
European curriculum vitae format







Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Università degli Studi di Ferrara

via Voltapaletto, 11, 44121 - Ferrara



+39-377-1793164 (mobile)

+39-0532-455087 (office)






Date of birth


Rimini, 09/22/1964



Since 2020 is Full Professor of Policies for Sustainability and Local Development at the MA on Green Economy and Sustainability – Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara.

He is the Unife’s delegate for UniAdrion and the EUSAIR strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region and the Western Balkans.

2018-2019 He was one of the founders of the Unife’s interdepartmental and international PhD programme “Sustainable Environment and Wellbeing”, as a joint PhD programme with the Western Sydney University.

2007-2015 Rector’s delegate for University Programmes in Latin America.

2007-2015 Director of the International Master Eco-Polis on Environmental and Regional Policies for Sustainability and Local Development. The Master course is organized by the University of Ferrara, in collaboration with the University of Sassari, the University of Calabria, 6 Latin American Universities (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay) and the Waseda University of Tokyo.

2008-2015 Member of the Consorzio Universitario Italo Argentino (CUIA) as representative of the University of Ferrara. From 2012 to 2015 is Vice director of the Steering committee.

2008-2015 Member of the Consorzio Universitario per la Ricerca Sociale e Ambientale  (CURSA) as representative of the University of Ferrara. From 2009 to 2015 is member of the Scientific committee.

2008-2012 Member of the Consiglio dell’Istituto di Studi Superiori IUSS Ferrara 1391, for the coordination of the PhD and Post degree master courses of the University of Ferrara.

2004-2007 Member of the Academic Senate and of the Research Council of the University of Ferrara.

2001-2006 Director of the Master MAPAUS on Planning for Urban Sustainable Environments, organized by the University of Ferrara.

2001-2007 Researcher in Urban and Regional Planning and Policies at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara

2018 Co-coordinator of the research project Knowledge/Culture/Sustainability, founded by the Institute for Culture and Society of the Western Sydney University, Australia. With Paul James (WSU) and Paola Spinozzi (UNIFE).

2017-2018 LA-SD-R Project - “Support to Libyan Local Actors to improve Services Delivery and to better manage the Reconstruction efforts He Is appointed as Local expert for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction issues of the LA-SD-R project, coordinated by Fondazione Alma Mater, in partnership with the University of Bologna, the Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna, the University of Benghazi, and the Municipality of Benghazi (Libya).

2017 Founder of the Ricrea Festival Ferrara: Creative Companies Regenerate Cities, project founded by the University of Ferrara, the Municipality of Ferrara, the National Association of Cities and Towns (ANCI), the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara, and various private sponsors.

2015 EUROSOCIAL II – Programme for Social Cohesion in Latin America. Intergovernmental cooperation project led by Spain, in collaboration with France, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Uruguay. Gianfranco Franz  was appointed of some tasks and work packages on the topics of Local Development (Guatemala) and Urban Regeneration (Argentina).

2015 Coordinator of the International Conference Multi-Hazard Mitigation: A Challenge for Sustainability and Safety, promoted and organized by the academic network Routes Towards Sustainability, University of Ferrara (Monday 29 - Tuesday 30 September 2014).

Since February 2014 Coordinator of ReBuilding, a project promoted and funded by the Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna in order to support the 53 municipalities hit by the earthquake of May 20th 2012. ReBuilding is a capacity building project aimed at enhancing competences and skills of public entities and bodies (mayors, assessors, officials and public managers). Workshops, seminars, conferences and charettes focus on multi-hazard mitigation planning; pre- and post-disaster planning; revitalization and regeneration of urban and regional areas after a disaster; participatory processes for communities and professionals; local sustainable re-development.

Since 2013 Coordinator of the Project 2PxE, promoted and funded by the Regional Government for the reconstruction of the municipalities affected by the earthquake of May 20th 2012, in Emilia-Romagna.

In October 2013 courses, workshops and laboratory were organized to support small municipalities and professionals in order to achieve the goal of the reconstruction.

