
▪  Giacobone, G.A. (2022) From Driver to Passenger: Exploring New Driving experiences for Older Drivers in Highly Automated Vehicles. In: S. Scataglini, S. Imbesi, M. Gonçalo (Eds.) Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design: application to elderly healthcare, Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Pollini, A. Giacobone, G.A., Zannoni, M. (2022) Aging and Interaction: Designing for Active Living Experiences. In: S. Scataglini, S. Imbesi, M. Gonçalo (Eds.) Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design: application to elderly healthcare, Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Mincolelli, M., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., Petrocchi, P., Imbesi, S., (2022) An Experience of Co-Design with Elderly People in the HABITAT Project: Improving Older Users’ Lifestyle with Assistive Home Systems. In: S. Scataglini, S. Imbesi, M. Gonçalo (Eds.) Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design: application to elderly healthcare, Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Giacobone, G.A. (2022) Driverless transition: the value of autonomous mobility for sustainable urban development, RETHINKING GJIROKASTRA: Can architecture and city planning stimulate hope and growth for shrinking cities?, Polis University Press: Tirana.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., (2021) Project PLEINAIR: Discovering User Needs Exploring a Non-conventional Human-Centered Approach,12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021), New York, USA, 25-29 July 2021

▪  Mincolelli, G., Marchi, M., Imbesi, S., Filippo, P., Giacobone, G.A., (2021) Smart thing citizenship: Smart objects working for more active and inclusive cities, MD Journal n. 11, MD Press: Ferrara, Italy, ISSN 2531-9477

▪  Codarin, S., Giacobone, G.A., (2021) Natura Aumentata: Augmented Nature, Officina n.33, Officina: Venice, ISSN 2384-9029

▪  Mincolelli, G., Giacobone, G.A.,  Imbesi, S., Marchi, M., Petrocchi, F., (2021) Awareness, compatibility and equality as drivers to resilience in sustainable design research, Cumulus 2020  – Design Culture(s), Rome, Italy, June 8-11, 2021.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., (2021) Habitat project: proposals for an autonomous, independent and inclusive life for self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient elderly people, European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL): Bologna.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Marchi, M., Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., (2020) Prototype-Driven Design in the IoT Age, DIID #72 Design 2030: Practices, DIID - Disegno Industriale Industrial Design: Rome.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Marchi, M., Giacobone, G.A., Imbesi, S., (2020) Progetto Habitat, In: Di Bucchianico, G. et al. (eds.) 100 anni dal Bauhaus. Le prospettive della ricerca di design, SID – Società Italiana di Design: Venice.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Giacobone, G.A., Imbesi, S., Marchi, M., (2020) INCEPTION – Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling, In: Di Bucchianico, G. et al. (eds.) 100 anni dal Bauhaus. Le prospettive della ricerca di design, SID – Società Italiana di Design: Venice.

▪  Mincolelli, G.,  Giacobone, G.A., Imbesi, S., Marchi, M., (2020) Human Centered Design methodologies applied to complex research projects: first results of the PLEINAIR project, In: Di Bucchianico, G., et al. (eds.) Advances in Design, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1202, Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 International Conference, Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Mincolelli, G., (2020) Envisioning the Future and Going Back: A Human-Centered Strategy to Develop the Styling of a Sports Car, In: Di Bucchianico, G., et al. (eds.) Advances in Industrial Design, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1202, Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 International Conference, Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Mincolelli, G., (2020), Human-Centered Design and Automotive: developing a hybrid concept car with Quality Function Deployment, Proceedings of The 1st International Scientific Conference of the Tirana Design Week 2019, Polis University Press: Tirana.

▪  Camellina, L., Giacobone, G.A., (2020) Exploring humanity combining Data Visualization with Digital Art, In: Ceccarelli, N. Jiménez Martínez, C. (eds.) 2CO Communicating Complexity. Contributions from the 2017 Tenerife Conference. Vicerrectorado de Docencia, Universidad de La Laguna, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna: Tenerife, Spain.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., (2020) Human-centered methodologies for the development of multidisciplinary design research in the field of IOT systems: project Habitat and Pleinair, In: Ahram, A., Karwowski, W., Vergnano, A., Leali F., Taiar, R., (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1131, Proceedings of the IHSI 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., Imbesi, S., (2020) New collaborative version of the quality function deployment: practical application to the habitat project, In: Ahram, A., Karwowski, W., Vergnano, A., Leali F., Taiar, R., (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1131, Proceedings of the IHSI 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Mincolelli, G., (2020) Human-Centered Design for Automotive Styling Design: conceptualizing a car from QFD to ViP, In: Ahram, A., Karwowski, W., Vergnano, A., Leali F., Taiar, R., (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1131, Proceedings of the IHSI 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Mincolelli, G., (2020) Human-Centered Design and Quality Function Deployment: Understanding Needs on a Multidisciplinary Automotive Research, In: Di Bucchianico, G., (ed.) Advances in Design for Inclusion, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 954, Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference. Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., (2019) PROGETTO HABITAT – ambienti assistivi e riconfigurabili per utenza anziana, Abitare Inclusivo, Società Italiana della Tecnologia dell’Architettura, 06-12-2019, Udine, Italy.

