Converting to other formats

Given the LaTeX source, it is fairly easy to convert it to PostScript. Then, you can convert it to bitmap (like PNG, GIF, ...) or vector formats (like PDF, WMF, EMF, ...) with GhostView.

Converting to Vector Format

If you want to convert a PostScript file to a vector format, you can open the .ps file with GhostView, then use the menu Edit -> Convert to vector format (you may need to install pstoedit).


The SLDNF trees generated by SLDNF Draw look much better on LaTeX than on MS Word. However, if you want to embed the SLDNF tree into a MS Word document, I suggest you to convert it to

Converting to Bitmap Formats

If you want to put the generated SLDNF tree on the web, I suggest you to convert it to

convert.png and then select one of the PNG devices (png16 should be ok) and the resolution you want.