Since October 2012 Coordinator of the International University Network Routes toward Sustainability. The Routes partners are: An-Najah National University (PNA), Humboldt Universität, Berlin (D), Pontificia UniversidadCatólica de Chile, Santiago (RCH), Pontificia UniversidadeCatólica do Paraná, Curitiba (BR), South China Universityof Technology, Guangzhou (PRC), Universidad Católica deCordoba (AR), Universidad ITESO de Guadalajara (MEX), Universidad Piloto de Bogotà (COL),  Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellin (COL), University of Porto (P), Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis du Sénégal (SN), Uniwersytet Warszawski (PL), Leiden University (NL), Waseda University di Tokyo (J) /

From 2012 to today the Routes network promoted and participated to:

-      The First International Symposium Sustainability, Research and Teaching after Rio. Challenges for the Future, hosted by the University of Ferrara on the 29th and 30th of October 2012.

-      The Summer School on Planning Multi-Hazard Mitigation: Issues of Local And Regional Assessment and Management, 19-27 of September 2014.

-      The International Conference on Multi-Hazard Mitigation: A Challenge For Sustainability and Safety, held at the University of Ferrara, on the 29th and 30th of September 2014.

-      The Second International Symposium Routing Sustainable Development Towards a Culture of Wellbeing, hosted by the University of Ferrara on the 1-2 of October 2014.

-      The Third International Symposium Cidades, Saude e Bem-estar – Cities, Health and Wellbeing, held at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná on the 28 September-2 October 2015.

-      The International Seminar “The City that Adapts. Interviewing Societies, Cultures and the Built Environment”, held at the University Institute for Higher Studies–IUSS, Ferrara, 4 December 2015.

-      The participation of Routes towards Sustainability at the Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Sustentabilidad en los Hábitats, ITESO - Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, Mexico, 19-20 September 2016.

-      A pilot international and interdisciplinary intensive programme on Communicating Sustainability. Strategies, Policies and Models of Behaviour, held at the University Institute for Higher Studies-IUSS, Ferrara, 23-27 May 2016.

-      The Second Regional Meeting Beyond environmental issues, hosted by the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Seccional Medellín, 27-29 April 2017.

-      The International Seminar Ecological Minds in the Humanities and in the Sciences, University of Ferrara, 22-23 February 2018.

-      The International Seminar Policy Measures for Promoting Ecological Thinking, Universidade do Porto, 6 June 2018.

-      The fourth International Symposium of Routes towards Sustainability Cultures and Local Practices of Sustainability. Intersecting Multiple Footprints and the Environmental Humanities, to be held in Chile from Monday the 10th to Friday the 14th of December 2018.

2012-2014 Interreg Programme Italy-Slovenia: he is the coordinator of the research unit of the University of Ferrara within the project CAMAA - Centro per le Architetture Militari dell’Alto Adriatico (Center for Military Architectures of the Northern Adriatic Sea).

2004-2006 Member of an interdisciplinary group for the Master Plan of the Coasts of the Po River Delta, coordinated by Professor Giovanni Gabbianelli (University of Bologna) and Prof. Remigio Rossi (University of Ferrara) and commissioned by the Regional Park of the Po River Delta.

2004 Local expert within the Red 7 URB-AL programme “Gestión de la urbanización”, for an international research on Instrumentos de Redistribución de la renta urbana, coordinated by the City of Lleida (Spain) and the Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL or Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean).

2004 Member of an international research project on “The Explosion of the City” coordinated by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,” and presented at the Barcelona Forum 2004.

2001 Staff member of the International Workshop Strategic Spatial Planning: Impact of Mega Events on Metropolitan Economies and Societies - The Olympic Games in Athens, funded by the European Union in order to assess urban processes in Athens before and after the Olympic Games.



Policies for Sustainability and Local Development Public policies to promote programmes and initiatives for sustainability and/or local development at the urban and regional scale. This research field is particularly investigated through the activities promoted within the Routes towards Sustainability International University Network and the PhD Programme Sustainable Environment and Wellbeing.

Urban Creativity and Smart City Theories, methodologies, practices to improve urban creative ecosystems and the urban smartness.

Urban Regeneration, Citizen Participation and Grassroot processes,

Affordable Housing Theories, methodologies, and practices for urban regeneration related to the role of participation and bottom up processess in the promotion of sustainability and community empowerment. also facing issues of affordable housing.

Heritage Theories, methodologies, and practices for cultural heritage valorization, focusing on the topics of Italian historic centres.

Post-Disaster Planning After the earthquake that struck the Ferrara region in 2012, multi-hazard mitigation, resilience and post disaster recovery and planning emerged as important issues for the research activities.






