methods at the Faculty of Architecture of Florence University and helped to prepare the Guida alla scelta dell’Indirizzo e alla definizione del Piano di Studio per la Laurea in Architettura.

In May 1990 she was on the teaching staff of the course for Project Managers sponsored by ENFAP (Ente Nazionale Formazione e Addestramento Professionale - Comitato Provinciale di Forlì) under the auspices of the European Community.

Starting on 1st May 1993, when Toni started to work as a researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara, until 1996 (when she was placed in charge of the Environmental Design course), she took on a heavy teaching schedule, following in every semester the courses pertaining to the Technological Area of the first, second and fifth years of the study course, held by different professors (G. Trippa and A. Acocella), each with a different programme.
Her activity included contributions to the teaching activities and seminars of the courses in Construction Material Technology, Architecture Technology 1, Architecture Construction Workshop, Materials and Design of Construction Components and Environmental Design and her participation to the inter-disciplinary co-ordination activities on dissertations.

From AY 1995-1996 to AY 1998.99 Toni was in charge of the Progettazione Ambientale optional course for the 5th year curriculum (120 hours).
The environmental issues were tackled from the point of view of their operational impact on design at different levels, with an aim at transmitting the students the tools for checking their own work (criteria for assessing, measuring and designing, etc.), so as to check whether the choices concerning the typological setup and that relating to the materials and construction techniques were consistent with the requirements of people who shall use the artificial areas to be created, observing the characteristics of specific environmental contexts.
Based on the values pertaining to the various technological options, Toni’s teaching experience was aiming at acquiring a critical capacity through proposals to integrate different levels of environmental control, with the key goal of addressing the students to a common, consistent vision of the project, considered as a blend of construction techniques and architectural morphology options.
The parameters used for assessing different design options are classes of requirements pertaining to environmental wellbeing, with the intention of enabling the students to develop critical awareness of the relationship of cause and effect on the overall quality of a result.
In parallel with the theoretical teaching sessions, design practice sessions focused on the application of the issues dealt with were carried out. In the first three AYs, within the Regional Park of Migliarino-S. Rossore-Massaciuccoli; in AYs 1998-1999, by taking part to the Concorso di idee per la sistemazione dell’area Parco mare Nord e il suo inserimento nel contesto urbano held by the municipality of Misano Adriatico. Three student groups came first, second and equal third, respectively.
A number of practice sessions got developed in thesis works (see “Inter-disciplinary co-ordination activities on dissertations”).
Part of the design research work developed jointly with the students is documented in Toni’s publications.

In 2001 M:T. also taught in the Masters’ Course for Architects experienced in environmental design and rehabilitation, held by the Provincial Building School of Ravenna, care of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara.

In AY 1999-2000 Toni was in charge of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale (LSFPA) (180 hours).
After the first year, Toni was entrusted with the LSFPA for 12 years in a row.
Besides being in charge of the key Environmental Design topic (120 hours), M. T. coordinated two integrated modules, i.e.,
- Structure Design (Progetto di Strutture) (30 hours) (entrusted to Professor Domenico Capuani, teacher of Tecnica delle costruzioni at the University of Ferrara throughout such 12 years); and
- Territory Engineering (Ingegneria del territorio) (30 hours) (entrusted to dr. Guido Iacono, responsibile for the Protected Areas in the province of Pisa, from AY 1999-2000 until AY 2008-2009, except for AY 2007-2008, when he was replaced by Ing. Luigi Dal Cin, Province of Ferrara); starting from AY 2009-2010, the second module of Ingegneria del Territorio was replaced with Energetics (Energetica), in order to enable the students to experiment with the application of the new energy efficiemcy standards concerning urban buildings (as better explained below).
M. T. coordinated the LSFPA by fully integrating the issues of the topic she was in charge (Progettazione ambientale), and the themes developed during the two modules. Such an integration got fulfilled in subsequent phases design working-out within the areas of technology, typological design, structural design, and environmental engineering.

The teaching goal was to enable the students to concretely experiment an interpretation of the environmental design that, starting from quality issues associated with a building level (concerning the typological order and technological choices), ranges within multiple levels in order to meet environmental, functional, social, and financial requirements against needs that get transformed with the time going- as a logic development of a performance approach to the architectural and urban design.
Here, the theoretical sessions designed to obtain basic skills about the Environmental Design topics, are linked to a design experimentation work developed in a great natural value area where – in addition to the requirements to safeguard the environment, there are needs to develop territorial economic activitites. The design experience sector is linked to the local needs that need to be supported by ideas and projects to enhance and safeguard the environment by developing activities compatible with the local framework.

In addition to the theoretical teaching, Toni plans off-site study days at entities, cultural institutions, companies, and building operators to share environmental issues.
Such multiple study days are made possible as the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale program develops during two semesters (all other Department topics lasting a semester only).
This work pursues an original interpretation of the Workshop, intended as a place intended for growing design considerations resulting into thesis works.

Specifically, from AY 2001-2002 to AY 2011-2012 M. Toni has been continuously in charge of the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale. Consistentluy with the workshop’s philosophy, different issues related to the environmental design area have been were dealt with each year, by experimenting on places specially suitable to show the intricacies of a critical approach.

Design practice work:
In AYs 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, and 2004-2005 the design work revolved around the Apuan Alps Regional Park, an area of great natural value, where the stone and marble quarrying activity is a key resource which nevertheless has a significant impact on the environment.
The practice was focused on several issues related to a possible design in quarrying sites, as documented in M. T.’s publications.
All the designed works are based on criteria of compatibility with the site environmental features; the protection and the preservation of the natural and historical heritage blend with the goal of protecting and preserving the habitats, the cultural landscape and the anthropic values associated with the quarrying activity.

In AYs 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 the design work revolved around the Po Delta Regional Park, with special attention to the to-be-protected wet area of Goro and Gorino, where fishing and shellfish farming activities are carried out extensively. Such activities are vital to the local economy but also have a complex interaction with several, interesting issues concerning the natural quality of the site.
During the practice work, possible design methods and sustainabile options are experimented by using natural, light techniques which do not impact on the environment.

In AYs 2009-2010, 2010-11, and 2012-2012 the design work revolved around the town of Ferrara, in areas concerned with significant urban and building transformations - mainly involving the creation of residential ares and the disuse of railway facilities.
The work focused on assumptions for a high sustainability environmental and technological system in public residential building. Case studies were the neighbourhoods of Barco (Ferrara) and Foro Boario – being the scope of a public initiative detailed plan.

Active job sites:
Within the Workshop activity, in AYs 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2006-2007 M. Toni was leading experiments at active job sites focusing on natural engineering techniques – a specialized topic through which the enviromental design sector can be enhanced also in term of new job opportunities to new graduates. These experiments are documented in Toni’s publications.

In AY 2004-2005 the first experiment was carried out in the Apuan mountains, within the municipality of Carrara: a piled structure was made with plant cuttings to reduce a small slide and a piece of trail was compacted in order to restore practicability by using stones, wood, earth and plants.

In AY 2005-2006 a second experiment was conducted within the Regional Park of the Apuan Alps, in the Campo Cecina area, municipality of Carrara. In this case, artefacts were made to restore a water collecting channel by using stones and wood.

In AY 2006-2007 a third experiment was conducted within the Oasis of Anse Vallive, Bando, within the province of Ferrara: an artefact for animal watching was built by using wood, earth and plants on the banks of a water basin, in a wet area.

Study trips to the Province of Bolzano:
Within the Workshop’s activity, in AYs AA 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, and 2011/2012 Toni was planning and leading a number of study trips to South Tyrol in order to enable her students to directly experience design methods focusing on energy issues.
During such trips, meetings with designers were held and visits to buildings built to the CasaClima standard were planned.
Before each trip, students were to investigate the energy efficiency calculation methods used to qualify for the energy efficiency certification, thus being prepared to appreciate the applications of the building energy efficiency rules in field.


