
Via Castro dei Volsci, 10 00179 Roma –Italy- 004790228908

Fulvio Celsi





Università “Tor Vergata”

Roma -Italy

Master degree in Biology

§ 110/110 with experimental thesis titled “Calcineurin role in pathogenisis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” under the supervision of Prof. M.T. Carrì



Università “Tor Vergata”

Roma- Italy

Ph.D in Neurosciences

§ Thesis Title “Calcineurin role in Alzheimer’s Disease” under the supervision of Prof. M.T. Carrì

Date Awarded : 12/04/06

















Technical expertise

2005-end of 2006

University of Oslo

Oslo, Norway

“Marie Curie” Fellowship-university of Oslo fellowship

§ Started during last part of PhD thesis (12 months)

§ Project on Alzheimer’s disease under the supervision of Prof. O.P.Ottersen and Dr. R.Torp

§  Continued as Post-doc fellowship until the end of 2006


2007-2008                                       University of Ferrara                   Ferrara, Italy

§  Research Fellowship with Prof. Rosario Rizzuto at Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine.

Molecular Biology

§ RNA extraction


§ Bacterial Cloning


§ Western Blot

§ Protein Assay/activity

§ Production of recombinant protein



§ Immunofluorescence

§ Immunogold

§ 3D-reconstruction analysis


Cell Biology

§ Cell transfection

§ Production and maintaining  of neuronal cell lines

§ Production and maintaining of primary hippocampal neurons


Live imaging

§  Single cells fluorescence/FRET for Calcium analysis

§  TMRM  testing

§  Mitochondrial movement examination