- Sciuto, K., Wolf, M.A., Sfriso, A., Brancaleoni, L., Iberite, M., Iamonico, D. 2023. Molecular and morphometric update on italian Salicornia (Chenopodiaceae), with a Focus on the Specie S. procumbens s. l. Plants 12, 375.
- Brancaleoni, L., Carbognani, M., Gerdol, R., Tomaselli, M., Petraglia, A. 2022. Refugial peatlands in the Northern Apennines. Vegetation-environment relationships and future perspectives. Phytocoenologia 51(3), pp. 275-298
- Buldrini, F., Pezzi, G., Barbero, M., (...), Brancaleoni L., (…), Zonca, F., Lambertini, C. 2022. The invasion history of Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii (Hydrocharitaceae) in Italy from herbarium accessions, field records and historical literature. Biological Invasions
- Corli A., Gerdol R., Orsenigo S., Rossi G., Abeli T., Iacumin P., Marchesini R. & Brancaleoni L. 2022. Relative importance of site selection and aftercare for successful reintroduction of the policy species Kosteletzkya pentacarpos. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI:10.1080/11263504.2022.2089762
- Corli A., Gerdol R., Orsenigo S., Rossi G., Abeli T. & Brancaleoni L. 2022. A mesocosm experiment testing the competition between the invasive species Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. and the endangered fern Marsilea quadrifolia L. Aquatic Botany 183, 103576
- Hájek M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Hájek O., Brancaleoni L. et al. 2021. A European map of groundwater pH and calcium. Earth System Science Data 13: 1089–1105
- Abeli T., D’Agostino M., Orsenigo S., Bartolucci F., Accogli R., Albani Rocchetti G., Alessandrelli C., Amadori A., Amato F., Angiolini C., Assini S., Bacchetta G., Banfi E., Bonini I., Bonito A., Borettini M.L., Brancaleoni L. et al. 2021. IDPlanT: the Italian database of plant translocation. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2021.1985004
- Fontana M., Guillaume T., Bragazza L., Elfouki S., Santonja M., Buttler A., Gerdol R., Brancaleoni L. & Sinaj S. 2021. Legacy effect of green manure crops fertilized with calcium phosphite on maize production and soil properties. Journal of Environmental Management 295: 113092
- Corli A., Orsenigo S., Gerdol R., Bocchi S., Smolders A.P., Brancaleoni L., Caffi M.T., Abeli T. & Rossi G. 2021. Coexistence of rice production and threatened plant species: testing Marsilea quadrifolia L. in N‑Italy. Paddy and Water Environment 19: 395–400
- D'Alò F., Odriozola I., Baldrian P., Zucconi L., Ripa C., Cannone N., Malfasi F., Brancaleoni L., Onofri. 2021. Microbial activity in alpine soils under climate change. Science of the Total Environment. 783, 147012
- Mondoni A., Orsenigo S., Abeli T., Rossi G., Brancaleoni L., Corli A., Iacumin P., Tonin R., Marchesini R. & Gerdol R. 2020. Plant Regeneration Above the Species Elevational Leading Edge: Trade-Off Between Seedling Recruitment and Plant Production. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 572878
- Gerdol R., Iacumin P. & Brancaleoni L. 2019. Differential effects of soil chemistry on the foliar resorption of nitrogen and phosphorus across altitudinal gradients. Functional Ecology 33: 1351-1361.