2014 For Albatroz Ltd. of Curitiba (Brazil) he is consultant for a market research on the topic of architectural and urban restoration in the ancient cities of Brazil. The research was promoted by the SENAI/CNI and will be published by IPHAN in 2014.

2011 Scientific coordinator of the ‘Urban Creativity Laboratories’ at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara promoted by the Government of the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy.

2010-2011 Coordinator for the Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche (CFR) of the research team working on the ‘Agenda Estratégica para o Desenvolvimento Turistico do APL da Costa dos Corais’, in Alagoas, Brazil.

2008-2009 Scientific coordinator of a research evaluating and assessing 10 years of public policies for the urban renewal of the Emilia-Romagna bigger cities. The research was funded by the Regional Government.

2007-2009 Coordinator for the Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche of 3 Strategic Plans for urban development and urban regeneration for the town of Crotone, the city of Catanzaro and  23 small municipalities in the South of Italy.

2005 World Bank consultant to evaluate some development projects for the city of São Luis do Maranão (tourism) and the APL of Juhazeiro do Norte (shoes industry) in Brazil.



Co-organizer of the Symposium The Kaleidoscope of Sustainability as launching event of the University of Ferrara’s PhD course Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing and of the International University Network Routes towards Sustainability. Ferrara, 5-8 November 2019. The title of the lecture is: Transdisciplinarity as a Mode to Build Our Next Nest.


“Close to the Limits for a New Ecological Thought”, Key-note lecture at The 2018 International Symposium of Routes towards Sustainability Cultures and Local Practices of Sustainability. Intersecting Multiple Footprints and the Environmental Humanities, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, 10-14 December 2018

“Planificación estratégica y ordenamiento territorial: las competencias para un manejo sostenible de sinergias y conflictos”, Lecture at the International Workshop Estrategia Binacional de Desarrollo Territorial Fronterizo México-Guatemala, 10-11 July 2018, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.

“A Gestão Integrada de Zonas Costeiras”, intensive course for the PhD programme in Geocencias of the Federal Fluminense University, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11-15 June 2018.

“In My City”. Lecture at the International Seminar Policy Measures for Promoting Ecological Thinking, Universidade do Porto, 6 June 2018.

Close to the Limits: Footprints, Ecological Minds, Cultures of Sustainability”. Lecture at the International Seminar Ecological Minds in the Humanities and in the Sciences, University of Ferrara, 22-23 February 2018.

“Regeneración creativa y participativa, como etapas hacia la ciudad resiliente”. Lecture at the IV Catedra Internacional del Territorio y del Espacio Público, Universidad Piloto di Bogotá, Colombia, 24-26 November 2016.

“Politicas y Herramientas para alcanzar territorios inteligentes y resilientes”. Keynote speaker at the Simposio Bioeconomía Argentina 2016, Región Centro Pampeana Norte, Córdoba (Argentina), 4-5 October 2016.

“Creatividad y adaptación al cambio climático para la gestión sustentable del territorio contemporáneo”. Keynote speaker at the Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Sustentabilidad en los Hábitats, held by the Universidad ITESO, Guadalajara, Mexico, 19-20 September 2016.

Scientific responsible and chair, with Paola Spinozzi, of the Internazional Seminar The City that AdaptsInterviewing Societies, Cultures and the Built Environment, Ferrara, IUSS Ferrara 1391 (University Institute for Higher Degrees), 4 December 2015.

Lecturer and Chairman at the IIIrd International Symposium of the Routes towards Sustainability Network Cidades, Saude e Bem-estar – Cities, Health and Wellbeing, Curitiba, September 28-October 2, with the following partners: Waseda University, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Católica de Cordoba, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Università di Ferrara, Universitet Leiden, Olanda, Western Sydney University, Australia, Universidad Federal do Paraná.

Coordinator of the Summer School Planning Multi-Hazard Mitigation: Issues of Local and Regional Assessment and Management, promoted by the academic network Routes Towards Sustainability, University of Ferrara (Friday 19 - Saturday 27 September 2014).

He is the coordinator of the International Conference Multi-Hazard Mitigation: A Challenge for Sustainability and Safety, promoted and organized by the academic network Routes Towards Sustainability, University of Ferrara (Monday 29 - Tuesday 30 September 2014).

He is the coordinator and the scientific responsible of various seminars organized within the Progetto Rebuilding for the recovery of the seismic crater in Emilia-Romagna.