Resulting from the activity of the Workshop, starting from AY 1999-2000 – by 2001 all the students attending the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale graduated (28 graduants, supervisor M. Toni) with a dissertation titling Ipotesi progettuale per la sistemazione di un’area di cava dismessa ad alta quota nel Parco Regionale delle Alpi Apuane – also in the following years numerous students developed the work carried out at the workshop, as documented below.

In AY 20012/2013, following the coming into force of the Gelmini Reform all the Laboratori di Sintesi Finale (including the LSF di Progettazione Ambientale, led by Toni throughout 12 years) were closed.
Toni applied for, and was granted, a sabbatical leave during which she developed the following activities.

In November 2012 she became a member of the doctoral dissertation board at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Departemento de Construcciones Arquitectònicas Ambitos de Investigaciòn sobre la Energìa y el Medio Ambiente en la Arquitectura.

In March 2013 she attended the doctoral dissertation board to evaluate graduand C. Monterotti, Anàlisis y propuesta sobre la Contribucìon de las Herramientas de Evaluacìon de la Sostenibilidad de los Edificios a su Eficiencia Ambiental, director A. Cuchì Burgos, tutor R. Serra Florensa.

In AY 2013/2014 she was in charge of the Laboratorio di Costruzione dell'Architettura 2, b., holding the teaching module Progettazione esecutiva (84 hours). She was working in close cooperation with other two CA2 workshops at the Architecture Department in Ferrara.
Following her previous teaching work, she planned and led a study trip to Turin in order togive her students a chance to appreciate one of the most evolved building environment in Italy. On that occasion, recent buildings made by using steel structures in compliance with the need to enhance the value of the energy resources, were visited.


Toni has carried on an exhaustive activity connected with the interdisciplinary co-ordination of thesis works with students preparing their theses. Following a decision by the Faculty, the technological area is one of the key disciplinary areas for theses, since it entails a level of design planning consistent with the distinctive characteristics of the Ferrara site.

Such complex, engaging work is supported by Toni’s personal research work.
Co-operation with other faculties (the Faculty of Engineering in Ferrara, the Faculty of Engineering in Bologna, the Faculty of Architecture in Florence, the Faculty of Architecture in Genoa), promoted by Toni in order to investigate the topics dealt with in greater depth, has resulted very profitable for the Ferrara University.

Overall, from February 1997, year of the first graduation session at the new Faculty of Architecture, Ferrara University, to 2014 Michela Toni supervised 175 thesis works for a total of 245 students

Specifically, Michela Toni supervised the following thesis works:

1 - Analisi delle potenzialità di utilizzo dei materiali compositi a matrice polimerica in edilizia civile, student Gianluca Minguzzi
(other supervisor: Prof. F. Laudiero)
2 - Analisi costruttiva e ambientale delle serre nell’ambito dello studio di componenti di chiusura in alluminio e vetro, student Giovanna Occari
3 - Un organismo polifunzionale per lo sport ad Imola, student Michela Villa (co-examiner: Prof. M. Mazowiesky)
4 - Allestimento di una imbarcazione a vela da crociera per tutti. Progettazione degli interni e della coperta di uno scafo che consenta l’uso e l’abitabilità a persone disabili e normodotate, students Milena Mazzacurati and Federico Rambaldi (co-examiners: Studio Sciomachen, F. Miotto)
5 - I1 teatro e la città: progetto di recupero architettonico e acustico del Teatro Verdi di Ferrara, studente Marco Amarossi (co-examiner: Prof. R. Pompoli)
6 - Allestimento per lo spettacolo all’aperto sull’isola del Tino e in altri luoghi del Parco delle Cinque Terre, student Vera Busutti
7 - Il canale dei Molini di Lugo: percorso attraverso natura e architettura, studente Marco Di Ricco
8 - Progettazione di un organismo polifunzionale per lo spettacolo a Cento - Controllo del microclima interno e delle prestazioni acustiche, student Beatrice Contri
9 - Progettazione di una scuola di musica sulle rive del Tamigi: implicazioni architettoniche ed ambientali, student Michela Ruffatti
10 - Progetto per la copertura della piscina dello stadio a Bologna, student Emanuela Bartolucci (co-supervisor: Prof. F. Laudiero)
11 - Progetto di riqualificazione delle aree adiacenti al canale Corsini di Ravenna, students Gianandrea Bazzani, Chiara Bencivelli, Fabrizio Cellini, Cristina Garavelli, Fabio Vicari (co-supervisor: Arch. R. Mazzanti)
12 - Santa Maria delle Grazie: un “contenitore” storico trasformato in “laboratorio scientifico” di cultura per il polo universitario medico farmaceutico di Ferrara, student Michele Maini
13 - Architettura solare nel verde a Stoccarda, student Mario Stablum
14 - Progettazione ambientale alle pendici del Castello di Andraz nel Comune di Livinallongo del Col di Lana, students Claudio Gotti and Paola Martini
15 - Laboratoro di comunicazione nel Parco di Migliarino-S. Rossore-Massaciuccoli, students Cristian Ballanti, Alessandro Bonetti, and Alessia Gamberini
16 - La chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Ferrara: un nuovo spazio per lo spettacolo. Un’esperienza progettuale con la tecnologia del vetro strutturale, students Stefania Atti and Giulia Bosi
17 - Ipotesi progettuale per l’avviamento di un quarto polo per attività culturali ed artistiche legato al Teatro Galli, all’ex Convento degli Agostiniani e al Palazzo Arengo Podestà a Rimini, student Simona Roccoli
18 - Riqualificazione ambientale nel porto canale di Pesaro, student Eva Tintoni
19 - Sperimentazione progettuale sulla riviera romagnola: riqualificazione del fronte mare, student Gabriele Venzi
20 - Una proposta per Mantova: un centro polifunzionale per il restauro delle ex scuderie Gonzaga, students Adelina Artioli and Federica Baldani
21 - Una proposta per Mantova: Centro Universitario nel complesso di Santa Barbara, student Morena Nobis Ambrosi
22 - Un teatro per Vicenza, studente Alessandro Balasso (co-examiner: Ing. Armand Gruntueh)
23 - Un’esperienza di progettazione ambientale nel Parco Regionale del Delta del Po, students Benedetta Cacciari, Alessandra De Cecco, and Antonietta Ricchiuti
24 - Progetto di un sistema modulare ed adattabile per spettacoli all’aperto e sue applicazioni alla città di Ferrara, student Chiara Dall’Ara
25 - Riqualificazione ambientale di un isolato a Porotto in provincia di Ferrara, students Federica Sandri e Federica Tartari
26 - Progetto di uno stabilimento termale nell’ambito della riqualificazione di una zona marginale del Parco di Migliarino-S.Rossore-Massaciuccoli, studente Giacomo Terzuolo (co-examiner: dott. G. Agostini)
27 - L’uso dei compositi nel progetto di consolidamento, studente Alessandro Bazzan (co-supervisor: Prof. F. Laudiero)
28 - Restauro e riuso di un “barchessone “ sito in San Martino Spino di Mirandola, student Anna Mazzoli (co-supervisor: ing. G. Mezzadri)
29 - Recupero e miglioramento antisismico di casa Venturini in Zuglio (Udine), studente Amedeo Aristei (co-supervisor: Prof. F. Laudiero)
30 - Intervento di riqualificazione di un’area situata nella riviera romagnola - Misano Mare, studente Giuseppe Popolizio
31 - Esperienza di progettazione ecosostenibile all’interno del Parco Regionale del Delta del Po: il caso di Fondo Marsiglia, students Martina Querzoli, Maria Rita Rossi, Silvia Solera
32 - Progettazione di un quartiere residenziale sito a Melfi applicando i principi della bioarchitettura, studente Vincenzo Collesi
33 - Il cielo sopra la scuola: allestimento di una imbarcazione a vela attrezzata per le attività di educazione ambientale all’interno di Parchi, Oasi e Riserve Marine, student Manuela Marani (co-supervisor: studio Sciomachen);
34 - Le cave come risorsa per un’architettura ipogea ad uso pubblico, student Elena Maccaferri
35 - Riqualificazione ambientale al Lido di Volano, students Stefano Grechi and Andrea Solmi
36 - Progetto sperimentale di un edificio smontabile pensato per un evento musicale contemporaneo, student Alessio Artoni
37 - Centro polifunzionale per giovani all’interno dell’istituto dei cadetti matematici pionieri di Modena, student Maria Luisa Ferreri
38 - Progettazione di strutture ed attrezzature didattiche finalizzate alla fruizione collettiva, alla conoscenza e alla vigilanza dell’ambiente in un’area di tutela naturalistica: oasi dei Ghirardi -Borgo Val di Taro, student Alessandra Nigito
39 - Le pescherie e le beccherie a Mantova: ipotesi di riqualificazione lungo il Rio, student Paolo Munari
40 - Bolzano e dintorni: ipotesi per la riqualificazione urbanistica e paesistica delle pendici collinari nella conca di Bolzano, student Chantal Moro (co-examiner: Arch. R. Mazzanti)
41 - Dalla miniera al museo, student Lorenzo Bruni Pirani
42 - Acqua, aria e terra senza barriere. Progetto per un’oasi protetta accessibile a tutti, students Cristina Tignino and Trevisani
43 - Scuola di vela a Porto Buso, students Marco De Luca and Gianluca Soldo
44 - Riserva ecologica nell’isola di Ca’ Roman: progetto di un’architettura biocompatibile, students Francesca Falsetti and Federico Brancalion
45 - Progetto per un centro velico sul Lago delle Nazioni nell’ambito della riqualificazione ambientale dell’area a sud del lago, students Fabrizia Finetti and Federica Forasini
46 - Sperimentazione progettuale sui materiali compositi: un complesso multifunzionale per la “Porta interscambio” di Milano, student Roberta Morini
47 - Progetto di manufatti per campeggio da inserire nell’ambito del Parco Regionale di Migliarino-S. Rossore-Massaciuccoli, students Andrea Bevilacqua and Massimiliano Ghedini.
48 - Nuova sistemazione della zona di ingresso su via Baluardi del complesso della sede della Facoltà di Architettutra di Ferrara, student Gianluca Chierigato (co-supervisor: Arch. P. Arveda).
49 - Progettazione per la riqualificazione architettonica e ambientale del centro urbano di Pianoro, student Maddalena Viperini

