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D'Ausilio A, Jarmolowska J, Busan P, Bufalari I, Craighero L. Tongue corticospinal modulation during attended verbal stimuli: Priming and coarticulation effects. Neuropsychologia. 2011 Nov;49(13):3670-6. Epub 2011 Sep 21. PubMed PMID: 21958646. 368.9 KB 09/12/2011 16:39 Pubblicato
Craighero L, Leo I, Umiltà C, Simion F. Newborns' preference for goal-directed actions. Cognition. 2011 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21388616. 410.8 KB 22/03/2011 14:15 Pubblicato
Senot P, D'Ausilio A, Franca M, Caselli L, Craighero L, Fadiga L. Effect of weight-related labels on corticospinal excitability during observation of grasping: a TMS study. Exp Brain Res. 2011 May;211(1):161-7. Epub 2011 Mar 29. PubMed PMID: 21533701. 285.2 KB 09/12/2011 16:45 Pubblicato
Censolo R, Craighero L, Ponti G, Rizzo L, Canto R, Fadiga L. Electromyographic activity of hand muscles in a motor coordination game: effect of incentive scheme and its relation with social capital. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 25;6(3):e17372. PubMed PMID: 21464986 401.5 KB 09/12/2011 16:50 Pubblicato
Marangolo P, Bonifazi S, Tomaiuolo F, Craighero L, Coccia M, Altoè G, Provinciali L, Cantagallo A. Improving language without words: first evidence from aphasia. Neuropsychologia. 2010 Nov;48(13):3824-33. Epub 2010 Sep 29. PubMed PMID: 20887740. 1.2 MB 09/12/2011 16:54 Pubblicato
Alaerts K, Senot P, Swinnen SP, Craighero L, Wenderoth N, Fadiga L. Force requirements of observed object lifting are encoded by the observer's motor system: a TMS study. Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Mar;31(6):1144-53. PubMed PMID:20377627. 577.1 KB 09/12/2011 16:59 Pubblicato
Kotz SA, D'Ausilio A, Raettig T, Begliomini C, Craighero L, Fabbri-Destro M, Zingales C, Haggard P, Fadiga L. Lexicality drives audio-motor transformations in Broca's area. Brain Lang. 2010 Jan;112(1):3-11. Epub 2009 Aug 20. PubMed PMID:19698980. 358.6 KB 09/12/2011 17:06 Pubblicato