  • Yesterday/Tomorrow. Criticità e sfide della ricostruzione – Mirandola (MO), 6 febbraio 2014.
  • Linee programmatiche d’azione: A) ricostruzione e nuovo assetto urbano; B) le ri-localizzazioni e le opportunità di riqualificazione urbana – San Felice sul Panaro (MO), 27 febbraio 2014.
  • Dalla valutazione del danno alla riduzione della vulnerabilità: le UMI come strumento di ricostruzione edilizia e programmazione organica – Finale Emilia (MO), 6 marzo 2014.
  • Le aree produttive fra questioni normative, delocalizzazione e aumenti di volumetria – Mirandola (MO), 12 marzo 2014.
  • Centri storici, nuove polarità e ridefinizione degli spazi pubblici – Concordia sulla Secchia (MO), 20 marzo 2014.
  • Ricostruzione e ri-organizzazione urbana nelle aree soggette a liquefazione – Mirabello (FE), 3 aprile 2014.
  • Comunicare e partecipare la ricostruzione – Novi di Modena (MO), 4 aprile 2014.
  • Centri storici, nuove polarità e ridefinizione degli spazi pubblici alla luce della nuova ordinanza del Commissario Straordinario – Bologna, 15 aprile 2014.
  • Architetture rurali, imprese agricole e paesaggio agrario dopo il sisma – San Felice sul Panaro (MO), 15 maggio 2014.
  • Green, Smart and Strategic. Innovazione tecnologica, modelli di governance e certificazione della qualità urbana nella ricostruzione del cratere sismico emiliano – Bologna, 5 giugno 2014.
  • Comunicare e partecipare la ricostruzione. Giornata di sintesi e proposte per il futuro - San Felice sul Panaro (MO), 27 giugno 2014.


Co-coordinator, with Prof. Paola Spinozzi (Department of Humanistic Studies University of Ferrara) of the second General Meeting of the International Network Routes Towards Sustainability, University of Ferrara (Tuesday 30 September 2014).

Organizer and coordinator of the International Symposium ‘Sustainability, Research and Teaching after Rio. Challenges for the Future’, promoted by the University of Ferrara for the foundation of the Network Routes owards Sustainability, Ferrara, October 29-31 2012.

Invited speaker at the 1st Seminário Internacional de Qualidade Ambiental O Desafio do Desenvolvimento Local em Territórios Costeiros Ambientalmente Vulneráveis, 24-28 September  2012, Antonina (Paraná). Lecture on Políticas Integradas ​​de Planejamento Sustentáveis para Áreas Costeiras. Experiências e Considerações de Método.

Invited speaker at the 2nd Seminario de Urbanismo Internacional Lugares y visiones urbanísticas en la ciudad contemporánea, 15-17 August  2012, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cartagena de Indias,. Lecture on La fragmentación morfológica y funcional como carácteres de la ciudad contemporánea.

Speaker, with Camilla Sabattini (Ma in Architecture), at the International Seminar New Territorial Challenges, Urbino, 25 July 2012, organized by ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN). Lecture on “Strategic Planning for Local Development: A participatory process for the Costa dos Corais (Brasil)”.

Coordinator of the Seminar “Rifare la città per rifare l’ambiente. La riqualificazione come politica strategica di miglioramento degli eco-sistemi urbani” for the Laboratory of Urban Creativity of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government, Bologna, 22 June  2012.

Keynote speaker at the Waseda Machidukuri International Symposium “The Morphology towards Sustainable Urbanism. Roadmap to 2022. The Responses to Nature and the Creation of Commons”, 14-15 June 2012, Tokyo. Lecture on The importance of local economies for sustainability and social developmentChanging the point of view

Invited speaker at the 5ª Conferência Brasileira De Arranjos Produtivos Locais organized by the Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior – MDIC of the Brazilian Government, Brasilia, 8-10 November 2011. Lecture on Objectivos e sugestões para um novo modelo de formação para os APLs do Brasil,

Invited speaker at the international seminar 1° Seminario de Urbanismo Internacional Caribe, Universidad San Buenaventura di Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), 15-20 August 2011. Lecture on El Labaoratorio de Creatividad Urbana. Una invención institucional para promover la transformación de las ciudades Emilianas.