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 1999-2000 (co-examiners: Prof. Domenico Capuani and Dr. Guido Iacono):

50 - Recuperare risorse, students Elisa Bertoni, Maria Letizia Crotti
51 - Architetture ipogee, students Sara Cavazzoni, Laura Cocurullo, Elisabetta Sarasin
52 - Volumi squadrati, students Manuel Nicola Cavazza, Veronica Milan, Mario Spada
53 - Segni spezzati, students Angelica Orlandini, Valeria Zalin
54 - Postazione ad elevato contenuto tecnologico, studente Supremo Zaccherini
55 - Capanna contemporanea, students Lara Lazzari, Samantha Olocottino
56 - Struttura ad alta quota, student Marcella Venturi
57 - Come una cava, student Laura Pino
58 - Nascondere nel terreno, student Antonietta Catillo
59 - Dislivelli minimi, student Federica Anniballi
60 - Blocchi di pietra caduti sul terreno, student Virginia Caronna
61 - Un salto nel vuoto, student Filippo Tombaccini
62 - Il gorgo del tempo, student Stefano Piraccini
63 - Una lunga cucitura tra le incisioni della montagna, student Elena Lavezzo
64 - Un balcone sulla vallata, students Giacomo Gualandi, Marco Martelli
65 - Percorsi abitati, students Elisa Crocetti, Laura Genestretti,
66 - Una struttura che riflette l’illuminazione naturale, student Carlo Moretti
67 - Le pietre della tradizione, student Alberto Masini
68 - Pieni e vuoti sul fronte della montagna, student Pierluigi Di Giuseppe

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2001-2002:

69 - La metamorfosi della pietra, students Enrica Baldassarri Anna Pecorari
70 - Texture lapidea, student Monti
71- Passato e presente, students Maria Grazia Moffa, Simona Savoia
72 - Scatole a tema, students Andrea Bernagozzi, Antonio Stellato
73 - Reticolare fruibile, students Fabio Brusa, Elisa Lo Conte
74 - Interazioni sinuose, students Francesca Nobili, Cristina Tartari
75 - Onde immobili, students Ethel Lupica Spagnolo, Benedetta Pincelli
76 - Progetto ambientale, studentsElisa Alessi, Rita Burbassi
77 - Cave abitate, students Emilia Iorio E., Marco Lovisatti
78 - Percorsi sospesi, studentsAlessia Pongiluppi, Dimitri Marastoni

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2002-2003:

79 - Inserimento ambientale, students Annalisa Giorgetti, Lucio Mammi
80 - Cuore colorato, student Michele Carta
81 - Muri abitati, students Emanuela Brunelli, Maria Teresa Colombo, Francesca Melloni
82 - Progetto dinamico, students Claudia Biondi, Laura Cera
83 - Serra per la scultura, student Andrea Benetti
84 - Scatole di cemento, student Leonardo Sanna
85 - Quadrati ambientali, student Carlotta Gasbarri
86 - Pietre riciclate, student Daniela Cangini
87 - Archi di pietra, students Luca Alessandrini, Stefano Massarenti, Jean Pierre Jelwan
88 - Spazi di luce, students Matteo Flamigni, Cristina Spadoni

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2003-2004:

89 - Vedo, immagino, trasformo: un museo interattivo al Ravaccione, student Gilciana Barbosa de Jesus
90 - Organismo polifunzionale nel piazzale di Fantiscritti, student Sabrina Bassini
91 - Macrostruttura polivalente, students Paola Boarin, Maria Chiara De Silvestro
92 - I percorsi del marmo: archeologia e contemporaneità dell’attività di escavazione a Carrara, student Maria Chiara Francavilla
93 - Lo spazio strutturato attraverso blocchi scatolari in pietra, student Sara Greggi
94 - Architettura fotovoltaica tra le cave, students Paola Pastore, Davide Tumiati
95 - Le cave tra lavoro e turismo, students Jessica Salmin, Silly Verlicchi
96 - Cava pozzo visitabile, student Federico Sammarchi
97- Alta quota tra le pietre, student Massimo Contoli
98- Conoscenza in movimento, students F. Caporali, M. Fiscaletti, G. Perlini

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2004-2005:

99 - Progetto di rifugio sostenibile sulle Alpi Apuane, student Francesca Tovoli
100 - Un rifugio ecosostenibile in area naturale protetta, student Lucia Lazzarini
101 - Progetto di un rifugio sostenibile in un parco naturale, student Federica Nanni
102 - Strutture per la fruizione di un'area di cava nel Parco archeologico della Alpi Apuane - civil engineering thesis (co-supervisors: Domenico Capuani, Alessandra Aprile)

Positive results were achieved by design experimenting in areas of natural value, as shown by the Tesi per Carrara award won by Supremo Zaccherini’s thesis for the Postazione ad elevato contenuto tecnologico - Ipotesi progettuale per la sistemazione di un’area di cava dismessa ad alta quota nel Parco regionale delle Alpi Apuane project, supervised by M. T., in 2002.
The 2004 Tesi per Carrara award was given to Francesca Nobili and Cristina Tartari’s thesis work within the project Interazioni sinuose – Progettazione di manufatti-tipo per la conservazione e la fruizione di un’area di cava dimessa di valenza storica ubicata nel Parco regionale delle Alpi Apuane, supervised by M. T.

