


MSc Degree in Materials Engineering at University of Ferrara, December 20, 2010, discussing the thesis titled “Ripristino di contrassegni matricolari obliterati su acciaio 40NiCrMo4 mediante attacco chimico”

Ph.D. Degree in Engineering Science at University of Ferrara, April 6, 2016, discussing the thesis titled “Functional characterization of thermally activated shape memory alloys for innovative adaptive structures”

Assistant Professor at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara, SSD IIND-03/C - Metallurgia (Metallurgy), since 01/02/2019


Since 2018/2019: Lecturer of “Metallography and Failure Analysis” (Bachelor’s Degree, Mechanical Engineering, University of Ferrara)

Since 2022/2023 (and since 2023/2024: Co-Lecturer): Lecturer of “Metallic Materials for the Industry” (Master’s Degree, Chemical Sciences, University of Ferrara)

Supervisor and co-supervisor of about 50 theses of Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Chemical Sciences



  • Microstructural and mechanical characterization of foundry aluminum alloys
  • Computer-aided cooling curve thermal analysis to study the solidification characteristics of foundry aluminum alloys
  • Experimental study on the flexural response of NiTi functional structures
  • Failure analysis investigation on industrial components
  • Tribological characterization of treatments and coatings on metallic substrates



18th Annual Meeting ENFSI EWG Firearms/GSR, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Using the Etching Technique to Restore Stamped Marks on 40NiCrMo4 Steels", Lisbon, 27/10/2011.

34° National AIM Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled “Progettazione e realizzazione di un banco prova per test di strutture funzionali con lamine NiTi attivate mediante circolazione di fluido”, Trento, 8/11/2012

XXII National IGF Conference , presentation of the oral contribution titled “Fracture behaviour of grain refined A356 cast aluminium alloy: tensile and Charpy impact specimens”, Rome, 3/07/2013

XX National Computational Mechanics Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled “TWSME of a NiTi strips in free bending conditions: experimental and theoretical approach”, Cassino, 12/06/2014

35° National AIM Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled “Caratterizzazione di lamine in lega a memoria di forma NiTi per l’impiego in strutture attive deformabili”, Roma, 6/11/2014

11th European Turbomachinery Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled “Using shape memory alloys for improving automotive fan blade performances: experimental and CFD analysis”, Madrid, 26/03/2015

70th Conference of the ATI Engineering Association, presentation of the oral contribution titled “A shape memory alloy-based morphing axial fan blade: functional characterization and perspectives”, Roma, 10/09/2015

5th Edition of the Course on Hygiene in Aluminium Alloys, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Liquid Alloy Controls", organized in San Possidonio (MO) by the Light Metals and Die Casting Study Centres of the Italian Metallurgy Association, 14/10/2015.

Workshop AIAS-MIMEMS “Italian Research in Smart Materials and MEMS”, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Bending Behaviour of NiTi Laminates: Experimental Characterization and Phenomenological Modelling", Lecco, 16/06/2016.

21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF21), presentation of the oral contribution titled “On the influence of Mn and Mg additions on tensile properties, microstructure and quality index of the A356 aluminum foundry alloy”, Catania, 20/06/ 2016

XXXIII National Foundry Congress organized by Assofond (National Foundry Federation), presentation of the oral contribution titled "Effect of Mn and Mg Content on the Mechanical Properties, Microstructure, and Quality Index of the A356 Alloy", S. Eufemia (Brescia), 11/11/2016.

Study Day: "Shape Memory Alloys – Materials for Innovation in Biomedical and Industrial Products", presentation of the oral contribution titled "Development of a Variable Geometry Blade Using NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Laminates", organized by the Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Study Centre of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM), Milan, 24/11/2016.

Workshop AIAS-MIMEMS “Italian Research in Smart Materials and MEMS”, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Bending Behaviour of NiTi strips", Ferrara, 15/06/2017.

FEMS Junior Euromat 2018 Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled "On the Role of Elements Interaction in the Modification Level Assessment via Thermal Analysis Approach", Budapest, 09/07/2018.

37th National AIM Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Cast Iron Artistic Artifacts for Urban Furnishing Between the 19th and 20th Centuries: Metallurgical Analysis and Statistical Approach", Bologna, 13/09/2018.

