
Tyrone Lucon Xiccato

Associate Professor in Ethology and Animal Biology (BIO/05)

Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara.





Research: My primary focus is on animal evolutionary biology, with emphasis on the causes and consequences of variability of cognitive functions such as learning, memory, and executive functions like cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control. This includes examining these cognitive mechanisms in the context of human-driven environmental changes. I work with a diverse range of species, particularly fish, amphibians and invertebrates. My research has been widely recognised and published in leading zoological journals such as Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Animal Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioural Brain Research, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, and Animal Cognition, as well as in prestigious biology and multidisciplinary journals such as Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biology Letters, iScience, and Communication Biology. My works on anthropogenetic effects have been also published in notable environmental science journals like Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, and Aquatic Toxicology.

International experience: research periods in US and Canada.

Publications: 90 papers in 10 years academic age.

Collaborations: 12 national and 6 international.

Grants: overall ~ €1.500.000

Didactic&Mentoring: teaching Zoology, Ethology, Evolution, Animal Psychologyand                                            Psychobiology;

>100 student projects and thesis; 39 papers with students.








4.1 Honours

4.2 Press Release


5.1 Advancement of Knowledge

5.2 International Experience

5.3 Publications

5.3.1 Statistics

5.3.2 List of Papers in International Journals

5.4 Grants

5.4.1 Individual Grants

5.4.2 Grants as Collaborator

5.5 Current Collaborations

5.6 Conferences

5.6.1 Chair

5.6.2 Talks

5.6.3 Posters

5.6.4 Talks as Co-author

5.7 Membership of Research Associations


6.1 Teaching

6.2 Supervising and Mentoring


7.1 Editor

7.2 Peer Review

7.3 Ph.D. Programs





Date of birth: 17 February 1988                    Place of birth: Camposampiero (PD), Italy

ID: CA36478DZ                                               Fiscal Code: LCNTRN88B17B563I

Snail mail: Work: Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, via Luigi Borsari 46, 44121,                                 Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Permanent address:   via Cavini 3, 35010 San Giorgio delle Pertiche, PD, Italy

Current address: via Pier Paolo Pasolini, 44124 Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Office phone: +39 0532455478                     Cell phone: +39 3892774800

Skype: tyronelx


2024-now        Associate professor, University of Ferrara

2021-2024      Assistant professor senior (RTDb), University of Ferrara

2018-2021      Assistant professor junior (RTDa), University of Ferrara

2016-2017      Post-doc, University of Padova

2016                Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences (Psychobiology), University of Padova

2012                M.Sc. in Evolutionary Biology, University of Padova (110 cum laude/110)

2010                Bachelor’s in Biology, University of Padova (score: 108/110)


3. ABILITAZIONE SCIENTIFICA NAZIONALE (National scientific habilitation)

Settore Concorsuale 05/B1 – II Fascia – Secondo Quadrimestre

from 10/10/2019 to 10/10/2028


4.1 Honours

2022    International Prize for Organismic-Evolutionary Zoology ‘Mario Benazzi e Giuseppina Lentati’ from Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

2020    Invited speaker at Parma Darwin Day

2018    ‘Outstanding reviewer’ (top 10th percentile) for Animal Behaviour.

2017    Top Young European Scientist in UK, Germany and Italy with 1-5 academic age


4.2 International Press Release (sample)

Nature Italy:,shed%20light%20on%20their%20evolution.&text=A%20female%20zebrafish%20(Danio%20rerio,appear%20to%20have%20numerical%20abilities.


BBC Earth:

Inside Science:

Science Trends:



5.1 Advancement of Knowledge

My primary research interest is to understand how and why behaviour and cognition differ both between and within species, and how this variability contributes to evolutionary processes. My work in zoology stands out for its multidisciplinary approach, integrating evolutionary biology, classical ethology, behavioural ecology, neurobiology, and cognitive sciences, which I have developed throughout my academic training. My research has led to several key advancements in knowledge:


1. Conserved behavioural and cognitive abilities in fish and amphibians

Traditionally, cognition and behaviour in vertebrates with simpler nervous systems, such as fish and amphibians, have been considered basic. However, my research has demonstrated surprisingly complex abilities in these animals. For example, certain fish species exhibit highly efficient learning (Ethology 2019) and spatial navigation abilities (Anim. Behav. 2017a), as well as problem-solving skills related to foraging (Curr. Zool. 2020). Additionally, I have uncovered cognitive functions such as numerical computation (Anim. Cogn. 2014), cognitive flexibility (Biol. Lett. 2014; Anim. Cogn. 2017), object recognition memory (Behav. Process. 2014), and inhibitory control (Sci. Rep. 2017) in fish. In amphibians, my research has demonstrated the ability to discriminate quantities (Anim. Behav. 2018a) and process multiple simultaneous stimuli (Anim. Behav. 2018b). Collectively, these findings suggest that many cognitive and behavioural features seen in birds and mammals may have evolved early in vertebrate history.


2. Sex and individual variability in cognition

While over a century of research has been dedicated to studying cognitive variability in humans, other species, particularly those with simpler nervous systems, have often been overlooked. In these groups, my research provided evidence of significant cognitive variability within the same species, particularly based on sex. For instance, female guppies display superior behavioural flexibility compared to males (Biol. Lett. 2014; Anim. Behav. 2017b; Anim. Cogn. 2020), while males perform better in spatial navigation tasks (Anim. Behav. 2017b). Furthermore, I have shown individual cognitive differences within the same sex (Curr. Zool. 2020; Anim. Cogn. 2020). These findings indicate that cognitive variability is not unique to humans and may have evolved early in vertebrate history. I have reviewed these results in 'Individual Differences in Cognition Among Teleost Fish' (2017, Behav. Proc.) and in a review in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2022). Additionally, I explored similar variations in invertebrates in a recent review in Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. (2024).