- Brancaleoni L., Gerdol R., Abeli T., Corli A., Rossi G. & Orsenigo S. 2018. Nursery pre‐treatment positively affects reintroduced plant performance via plant pre‐conditioning, but not via maternal effects. Aquatic Conservation 28: 641-650
- Gerdol, R., Brancaleoni, L., Lastrucci, L., Nobili, G., Pellizzari, M., Ravaglioli, M., Viciani, D. 2018. Wetland plant diversity in a coastal nature reserve in Italy: relationships with salinization and eutrophication and implications for nature conservation. Estuaries and Coasts 41(7), pp. 2079-2091
- Abeli T., Brancaleoni L, Marchesini R., Orsenigo S., Rossi G. & Gerdol R. 2017. Fertiliser application positively affects plants performance but reduces seed viability in seashore mallow (Kosteletzkya pentacarpos): implication for biomass production and species conservation. Annals of Applied Biology 170: 263-272
- Gerdol R. & Brancaleoni L. 2015. Slow Recovery of Mire Vegetation from Environmental Perturbations Caused by a HeatWave and Experimental Fertilization. Wetlands 35: 769-782
- Fogli, S., Brancaleoni, L. Lambertini, C. & Gerdol R. 2014. Mowing regime has different effects on reed stands in relation to habitat. Journal of Environmental Management. 134: 56-62.
- Petraglia A., Tomaselli M., Mondoni A., Brancaleoni L. & Carbognani M. 2014. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on growth and flowering phenology of the snowbed forb Gnaphalium supinum L. Flora 209: 271-278
- Gerdol R., Marchesini R., Iacumin P., Brancaleoni L. 2014. Monitoring temporal trends of air pollution in an urban area using mosses and lichens as biomonitors. Chemosphere, 108, 388
- Brancaleoni L. & Gerdol R. 2014. Habitat-dependent interactive effects of a heatwave and experimental fertilization on the vegetation of an alpine mire. Journal of Vegetation Science doi: 10.1111/jvs.12085
- Ercole, S., Giacanelli, V., Bertani, G., Brancaleoni, L., Croce, A., Fabrini, G., Gerdol, R., (...), Villani, M., Wagensommer, R.P. 2013. Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (L.) Ledeb. Italian Botanist 45(1), pp. 159-162
- Bragazza L., Buttler A., Habermarcher J., Brancaleoni L., Gerdol R., Fritze H., Hanajik P., Laiho R. & Johnson D. 2012. High nitrogen deposition alters the decomposition of bog plant litter and reduces carbon accumulation. Global Change Biology 10: 1163-1172
- Piccoli F., Pellizzari M., Brancaeloni L. & Alessandrini A. 2012. La Ricerca Floristica a Ferrara e il Ruolo degli Erbari. Informatore Botanico Italiano 44: 13-19.
- Brancaleoni L., Negrini F. & Gerdol R. 2012. L'Orto Botanico e l'Erbario di Ferrara. Natural 1 112: 66-73.
- Chieregato A.R., Brugnatti M.A., Colombani P. & Brancaleoni L. 2011/2012. L'Hortus siccus del Liceo Ariosto: Progetto di Recupero e Valorizzazione degli Erbari Storici dell'Antico Gabinetto di Stiria Naturale del Regio Liceo. Abitare l'Autonomia 5-41:42.
- Brancaleoni L. 2011. L’Erbario. In: Pancaldi S., Baldisserotto C., Ferroni L. & Pantaleoni L. Fondamenti di Botanica Generale- Toeria e Pratica. McGraw-Hill Milano pp. 1-339. Contributo on line
- Gerdol R., Pontin A., Tomaselli M., Bombonato L., Brancaleoni L., Gualmini M., Petraglia A., Siffi C., Gargini A. 2011. Hydrologic controls on water chemistry, vegetation and ecological patterns in two mires in the South-Eastern Alps (Italy). Catena 86: 86-97.
