Name: Maria Rosaria Ambrosio
Date and place of birth: April 16th, 1960 in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (Naples-Italy)

1987: Degree in Medicine (cum laude), University of Ferrara
1992: Specialized in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (cum laude), University of Ferrara


1987-1993 Resident in Endocrinology at the Section of Endocrinology of the University of Ferrara- St Anna Hospital of Ferrara
Grants for scientific research from March 1993 to October 1993, from April 1994 to August 1994, and from March 1995 to September 1995.
Executive Physician at the Section of Endocrinology St Anna Hospital of Ferrara, from October 1995 to September 1996 and from April 1997 to October 2007.
November 2007-present: Professor in Endocrinology, University of Ferrara, and from November 2007-present Executive Physician at the Section of Endocrinology St Anna Hospital of Ferrara.
Lecturer of Endocrinology with courses at the Medical School, Laboratory Technical School and Dieticians School
Lecturer at Research Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences and Endocrinology, University of Ferrara and at the Specialization Schools in Endocrinology and Neurology, University of Ferrara.

Tutor for the teaching practice for State Qualification to the profession of Physician and Surgeon.

Membership and other:
Member of the Italian Endocrine Society (SIE)
Member of the Società Italiana dell’Osteoporosi, del Metabolismo Minerale e delle Malattie dello scheletro (SIOMMS).
Member of the Associazione Medici Endocrinologi (AME).
Member of the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE)
Member of the Italian Association for Neuroendocrine tumours (ItANet)
Prof. Ambrosio participated to national and international meetings and post-graduate courses for Endocrinologists, contributed to scientific organization of formative events (ECM), and acted as referee for International Scientific Journals.

Author of 75 papers in peer-reviewed international journals (ISI) and 7 papers in other journals, 5 book chapters and 33 monographies, 2 CD-rom, several abstracts (>200) of presentations at national and international meetings.

Main fields of interest:
Growth and differentiation of normal and neoplastic thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands in humans.
Somatostatin receptor subtypes in endocrine tumors (medullary thyroid carcinoma, pituitary adenoma, pheochromocytoma, carcinoid tumor).
Neuroendocrine control of pituitary function. Neuropeptides, pituitary and adrenal function. Physiopathology of the sympatho-adrenomedullary system in humans. Pituitary consequences of systemic therapy in oncologic patients.
GH excess: clinical studies in acromegaly and gigantism. Cardiovascular system and GH-IGF-I axis.
Acquired brain injury and pituitary function.