Andrea Graziosi teaches Civil Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara.
Born March 13, 1965 in Bologna, he graduated in Law from the University of Bologna in 1988. He then began researching civil procedural law under the supervision of Prof. Federico Carpi. In 1994, he earned a PhD in civil procedural law discussing a dissertation before a jury chaired by Prof. Claudio Consolo.
From 1996 to 2000 he has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna.
In 2000, on winning a public examination at the University of Trento, he was admitted to teach Civil Procedural Law as an associate professor.
In 2004 he became a full professor of Civil Procedural Law following a selection carried out by a board chaired by Prof. Andrea Proto Pisani.
Andrea Graziosi is the author of two books and several contributions, including essays and case notes, published in some of the most prestigious Italian legal journals. He is also the author of the comments to several provisions of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure in the Commentary directed by Prof. Federico Carpi and Prof. Michele Taruffo.
He has taken part in several research projects and has been a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars of civil procedure, organized by Universities, professional associations, the Italian ‘Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura’ and several other institutions and research centres.
He is a Member of the Italian Association of Procedural Law since 1992.
Novità programma d'esame




Gentili Studenti,

si comunica che la riforma del processo civile entrata in vigore lo scorso 28 febbraio sarà oggetto di esame a partire dalla sessione di settembre.

Il primo volume del manuale "Istituzione di diritto processuale civile" del Prof. Balena aggiornato con le modifiche introdotte dal d.lgs. 149/2022  è già stato pubblicato, mentre gli altri due volumi dovrebbero essere disponibili entro l'estate.

Ai fini della preparazione dell'esame per la sessione di settembre si consiglia, pertanto, la consultazione dei tre volumi aggiornati e l'impiego costante di un codice di procedura civile anch’esso aggiornato.