Coordinator of the 1° Laboratorio di Creatività Urbana per le città dell’Emilia-Romagna, Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna, and organizer of the seminar Smart City/Città Creativa. Idee in movimento. Forum con le città dell’Emilia-Romagna”, Bologna, Sala Polivalente del Consiglio Regionale, 24 June 2011.

Invited speaker at the seminar New Perspectives of Planning. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Sustainability, Italian Embassy in Beijing and Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 15 June 2011. Lecture on How universities can do research and higher education doing business with Strategic Planning for Local Sustainable Development. The case of Master Eco-Polis, University of Ferrara.

Desenvolvimento Local atraves de Pequenos Projetos”, Lecture at the Ministry of Development of the State of Alagoas (Brazil), Maceio, April 29, 2011.

Os Turismos Desejaveis”, Maragogì, (BR), September 22-24. Lecture at the International Conference organized by Master Eco-Polis and the Ministry of Planning of the Alagoas State Government.

Desarrollo Local: Un Camino Hacia la Equidad”, Santiago de Chile (CI), August 18-21. Lecture at the International Conference organized by the Pontificia Universidad Catolico de Chile.

Desarrollo económico local: Un enfoque estratégico para la competitividad de las pequeñas empresas”, Belo Horizonte (BR), June 6-11. Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) and the Multilateral Investement Fund (MIF).

Consuming Places. The Sustainable Management of Tourism”, Ferrara (IT), May 10. Lecture at the seminar promoted and organized by the Master Eco-Polis.

Environment as a Resource. Development as a Problem”, Ferrara (IT), March 22. Chairman at the seminar organized by Master Eco-Polis

La Gestion Integrada das Areas Costeras”, Maceio (BR), September 23-25. Lecture at the International Conference organized by Master Eco-Polis, in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning of the Alagoas State Government and the National Industry Confederation of Brazil (CNI).

Jornadas de Patrimonio Jesuitico. Un pasado a conserver, un futuro a construer. El valor del Patrimonio Jesuitico y el desarrollo local de una Macro Region en America Latina”, Cordoba (AR), August 20-21. Lecture at the International Conference organized by Master Eco-Polis, in collaboration with Universidad Catolica de Cordoba and Istituto Italo Latino Americano.

The Quality of Industrial Sites for Regional Innovation and Competition”, Ferrara, April 6. Lecture at the seminar organized by SPINNER, the Agency for technological innovation of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

“Ferrara città universitaria”. Lecture at the seminar Popolazioni universitarie e città: effetti, conflitti, sfide e opportunità, Alghero, Department of Architecture, November 27-28, 2009.

“Innovative Planning for Heritage, Local Development and Sustainability”, Valparaiso (CI), September 29-30. Opening lecture at the International Seminar promoted by Universidad Federico Santa Maria and ENEA, within the “MarVasto” Project, financed by the Interamerican Development Bank.

A Universidade e a criação de empresa Hi-Tech. A esperiência da Universidade de Ferrara e as oportunidades de cooperação internacional”, Curitiba (BR), August 26. Promoter of the International meeting organized by Master Eco-Polis and Unindus Paranà, FIEP Paranà.

O planejamento estrategico para el desenvolvimento de cidades e regioes”, Curitiba (BR), August 20. Lecture at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Paranà

“Yesterday/Tomorrow. 50 years of urban conservation and innovation in Italy“, August 4-15. Exhibition organized by the Unesco Chair of the University of Ferrara in Curitiba (BR) in collaboration with Master Eco-Polis.

A cultura do restauro e da valorização dos centros históricos na Itália. 1960-2007”. Lecture at the Auditório Blaise Pascal, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba (PR), September 4.

Quale futuro per la città storica”, Ferrara (IT), May 24. Lecture at the Conference organized by the Municipality of Ferrara for the presentation of the Master Plan of the Unesco Site.

Imprese in Europa. Opportunitá per lo Sviluppo delle Imprese e del Territorio”, February 15. Lecture at the Conference promoted by the Municipality of Cesena for the presentation of the 7FP.

Conservacion y futuro desarrollo de los Centro Historicos”, September 27-28. Lecture at the International Seminar organized by the Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de Mexico.

“La ciudad historica como oportunidad. Recuperacion urbana y nuevos modelos de desarrollo en America Latina. El proceso de conservacion u recuperacion del Patrimonio. Una ocasion estrategica para Valparaiso”, Lecture at the International Conference promoted by Istuto per il Commercio con l’Estero-ICE and Istituto Italo Latino Americano-IILA, Valparaiso, Chile, July 2004.

