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Alessandro Ippoliti is a Full Professor of Restoration and Vice Rector for Architectural Heritage at the University of Ferrara.

He teaches Architectural Restoration (Degree Program in Architecture) and Stylistic and Constructive Features of Monuments (Specialization School in Architectural and Landscape Heritage) at the University of Ferrara, as well as Linguistic Features of Classical Architecture (Specialization School in Architectural and Landscape Heritage) at Sapienza University of Rome.

He has coordinated numerous research projects in the field of cultural heritage, with particular reference to the historical understanding of architecture as applied to restoration practices.

He is the author of monographs and essays and has curated the proceedings of national and international conferences on the history of architecture and restoration.

Among the monographs, the following are noteworthy:

Il progetto di restauro del palazzo di San Pietro in Vincoli a Roma, Rome 2012;

Il Battistero di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome 2015;

Per la storia e il restauro. Interpretazione dei caratteri dell’architettura, Rome 2024.

Among the essays, the following stand out:

Città storica, architettura, restauro: l’area dei Moli Antichi di Napoli, "Materiali e Strutture. Problemi di conservazione", 16, 2019, pp. 45-56;

The East Façade of the Complex of Saint John Lateran in the Modern Era, in The Basilica of Saint John Lateran to 1600, edited by L. Bosman, I. Haynes, P. Liverani, British School at Rome Studies, Cambridge 2020, pp. 466-491;

Conservative principles and operational guidelines in architectural restoration, in Iznik/Nicea on its way to become Unesco World Heritage. International Symposium proceedings edited by S. Kiliç, K. Akalin, Iznik 2020, pp. 799-808.

He is the editor of the book series I Palazzi di Roma. Storia e Restauro for Gangemi Editore (since 2005), I processi costruttivi dell’architettura for Gangemi Editore (since 2015), and Letture architettoniche for GBE Ginevra Bentivoglio Editoria (since 2018). Since August 1, 2024, he has been the editor-in-chief of the ANVUR A-level journal Abitare la Terra, published by Gangemi Editore.

He is a member of national and international scientific commissions and committees. Among these, the following are notable: the Commissione per l’Arte Sacra e i Beni Culturali dell’Arcidiocesi di Ferrara – Comacchio (since 2018) and the Board of Directors of ASS.I.R.C.CO. Associazione Italiana Recupero Consolidamento Costruzioni (since 2018).
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Galleria Borghese (since 2021).

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua (since 2021).

He is the President of the Technical Scientific Committee of Assorestauro and Salone Internazionale del Restauro (since 2021).

He is an expert member of the Commissione Permanente per la Tutela dei Monumenti storici ed artistici della Santa Sede (since 2023).



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CV 2025 ENG.pdf

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