- Gerdol R., Bragazza L. & Brancaleoni L. 2008. Heatwave 2003: high summer temperature, rather than experimental fertilization, affects vegetation and CO2 exchange in an alpine bog. New Phytologist 179: 142-154
- Gerdol R., Petraglia A., Bragazza L., Iacumin P. & Brancaleoni L. 2007. Nitrogen deposition interacts with climate in affecting production and decomposition rates in Sphagnum mosses. Global Change Biology 13: 1810-1821
- Johannes H.C. Cornelissen, Peter M. van Bodegom, Rien Aerts, Terry V. Callaghan, Richard S.P. van Logtestijn, Juha Alatalo, F. Stuart Chapin, Renato Gerdol, Jon Gudmundsson, Dylan Gwynn-Jones, Anne E. Hartley, David S. Hik, Annika Hofgaard, Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir, Staffan Karlsson, Julia A. Klein, Jim Laundre, Borgthor Magnusson, Anders Michelsen, Ulf Molau, Vladimir G. Onipchenko, Helen M. Quested, Sylvi M. Sandvik, Inger K. Schmidt, Gus R. Shaver, Bjørn Solheim, Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia, Anna Stenström, Anne Tolvanen, Ørjan Totland, Naoya Wada, Jeffrey M. Welker, Xinquan Zhao, Lisa Brancaleoni, Laura Brancaleoni, Miranda A.H. de Beus, Elisabeth J. Cooper, Linda Dalen, John Harte, Sarah E. Hobbie, Gerlof Hoefsloot, Annika Jägerbrand, Sven Jonasson, John A. Lee, Karin Lindblad, Jerry M. Melillo, Christopher Neill, Malcolm C. Press, Jelte Rozema, Matthias Zielke. 2007. Global negative vegetation feedback to climate warming responses of leaf litter decomposition rates in cold biomes. Ecology Letters, 10: 619-627.
- Brancaleoni L., Gualmini M., Tomaselli M. & Gerdol R. 2007. Responses of subalpine dwarf-shrub heath to irrigation and fertilization. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 337-344.
- Brancaleoni L. & Gerdol R. 2006. Recovery of subalpine dwarf shrub heath after neighbour removal and fertilization. Plant Ecology, 183: 227-235.
- Gerdol R., Bragazza L. & Brancaleoni L. 2006. Microbial nitrogen cycling interacts with exogenous nitrogen supply in affecting growth of Sphagnum papillosum. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 57: 1-8.
- Gerdol R., Bragazza L. & Brancaleoni L. 2005. Reduced sphagnum growth under increasing nitrogen deposition: Nutrient imbalance or struggle for light? 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Prague (Czech Republic), June 12-17, 2005. Poster
- Gerdol R., Anfodillo T., Gualmini M., Cannone N., Bragazza L. & Brancaleoni L. 2004. Biomass distribution of two subalpine dwarf shrubs with contrasting leaf habit in relation to soil moisture and soil nutrient. Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 457-464.
- Gerdol R., Petraglia A., Bragazza L. & Brancaleoni L. 2003. Effetti della fertilizzazione azotata sugli scambi di CO2 in una torbiera delle Alpi italiane. In: Atti del Convegno Nazionale: Deposizioni atmosferiche in aree forestate italiane, a cura di Paoletti E. Economia Montana - Linea Ecologica 6: 58-62.
- Brancaleoni L., Strelin J. & Gerdol R. 2003. Relationships between landscape morphology and vegetation pattern in subantarctic Andean tundra of Tierra del Fuego. Polar Biology 26: 404-410.
- Gerdol R., Brancaleoni L., Marchesini R. & Bragazza L. 2002. Nutrient and carbon relations in subalpine dwarf shrubs after neighbour removal of fertilization in northern Italy. Oecologia130: 476-483.
- Gerdol R., Brancaleoni L., Menghini M. & Marchesini R. 2000. Response of dwarf shrubs to neighbour removal and nutrient addition and their influence on community structure in a subalpine heath. Journal of Ecology 88: 1-12.
- Contributo a: Scienze Naturali e Ambiente 2000, I. Proposte di Didattica Naturalistica per le Scuole materne ed elementari. Associazione DiDò. Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali del Comune di Ferrara, Stamperia Comunale (Fe).
- Contributo a: Scienze Naturali e Ambiente 2000, II. Proposte di Didattica Naturalistica per le Scuole medie inferiori e superiori. Associazione DiDò. Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali del Comune di Ferrara, Stamperia Comunale (Fe).