In the period 2005 to 2008 Toni supervised the following thesis works:

103 - Frammenti e memorie: progettazione di un racconto tra i fantasmi del passato, student Chiara Ruggero (co-examiners: Prof. D. Capuani, Ing. L. Dal Cin)
104 - La Domus Tiberiana a Roma: un nuovo percorso di visita tra natura a storia, students Arianna Campani, Donata Canuso, Clorinda Tafuri (co-supervisor: Prof. S. Pasquali).
105 - Riqualificazione ambientale dell’area ex zuccherificio AIE, students Enrico Cavalet, Gabriele Corazza (co-examiner: Ing. L. Dal Cin)
106 - Un edificio per spettacoli all’aperto in un’area parco, student Guido Galvani
107 - Riqualificazione della piazza Guido da Montefeltro a Forlì, student Gastone Biondini
108 - La colonia novarese di Rimini: linee guida per un recupero – La nave di ieri, il relitto di oggi, l’architettura in cui vivere domani, student Simona Ferri (co-supervisor: Prof. G. Frediani)
109 - Progettazione per la fruibilità all’interno del sistema dell’area protetta del Parco del Mincio, student Barbara dall’Oglio
110 - Comunicare la qualità ambientale: un inceneritore a Reggio Emilia, student Cristiano Bernardelli
111 - Artificio, natura, luogo, evento, students Federica Botti, Sara Morandi (co-supervisor: Sergio Zanichelli)
112 - Paesaggi ermetici: il sistema di produzione dell’energia elettrica nell’Alto Appennino Tosco-Emiliano, student Riccardo Giacobazzi
113 - Progetto di museo archeologico a Tulum, Messico, student Ivan Pavlovic
114 - Spazi per conoscere, crescere, confrontarsi: progetto per un nuovo polo scolastico a Reggio Emilia, student Erica Pè
115 - Linee guida per un nuovo quartiere sul fiume Reno, student Silvia Labanti (co-supervisor: Paolo Rava)
116 - L’ex macello di Cesena come isola universitaria, student Riccardo Pizzinelli (co-supervisor: Paolo Arveda)
117 - Abitrare la terra cruda, student Ilario Bertoni
118 - Una scuola sostenibile nell’area di riqualificazione dell’ex mercato ortofrutticolo a Bologna, student Cecilia Falavigna
119 - Progetto della nuova sede della Facoltà di Scienze Motorie, student Federica Mele
120 - La metamorfosi del Grand Hotel Le Nazioni, student Elena Marinelli (co-examiners: Alessandro Massarente, Giacomo Bizzarri)
121 - Modulo ecosostenibile per il turismo nel parco del Delta del Po, student Mauro Travaglia
122 - Una fattoria didattica in pietra e paglia, student Alessia Faggioli (co-examiner: Giacomo Bizzarri)
123 - Valorizzazione di un insediamento minerario come testimonianza di una memoria colettiva: la laveria di Zurfuru, student Stefano Turroni
124 - Prospettiva nordica- progetto per una scuola d’infanzia a Goteborg, student Marta Mangiarotti (co-examiner Barbara Rubino, University of Goteborg)
125 - Il Parco fluviale del Tordino nei pressi della città di Teramo, student Valeria Maggitti (co-examiner: Michele Bottarelli)
126 - Arcispedale di Sant’Anna: un ospedale dei bambini per Ferrara, students Chiara Bononi, Sara Saretto (co-examiner: Luca Emanueli)
127 - Intervento di edilizia residenziale pubblica in applicazione della normativa energetica della Regione Emilia Romagna, student Laura Catalano
128 - Progettazione ambientale sulle sponde di Trondhaim, student Giacomo Migliori

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2007/2008:

129 - Eco-Palace, un polmone verde nell'entroterra riminese, student Elisa Bedetti (co-examiner: Massimo Bilancini)
130 - Progetto di strutture per la pesca e la caccia e per il turismo sostenibile nelle Pialasse Ravennati, student Jonathan Farina
131 - Progetto di un rifugio ecosostenibile in zona Campo Cecina al confine del Parco Archeologico delle Alpi Apuane, student Antonio Veronese
132 - La Sacca di Goro: valorizzazione del territorio tra arte e natura, student Silvia Bernardoni
133 - I segni dell'uomo e i colori della terra: un “io in movimento” nel passaggio della Sacca di Goro, students Sara Federzoni and Cristina Rezzadore
134 - Progetto di riqualificazione del porto e dell'oasi naturale di Gorino (FE), student Giovanni La Mela
135 - La Sacca di Goro in un'ottica di sviluppo sostenibile. La fitodepurazione come elemento di riqualificazione bioarchitettonica, student Barbara Bosi
136 - Trans-ire: il movimento, le acque e le architetture galleggianti utilizzando la bioedilizia nel caso tipo di Gorino, Nicola Zanotti
137 - Progetto di recupero e valorizzazione degli ecosistemi del territorio comunale di Finale Emilia, student Sanya Covic
138 - Kato myloi a Mykonos: dal vento produttivo allo spazio creativo, student Niki Spiliopoulou

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2008/2009:

139 - Una prospettiva di vita della Sacca di Goro: progettazione con le canne di elementi insediativi non invasivi, students Sara Beltrami e Valentina Cherubini (co-examiners: Domenico Capuani, Luigi Dal Cin, Guido Iacono)
140 - Progettazione con approccio IDP del Nuovo Mercato Ittico di Goro (FE), studente Mattia Siviero (co-examiners: Domenico Capuani, Roberto Lollini)
141 - Un Po di Goro: natura e pesca come risorsa di un territorio in continua evoluzione, students Daria Guzzinati and Matteo Magagnini
142 - Progetto di un sistema ambientale e tecnologico ad elevata sostenibilità destinato ad attività di raccolta, vendita e distribuzione del pesce ed alla fruibilità di un ambito integrato di insediamento e risorse di rilevante valore naturalistico che costituisce il percorso del pesce tra Goro e Gorino, students Pasquale Ciociola, Paolo Palmisano, Giacomo Vischi (co-examiners: Domenico Capuani, Guido Iacono)
143 - La progettazione del percorso costiero tra Goro e Gorino ed il nuovo mercato del pesce: un'opportunità di crescita e di sviluppo sociale, economico e turistico, students Nerini and Edoardo Sarras (co-examiner: Domenico Capuani)
144 - La storia e il progetto: ipotesi di riqualificazione ambientale per il territorio di Mesola e Goro, studene Davide Mangolini (co-examiners: Domenico Capuani, Luigi Dal Cin, Francesco Ceccarelli)

In 2011 the Società di Naturalisti Ferraresi, an association promoting research on local issues, awarded a prize to Daria Guzzinati for her thesis work Un Po di Goro: natura e pesca come risorsa di un territorio in continua evoluzione, submitted in 2009 (supervisor: Michela Toni; co-examiner: Domenico Capuani).