3. Evolutionary mechanisms maintaining cognitive variation

The cognitive variability observed in my studies is unexpected, as natural selection is thought to either favour high cognitive capacities or reduce variation around a species-specific optimum. Through both lab and field experiments on fish and amphibians, I am investigating the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for maintaining this variability. My work highlights the role of both genetic (J. Fish. Biol. 2020; Proc. Royal Soc. B 2022) and developmental plasticity (Behav. Ecol. 2017; Curr. Zool. 2019; Biology 2020; iScience 2021; Anim. Behav. 2022; Proc. Royal Soc. B 2023). I have also shown that constraints between cognitive functions influence crucial survival tasks, such as predator avoidance and foraging (Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 2017). My findings further suggest that cognitive variation may be shaped by indirect selective forces due to its correlation with behaviour (e.g., personality and lateralization) and physiology (Front. Psychol. 2017; Curr. Zool. 2020b; Biol. Lett. 2020; Anim. Behav. 2021; Proc. Royal Soc. B, under review; PNAS, under review). I am currently exploring the proximate molecular mechanisms underlying cognitive variability (Curr. Biol., under review; Anim. Cogn. under review) and its fitness consequences (PNAS, under review).


4. Animal cognition in a changing world

Given the high cognitive plasticity observed, my team has explored how human-induced environmental changes affect animal cognition. We confirmed that factors such as hypoxia, artificial light at night, and chemical pollution can impair cognitive abilities in fish (JEB 2014; Chemosphere 2023; STOTEN 2023; Biol. Lett. 2023; Anim. Behav. 2024; JEB, under review). Moreover, we have shown that these cognitive impacts extend to the welfare of captive animals (Physiol. Behav. 2023; Ethology 2024; Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 2024).


5. Development of novel paradigms

To address many of the research questions described above, I developed new methodological approaches and cognitive tasks specifically tailored to species like fish and amphibians, which previously lacked suitable behavioural paradigms. These advancements have significantly contributed to the field and have been adopted by researchers using fish models in applied biomedical research (Behav. Process. 2014; Anim. Cogn. 2017a, 2017b; Behav. Brain Res. 2020; J. Neurosci. Methods 2020). I have also worked on automating existing tasks (Ethology 2019), enabling more efficient and accurate data collection.

5.2. International Experience

2015                Visiting Scholar at Department of Biomedial Sciences, University of                                    Saskatchewan, Canada (6 months)

2013                Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, U.S. (2 months)

5.3 Publications

5.3.1 Statistics

Number of publications: 90

First author: 52 Senior/last author: 15 Single author: 4

With international co-authors: 19 With students: 39

Citations: Google Scholar=2122; Scopus=1764; Web of Sciences=1573

H-index: Google Scholar=26; Scopus=22; Web of Sciences=22; i10-index: Google Scholar=56





Web of Science ResearcherID:


Google Scholar:

Research Gate:




Trend in the number of citations and number of papers of the PI in the 10 years of academic activity. Data obtained from Google Scholar. Data retrieved until 2023.




5.3.2 List of Papers in International Journals

Legend:           * corresponding author          international co-authors        TLX's students



2024    90. Gatto, E.*, Varracchio, C., Bertolucci, C., & LUCON-XICCATO, T. (2024). Puzzle feeder as a cognitive enrichment strategy determines long-term welfare       improvements in a teleost fish. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 106401.

89. Rovegno, E.*, LUCON-XICCATO, T., Terrin, F., Dalla Valle, L., & Bertolucci, C.    (2024). Knockout in zebrafish reveals the role of the glucocorticoid receptor in      shaping behavioral syndromes. Behavioural Brain Research, 473, 115179.

88. Caioni, G., Merola, C., Perugini, M.*, Angelozzi, G., Amorena, M., Benedetti, E.,           LUCON-XICCATO, T.  & Bertolucci, C. (2024). Sodium valproate effects on the        morphological and neurobehavioral phenotype of zebrafish. Environmental         Toxicology and Pharmacology, 110, 104500.

87. De Russi, G.*, Montalbano, G., Gatto, E., Maggi, E., Cannicci, S., Bertolucci, C. &          LUCON-XICCATO, T. (2024). Differential impact of artificial light at night on cognitive             flexibility in visual and spatial reversal-learning tasks. Animal Behaviour, in press.

86. Gatto, E., LUCON-XICCATO, T., & Bertolucci, C. (2024). Environmental conditions        shape learning in larval zebrafish. Behavioural Processes, 105045.

85. Pintos, S.*, LUCON‐XICCATO, T., Vera, L. M., Conceição, L., Bertolucci, C.,        Sánchez‐Vázquez, J., & Rema, P. (2024). Social buffering of behavioural stress response in two fish species, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and koi carp        (Cyprinus carpio). Ethology, e13464.

84. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, De Russi, G., Frigato, E., Dadda, M., & Bertolucci, C. (2024).       One-trial odour recognition learning and its underlying brain areas in the zebrafish.         Behavioural Brain Research, 465, 114949.

83. LUCON-XICCATO, T*. (2024). Inhibitory control in teleost fish: a methodological         and conceptual review. Animal Cognition, 27, 1-18.

