Federico Casetta Ph. D.

Scopus iD: 57195407845

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2935-7420

Google Scholar Profile:


Personal details

Citizenship: Italian

Place of birth: Ferrara

Date of birth: October 31st 1991




Ph.D., Earth and Marine Sciences (Ciencias y Tecnologías Marinas) joint programme, University of Ferrara (Italy) & Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)


Language Proficiency

Italian (native)

English (fluent - CAE - C1 level)


Research areas

Igneous petrology

Petrology of alkaline magmas

Mantle metasomatism

Volatiles cycle


Mineral-melt thermobarometry


Academic career

2019-present Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara (Italy)

2019-present Teaching assistant in Petrography and Laboratory of Petrography B.Sc. courses, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara (Italy)

2017-2018 Teaching assistant in Geological Survey B.Sc. course, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara (Italy)

2015-2018 Ph.D. in Petrography and Petrology (cum laude), Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara (Italy). Thesis title: “Thermobarometry, geochronology and petrological evolution of the Middle-Late Triassic magmatic products in the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps)”

2013-2015 M.Sc. in Geological Sciences, Geo-Resources and Territory, University of Ferrara (Italy). Thesis title: “Petrological study and 3D modelling of the volcano-plutonic complex and the dyke swarm of the Predazzo area”. Grade: 110/110 cum laude

2010-2013 B.Sc. in Geological Sciences, University of Ferrara (Italy). Thesis title: “Petrological and geochemical study of the intrusive rocks of the Predazzo Complex in the border zones”. Grade: 110/110 cum laude



2019 Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria). Project: High-resolution EPMA analyses on recently erupted products from Mt. Etna (Italy)

2017 Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (Glasgow - UK). Project: Sr-Nd isotopes and Ar/Ar age of the magmatic products of the Predazzo, Mt. Monzoni and Cima Pape complexes (Dolomitic Area, Southern Alps)

2016 Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (Glasgow - UK). Project: Sr-Nd isotopic analysis and Ar/Ar dating of the magmatic products of the Dolomitic Area

2016 University of Rochester (Rochester - NY - USA). Project: HP-HT experiments with piston cylinder apparatus for the homogenization of olivine-hosted melt inclusions


Awards and scholarships

2019 Award: best Ph.D. thesis in mineralogy, petrography, geochemistry, volcanology, and/or their application to cultural heritage and environment, Italian Mineralogy and Petrology Society (SIMP)

2019 Award: “Enzo Michele Piccirillo” award for abroad mobility funded by the Italian Mineralogy and Petrology Society (SIMP), supporting the project “Space vs. time: diffusion chronometry as a tool for investigating the timing of the Mt. Etna plumbing system”

2019 Award: “Nicolò Copernico” award for innovative Ph.D. theses in science and technology, University of Ferrara

2019 Award: best Ph.D. thesis in Earth and Marine Sciences, University of Ferrara

2017 Abroad Mobility Grant funded by University of Ferrara, supporting the project “Sr-Nd isotopes and Ar/Ar age of the magmatic products of the Predazzo, Mt. Monzoni and Cima Pape complexes (Dolomitic Area, Southern Alps)”

2016 Abroad Mobility Grant funded by University of Ferrara, supporting the project “Sr-Nd isotopic analysis and Ar/Ar dating of the magmatic products of the Dolomitic Area”

2016 Young Researchers Grant funded by University of Ferrara, supporting the project “The role of volatiles in the magmatic processes of the continental rift volcanoes”


Editorial activity

-        2020-2021: Editor of the Special Issue "Magma Ascent and Evolution: Insights from Petrology and Geochemistry". Minerals - MDPI.


Experimental, analytical and computational experience

Experimental facilities: End-Loaded Piston-Cylinder; HT Muffle

Analytical Facilities: XRF; ICP-MS; EPMA; SEM; LA-ICP-MS; TIMS; Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography

Computational Codes:

-        Operative Systems: Windows; Macintosh; Linux.

-        Public domain software: MELTS; Pele; ImageJ; QGis; Surfer.

-        Other codes: Adobe; InnovMetric Polyworks®.