Toni has also supervised the following thesis works:
145 - Primi strumenti progettuali per un proposta di riuso “leggero” dell'ex area industriale del quartiere Darsena di Ravenna, student Alice Cazzanti
146 - Progetto per centro sportivo dedicato alla vela situato alla foce del Canale Logonovo lido di Spina provincia di Ferrara, student Federico Ferri
147 - Prime ipotesi progettuali per inserimento ambientale di fermate di metropolitana leggera, student Dimitri Parliaras

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2009/2010:
148 - Indefinite possibilità: idee per un progetto di edilizia residenziale pubblica per il quartiere Barco a Ferrara, student Laura Carattoni
149 - Barco: riqualificazione del quartiere operaio nato nel 1940, student Erika Lazzari
150 - Strategie d'intervento progettuale per il recupero della qualità urbana e ambientale di un quartiere di edilizia residenziale pubblica, studente Christian Girardello (co-examiner: Michele Bottarelli)
151 - Strategie di progettazione ambientale: approccio metodologico per il recupero della qualità urbana del quartiere Barco di Ferrara, students Marco Bortoloni, Antonio Minonne (co-examiner: Michele Bottarelli)
152 - Barco, un quartiere che cambia: strategie per ridisegnare il quartiere ferrarese tra innovazione e tradizione. Una passeggiata attraverso il barco, students Chiara Buoso e Simone Amati (co-examiners: Domenico Capuani, Laura Gabrielli)
153 - Qualità diffusa: strategie di intervento per il recupero e la riqualificazione dell'edilizia residenziale e degli spazi urbani, student Matteo Minzoni

Thesis works developed and supervised by Toni within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2010/2011:

154 - Idee sulla ricostruzione di un paese distrutto dal terremoto: Montevago 1968, student Maria Francesca Rametta
155 - Costruire sostenibile per le zone rurali dell'Appennino: architetture naturali a basso costo utilizzando materiali locali di origine agroforestale, students Enrico Armaroli e Alessandro Travaglini
156 - Quartiene Foro Boario a Ferrara. Riqualificazione di un'area al limite, tra qualità e identità, student Benedetta Quarenghi (co-examiner: Domenico Capuani)
157 - Dimensionalmente: a che scala l'Europa progetta in Africa? Un kit urbano per il parco del Ras Mikael Sehul a Gondar, Etiopia, student Rosa Camarda
158 - Ipotesi di progetto per la valorizzazione e il riuso di un'archeologia industriale dismessa: la fornace e la cava di San Gaudenzio a Senigallia, student Giulia Vichi
159 - Re.T.E.: red turismo etnorural – Architettura partecipata con le comunità indigene mapuche, Pucon, Chile (co-supervisor: Gianfranco Franz), studiVittoria Mencarini, Carlo Massimo Pettinari
160 - Approccio metodologico alla progettazione ambientale: il caso del foro Boario di Ferrara, studente Alberto Chiarabelli (co-examiner: Michele Bottarelli).

Thesis works developed - and supervised by Toni - within the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, AY 2011/2011:

161 - Micro macro Barco: strategie e progetti per un prototipo di quartiere pilota attento alla qualità e sostenibilità urbana, students Severino Rossetto and Stefano Ussia
162 - Verde ed energia per un nuovo Barco, students Alice Fedele, Valentina Peverani, Cristina Sarti (co-examiner: Laura Gabrielli)
163 - Ripensare il Novecento: una occasione di progetto nella città contemporanea: riqualificazione urbana area ex Foro Boario di Ferrara, student Edoardo Ercolani
164 - Il quartiere Barco a Ferrara – Relazioni 2, student Francesco Borghi
165 - Sostenibilità ambientale e sociale per un nuovo assetto territoriale: abitare, ecocostruire, student Eleonora Bergonzioni
166 - Urban gaps: linee guida per la riqualificazione ambientale e il recupero funzionale dell'ex Foro Boario a Ferrara, student Elisabetta Vecchi (co-examiner: Valentina Milani)
167 - Historical Ring: l'ex Foro Boario di Ferrara oggi: un'architettura contestuale tra passato e futuro – riqualificazione urbana dell'area ex Foro Boario di Ferrara, students Licia Garavina and Edoardo Mora (co-supervisor: Sergio Zanichelli)
168 - Possibile strategia per la riqualificazione ambientale di un quartiere: riflessioni su potenzialità e limiti del Barco di Ferrara, student Vittorio Chiostergi
169 - Un nuovo punto di sbarco molluschi per il porticciolo di Gorino, student Maira Passarella
170 - La mixité come strategia di rigenerazione urbana – progetto per una zona sensibile nella regione parigina, student Silvia Paiola (co-examiner: Romeo Farinella)
171 - Bio-Barco: riqualificazione ambientale del quartiere Barco di Ferrara, student Chiara Favaro
172 - lcellina, student Giada Rosa
173 - Progettazione di alloggi prefabbricati in legno nel quartiere Barco di Ferrara, student Serena Chiavelli (supervisors: Giacomo Bizzarri, Silvia Brunoro)
174 - Ipotesi di rifunzionalizzazione dell'ex convento di S. Maria della Corla, student Jacopo Calori(co-examiner: Marco Pasquali)
175 - Progetto di un edificio ad alta densità urbana a Tirana, Albania, student Saimir, Shtylla

With the additional thesis works developed wthin the Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale in AYs 2011/2012 and 2013-2014, Toni as surpevisor has addressed 175 topics with 245 graduate students in total.



1. Toni, M. (2013), Sudtirolo Architettura – Le differenze di un territorio attraverso costruzioni realizzate nel rispetto della normativa CasaClima / Südtirol Architektur – Die Eigenheiten eines Gebietes am Beispiel von Gebäuden mit KlimaHaus Standard, Edicom, Monfalcone, ISBN 978-88-96386-34-7, 336 pages.

2. Toni, M. (2012), Un materiale e il suo ambiente – Utilizzo della canna palustre nelle costruzioni, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-698-1, 128 pages.

3. Toni, M. (2012), Goro lavoro natura Gorino – Salvaguardare l'ambiente, consolidare le opportunità di lavoro, All'Insegna del Giglio, Borgo San Lorenzo (con CD), ISBN 978-88-7814-552-8, 48+100 pages.

4. Toni, M. (2012), Guardare più in là: dall'efficienza alla qualità della città, edito da Alinea. Pubblica, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN
978-88-6055-717-1, 48 pages.

5. Toni, M. (2012), Un ambiente di marmo, All'Insegna del Giglio, Borgo San Lorenzo, ISBN 978-88-7814- 548-1, 120 pages.

6. Toni, M. (2012), Foce di Pianza – Ipotesi per un laboratorio di progettazione ambientale, All'Insegna del Giglio, Borgo San Lorenzo, (con CD), ISBN 978-88-7814-553-5, 48+160 pages.

7. Toni, M (2012)., A Torino tra innovazione e restauro – Nuove icone per la Mole di Antonelli, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-709-4, 30 pages.

8. Toni, M. (2012), Colorata e leggera – Architettura in materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-710-0, 36 pages.

9. Toni, M (2012)., Sole e non solo: l'architettura prende coscienza – Elementi della ricerca progettuale di Mario Zaffagnini, docente presso le Facoltà di Firenze e Ferrara, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-712-4, 60 pages.

10. Toni, M. (2007), FRP Architecture – Building by Fiber-Reinforced Plastics, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-185-6, 144 pages.

11. Toni, M. (2007), Rinforzare sostenibile-Idee sull’utilizzo dell’ingegneria naturalistica attraverso esperienze in Alta Versilia e in Garfagnana, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-115-3, 128 pages.

12. Toni, M. (2005), FRP Architettura – Costruire con materia plastiche rinforzate con fibre, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-8125-978-6, 128 pages.

13. Toni, M. (1997), Interventi, materiali e strumenti per l’isolamento acustico degli edifici, Maggioli, Rimini, ISBN 978-88-387-1022-3, 251 pages.