82. Varracchio, C.*, Gatto, E., Bertolucci, C., & LUCON‐XICCATO, T. (2024). Do captive      fish need cognitive enrichment? A test with a puzzle feeder in guppies. Ethology,   e13442.

81. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Carere, C., & Baracchi, D. (2024). Intraspecific variation in         invertebrate cognition: a review. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 78, 1.

80. Merola, C.*, Caioni, G., Bertolucci, C., LUCON-XICCATO, T., Savaşçı, B. B., Tait, S.,        Casella, M., Camerini, S., Benedetti, E., & Perugini, M. (2024). Embryonic and larval     exposure to propylparaben induces developmental and long-term neurotoxicity in           zebrafish model. Science of The Total Environment, 912, 168925.


2023    79. Conti, F.*, Zarantoniello, M., Antonucci, M., Cattaneo, N., Rattin, M., De Russi, G.,      Secci, G., LUCON-XICCATO, T., de Medeiros, A. C. L., & Olivotto, I. (2023). The   Application of synthetic flavors in zebrafish (Danio rerio) rearing with emphasis on           attractive ones: effects on fish development, welfare, and appetite. Animals, 13,         3368.

78. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, De Russi, G., Cannicci, S., Maggi, E., Bertolucci, C. (2023).          Embryonic exposure to artificial light at night impairs learning abilities and their     covariance with behavioural traits in teleost fish. Biology Letters, accepted.

77. Montalbano, G., Bertolucci, C., Bisazza, A., LUCON-XICCATO, T.* (2023)           Interspecific differences in developmental mode determine early cognitive abilities in teleost fish. Animal Cognition, accepted.

76. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Savaşçı, B. B., Merola, C., Benedetti, E., Caioni, G., Aliko, V.,      Bertolucci, C., Perugini, M. (2023). Environmentally relevant concentrations of triclocarban affect behaviour, learning, and brain gene expression in fish. Science of        The Total Environment, 903, 166717.

75. Dalla Barba, F., Soardi, M., Mouhib, L., Risato, G., Akyürek, E. E., LUCON-XICCATO,      T., Scano, M., Benetollo, A., Sacchetto, R., Richard, I., Argenton, F., Bertolucci, C.,          Carotti, M., Sandonà, D. (2023). Modeling Sarcoglycanopathy in Danio rerio.         International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, 12707.

74. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Montalbano, G., Bertolucci, C. (2023). Adaptive phenotypic      plasticity induces individual variability along a cognitive trade-off. Proceedings of the         Royal Society B, 290, 20230350.

73. Pintos, S., LUCON-XICCATO, T., Vera, L. M., Bertolucci, C. (2023). Daily rhythms in       the behavioural stress response of the zebrafish Danio rerioPhysiology & Behavior, 268, 114241.

72. Mancia, A., Abelli, L., Palladino, G., Candela, M., LUCON-XICCATO, T., Bertolucci,         C., Fossi, M. C., Baini, M., Panti, C. (2023). Sorbed environmental contaminants increase the harmful effects of microplastics in adult zebrafish, Danio rerioAquatic         Toxicology, 259, 106544.

71. Caioni, G., Merola, C., Bertolucci, C., LUCON-XICCATO, T., Savaşçı, B. B., Massimi,        M., Colasante, M., Fioravanti, G., Cacciola, N. A., Ippoliti, R., d’Angelo, M., Perugini,     M., Benedetti, E. (2023). Early-life exposure to environmentally relevant c oncentrations of triclocarban impairs ocular development in zebrafish larvae.       Chemosphere, 324, 138348.

70. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Gatto, E., Fontana, C. M., Bisazza, A. (2023). Quantity    discrimination in newly hatched zebrafish suggests hardwired numerical abilities.            Communications Biology, 6, 247.

69. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Tomain, M., D’Aniello, S., Bertolucci, C. (2023). bdnf loss           affects activity, sociability, and anxiety-like behaviour in zebrafish. Behavioural Brain    Research, 436, 114115.


2022    68. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Montalbano, G., Gatto, E., Frigato, E., D’Aniello, S.,        Bertolucci, C. (2022). Individual differences and knockout in zebrafish reveal similar   cognitive effects of BDNF between teleosts and mammals. Proceedings of the Royal       Society B: Biological Sciences, 10.1098/rspb.2022.2036.

67. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Montalbano, G., Frigato, E., Loosli, F., Foulkes, N. S.,      Bertolucci, C. (2022). Medaka as a model for seasonal plasticity: Photoperiod           mediated changes in behaviour, cognition, and hormones. Hormones and Behavior,       145, 105244.

66. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Cattelan, S., Griggio, M. (2022). Familiarity effects on fish          behaviour are disrupted in shoals that contain also unfamiliar individuals. Behavioral          Ecology and Sociobiology, 76, 100.

65. LUCON-XICCATO, T., Loosli, F., Conti, F., Foulkes, N. S., Bertolucci, C. (2022).    Comparison of anxiety-like and social behaviour in medaka and zebrafish. Scientific       Reports, 12, 10926.

64. LUCON-XICCATO, T.* (2022). The contribution of executive functions to sex    differences in animal cognition. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 138, 104705.

63. Gatto, E., Dadda, M., Bruzzone, M., Chiarello, E., De Russi, G., Maschio, M. D., Bisazza, A., LUCON‐XICCATO, T. (2022). Environmental enrichment decreases anxiety‐like behavior in zebrafish larvae. Developmental Psychobiology, 64, e22255.