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Codarin, S., (2019) User Redemption: l’evoluzione dei non-designer nella progettazione contemporanea, Officina n.27, Officina: Venice, ISSN 2384-9029

▪  Mincolelli, G., Imbesi, S., Marchi, M., Giacobone, G.A., (2019) New Domestic Healthcare. Co-designing Assistive Technologies for Autonomous Ageing at Home, The Design Journal, 22:sup1, 503-516, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2019.1595435

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Codarin, S., (2019) Interfacce oltre lo schermo; modalità d'interazione per nuove esperienze digitali, Officina n.25, Officina: Venice, ISSN 2384-9029

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Camellina, L., (2019) Computational art experiments for the university: revealing culture, community and social spaces, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, DOI: 10.1080/14794713.2019.1652462

▪  Giacobone, G.A., (2019) Limita(c)tion: How to use the limit as a concept tool of sustainable development in Shkodrä, Projecting Shkoder: Operative fragments in-between lake, river and sea, Polis University Press: Tirana.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., Marchi, M., (2019) Internet of Things and elderly: quantitative and qualitative benchmarking of smart objects, In: Di Bucchianico, G., (ed.) Advances in Design for Inclusion, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 776, Proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Design for Inclusion. Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Mincolelli, G., Marchi, M., Giacobone, G.A., Chiari, L., Borelli, E., Mellone, S., Tacconi, C., Cinotti, T.S., Roffia, L., Antoniazzi, F., Costanzo, A., Paolini, G., Masotti, D., Mello, P., Chesani, F., Loreti, D., Imbesi, S., (2019) UCD, Ergonomics And Inclusive Design: The Habitat Project, The 20th International Conference of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), 26-30 August, Firenze, Italia

▪  Borelli, E., Paolini, G., Antoniazzi, F., Barbiroli, M., Benassi, F., Chesani, F., Chiari, L., Fantini, M., Fuschini, F., Galassi, A., Giacobone, G.A., Imbesi, S., Licciardello, M., Loreti, D., Marchi, M., Masotti, D., Mello, P., Mellone, S., Mincolelli, G., Raffaelli, C., Roffia, L., Salmon Cinotti, T., Tacconi, C., Tamburini, P., Zoli, M., Costanzo, A., (2019) HABITAT: An IoT Solution for Independent Elderly, Sensors, Switzerland, MDPI, Vol. 19, N. 5.

▪  Maietti, F., Piaia, E., Mincolelli, G., Di Giulio, R., Imbesi, S., Marchi, M., Giacobone, G.A., Brunoro, S., (2018) Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through Users Experience Within the INCEPTION Project. In: Ioannides M. et al. (eds) Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11196. Springer: Switzerland.

▪  Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., (2018) Visual explanation of Quality Function Deployment: Strategies to improve the QFD decision-making tool’s usability. In: C.L. Remondino, B. Stabellini & P. Tamborrini (Eds), Visualizing Complex Systems. Catalogue of the RSD7 exhibition. Turin, Italy: Politecnico di Torino.

▪  Giacobone, G.A., (2018) Auto indipendente: L’interazione applicata al veicolo urbano, Officina n.23, Officina: Venice, ISSN 2384-9029

▪  Giacobone, G.A., Codarin, S. (2018) Digital manufacturing for strategic green infrastructures, TAW 2018 - International Scientific Conference, 16-29 September, Tirana, Albania

▪  Mincolelli, G., Imbesi, S., Giacobone, G.A., Tursi, A., Marchi, M., (2018) Inclusive design - sustainable design: unità di ricerca dell’Università di Ferrara. In Chimenz, L., Fagnoni, R., Spadolini, M.B. (a cura di), Design su Misura. Atti dell'Assemblea annuale della Società Italiana di Design, Venezia: Società Italiana di Design, ISBN 978-88-943380-8-9

▪  Giacobone, G.A., (2018) Nàiade: autoprogettare l’orto urbano: Una proposta di trasformazione degli orti urbani attraverso l’esplorazione degli spazi d’acqua, Officina n.21, Officina: Venice, ISSN 2384-9029

Giacobone, G.A., (2017) Nàiade: a project proposal for the exploration of water surfaces for the spatial rethink of urban gardens in urban fabrics, X Giornata Studio INU “Crisi e rinascita delle città” 10° INU STUDY DAY “Crisis and rebirth of Cities”, Roma: Urbanistica Informazioni, 272, ISSN 0392-5005