14. Toni, M. (1996), L’isolamento acustico nell’edilizia - guida alla progettazione del benessere acustico - 2° edizione interamente aggiornata e rivista con la legge n. 447 del 26 ottobre 1995, Edilstampa, Roma, ISBN 978-88-7864-089-4, 264 pages.

15. Toni, M. (1990), Qualità involucro - Contributo attorno ai problemi del comfort abitativo, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, Bologna, ISBN 88-371-0528-2, 300 pages.
16. Toni, M. (1989), L’isolamento acustico nell’edilizia - Guida alla progettazione del benessere acustico, Edilstampa, Roma, 184 pages.

17. Toni, M. (1988), Primi strumenti per il controllo del benessere ambientale (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini) Dipartimento di Processi e Metodi della Produzione Edilizia - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Materiale Didattico per l’indirizzo Tecnologico, Alinea, Firenze, 100 pages (for details about Toni’s work, see pdf).

18. Toni, M. (1988), L’Italia da recuperare: indagine in sedici grandi città - Firenze (edited in collaboration with L. Bellicini (edited by), Prizzon. F., Fareri, P., Bertelli, C., Fusero, P., Rallo, D., Stanghellini, S., Toni, M. Mariano, F., Trotta, L., Mirabelli, F., Gasparrini, C., De Nucci, A., De Leonardis, C., Ziparo, A., Salemi, A., Trifirò, F., Abis, E.), CREDITO FONDIARIO S.p.A. -CRESME, Roma, pages 299 to 368.

19. Toni, M. (1985), Il mercato delle abitazioni negli anni ‘80: indagine in 16 grandi aree urbane italiane – Firenze (2)(in collaborazione con L. Bellicini (edited by), Prizzon. F., Ghezzi, I., Stefani, L., P., Rallo, D., Breschi, S., Toni, M. , Zoppi, P., Mirabelli, F., Cocchioni, C., Cecchini, C., De Nucci, A., De Leonardis, Errigo, V., Cuoco, L., Trifirò, F.,Grippaldi, V., Abis, E) CREDITO FONDIARIO S.p.A. - CRESME, Roma, pages 313 to 383 (for details about Toni’s work see pdf).

20. Toni, M. (1984), Pareti e collettività - Attrezzabilità e flessibilità dello spazio interno di scuole, ospedali, edifici per la cultura e lo spettacolo ed edifici di residenza collettiva (edited in collaboration with C. C. Buccolieri -coordinator - P. Felli, G. Giallocosta, A. Mosetti, M. Zaffagnini, G. Zannoni), Edizioni Ente Fiere di Bologna, Bologna, pages 13 to 87 (fo details see pdf).

21. Toni, M. (1982), Il laterizio e la qualità dell’abitare (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini - coordinator -, A. Acocella, C. C Buccolieri), Laterconsull, Roma , 80 pages (for details about Toni’s work see pdf).

22. Toni, M. (1981), Il laterizio tra passato e futuro - Mostra organizzala dalle Sezioni Merceologiche dell’ANDIL, Associazione Nazionale Degli Industriali dei Laterizi (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini -coordinator -, A. Acocella, C. C. Buccolieri, G. N. Simonelli), Laterconsult, Roma , 35 pages.

23. Toni, M.(1981), Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture, Vecom, Verona, 64 pages.

24. Toni, M. (1981), Il tavellone - Impieghi e prospettive di sviluppo di un semilavorato per l’edilizia (edited in collaboration with C. C. Buccolieri - coordinator, G. Giallocosta, G. N. Simonelli), Laterconsult, Roma, 77 pages (for details about Toni’s work see pdf).

25. Toni, M. (1980), Un sistema edilizio per la scuola secondaria superiore (edited in collaboration with M. Benzi, C. C. Buccolieri, M. Maccolini, S. Piccioli, G. Rossi, G. N. Simonelli, M. Zaffagnini), Luigi Parma, Bologna, 261 pages (for details about Toni’s work see pdf).

26. Toni,M. (1980), Tetti ed energia, Vecom, Verona, 54 pages.


1. Toni, M. (2014), “Isolare con la carta – Alte prestazioni dalla natura” in: Acocella, A. (edited by), Paper Design, AltrAlinea Firenze, SBN 978-88-98743-28-5, pages 152 to 171.

2. Toni, M., De Fonzo, M. (2014), “Tools for Enhanced Sustainability Plans in Urban Areas”,in: AAVV, 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing "Sustainable Housing Construction", ITeCons, Coimbra (Portugal) 2014, pages 1 to 10.

3. Toni, M. (2014), “Building with Local, Natural Materials”, Environment and Infrastructure del International Symposium Routes towards sustainability section, Routing Sustainable Development towards a culture of Wellbeing, Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, October 1, 2014 (Proceeding pending)

4. Toni, M. (2012), “La ricerca sostenibile” in: Rinaldi, A, Zaffagnini Theo (edited by), Mario Zaffagnini architetto e docente, Architettare, n. 2, marzo 2012, Quaderno Monografico della Rivista della Fondazione e dell'Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Reggio Emilia, pages 44 to 47.

5. Toni, M. (2010), “Certificazione energetica: un nuovo impatto o uno stimolo per la qualità urbana?”, presentation of report at Convegno ISTeA, Procchio, 17 – 19 June 2010, in Capone, P., Atti del convegno: Ricerche ISTeA per l'ingegneria dell'architettura, Medicea, Firenze, pages 1 to 10.

6. Toni, M. (2010), “Semplice e complesso: primi elementi di conoscenza per un'ipotesi di utilizzo strutturale della canna palustre” presentation of report at the ISTeA symposium, Procchio, 18 – 20 June 2009, in Capone, P., Ricerche ISTeA verso una edilizia “ragionevole”, Medicea, Firenze, pages 1 to 30.

7. Toni, M. (2010), “Materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre – Opportunità per il progetto e per il cantiere”, presentation of report at Seminario di Studio, Facoltà di Architettura di Genova, 24 March 2010, partially included into Toni, M. Colorata e leggera – Architettura in materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre, Alinea, Firenze 2012.

8. Toni, M. (2008), “Il ruolo del progetto”, in Toni, M. (edited by), Sul bello e la qualità, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-352-2.

9. Toni, M. (2008), “Confronto a più voci sull'abitare”, in Toni, M. (edited by), Sul bello e la qualità, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-352-2 , pages 10 to 21.

10. Toni, M. (2008), “Bellezza qualità -Qualità Bellezza” in Toni, M. (edited by), Sul bello e la qualità, Alinea, Firenze, SBN 978-88-6055-352-2, pages 138 to 209.

11.Toni, M. (2007), “Architettura con materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre – Realtà e sperimentazione”, presentation at the Giornata di studio Costruzioni in Materiale Composito (Russo. S. (coordinator), Laboratorio di Scienza delle costuzioni - IUAV, Venezia, 18 September 2007, partially included to Toni, M., FRP Architecture, Building by Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-185-6I, pp.

12. Toni, M. (2002),-“Il filo di Arianna”, in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M., Bassi C., Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-8125-596-2, pages 9 to 18.

13. Toni, M. (2002), “Note al margine sulle tendenze attuali di innovazione tecnologico-produttiva nell’edilizia civile”, in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M., Bassi, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-8125-596-2, pages 30 to 52.

14. Toni, M. (2002), “Un’interpretazione sulle possibilità del vetro strutturale”, in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M., Bassi C., Alinea, Firenze 2002, ISBN 978-88-8125-596-2, pages 53 to 65.

15. Toni, M. (2002), “Ipotesi sull’utilizzo dei materiali compositi in edilizia civile”, in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M., Bassi C., Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-8125-596-2, pages 67 to 88.