62. Montalbano, G., Bertolucci, C., LUCON-XICCATO, T. (2022). Cognitive phenotypic        plasticity: environmental enrichment affects learning but not executive functions in a       teleost fish, Poecilia reticulataBiology, 11, 64.

61. LUCON-XICCATO, T.*, Montalbano, G., Reddon, A. R., Bertolucci, C. (2022).     Social environment affects inhibitory control via developmental plasticity in a fish.      Animal Behaviour, 183, 69-76.


2021    60. Gatto, E., Bruzzone, M., LUCON-XICCATO, T. (2021). Innate visual discrimination         abilities of zebrafish larvae. Behavioural Processes, 193, 104534.

59. Savaşçı, B. B., Lucon-Xiccato, T., Bisazza, A. (2021). Ontogeny and personality affect inhibitory control in guppies, Poecilia reticulataAnimal Behaviour, 180, 111- 121.

58. López-Olmeda, J. F., Zhao, H., Reischl, M., Pylatiuk, C., LUCON-XICCATO, T., Loosli, F., Foulkes, N. S. (2021). Long photoperiod impairs learning in male but not female medaka. IScience, 24, 102784.

57. Merola C., LUCON-XICCATO T., Bertolucci C., Peruginia M. (2021). Behavioural            effects of early-life exposure to parabens in zebrafish larvae. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 41, 1852-1862.

56. LUCON-XICCATO T., Bella L., Mainardi L., Baraldi M., Bottarelli M., Sandonà D.,           Bertolucci C. (2021). An automated low-cost swim tunnel for measuring swimming           performance in fish. Zebrafish, 18, 231-234.

55. Mair A., LUCON-XICCATO T., Bisazza, A. (2021). Guppies in the puzzle box:       innovative problem-solving by a teleost fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,     75, 17.


2020    54. LUCON-XICCATO T., Conti F., Loosli F., Foulkes N. S., Bertolucci, C. (2020).        Development of Open-Field Behaviour in the Medaka, Oryzias latipesBiology, 9,     389.

53. Gatto E., Testolin A., Bisazza A., Zorzi M., LUCON-XICCATO T.*. (2020). Poor    numerical performance of guppies tested in a Skinner box. Scientific Reports, 10,    16724.

52. Montalbano G., Bertolucci C., LUCON-XICCATO T. (2020). Measures of inhibitory        control correlate between different tasks but do not predict problem-solving success  in a fish, Poecilia reticulataIntelligence, 82, 101486.                                                         51. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Montalbano G.,Dadda M., Bertolucci C. (2020).         Lateralisation correlates with individual differences in inhibitory control in zebrafish.        Biology Letters, 16, 20200296.

50. Zarantoniello M., Randazzo B., Gioacchini G., Truzzi C., Giorgini E., Riolo P., Gioia        G., Bertolucci C., Osimani A., Cardinaletti G., LUCON-XICCATO T., Milanović V.,       Annibaldi A., Tulli F., Notarstefano V., Ruschioni S., Clementi F., Olivotto I. (2020). Zebrafish (Danio rerio) physiological and behavioural responses to insect-based diets: a multidisciplinary approach. Scientific Reports, 10, 10648.

49. Gatto E., LUCON-XICCATO T., Bisazza A., Manabe K., Dadda M. (2020). The devil is in the detail: zebrafish learn to discriminate visual stimuli only if salient. Behavioural Processes, 179, 104215.

48. LUCON‐XICCATO T.*, Bertolucci C. (2020). Inhibitory control in zebrafish, Danio rerioJournal of Fish Biology, 97, 416-423.

47. Bruzzone M., Gatto E., LUCON-XICCATO T., Dalla Valle L., Fontana C. M.,          Meneghetti G., Bisazza A. (2020). Measuring recognition memory in zebrafish larvae:   issues and limitations. PeerJ, 8, e8890.                                                                                 46. Santacà M., LUCON-XICCATO T., Agrillo C. (2020) The Delboeuf illusion’s bias in food choice of teleost fishes: an inter-specific study. Animal Behaviour, 164, 105-            112.                                                                                                                                         45. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Crane A., Ferrari M. C. O., Chivers D. (2020). Exposure to      predation risk reduces lateralization in fathead minnows. Canadian Journal of      Experimental Psychology, accepted manuscript.                                                             44. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, De Russi G., Bertolucci C. (2020). A novel-odour exploration             test for measuring anxiety in adult and larval zebrafish. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 335, 108619.                                                                                                          43. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A., Bertolucci C. (2020). Guppies show sex and    individual differences in the ability to inhibit behaviour. Animal Cognition, 23, 535-543.                                                                                                                                         42. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Montalbano G., Bertolucci C. (2020). Personality traits    covary with individual differences in inhibitory abilities in 2 species of fish. Current        Zoology, 66, 187-195.                                                                                                             41. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Gatto E., Bisazza A. (2020). Male and female guppies differ in problem-solving abilities. Current Zoology, 66, 83-90.                                                     40. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Di Mauro G., Bisazza A., Bertolucci C. (2020). Alarm cue- mediated response and learning in zebrafish larvae. Behavioural Brain Research, 380, 112446.                                                                                                                           39. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Dadda M., Bisazza A. (2020). Vegetation cover induces        developmental plasticity of lateralisation in tadpoles. Current Zoology, 4, 393-399.