Governare le trasformazioni del territorio. Strumenti, attori, procedure”, Seminar promoted by the Municipality of Ferrara to present the Land Use Plan of the City. Chairman.

“La città di domani. Strategie, programmi e progetti di riqualificazione urbana. Forum 2000”. Organizer and Lecturer at the International Conference promoted by the Council of Emilia-Romagna Region and organized by the University of Ferrara, Bologna 30-31 January 2000.

Inovação em Projetos de Desenvolvimento Local na Costa dos Corais”, August 1-30, Maragogì and Maceiò (BR), organized by Master Eco-Polis, promoted by Alagoas State Government. Coordinator.

Os Turismos Desejaveis”, September 15–October 15, Maragogì and Maceiò (BR), organized by Master Eco-Polis, promoted by Alagoas State Government.  Coordinator.

As the Coordinator of the Master Eco-Polis he has been a member of the international team of teachers at the 2013 Erasmus IP ‘Innovative Policies for cities regeneration: competitivity and sustainability. Recycling Urban Industrial Landscapes in Barcelona: the Besos Area’. With: HafenCity Universitaet Hamburg, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Università IUAV di Venezia,

Coordinator and organizer of the workshop ‘Vento soffia a Ferrara’, in collaboration with Prof. Paolo Pileri of the Politecnico di Milano, to promote the first Italian regional bicycle path along the banks of the Po River.

Coordinator of the International workshop “O Desafio do Desenvolvimento Local em Territórios Costeiros Ambientalmente Vulneráveis”, September 24th-October 19th 2012, Antonina (Paraná).

Inovação em Projetos de Desenvolvimento Local na Costa dos Corais”, August 1-30, Maragogì and Maceiò (BR), organized by Master Eco-Polis, promoted by Alagoas State Government. Coordinator.

Os Turismos Desejaveis”, September 15–October 15, Maragogì and Maceiò (BR), organized by Master Eco-Polis, promoted by Alagoas State Government.  Coordinator.

For a Sustainable Rapa Nui”, August 15 – September 11, Easter Island (Rapa Nui), organized by Master Eco-Polis, promoted y the Municipality of Easter Island and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF). Coordinator.

Políticas e ações de compensação e reequilíbrio territorial. Análise, avaliação e propostas de desenvolvimento local para a área do Porto de Suape”, September 15-October 15, Recife (BR), SEBRAE, organized by the Sebrae and Fomin with Master Eco-Polis. Coordinator.

El desarrollo local y la valorizacion del Norte de la Provincia de Cordoba, Argentina”, August 18-September 11, Cordoba (AR), Universidad Catolica, organized by Master Eco-Polis and Universidad Catolica de Cordoba. Coordinator.

Alternativas de desenvolvimento sustentável no litoral do Paraná 2”, August 15-September 10, Curitiba (BR), Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Paranà, organized by Master Eco-Polis, PUCPr and Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado do Paranà. Coordinator.

Progettare l’Eco-Museo. Strategie di sviluppo locale per la Valle del Raganello”, May 20 – June 17, Civita and Cosenza (IT), Università della Calabria, organized by Master Eco-Polis, UNICAL and Comune di Civita. Coordinator.

Montevideo se ve. Estrategias, Programas y Proyectos para la recuperacion de la Ciudad Vieja”, September 15-October 10, Montevideo (UY), organized by Master Mapaus and Universidad de la Republica. Coordinator.

Alternativas de desenvolvimento sustentável no litoral do Paraná 1”, August 15-September 13, Curitiba (BR), Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Paranà, organized by Master MAPAUS and PUCPr. Coordinator.

Xochimilco. Estrategias y Gobiernanza para la conservacion de un sito Unesco y el desarrollo de las comunidades locales”, Jujy-August, Ciudad de Mexico, organized by Master MAPAUS, Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Coordinator.


Città della Cultura / Cultura della Città’

Since 2012 is part of the board of the Non-Profit Association ‘Città della Cultura/Cultura della Città’, created to promote urban regeneration and reuse of abandoned buildings with creative activities and to promote innovative businesses.