16. Toni, M. (2002), “Un piano di lavoro per lo spettacolo”, in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M., Bassi, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-8125-596-2, pages 89 to 101.

17. Toni, M. (2002), “Le parole di un muro”, in Il filo di Arianna - Idee su Ferrara, Toni M., Bassi, C., Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-8125-596-2, pages 107 to 122.

18. Toni, M. (1998), “Una strategia per la qualità”, presentation of report at the International Conference “Verso un’architettura di qualità fra Sostenibilità e Governo del Progetto - Metodi, procedure e formazione - Reggio Calabria, 17-19 December 1996, in Foti, G., (edited by) Colloqui d'Architettura tra tecnologia e progettazione, Proceedings of the International Conference “Verso un’architettura di qualità fra Sostenibilità e Governo del Progetto - Metodi, procedure e formazione”, Reggio Calabria, 1996, Maggioli, Rimini, pages 380 to 385.

19. Toni, M. (1996), “Contributo alla lettura della “legge quadro” sull’inquinamento acustico”, presentation of report at XXIV Convegno AIA /Associazione Italiana Acustica), Trento, 12-14 June 1996, in Pedretti, A., Simonetti, P. (edited by), Atti del XXIV Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Acustica, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento, pages 331 to 336.

20. Toni, M. (1996), “I fattori di qualificazione”, pages 59 to 89, in Giallocosta, G., Imprese, Mercato & Innovazione - Il caso dell’artigianato edile in due realtà nazionali. Francia e Italia - Analisi, problemi, prospettive, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 88-8125-097-7, pages 59 to 89.

21. Toni, M. (1987), “La qualità tecnologica: la resistenza al fuoco”, in Rosso Mattone (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini -coordinator - A. Acocella, C. C. Buccolieri, B. Furiozzi, G. Giallocosta, F. Laner, N. Tubi), Luigi Parma, Bologna, pp. 183 – 189.

22. Toni, M. (1987), “La qualità ambientale”, in Rosso Mattone (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini - coordinator - A. Acocella, C. C. Buccolieri, B. Furiozzi, G. Giallocosta, F. Laner, N. Tubi), Luigi Parma, Bologna, pages 45 to 67.

23. Toni, M. (1984), “2. Il progetto: 2.1. Le condizioni di partenza; 2.2. La ricerca; 2.3. La normativa” (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini - coordinator -, C. C. Buccolieri, G. Giacomelli, G. Giallocosta, A. M. Giorgini, M. Maccolini, G. N. Simonelli, G. Trippa), in Normativa Tecnica Regionale per l’Edilizia Residenziale della Regione Liguria - L’ambiente. Il progetto. La costruzione. La gestione. Esiti della ricerca affidata alla Regione Liguria, CER - Comitato per l’Edilizia residenziale, Quaderni del Segretariato Generale, n. 6, BE.MA., Milano, pages 140 to 435.

24. Toni, M. (1984), “3. La costruzione: 3.2. La ricerca” (edited in collaboration with M. Zaffagnini - coordinator -, C. C. Buccolieri, G. Giacomelli, G. Giallocosta, A. M. Giorgini, M. Maccolini, G. N. Simonelli, G. Trippa), in Normativa Tecnica Regionale per l’Edilizia Residenziale della Regione Liguria - L’ambiente. Il progetto. La costruzione. La gestione. Esiti della ricerca affidata alla Regione Liguria, CER - Comitato per l’Edilizia residenziale, Quaderni del Segretariato Generale, n. 6, BE.MA., Milano, pages 482 to 536.

25. Toni, M. (1981), “Classe di elementi tecnici: infissi esterni orizzontali”, in (M. Zaffagnini - edited by -), Progettare nel processo edilizio, Luigi Parma, Bologna, pages 384 to 397.

26. Toni, M. (1981), “Classe di elementi tecnici; infissi esterni verticali”, in (M. Zaffagnini - edited by -), Progettare nel processo edilizio, Luigi Parma, Bologna, pages 310 to 341.

27. Toni, M. (1980), “Il collettore solare come componente edilizio”, in
AAVV, Politica edilizia e gestione del territorio. Il nodo energia, Edizioni Ente Fiere di Bologna, Bologna, pages 287 to 308.

28. Toni, M. (1980), “Tetti e risparmi energetici”, presentation of report at SAIE, Bologna, Consorzio Produttori Tegole in Cemento symposium Coperture per gli anni '80, Bologna, 15 October 1980, partially included in Toni, M., Tetti ed energia, Vecom, Verona.


1. Toni, M. (2011), “Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale C1”, in Massarente, A. (edited by), Quaderni ferraresi - Annuario della Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara 2008/09, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-635-6, pages 72 to 73.

2. Toni, M., Cazzanti, A. (2011), “Primi strumenti progettuali per una proposta di riuso e riassetto “leggero” dell'ex area industriale del quartiere Darsena di Ravenna”, in: Massarente, C. (edited by), Quaderni ferraresi, Annuari della Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara, 2008-09, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-635-6, pages 96 to 97.

3. Toni, M. (2009), “Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale C1”, in Massarente, A. (edited by), Quaderni ferraresi - Annuario della Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara 2007/08, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055—9 , pages 70 to 71.

4. Toni, M., (2009), “Materiali naturali nella progettazione e nella riqualificazione ambientale”, in:
La ricerca del Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Ferrara, Quaderni del Dipartimento , Italiatipolitografia, Ferrara, pages 14 to 15.

5. Toni, M. (2008), “Lavorare sull'interazione tra l'uomo e l'ambiente”, in Massarente, A. (edited by), Quaderni ferraresi - Annuario della Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara2005/06, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 978-88-6055-187-0, pages 64 to 65.

6. Toni, M. (2006), “Costruire e comunicare l'ambiente”, in:
Massarente, A. (edited by), Quaderni ferraresi - Annuario della Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara 2003/04, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 88-6055-064-5, pages 74 to 75.

7. Toni, M. (2005), Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale C1, in Massarente, A. (edited by), Quaderni ferraresi – Annuario della Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara 2002-03, Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara, Ferrara, pages 72 to 73.

8. Toni, M. (2002), L’esperienza delle tesi prodotte all’interno del Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, in (G. Corbellini – edited by -), Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara – FAF 00-01, TLA, Ferrara, ISBN 88-7400-001-4, pages 96 to 99.

9. Toni, M., Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale di Progettazione Ambientale, in (G. Corbellini – edited by -), Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara - Annuario della didattica 1999-2000, TLA, Ferrara 2001, pages 78 to 81


1. Toni, M., Laudiero, N. (1999), “Presentazione”, in Bartolucci, E., Progettare la piscina - Pianificazione, tipologia, tecnologie, normativa, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 88-8125-317-8.

2. Toni, M., Laudiero, N. (1998), “Presentazione”, in Minguzzi, G., Fiber reinforced Plastics - Utilizzo dei materiali compositi a matrice polimerica in edilizia civile, Alinea, Firenze, ISBN 88-8125-242-2.


1. Toni, M. (1992) “Edilizia per la ristorazione”, in: Progettazione edilizia, vol. I Tipologia e criteri di dimensionamento (M. Zaffagnini - edited by), Hoepli, Milano, ISBN 978-88-203-1978-6, pages 1487 to 1525.


1. Toni, M. (2014), “Il territorio culturale di un'eccellenza tecnologica – Una ricerca sul campo in Sudtirolo / The Cultural Territory of a Technological Excellence - A Field Research in South Tyrol”, pages 108 to 120, in: TECHNE, 08 2014, ISSN 2239-0243.

2. Toni, M. (2014), “Casaclima Awards 2014, Casa Salute: progetto, materiali, tecnologie”, in Teknoring, Tecnici.it (Wolkers Kluvers Italia), 20 ottobre 2014, ISSN 2284-0109.