2019    38. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A., Pilastro A. (2019). Exploratory behaviour       covaries with preference for unfamiliar males in female guppies. Animal Behaviour,   155, 217-224.                                                                                                                          37. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Anastasia N., Mazzoldi C., Griggio M. (2019). Familiarity and           sex modulate size-dependent following behaviour in the Mediterranean killifish. The     Science of Nature, 106, 31.                                                                                                    36. Santacà M., Busatta M., LUCON-XICCATO T., Bisazza, A. (2019). Sensory         differences mediate species variation in detour task performance. Animal Behaviour,      155, 153-162.                                                                                                                             35. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bertolucci C. (2019). Guppies show rapid and lasting         inhibition of foraging behaviour. Behavioural Processes, 164, 91-99.                                 34. LUCON‐XICCATO T.* (2019). Tadpoles modulate antipredator responses according to the abundance of vegetation experienced during the embryonic stage.         Journal of Zoology, 308, 259-265.                                                                                              33. LUCON-XICCATO T.* (2019). Chemical alarm cues allow prey to adjust their defensive behaviour to cover abundance. Behavioural Processes, 162, 86-89.                   32. Santacà M., Busatta M., Savaşçı B. B., LUCON-XICCATO T., Bisazza A. (2019). The e ffect of experience and olfactory cue in an inhibitory control task in guppies (Poecilia       reticulata). Animal Behaviour, 151, 1-7.                                                                          31. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Santacà M., Miletto Petrazzini M. E., Agrillo C., Dadda M.        (2019). Guppies, Poecilia reticulata, perceive a reversed Delboeuf illusion. Animal            Cognition, 22, 291-303.                                                                                                          30. LUCON‐XICCATO T.*, Manabe K., Bisazza A. (2019). Guppies learn faster to             discriminate between red and yellow than between two shapes. Ethology, 125, 82-         91.                                                                                                                                           29. Cattelan S., LUCON-XICCATO T., Pilastro A. Griggio M. (2019). Familiarity         mediates equitable social associations in guppies. Behavioral Ecology, 30, 249-255.

2018    28. Gatto E., LUCON-XICCATO T., Bisazza A. (2018). Factors affecting the measure of inhibitory control in a fish (Poecilia reticulata). Behavioural Processes, 157, 11-17.   27. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Ferrari M. C. O., Chivers D. P., Bisazza A. (2018). Odour recognition learning of multiple predators by amphibian larvae. Animal Behaviour, 140, 199-205.                                                                                                                    26. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Gatto E., Bisazza A. (2018). Quantity discrimination by treefrogs. Animal Behaviour, 139, 61-69.

2017    25. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Gatto E., Bisazza A. (2017). Fish perform like mammals and birds in inhibitory control tasks. Scientific Reports, 7, 13144.                                     24. Miletto Petrazzini M.E., Agrillo C., Bisazza A., LUCON XICCATO T. (2017) Sex differences in discrimination reversal learning in the guppy. Animal Cognition, 20, 1081-1091.                                                                                                               23. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Dadda M. (2017). Personality and cognition: sociability negatively predicts shoal size discrimination performance in guppies. Frontiers in Comparative Psychology, 8, 1118.                                                                                      22. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Griggio M. (2017). Shoal sex composition affects exploration in the Mediterranean killifish. Ethology, 123, 818-824.                              21. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Mazzoldi C., Griggio M. (2017). Sex composition modulates the effects of familiarity in new environment. Behavioural Processes, 140, 133-138.           20. Cattelan S., LUCON-XICCATO T., Pilastro A., Griggio M. (2017). Is the mirror test a valid measure of fish sociability? Animal Behaviour, 127, 109-116.                                 19. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A. (2017). Individual differences in cognition among teleost fishes. Behavioural Processes, 141, 184-195.                                                        18. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A. (2017). Complex maze learning by fish. Animal Behaviour, 125, 69-75.                                                                                        17. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Dadda M., Gatto E., Bisazza A. (2017). Development and testing of a rapid method for measuring shoal size discrimination. Animal Cognition, 20, 149-157.                                                                                                                            16. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A. (2017). Sex differences in spatial abilities and cognitive flexibility in the guppy. Animal Behaviour, 123, 53-60.                                           15. LUCON XICCATO T.*, Dadda M. (2017). Individual guppies differ in quantity discrimination performance across antipredator and foraging contexts. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71, 13.                                                                         14. Gatto E., LUCON-XICCATO T., Savaşçı B. B., Dadda M., Bisazza A. (2017). Experimental setting affects the performance of guppies in a numerical discrimination task. Animal Cognition, 20, 187-198.                                                        13. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Chivers D. P., Mitchell M. D., Ferrari M. C. O. (2017). Prenatal exposure to predation affects predator recognition learning via lateralization plasticity. Behavioral Ecology, 28, 253-259.

2016    12. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Chivers D. P., Mitchell M. D., Ferrari M. C. O. (2016) Making the dead talk: alarm cue-mediated antipredator behaviour and learning are enhanced when injured conspecifics experience high predation risk. Biology Letters, 12, 20160560.                                                                                                           11. Chivers D. P., Mitchell M. D., LUCON-XICCATO T., Brown G. E., Ferrari M. C. O. (2016). Background risk influences learning but not generalization of predators. Animal Behaviour, 121, 733-744.                                                                            10. Mitchell M. D., Ferrari M. C. O., LUCON-XICCATO T., Chivers D. P.(2016). Diet cues alter the development of predator recognition templates in tadpoles. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70, 1707-1713.                                           9. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Dadda M. (2016). Guppies show behavioural but not cognitive sex differences in a novel object recognition task. PLoS ONE, 11, e0156589.           8. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Dadda M., Bisazza A. (2016). Sex differences in discrimination of shoal size in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Ethology, 122, 481-491.                               7. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A. (2016). Male and female guppies differ in speed but not in accuracy in visual discrimination learning. Animal Cognition, 19, 733-744.


