Riviste internazionali (IF) - anni 2010 - 2015
1) VOLPATO S, VIGNA GB, FELLIN R. The benefit and risk of testosterone replacement therapy in older men: effects on lipid metabolism. Acta Biomed 2010; 81(Suppl 1):95-9.
2) ARDIGÒ D, BERNINI F, BORGHI C, CALANDRA S, CICERO AFG, FAVARI E, FELLIN R, FRANZINI L, VIGNA GB, ZIMETTI F, ZAVARONI I on behalf of the ADSL Project Investigators. Advanced Diagnostic Support in Lipidology (ADSL) project: role for phenotypic and functional evaluation of lipoproteins in dyslipidemias. Clin Lipidol 2010; 5: 329-337. (IF 0.771)
3) VOLPATO S, VIGNA GB, MCDERMOTT M, CAVALIERI M, MARALDI C, LAURETANI F, BANDINELLI S, ZULIANI G, GURALNIK JM, FELLIN R, FERRUCCI L. Lipoprotein[a], Inflammation, and Peripheral Arterial Disease in a Community-based Sample of Older Men and Women. The InCHIANTI Study. Am J Cardiol 2010; 105: 1825-1830. (IF 3.905)
4) VIGNA GB, FELLIN R. Pharmacotherapy of dylipidemias in the adult population. Expert Opin. Pharmacother 2010; 11: 3041-3052. (IF 2.018)
5) VIGNA GB, ZULIANI G, FELLIN R. Dyslipidemias in the older subject: features, significance and treatment dilemmas. Clin Lipidol 2011; 6: 339-350. (IF 0.771)
6) DEGLI ESPOSTI L, SANGIORGI D, ARCA M, VIGNA GB, BUDA S, DEGLI ESPOSTI: Raggiungimento del target terapeutico nei soggetti avviati al trattamento con statine in pratica clinica. Risultati dallo studio STAR (Statins Target Assessment in Real practice). Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2011; 76: 160-167.
7) NOTO D, CEFALÙ AB, VALENTI V, FAYER F, PINOTTI E, DITTA M, SPINA R, VIGNA G, YUE P, KATHIRESAN S, TARUGI P, AVERNA MR. Prevalence of ANGPTL3 and APOB gene mutations in subjects with Combined Hypolipidemia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012; 32: 805-9. (IF 7.235)
8) SORESI M, NOTO D, CEFALÙ AB, MARTINI S, VIGNA GB, FONDA M, MANZATO E, CATTIN L, FELLIN R, AVERNA MR, NOTARBARTOLO A. Nonalcoholic fatty liver and metabolic syndrome in Italy: results from a multicentric study of the Italian Arteriosclerosis society. Acta Diabetol 2012; 50: 241-9 (IF 3.175)
9) ZULIANI G, MORIERI ML, VOLPATO S, VIGNA GB, BOSI C, MAGGIO M, CHERUBINI A, BANDINELLI S, GURALNIK JM, FERRUCCI L. Determinants and clinical significance of plasma oxidized LDLs in older individuals. A 9 year follow-up study. Atherosclerosis 2013; 226:201-7. (IF 4.287)
10) CUCHEL M, MEAGHER EA, DU TOIT TH, BLOM DJ, MARAIS AD, HEGELE RA, AVERNA M, SIRTORI C, SHAH PK, GAUDET D, STEFANUTTI C, VIGNA GB, DU PLESSIS A, PROPERT KJ, SASIELA WJ, BLOEDON LT, RADER DJ, for the Phase 3 HoFH Lomitapide Study Investigators. Efficacy and safety of a microsomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibitor in Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Lancet 2013; 381:40-6. (IF 38.28)
11) VIGNA GB, SATTA E, BERNINI F, BOARINI S, BOSI C, GIUSTO L, PINOTTI E, TARUGI P, VANINI A, VOLPATO S, ZIMETTI F, ZULIANI G, FAVARI E. Flow-mediated dilation, carotid wall thickness and HDL function in subjects with hyperalphalipoproteinemia. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2014; 24: 777-783. (IF 3.828)
12) STEFANUTTI C, BLOM DJ, AVERNA MR, MEAGHER EA, THERON HDT, MARAIS AD, HEGELE RA, SIRTORI CR, SHAH PK, GAUDET D, VIGNA GB, SACHAIS BS, DI GIACOMO S, DU PLESSIS AME, BLOEDON LT, BALSER J, RADER DJ, CUCHEL M, for the Phase 3 HoFH Lomitapide Study Investigators. The lipid-lowering effects of lomitapide are unaffected by adjunctive apheresis in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia e A post-hoc analysis of a Phase 3, single-arm, open-label trial. Atherosclerosis 2015; 240: 408-414. (IF 4.287)
Altre riviste e pubblicazioni - anni 2010 - 2015
1) SATTA E, VIGNA GB: Dislipidemie nell'anziano: caratteristiche, significato e dubbi terapeutici. G It Arterioscler 2012: 3(1): 11-26.
2) DALLA NORA E, TESTONI L, VIGNA GB, DI VECE F, PASSARO A. Tessuto adiposo e infiammazione sistemica. G It Arterioscler 2012: 3(2): 72-83.
3) DI VECE F, DALLA NORA E, PASSARO A, TESTONI L, VIGNA GB. Sindrome metabolica e steatosi epatica: rapporti, meccanismi e determinanti. G It Arterioscler 2012: 3(3): 15-29.
4) VIGNA GB. Riconoscere e curare le ipercolesterolemie familiari. Cuore e Vasi 2012; 34(3): 9.
5) VIGNA GB. Tiroide e lipidi: binomio negletto? G It Arterioscler 2014: 5(2): 3-5.
6) VIGNA GB, DE GIORGI A. Acidi grassi w3: evidenze, novità e prospettive. G It Arterioscler 2014: 5(3): 51-66.
7) VIGNA GB, GHIRARDELLO O. La cardiopatia ischemica cronica: il controllo ottimale dell’assetto lipidico. Cardiologia ambulatoriale 2014; 22(4): 241-249.
8) VIGNA GB. Paziente a Rischio Cardiovascolare. Atti XXXVI congresso nazionale SIAPAV. Minerva Cardioangiologica 2014; 62 (Suppl. 1): 41-43.
9) VIGNA GB. Nuove prospettive terapeutiche nell’ipercolesterolemia. Atti di riunioni scientifiche CIBE. Collana Epidemiologia Clinica, vol. 2. Borgia Ed., Roma 2015, p. 55-57.
10) VIGNA GB. Ipercolesterolemia, statine e diabete: un rapporto articolato. G It Arterioscler 2015: 6(2): XX-XX