3. Toni, M. (2001), Gianfranco Gritella, Antes Bortolotti - Riproporre la Mole, in Costruire in laterizio, n. 82, ISSN 0394-1590, pages 58 to 65.

4. Toni, M. (1998), Il teatro Verdi: un’idea di flessibilità, in Ingegneri Ferraresi, n. 0, 1998, Periodico dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Ferrara, pages 17 to 20.

5.Toni, M. (1998), II teatro, in Costruire in laterizio, ISBN 88-7080-580-8, 1998, pages 80 to 83.

6. Toni, M., Guani (1998), V., William Rawn Associates-Aperto e chiuso in Massachusetts, (edited in collaboration with V. Guani), in Costruire in laterizio, n. 62, ISBN 88-7080-580-8, pages 90 to 95.

7. Toni, M. (1998), Perché il teatro, in Costruire in laterizio, n. 62, ISBN 88-7080-580-8, pages 110 to 117.

8. Toni, M. (1998), Shakespeare rivive sulle sponde del Tamigi, in Costruire in laterizio, n. 62, ISBN 88-7080-580-8, pages 118 to 125.

9.Toni, M. (1997), Percorsi e manufatti per l’ambiente - Un’esperienza di progettazione all’interno di un parco naturale, in Paesaggio Urbano, n. 3, May-June 1997, ISSN 1120-3544, pages 98 to 107.

10.Toni, M. (1995), Uffici direzionali ed esposizione - Cooperativa Architetti e Ingegneri di Reggio Emilia, in L’architettura, n. 5, May 1995, pages 326 to 333.

11. Toni, M. (1984), L’isolamento e la ventilazione delle coperture a falde, in Il tetto, October, pages 11 to 26.

12. Toni, M. (1982),Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture - I lucernari - 3° parte, in Il tetto, n. 24, January 1982, pages 8 to 13.

13. Toni, M. (1982), Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture - Le gronde - Impianto di smaltimento delle acque piovane, in Il tetto, n. 25, April 1982, pages 7 to 11.

14. Toni, M. (1981), Il sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture - I lucernari - 1° parte, in Il tetto, n. 22, September 1981, pages 6 to 12.

15. Toni, M. (1981), II sistema tetto - Accessori e dispositivi di completamento delle coperture - I lucernari - 2° parte, in Il tetto, n. 23, November 1981, pages 5 to 11.

16. Toni, M. (1981),Tetti ed energia - II controllo dell’irraggiamento solare, in Il tetto, n. 20, May 1981, pages 6 to 10.

17. Toni. M. (1981), Tetti ed energia - Integrazione delle coperture coi componenti di captazione solare: un esempio, in: Il tetto, n. 21, July 1981, pp. 6-11.

18. Toni. M. (1981), Per analizzare le membrane prefabbricate per i sistemi di copertura - Contributo per l’organizzazione dell’informazione tecnica (edited in collaboration with G. Giallocosta), in: Impermeabilizzare, n. 2, March-April 1981, pages 19 to 23 (for details about Toni’s work see pdf).

19. Toni, M. (1981),Tetti ed energia - L’irraggiamento solare e la copertura come dispositivo di controllo energetico, in Il tetto, n. 19, March 1981, pages 7 to 11

20. Toni, M. (1981), Tetti ed energia - Isolamento e ventilazione delle coperture inclinate, in Il tetto, n. 18, January 1981, pages 16 to 18.

21. Toni, M. (1980),Tetti ed energia - Comfort, isolamento, inerzia termica: perché un tetto deve essere pesante?, in Il tetto, n. 15, July 1980, pages 6 to 11.

22. Toni, M. (1980), Tetti ed energia - Risparmi energetici: il ruolo del tetto, in Il tetto, n. 16, settembre 1980, pages 6 to 7.

23. Toni, M. (1980), Tetti ed energia - La legge 373 e i suoi decreti di applicazione, in Il tetto, n. 16, settembre 1980, pages 8 to 9.

24. Toni, M.(1980), Tetti ed energia - Un esempio di calcolo, in Il tetto, n. 17, November 1980, pages 5 to 9


1. Toni, M., A cosa serve l'architettura?, drawings/posters for the exhibition Goro lavoro – natura Gorino, Comune di Goro, Goro, November-December 2009.

2. Toni, M., Costruire la città felice, drawings/posters for the stand 100 anni di storia di CMR, Fiera di Reggio Emilia, 6-14 October 2007.

3. Toni, M. (2007), stand “100 years of history of CMR” (Cooperativa Muratori Reggiolo), Reggio Emilia Fair, 6 to 14 October 2007.

4. Toni, M. (2006), designed and created (by using the self-building technique) a hut for bird- and wildlife watching (in collaboration with Guido Iacono), Anse Vallive di Porto, Bacino di Bando, Town of Portomaggiore and Argenta, Province of Ferrara (project sponsored by Assessorato Agricoltura, Ambiente, Flora e Fauna, Province of Ferrara).

5. Toni, M. (2005), designed and created (by using natural engineering techniques) a number of artefacts, channels for collecting water made with stones and wood (in collaboration with Guido Iacono), Campocecina, Parco Regionale delle Alpi Apuane (project sponsored by Cooperativa La Montana, Garfagnana).

6. Toni, M. (2004), designed a single-wall piled structure (in collaboration with Guido Iacono), Town of Carrara, Parco Regionale delle Alpi Apuane (project supported by Cooperativa Agricolo Forestale CAFEA, Carrara).

7. Toni, M. (2002), she submitted an entry for a design competition held by Tetraktis, for the 15th Tercas Architettura award, 2002 edition on the subject Ristrutturazione del Palazzo Cardinale Cicada ad Atri e sistemazione dell’area archeologica con teatro all’aperto. Design group: M. Toni (head), D. Capuani.

8. Toni, M. (2001), she submitted an entry for a Competition for the preliminary design of a bike and pedestrian overpass over the Burlamacca-Viareggio Canal, held by the Town Council of Viareggio.

9. Toni, M. (1984), she submitted an entry for a Competition for a contract for designing the new Town Hall and redesigning the town centre, held by the Town Council of Casalecchio di Reno, Province of Bologna. Design group: M. Zaffagnini (head), G. Giacomelli, M. Maccolini, S. Silvagni, F. Tinti, M. Toni and M. Zuccotti.

10. Toni, M. (1982), she submitted an entry in the Design competition Un mobile e il suo spazio, held by the Alessandria Town Council, the Fiere di San Giorgio Committee, the Provincial Association of Furniture Manufacturers of Alessandria and the magazine Domus.

11. Toni, M. (1981), she entered the Competition of ideas for designing the new Town Hall and associated redesigning of the town centre, held by the Town Council of Casalecchio di Reno, Province of Bologna. Design group: M. Zaffagnini (head), G. Giacomelli, M. Maccolini, S. Silvagni, F. Tinti, M. Toni, and M. Zuccotti. The project, featuring the motto “Un’idea in comune”, won the competition.

12. Toni, M. (1980), she entered the Competition for tender “Designing and building a secondary school in Abbiategrasso” (province of Milan) for 1500 pupils organised by the Milan Provincial Council. Design group: M. Zaffagnini (head), M. Benzi, C. C. Buccolieri, M. Maccolini, S. Piccioli, G. Rossi, N. Simonelli and M. Toni. The project won the contract.

13. Toni, M. (1979), she submitted an entry for the national competition “Il sole e l’habitat” for the use of solar collectors in school and residential buildings, held by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Crafts and by Istituto Nazionale di Architettura.
Design group: M. Zaffagnini (head) and M. Toni. The project deserved reimbursements. (For documentation, see pdf).