2015    6. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Miletto Petrazzini M. E., Agrillo C., Bisazza A. (2015). Guppies discriminate between two quantities of food items but prioritize item size over total amount. Animal Behaviour, 107, 183-191.                                                                                  5. Miletto Petrazzini M. E., LUCON-XICCATO T., Agrillo C., Bisazza A. (2015). Use of ordinal information by fish. Scientific Reports, 5, 15497.


2014    4. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Nati J. H. J., Blasco F. R., Johansen L. J., Steffensen F. J., Domenici P. (2014). Severe hypoxia impairs lateralization in a marine teleost fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, 4115-4118.                                                                        3. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Bisazza A. (2014). Discrimination reversal learning reveals greater female behavioural flexibility in guppies. Biology Letters, 10, 20140206.       2. Bisazza A., Agrillo C., LUCON-XICCATO T.* (2014). Extensive training extends numerical abilities of guppies. Animal Cognition, 17, 1413-1419.                                          1. LUCON-XICCATO T.*, Dadda M. (2014). Assessing memory in zebrafish using the one-trial test. Behavioural Processes, 106, 1-4.


5.4 Grants

5.4.1 Grants as PI

2024                Italian Biodiversity Centre grant 'BioPo: Fish biodiversity in the lower course of the Po River: a study model of the effects of global changes in large rivers. ' from European Union PNRR (€195.000; co-PI).

2024                FAR grant ‘The impact of stress hormones on fish cognition’ from University of Ferrara (€5.600).

2023                FAR grant ‘A new model for BDNF and neural plasticity’ from University of Ferrara (€9.500).

2022                National Research Partnership grant 'MNESYS: A multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease' from European Union PNRR, n. CUP D93C22000930002 (€488.600).

2022                FAR grant ‘Seasonal plasticity of behaviour and cognition in medaka’ from University of Ferrara (€7.800).

2021                FAR grant ‘Testing the social brain hypothesis in cichlid fishes’ from University of Ferrara (€5.200).

2020                FAR grant ‘One-trial recognition memory of olfactory stimuli in zebrafish’              from University of Ferrara (€6.100).

2019                FAR grant ‘The ability to inhibit impulsive behaviour, inhibitory control, in the                   zebrafish’ from University of Ferrara (€4.700).

2018                FIR grant ‘The response to alarm substances in zebrafish larvae (Danio rerio)                     as a model for stress research’ from University of Ferrara (€5.000). Project                       evaluation: excellent; first out of 46 candidates.

2018                FAR grant ‘Inter-specific variability in spatial behaviour of teleost fishes’ from                   University of Ferrara (€4.600).

2013                Individual AID grant from University of Washington ($2.000).


5.4.2 Grants as Collaborator

2024                PRIN 2022 Some like it hot and lit: the compound effect of light pollution and                   warming on key costal species' from MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione,                                Università, e Ricerca) total grant: €284.442; UniFE: €92.947).

2023                PRIN 2022 PNRR n. P20222E4CY 'Rock around the clock: how biological                             invasions alter circadian clocks of native species' from MIUR (Ministero                                   dell'Istruzione, Università, e Ricerca) total grant: €236.835; UniFE: €118.418).

2020                H2020-MSCA-ITN-2-EID-2020 European Training Networks n. 956129                                ‘EASYTRAIN - Eco-Innovative Aquaculture System Training for European                                    Industrial Doctorates’ from E.U. (total grant: €1.528.149; UniFE: €261.500).

2019                PNRA Italian Antartic Research Program n. PNRA19_00065-B, MIUR                                   (Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università, e Ricerca) ‘Functional and molecular                characterization of the circadian clock in the Antarctic key species Euphausia                    superba’, (total grant: €124.900; UniFE: €41.100).

2019                MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program n. 15846 ‘Life without the day-night                           cycle: exploring photoreceptors beyond the eye’ from Ministero                                              dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca and German Academic Exchange                 Service (€4.500).

2016                PRAT n. CPDA153859 ‘Social behaviour and the role of social familiarity in                         fish’ from University of Padova (€50.000).

2015                PRIN n. 2015SFFATB7-SH4 ‘Optical illusions as a non-invasive tool to study the                  visual system. Toward the development of animal models’ from Ministero                  dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (€159.000).

2014                DOR (quota ex 60%) n. 60A17-9047/14 ‘Lateralization and numerical                                 abilities’ from University of Padova.

2013                PRAT n. CPDA131092 ‘Fish as model to study lateralization of non-verbal              numerical abilities’ from University of Padova (€33.581).

2013    DOR (quota ex 60%) n. 60A17-2133/13 ‘Cognitive individual differences in            non-human species’ from University of Padova.

2009    PRIN n. 2009WZXKK7T ‘Numerical competences in animals’ from   Ministero        dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (€76.603).

5.5 Current Collaborations

Prof. Javier Sánchez-Vázquez, Dept. of Physiology. university of Murcia, Spain.

Prof. Luisa María Vera, Dept. of Physiology. university of Murcia, Spain.

Prof. Douglas P. Chivers, Dept. of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Prof. Maud C.O. Ferrari, Dept. of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Prof. Adam Reddon, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.

Prof. Gil Rosenthal, Dept. of Biology, University of Padova.

