The classical obstacle problem for nonlinear variational energies

Matteo Focardi (Università di Firenze)

1/12/2016, aula 10, ore 11:30

We develop the complete free boundary analysis for solutions to classical obstacle problems related to nondegenerate nonlinear variational energies. The key tools are optimal $C^{1,1}$ regularity, and the results proved recently in collaboration with Emanuele Spadaro (MPI Leipzig) and
Maria Stella Gelli (U. Pisa) concerning the obstacle problem for quadratic energies with Lipschitz coefficients.
Furthermore, we highlight similar conclusions for locally coercive vector fields having in mind applications to the area functional, or more generally
to area-type functionals, as well.

This is a joint work with Francesco Geraci (U. Firenze) and Emanuele Spadaro (MPI Leipzig).