Since 2012 the Association has implemented several initiatives, including:

-        the presentation in a public square of Ferrara of twelve creative business companies;

-        the Festival ‘A Click Forward’, organized at the Market Hall of Ferrara, October 2012;

-        the Festival ‘Heritage Market’, organized at the Market Hall of Ferrara, April 2013;

-        The Festival ‘Smart Land’, organized at the historical Teatro Verdiunused for 40 years.


Spazio Grisù’

Since 2012 member of the board of the Non Profit Association ‘Associazione Grisù’, created in Ferrara, to promote urban regeneration and to support creative firms and innovative companies. The provincial government granted the use of the former barracks of the Fire Department in Ferrara, unused since 2004. This building of about 5,000 square meters has been renovated by 16 young creative business companies which can use space for free while rearranging it.




1996 - Visiting Student at the University of California at Berkeley for a research in the Non-profit housing sector in California.


1992 - MA degree in Architecture at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia - IUAV

Mother tongue



Other languages








FRANZ G. (2019). Approssimandosi ai limiti: dai Planetary Boundaries alle Ecological Minds. Argomentando intorno alle Culture della Sostenibilità. ARGOMENTI. RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA, CULTURA E RICERCA SOCIALE, n. 13, 2019, E-ISSN 1971-8357. pp. 1-58.

FRANZ G. (2019). Approssimandosi ai limiti: Impronte, Menti ecologiche e Culture della sostenibilità, ARCHVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, vol. 125, p. 48-67.

FRANZ G. (2019). «La ricostruzione a sei anni dal sisma dell’Emilia. Le lezioni apprese». In: Pierantoni I., Salvi D., Sargolini M. (a cura di). Nuovi sentieri di sviluppo per l'Appennino Marchigiano dopo il sisma del 2016. Consiglio regionale delle Marche, Ancona, pp. 412-424.

MASHIKO T., FRANZ G., UCHIDA N., ARIGA T., SATOH S. (2019). Reconstruction Governance after the Four Huge Earthquake Disasters and its Historical Development Process in Italy, JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING, Vol. 84, n. 757, March 2019, p. 579-589.

FRANZ G. (2018). Long-term vision and ordinary management: post-earthquake reconstruction in the Italian region of Emilia. In: Spinozzi P. and Mazzanti M. (editors). Cultures of Sustainability and Wellbeing. Theories, Histories and Policies. Routledge. Oxon. ISBN: 9781138234543, pp. 232-243.

FRANZ G. (2018). «Sustentabilidad y creatividad en la gestión de los territorios contemporáneos». In: CORTÉS M.A., DÍAZ PADILLA L. R., SARDO D. E., PETERSEN FARAH C. (eds.). Sustentabilidad y Territorio. Herramientas para la Gestíon Sustentable del Hábitat, ITESO, Guadalajara, Mexico, isbn 978-607-8528-78-3, pp. 15-36.

FRANZ G. (2016). Ferrara città creativa. ARCHVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI,

vol. 117, p. 73-94, ISSN: ISSN 0004-0177.

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FRANZ G., MAIOLINO C. (2014) (eds.). Mercado imobiliário e valorização do patriomonio histórico no Brasil. Uma pesquisa de mercado, Lulu Press

FRANZ G. (2014) (eds.). Agenda Estratégica do APL de Turismo Costa dos Corais, Lulu Press

FRANZ G. (2014). Re-building. Un programma innovativo di supporto ai Comuni del cratere sismico emiliano, in InforumInformazioni sulla riqualificazione urbana e territoriale, Regione Emilia-Romagna, n. 45, maggio 2014, pp. 43-45.

FRANZ G. (2014). «Cosa si intende per Smart City e come dovremmo agire in Italia». In: FREGOLENT L. e SAVINO M. (a cura di). Città e politiche in tempo di crisi, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 311-322.

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della città, Lulu Press, 2012

FRANZ G. (2012). “Come immaginare la città che verrà”, in Ecoscienza, n. 5, 2012, pp.52-53.

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FRANZ G. (2012). “Alcune riflessioni a caldo sul terremoto dell’Emilia”, in in Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, n. 104, 2012.

RUBAN’SKA Y., FRANZ G. (2012). Geografia del potere e Grandi Progetti Urbani in una città dell’Ucraina, in Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, n. 104, 2012.

FRANZ G. (2011). “Cosa pretendi da un Paese che ha la forma di una scarpa?

