CURRENT POSITION: Associate Professor, Scientific Disciplinary Sector BIOS-12/A - Human Anatomy, Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara Unife.
14/06/1990: Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Ferrara
03/11/1995: PhD in Medical Embryology, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
october 1991 - october 1994: PhD in Medical Embryology at the current Department of Translational and Romagna Medicine of the University of Ferrara.
october 1993 – october 1995: AIDS two-year fellowship for abroad funded by the Italian Ministry of Health and enjoyed at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, USA.
1996: Fellowship for post-doctoral research activities at the current Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara.
january 1997 – october 1999: Technical Assistant, technical-scientific functional area at the current Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara.
november 1999 - august 2023 : Assistant Professor, Scientific Disciplinary Sector BIOS-12/A - Human Anatomy, at the current Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara.
july-august 2000 : Summer Course in the Human Gross Anatomy at the Medical Center of New York University (NYU), NY, USA.
from 1 September 2023 to present: Associate Professor, Scientific Disciplinary Sector BIOS-12/A - Human Anatomy, at the Department of Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara.
Professor of Human Anatomy teachings in the following Degree Courses:
Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques, Physiotherapy (Ferrara and Bolzano), Medicine and Surgery, First level Master in Osteopathic Medicine, Sports Science.
Participated in the drafting of the following Human Anatomy textbooks:
- Anatomy of the Locomotor System edited by Felicia Farina, published by EdiSES University, I edition 2008, ISBN 9788879594950.
- Treatise of Human Anatomy in three volumes, based on the Prometheus by M. Schünke, E. Schulte and U. Schumacher, published by EdiSES University, I Edition 2021, ISBN 9788836230532.
Main Research Topics
- Analysis of the mechanisms of modulation of differentiation and survival/apoptosis in neuronal and lymphoid models;
- Study of the role of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) in hematopoietic, vascular, neuronal pathophysiology;
- Study of innovative therapeutic approaches for the treatment of hematological malignancies;
- Recognition of new biological markers with diagnostic and prognostic significance of soluble or molecular/genetic type implicated in different pathological contexts.
Scientific Profile
Orcid ID:
Publications and bibliometric indicators calculated at 27/01/2025
Author of 55 publications in international scientist journals with a Referees board cited on ISI Web of Science – Journal Citation Report (JCR) and Scopus
Total number of citations = 2214 (source Scopus)
H-index = 27 (source Scopus)
Progetti di Ricerca
Below are the main projects in which Prof. Daniela Milani has participated:
National AIDS Research Program - National Institute of Health: "Study of the transduction of intracellular signals in lymphoid, neuronal and hematopoietic progenitor cells following interaction with recombinant TAT and GP120 proteins", (1998 -2004).
MIUR-PRIN 1999 : "Role of HIV-1 Tat protein in the pathogenesis of AIDS: mechanisms of signal transduction in lymphoid cells", (1999-2001).
National Stem cell Research program- National Institute of Health: “Development of chimeric Herpesvirus-based vectors for the correction of genetic diseases affecting hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells”, (2003-2004).
MIUR-PRIN 2004: "Study of the effects of TRAIL/Apo-2L in endothelial pathophysiology", (2004-2006).
MIUR-PRIN 2006 : "Role of TRAIL in vascular pathophysiology", (2007-2009).
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara (CariFe): "Production of biotechnological drugs with anti-tumor activity against leukemic stem cells", (2007-2010).
Beneficentia Stiftung Foundation 2008: "Innovative approaches for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia type B", (2008-2011).
Progetto Sanitario Regionale bando 2011 Area 1 - Programma di Ricerca Regione Emilia-Romagna Università: “Rehabilitation after cerebral and myocardial damage: functional recovery and identification of biomarkers related to the clinical outcome”, (2010-2012).
MIUR-FIRB -2010: "Cancer stem cells: signal transduction pathways as targets of potential therapies", (2011-2015).
MIUR-FIRB-2011: "PIERCE Project - New molecular and cellular targets for the development of innovative anticancer therapies", (2012-2016).
International project "European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme: "New Technologies for Macro and Micro Plastic Detection and analysis in the Adriatic Basin (NET4mPLASTIC)”, (2019-2022).
FIRD Project (2022): Multi-OMICS approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder: from Proteomics and Epigenomics to Translational strategies.
FIRD Project (2023): Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of Biological Age (Aging-clocks) predictors for translational applications.
FIRD Project (2024): Study of the effects of mitochondria-targeted anti-oxidant molecules in in vitro models of muscular diseases.
- Member of the teaching staff of the PhD of the University of Ferrara in: Biomedical, Endocrinological and Neurophysiological Sciences from 2005 to 2006, cycles XXI and XXII; Biomedical Sciences from 2007 to 2012, cycles from XXIII to XXVIII; Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences year 2013, cycle XXIX.
- Member of the External Calls Evaluation Commission for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy (Ferrara and Bolzano) since 2018 to present.
- Teaching Member in the Teacher-Student Joint Commission of the Degree Course in:
Physiotherapy (Ferrara and Bolzano): 2015-2016 ;
Physiotherapy (Bolzano): since 2021 to present.