Prof. Nicholas Foulkes, Heidelberg University, Germany.

Prof. Felix Loosli, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.

Prof. Andrea Pilastro, Dept. of Biology, University of Padova, Italy.

Prof. Angelo Bisazza, Dept. of General Psychology, University of Padova, Italy.

Prof. Cristiano Bertolucci, Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara, Italy.

Dr. Paolo Domenici, National Research Concilium, Italy.

Prof. Marco Dadda, Dept. of General Psychology, University of Padova, Italy.

Dr. Salvatore D’Aniello, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy

Prof. Luisa Dalla Valle, Dept. of Biology, University of Padova, Italy.

Prof. Annalaura Mancia, Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara.

Prof. Ike Olivotto, Dipt. di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy.

Prof. Monia Perugini, Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmental Technology

University of Teramo, Italy.

Prof. Giuseppe Calstaldelli, Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara.

5.6 Conferences

5.6.1 Chair

1 – 4 Sep 2019            8th Congress of Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology, Padova, Italy: symposium ‘Social behaviour: ecology and evolution’.


5.6.2 Talks

28 Jul – 02 Aug 2024  15th International Congress of Neuroethology, Berlin, Germany: ' Exploiting gene expression analysis and knockout to unravel the basis of cognitive individualities in fish '

9 – 11 Nov 2023         X Conference and XV Symposium of Psychobiology, Brazil: invited speaker 'Understanding the biological basis of cognitive individual differences in fish models'.

18 – 22 Sep 2019        XXVIII Conference of Italian Society of Ethology, Firenze, Italy: ‘Cognitive flexibility in male and female guppies’.

18 – 22 Sep 2017        Second Joint Meeting of Société Zoologique de France and Unione                                     Zoologica Italiana, Torino, Italy: ‘Individual differences in exploratory                                    behaviour predict novel male preference in female guppies (Poecilia                                  reticulata, Peters, 1859)’.

18 – 21 June 2017       XXVII Conference of Italian Society of Ethology, Calci, Italy:                                     ‘Chemical alarm cues mediate antipredator behaviour and learning in                                 zebrafish larvae’.

2 – 3 Feb 2017 1° Zebrafish Italian Meeting, Padova, Italy: ‘New paradigms for                                           studying learning and memory in zebrafish’.

12 – 15 Jul 2016          European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Wien, Austria:                                              ‘Cognitive sex differences in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata’.

25 – 26 Feb 2016        4° Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: ‘Lateralisation and                                    predator recognition in Lithobates slyvaticus tadpoles’.

12 – 13 Feb 2015        3° Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: ‘Individual                                     differences in quantity discrimination by Poecilia reticulata’.

2 – 5 Sep 2014 Conference of Poeciliid Biologist, Exeter, England: ‘Sex differences in                                 cognitive abilities in guppies’.

12 – 13 Dec 2013        2° Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: ‘Sex differences in                                    cognitive flexibility in guppies’.


5.6.3 Posters

7 – 9 Feb 2024 Italian Zebrafish Meeting, Italy: 'Gr loss impairs zebrafish learning and                               cognitive flexibility'.

7 – 9 Feb 2024 Italian Zebrafish Meeting, Italy:  'Knockout in zebrafish reveals the role                              of the glucocorticoid receptor in shaping behavioral syndromes'.

7 – 9 Feb 2024 Italian Zebrafish Meeting, Italy: 'The time of the day matters: daily                                     rhythms in anxiety-like behaviours of the zebrafish Danio rerio'.

8 – 9 Dec 2022 ASAB winter, Edinburg, UK: 'Cognitive abilities of migrating European                                eels'.

8 – 9 Sept 2022           5th International Student Course in Behavioural Biology, Paris, France:                              'Recognition memory for olfactory stimuli in Danio rerio'.

8 – 9 Sept 2022           European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition 2022,                                       Rovereto, Italy: 'Recognition memory for olfactory stimuli in Danio                                   rerio'.

4 – 7 Sept 2022           Conference of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology, Ancona,                          Italy: 'Do captive fish need cognitive enrichment? A study with a                                       foraging problem-solving task'

9 – 9 Apr 2021            Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: 'Recognition memory in                               zebrafish using olfactory stimuli'

28 Oct 2017                9th Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International,                                Paris, France: ‘A Low-Cost Video Tracking System for Operant                                      Conditioning of Small Fish Using Raspberry Pi’.

30 Jul – 4 Aug 2017     Behaviour 2017, Estoril, Portugal: ‘Tree frogs discriminate between                                   quantities of potential refuges’.

18 – 21 Jun 2017         XXVII Conference of Italian Society of Ethology, Calci, Italy: ‘Do                                           ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) and guppies (Poecilia reticulata)                                            perceive the Delboeuf illusion?’.

12 – 15 Jul 2016          European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Wien, Austria: ‘Does                                    method matter in fish cognition? Evidence from studies on numerical                          abilities’.

17 – 20 Jul 2014          European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Prague, Czech                                              Republic: ‘Sex differences in reversal learning in guppies’.


5.6.4 Talks as Co-author


8 – 11 Sep 2024          Conference of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology, Napoli,                                       Italy: 'Swimmers or climbers? Eels' individual migratory strategies are                            explained by complex syndromes'

4 – 6 Sep 2024 XXX Conference of Italian Society of Ethology, Torino, Italy: 'The                                         effects of microplastic ingestion on fish cognition'.

7 – 9 Feb 2024 Italian Zebrafish Meeting, Palermo, Italy: 'Zebrafish as a model for                         biodiversity threats: impacts of light pollution on behaviour and                                                 cognition'.