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FRANZ G. (2011). Isola di Pasqua vs Rapa Nui. Una comunità in crisi a causa del proprio patrimonio. E viceversa, in SitiTrimestrale di attualità e politica culturale della Associazione Città e Siti italiani Patrimonio Mondiale Unesco, n. 4, gennaio-marzo 2011, pp. 34-41.

FRANZ G., ZANELLI M. (2010) (eds.). Dieci anni di riqualificazione urbana in Emilia-Romagna. Processi, progetti e risultati. Ferrara: Corbo Editore.

FRANZ G. (2010). Do Máster Mapaus ao Máster Eco - Polis. Reflexões em torno a uma experiência internacional de formação avançada, in E. De Menna (e. p.), Desenvolvimento territorial integrado. SUAPE Global / SUAPE Local. O Caminho Sinuoso do Desenvolvimento Integrado, 2010, Lulu Press, ISBN: 978-1-4452-9406-3

FRANZ G., LUCIANI A., ZANNI V. (2009). Ragioni, obiettivi e metodologia di una ricerca sulla politica della riqualificazione urbana in Emilia-Romagna
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FRANZ G., TARTARI C. (2008). Il piano strutturale di Bologna. Riflessioni dalla legge al piano e viceversa, in Contesti, Rivista del Dipartimento di urbanistica e pianificazione del territorio dell’Università di Firenze, n. 2/2008, ISSN 2035-5300, pp. 68-73

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FRANZ G. (2006). «Lavori in corso. La qualità urbana fra manutenzione ordinaria e visione strategica»,. In: INDOVINA F. (ed.). Nuovo lessico urbano. MILANO: Franco Angeli (ITALY).

FRANZ G. (2006). "Oportunidades y riesgos en la politicas y en los programas para Valparaiso, ciudad patrimonial y ciudad normal". In: La ciudad historica como oportunidad. Recuperacion urbana y nuevos modelos de desarrollo en America Latina. El proceso de conservacion u recuperacion del Patrimonio. Una ocasion estrategica para Valparaiso. Luglio 2004. (pp. 151-172). Ceccarelli P., De Menna E. (a cura di). ROMA: Istituto Italo Latino Americano-IILA (ITALY).

CECCARELLI P, FRANZ G., CAVALCOLI P. ET AL. (2005). «La metropolització de l'Emilia-Romanya». In: FONT A., INDOVINA F., PORTAS N. A CURA DI. L'explosió de la ciutat/The explosion of the city. (pp. 142-161). Barcelona: COAC e Fòrum Universal De Les Cultures Barcelona 2004. BARCELONA: (SPAIN).

FRANZ G. (2005). La riqualificazione continua. Esiti, criticità e problemi irrisolti della trasformazione urbana in Italia. (pp. 1-96). ISBN: 88-8125-992-3. FIRENZE: Alinea.

FRANZ G. (2005). Pratiche complesse, innovazione e formazione avanzata per una pianificazione sostenibile. Di FRANZ G.A CURA DI. (vol. 1, pp. 1-181). ISBN: 88-8125-914-1. Quaderno n. 1 del Master Internazionale in Programmazione di Ambienti Urbani Sostenibili - MAPAUS, dell'Università degli Studi di Ferrara. FIRENZE: Alinea (ITALY).

FRANZ G. e LEDER F. (2003) (a cura di). La riqualificazione delle periferie residenziali. Scenari ed elementi per una futura politica di intervento in Emilia-Romagna, Alinea, Firenze.

FRANZ G. (2001) (a cura di). La città: riqualificare, trasformare, rinnovare. Strumenti e recenti politiche di riqualificazione urbana, «Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali», a. XXXI, n. 70.

FRANZ G. (a cura di) (2000). La città di domani. Strategie, programmi, progetti di riqualificazione urbana. Forum 2000, «Atti del Convegno Internazionale», Bologna, 24-25 gennaio 2000, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, pp. 147-154.  

FRANZ G. (2000). La fortuna del settore non-profit e gli obiettivi futuri delle politiche per la casa negli U.S.A., in «La Nuova Città», n. 7, pp. 23-36

FRANZ G. (a cura di) (1998). Edilizia non-profit. Casa e mercato del lavoro, Maggioli editore, pp. 178.

FRANZ G. (1997). Esperienze non-profit negli Stati Uniti: il problema della casa a basso costo per i settori marginali della società, in "Paesaggio Urbano", n. 2, marzo-aprile, pp. 44-103.