XXXIV National Foundry Congress organized by Assofond (National Foundry Federation), presentation of the oral contribution titled "Thermal Analysis and Grain Refinement: Experimental Study on Different Refiners in an Al-7Si-0.4Mg Foundry Alloy", S. Eufemia (BS), 16/11/2018.

6th Edition of the Course on Hygiene in Aluminium Alloys, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Liquid Alloy Controls", organized in Carmagnola (Turin) at Teksid Aluminum by the Light Metals and Die Casting Study Centres of the Italian Metallurgy Association, 06/11/2019.

XXXV National Foundry Congress organized by Assofond (National Foundry Federation), presentation of the oral contribution titled "Comparison Between Organic and Inorganic Binder Cores", Online Edition, 17/11/2020.

11th Edition of the Failure Analysis Course, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Practical Cases of In-Service Failures of Mechanical Components", organized by the Product Control and Characterization Study Centre of the Italian Metallurgy Association, Milan, 04/03/2021.

FEMS Euromat 2021 Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Erosive Wear Behaviour of a High-Chromium Cast Iron: Effect of Different Destabilization Heat Treatments", Online Edition, 13/09/2021.

39th National AIM Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Solid Particle Erosive Wear in High Chromium Cast Iron: Combined Effect of Heat Treatment and Erodent", Padua, 23/09/2022.

Study Day: "Surface Treatments of Aluminium for Decorative and Protective Purposes", presentation of the oral contribution titled "Tribological Behaviour of Anodic Oxidation Treatments", organized by the Light Metals Study Centre of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM), Webinar, 11/11/2022.

1st Edition of the Foundry Course for Non-Foundry Experts, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Metallurgical and Metallographic Aspects of Castings", organized by the AIM/Assofond Foundry Study Centre, Webinar, 13/07/2022.

FEMS Junior Euromat 2022 Conference, presentation of the oral contributions titled "Solid Particle Erosion Resistance of a High-Chromium Fe-Cr-C Hardfacing Alloy: The Role of Microstructure and Particle Size" and "Development and Testing of an SMA-Based Proof of Concept Bending Micro-Actuator", Coimbra, 19-22/07/2022.

12th Edition of the Failure Analysis Course, presentation of the oral contributions titled "Practical Cases of In-Service Failures of Mechanical Components", Webinar, 17/05/2023.

ECHT2023 European Conference on Heat Treatment, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Effect of Quenching Parameters on Microstructure and Heat Treatment Distortions of Bearing Steels: An Industrial Investigation", Genoa, 31/05/2023.

ICEFA X 10th International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, presentation of the oral contribution titled Life on Mars? An analysis of erosive behavior of metallic materials”, Athens, 8/07/2024

ESOMAT2024 13th European symposium on martensitic transformations, presentation of the oral contribution titledExperimental investigation on the shape memory effect of NiTi ribbons during complete and partial transformation cycling”, Lecco, 29/08/2024

40th National AIM Conference, presentation of the oral contribution titled "Erosive Wear Resistance in High-Chromium Cast Iron: Influence of Microstructure Through Digital Image Processing", Naples, 12/09/2024.



“Nicolò Copernico” Award 2016
Awarded for innovative theses in science and technology for the presentation of the doctoral thesis titled "Functional Characterization of Thermally Activated Shape Memory Alloys for Innovative Adaptive Structures", Ferrara, 08/10/2016.
Award granted by the "Giulio Natta and Nicolò Copernico" Committee for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation.

Aldo Daccò Award 2019

Awarded by AIM (Italian Metallurgy Association) for the best work on foundry and solidification techniques in both ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
Winners: Annalisa Fortini and Lucia Lattanzi for the presentation of the scientific paper titled "On the Interaction Between Alloying Elements and Sr Modification in AlSi7 Alloys", Milan, 20/02/2020.



Since 2016: Member of the Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Technical Committee of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM).

Since 2018: Member of the UNI/CT 026 “Non-Ferrous Metals” Committee, delegated by the Order of Engineers of Ferrara as an expert for participation in UNI Technical Bodies.

Since 2019: Member of the Light Metals Technical Committee of the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM).

Since 2019: Member of CoMet, the coordination committee for research and teaching in metallurgy within the Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM).