
Associate professor in Prehistory and Protohistory (L-ANT/01) at the University of Ferrara.

From 31/05/2021 National Scientific Qualification, 1st class professor (Professore ordinario) - L-ANT/01 - Prehistory and Protohistory

From 11/06/2021 National Scientific Qualification, 1st class professor (Professore ordinario) - BIO/08 - Anthropology and Zoology

Generaly secretery of the UISPP (International Union of Preshitoric and Proto-Historic Sciences)


Since 2004 charged of the course of “Lithic technology” (6 ECTS) at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (LM Quaternario e Preistoria and International IMQP Master). - Since 2016 charged of the course of “Methodologies for archaeological research” (6 ECTS) at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (LT Lettere Arti e Archeologia). - 2008/2009 charged of the course of “Human Palaeontology” (9 ECTS) at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (LS Conservation and Management of the Natural Heritage). -2004/2005 charged of the course of “Laboratory of methods and techniques for the archaeological excavation” (3 ECTS) at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (LS Conservation and Management of the Natural Heritage). - Director (and project coordinator) of the International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory. - Director (and project coordinator) of the International Doctorate in Quaternary and Prehistory. - Coordinator of several (local unit coordinator/project coordinator) international founded projects: FP7 – IRSES, Erasmus Mundus Masters, Erasmus Mundus doctorate, Galielo, Coperlink, CNR-CNRST, IP Socretes-Erasmus, Cultura 2000. - Deputy Director of the Doctorate in “Human Science” of the Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara - Director of 49 Master theses and 9 PhD theses in the field of Prehistory

EACHING AND RESEARCH COORDINATION ABROAD - Since 2004 Regular teaching in the following institutions: Muséum national d’histoire naturelle de Paris (Pairs, France); University of the Philippines Diliman (Manila, Philippines); Université Moulay Ismail (Meknes, Morocco) - Faculty member of the “Archeological Study Program” at the University of the Philippines Diliman (Manila, Philippines) - Member of the Professors Board of the Doctorate “Quaternari I Prehistòria” at the University Rovira I Virgili of Trragona

DIRECTION OF FIELD WORK AND EXCAVATIONS - Sites of the Monfenera complex (Ciota Ciara and Riparo Belvedere, Piedmont, Middle Paleolithic): since 2009, director of the excavation and holder of the concession. - Pirro Nord (Apricena, Foggia, Lower Paleolithic): since 2007 co-director of the excavation; since 2010, holder of the excavation concession and director. - Realization of the prehistoric archaeological map of Tafilalt and de la Région de Zagoura, (Acheulean, Mousterian and Aterian) 2006-2013; direction in collaboration with L. Boudad (Université Moulay Ismail). - Since 2015 Deputy Secretary of the UISPP (International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences)

CONGRESSES AND WORKSHOPS CO-ORGANISATION - June 2018: XVIII UISPP Congress (Paris). - February 2018: Application of emerging technologies to Italian Palaeolithic and Mesolithic case-studies (Ferrara, Italy) - November 2014: European Acheuleans. Northern vs. Southern Europe: Hominins, technical behaviour, chronological and environmental contexts (Paris, France). - September 2014: The interglacial Holsteinian eldorado and the onset of the Middle Palaeolithic (400-300 ka) (Burgos, Spain). - September 2013: La variabilità Umana tra passato e presente- XX AAI Congress (Ferrara, Italy). - September 2006: Aires d’approvisionnement en matières premières et aires d’approvisionnement en ressources alimentaires : approche intégrée des comportements (Lisbon, Portugal). - Mai 2003: Primo Convegno Nazionale degli Studenti in Antropologia, Preistoria e Protostoria (Ferrara, Italy).

CONGRESSES PARTICIPATION Since 2000: participation to 28 international congresses and 25 national congresses (in total 50 presentations). Exhibitions and museums -2017: Curator and promotor of the "Pirro Nord" room of the Museo Civico di Apricena. Assignment of the Municipality of Apricena. -2012: Curator of the exhibition "The Man of Neanderthal in Piedmont: excavations and research in the cave of Ciota Ciara (Borgosesia, VC)" underway at "Villa Amoretti - Civiche Bioblioteche Torinesi", TO. -2009: Scientific consultancy for the exhibition "ANTHROPOS", Museum of Natural Sciences (Ferrara). Principal field of research Technology and economic comportment during the Middle and Lower Palaeolithic in Europe. The first peopling of Europe. The Middle Palaeolithic and the transitional cultures of the Sahara Desert (Morocco). Lithic technology and experimentation.