
  1. De Luca, C; Felletti, S; Bozza, D; Lievore, G; Morbidelli, M; Sponchioni, M; Cavazzini, A; Catani, M; Cabri, W; Macis, M; Ricci, A “Process Intensification for the Purification of Peptidomimetics: the case of Icatibant through Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification (MCSGP)” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res 2021 60, 6826-6834

  2. S. Felletti; M. Catani; G. Mazzoccanti; C. De Luca; G. Lievore; A. Buratti; L. Pasti; F. Gasparrini; A. Cavazzini “Mass transfer kinetics on modern Whelk-O1 chiral stationary phases made on fully- and superficially-porous particles” J. Chromatogr. A 1637 (2021) 461854

  3. C. De Luca, S. Felletti, G. Lievore, T. Chenet, M. Morbidelli, M. Sponchioni, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani “Modern trends in downstream processing of biotherapeutics through continuous chromatography: the potential of Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification”, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 132 (2020) 116051

  4. S. Felletti, C. De Luca, G. Lievore, T. Chenet, B. Chankvetadze, T. Farkas, A. Cavazzini and M. Catani “Shedding light on mechanisms leading to convex-upward van Deemter curves on a cellulose tris(4-chloro-3-methylphenylcarbamate)-based chiral stationary phase”, J. Chromatogr. A 1630 (2020) 461532

  5. C. De Luca, S. Felletti, G. Lievore, A. Buratti, S. Vogg, M. Morbidelli, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, M. Macis, A. Ricci, W. Cabri “ From batch to continuous chromatographic purification of a therapeutic peptide through Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification”, J. Chromatogr. A 1625 (2020) 461304

  6. C. De Luca, S. Felletti, G. Lievore, A. Buratti, M. Sponchioni, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, M. Macis, A. Ricci, W. Cabri “Boosting the Purification Process of Biopharmaceuticals by Means of Continuous Chromatography” LC-GC Europe (2020) 6, 38, 30-34

  7. C. De Luca, S. Felletti, G. Lievore, A. Buratti, T. Chenet, L. Pasti, M. Morbidelli, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, M. Macis, A. Ricci, W. Cabri “Determination of the Thermodynamic Behavior of a Therapeutic Peptide in Overloading Conditions in Gradient Elution Chromatography”, J. Chromatogr. Sep. Tech. 11 (2020) 428 DOI: 10.35248/2157-7064.20.11.428

  8. T. Chenet, E. Sarti, V. Costa, A. Cavazzini, E. Rodeghero, G. Beltrami, S. Felletti, L. Pasti, A. Martucci “Influence of Caffeic Acid on the Adsorption of Toluene onto Organophilic Zeolites”, J. Env. Chem. Eng. (2020) 8, 5, 104229

  9. G. Mazzoccanti; S. Manetto; A. Ricci; W. Cabri; A. Orlandin; M. Catani; S. Felletti; A. Cavazzini; M. Ye; H. Ritchie; C. Villani, F. Gasparrini “High-throughput enantioseparation of Nα-Fmoc proteinogenic amino acids through fast and ultra-fast chiral chromatography on witterionic-teicoplanin stationary phases”, J. Chromatogr. A 1624 (2020) 461235

  10. S. Felletti, C. De Luca, G. Lievore, G. Mazzoccanti, S. Manetto, F. Gasparrini, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, “Is there still room for innovation in chiral stationary phases for liquid chromatography? The fortunate case of the zwitterionic-teicoplanin”, LC-GC Europe (2020) 33 n. s5 27-32

  11. S. Felletti, C.De Luca, G. Lievore, L. Pasti, T. Chenet, G. Mazzoccanti, F. Gasparrini, A. Cavazzini, and M. Catani “Investigation of mass transfer properties and kinetic performance of high-efficiency columns packed with C18 sub-2μm fully and superficially porous particles”, Journal of Separation Science (2020) 43:1737–1745

  12. C. De Luca, S. Felletti, M. Macis, W. Cabri, G. Lievore, T. Chenet, L. Pasti, M, Morbidelli, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, A. Ricci “Modeling the nonlinear behavior of a bioactive peptide in reversed-phase gradient elution chromatography”, J. Chromatogr. A, 1616 (2020) 460789

  13. Felletti S., De Luca C., Ismail O.H., Pasti L, Costa V., Gasparrini F, Cavazzini A., Catani M. “On the effect of chiral selector loading and mobile phase composition on adsorption properties of latest generation fully- and superficially-porous Whelk-O1 particles for high-efficient ultrafast enantioseparations”, J. Chromatogr. A. 1579 (2018) 41–48

  14. O. H. Ismail, S. Felletti, C. De Luca, L. Pasti, N. Marchetti, V. Costa, F. Gasparrini, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, “The Way to Ultrafast, High-Throughput Enantioseparations of Bioactive Compounds in Liquid and Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”, Molecules, 2018, 23, 2709; doi:10.3390/molecules23102709

  15. Felletti, S., Ismail, O.H., De Luca, C. Costa V., Gasparrini F, Pasti L, Marchetti N, Cavazzini A., Catani M. “Recent Achievements and Future Challenges in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for the Enantioselective Separation of Chiral Pharmaceuticals”, Chromatographia (2018).

  16. M. Catani, S. Felletti, O. H. Ismail, F. Gasparrini, L. Pasti, N. Marchetti, C. De Luca, V. Costa and A. Cavazzini “New frontiers and cutting edge applications in ultra high performance liquid chromatography through latest generation superficially porous particles w ith particular emphasis to the field of chiral separations”, Anal Bioanal Chem. 2018 , 410 (10), 2457-2465

  17. O. H. Ismail, M. Antonelli, A. Ciogli, C. Villani, A. Cavazzini, M. Catani, S. Felletti, D. S.Bell, F. Gasparrini “Future perspectives in high efficient and ultrafast chiral liquid chromatography through zwitterionic teicoplanin-based 2-μm superficially porous particles”, J. Chromatogr. A. 2017, 1520, 91-102

  18. M. Catani, O. H. Ismail, S. Felletti, F. Gasparrini, L.Pasti, V. Costa and A. Cavazzini “Pirkle-type chiral stationary phases for ultra-high performance ultra-fast enantioseparations”, American Pharmaceutical Review, 2017, 20 (4)

  19. M. Catani, O. H. Ismail, F. Gasparrini, M. Antonelli, L. Pasti, N. Marchetti, S. Felletti and A. Cavazzini “Recent advancements and future directions of superficially porous chiral stationary phases for ultrafast high-performance enantioseparations”, Analyst, 2017, 142, 555-566