7 – 9 Feb 2024 Italian Zebrafish Meeting, Palermo, Italy: 'Neural plasticity genes’                           expression and knockout zebrafish reveal the basis of individual                                           differences in cognition'.

14 – 20 Aug 2023       Behaviour, Bielefeld, Germany: 'Covariation of cognition with behavioural, metabolic, and life-history traits in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)'.

9 – 12 Feb 2023          Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: 'Cognitive abilities of migrating European eels'.

9 – 12 Feb 2023          Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: ‘Do captive fish need cognitive enrichment? A study with a foraging problem – solving task'

12 – 14 Sep 2022        XXIX Conference of Italian Society of Ethology, Padova, Italy: 'Environmental enrichment determines developmental plasticity of behaviour and cognition in zebrafish larvae'.

18 – 22 Sep 2019        XXVIII Conference of Italian Society of Ethology, Firenze, Italy: ‘Inhibitory control abilities in teleost fish’.

4 – 7 Sept 2022           Conference of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology, Ancona,                          Italy: 'Cognitive plasticity in fish'

9 – 12 Aug 2018          European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Liverpool, U.K.: 'Do                          animals see the Delboeuf illusion differently? A large-scale                                            comparative assessment'.

23 – 24 Feb 2018        Cognitive Science Arena 2018, Brixen, Italy: ‘Treefrogs discriminate                                    number and size of potential refuges’.

30 Jul – 4 Aug 2017     Behaviour 2017, Estoril, Portugal: ‘Familiarization leads to equitable                                  and differentiated social relationships in the guppy’.

25 – 26 Feb 2016        4° Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Chioggia, Italy: ‘Use of ordinal                                          numerical information in Poecilia reticulata’.


5.7 Membership of Research Associations

2023-now        AIIAD, Italian Association Freshwater Ichthyologists

2020-now        SIE, Italian Society of Ethology

2019-now        ASAB, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

2019-now        FSBI, Fisheries Society of the British Isles

2019-now        SIBE, Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology



6.1 Teaching

2022-now        ‘Evolutionary Biology’, M.Sc. in Molecular Biology, Genomics, and                          Biodiversity, University of Ferrara (2 ETCS - 16 h; ~80 students).

2022-now        ‘Animal Biology’, Bachelor’s in Aquaculture Biotechnology, University of                           Ferrara (6 ETCS - 36 h; ~20 students).

2018-now        ‘Zoology’, Bachelor’s in Biotechnology, University of Ferrara (6 ETCS - 50 h: 40                  h lecture + 10 h lab activity; ~100 students).

2018-2022      ‘Applied Ethology’ M.Sc. in Environmental Biotechnology, University of                             Ferrara (6 ETCS - 48 h; ~20 students).

2017                ‘Psychobiology’ Bachelor’s in Cognitive and Psychobiological Sciences                                (20 h; ~100 students).

2016                ‘Animal Psychology’, Bachelor’s in Psychological Sciences                                                       (10 h; language: English; ~20 students).

6.2 Supervising and Mentoring

Ph.D. Students Supervisor 4

Ph.D. Students Co-supervisor 3

M.Sc. Students Supervisor and co-supervisor >30

Bachelor’s Students Supervisor and co-supervisor >100



7.1 Editor

2024 - now      Behavioral Ecology

Past editor positions: Frontiers in Fish Science; Animals

7.2 Peer Review

2013-2024      Peer-reviewer of >150 manuscripts for the following international journals:                      Proceedings of the Royal Society B                Scientific Reports                                            Animal Behaviour                                           Animal Cognition                                            Behavioral Processes                                      Behaviour                                                       Journal of Comparative Neurology                Journal of Fish Biology                                    Royal Society Interface                                   Evolutionary Ecology Research                      PLoS One                                                     Ethology Ecology & Evolution                         Current Zoology                                              Journal of Ethology                                                Royal Society Open Science                            PeerJ                                                               Environmental Biology of Fishes              Learning & Behaviour

Aquaculture                                                    Journal of Zoology

Psychology & Neuroscience                           Neuroscience

Learning & Behaviour                                     Current Zoology

Environmental Biology of Fishes


7.3 Ph.D Programs

2022 – now     Ph.D. School Council member, Program in Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara.

2018-2024      Ph.D. School Council member, Program in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at University of Ferrara, University of Parma and University of Firenze, Italy.

2020                Member of the jury of Ph.D. Course in Biosciences, curriculum Evolution, Ecology and Conservation (cycle XXXII)

2019-2021      Evaluator of a Ph.D. student at School in Evolutionary Biology at University of Padova.

2019                Evaluation of thesis, Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine, University of Brescia.



01 Feb 2024                UTEF, University of the Third Age, Ferrara, Italy, Seminar ‘The 3-second memory of a fish can help us remember better?’.

29 Sep 2023               European Researchers' Night, Ferrara, Italy, ‘Fish cognition’.

6 Mar 2020                 Darwin Day, Parma, Italy, Seminar ‘Fish cognition: can a 3-seconds memory reveal the evolutionary roots of ‘intelligence’?’.

21 Jun 2019                Highschool students stage.

22 Mar 2019               UTEF, University of the Third Age, Ferrara, Italy, Seminar ‘Ethology and animal welfare’.

22 Jun 2019                Highschool students stage.

2010-now                   Consultant for associations and governance to development of conservation measures for aquatic ecosystems.




Ferrara, 02/10/2024