Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

Born in 1977, May 7. He got his master degree at the University of Ferrara - Physics Department. After having competed the PhD in the X-ray Astronomy data analysis feld, he worked with a post-doctorate positions at the large italian x-ray (larix) facility of the Physics and Earth Science Department of the University of Ferrara (Italy). Currently is a fixed Term Researcher at UniFe working in both the facilities of the larix laboratory: Larix A and Larix Tunnel. He is involved in different projects: the hard x-ray telescope project (haxtel), devoted to develop a technology (now patented) for focusing 100 keV photons using Laue diffraction (ASI financed), LAUE project, LOGOS (financed by INFN), HXMT (the first chinese Hard X-ray misson), TRILL (Tecnological Readiness Improvement for Laue Lenses). He is Radioprotection Expert level II.

Research interest and activities

High energy Astrophysics data analysis of X-/g-ray sources:

  • Multi-mission spectral analysis of data from integral, rxte, BeppoSAX missions;
  • Temporal analysis of data from rxte and BeppoSAX missions.

Instrumentation and technology for high energy Astrophysics:

  • x and gamma ray focusing techniques
  • Calibration team member of the larix facility
  • Study and characterization of crystals using diffraction techniques.

Author and manager of the website of the larix A and larix T facilities



Hard X-ray TELescope (HAXTEL) A method for building Laue lenses for middle and short focal length ($<$ 10 m).


Education and Training

02/2018 - Radiation Protection Expert - QE level II

(07/2015 - 02/2016) - Training qualification for Expert in Radiation Protection - level II

(12/2014 - 07/2015) - Training qualification for Expert in Radiation Protection - level I

(11 / 2005 - 04 /2008) - PhD in Physics - University of Ferrara

(28/10/2004) - Degree in Phisics - University of Ferrara


Working activity and Memberships

02 / 2018 -  Principal Investigator of the TRILL project -  financed by the Italian Space Agency financed  (272 keuro)

(01/2017 - on going) - Fixed Time Researcher RTD-A at Physics and Earth Science Department - University of Ferrara

(03/2016 - 12/2016)  -  Postdoctoral fellow

(04/2016 - on going) -  Member of the AHEAD project

(10/2015) - HXMT mission calibration team member

(03/2015 - 02/2016) - Postdoctoral fellow

(03/2014 - 02/2015) - Postdoctoral fellow

(06/2014) - INAF/IASF Association

(06/2014) - INFN  Association (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

(01/2013 - 12/2013) - Postdoctoral fellow

(04/2010 - 04/2013) - Member of the LAUE project team - University of Ferrara

(01/2012 - 12/2012)  - Postdoctoral fellow

(02/2008-02/2010) - Member of the HAXTEL team: una lente per raggi Gamma


Teaching Activity

Academic Year 2017-2018 (Physics and Earth Science Department):  "Astrophysical Measurements"

Academic Year 2009-2010 (Electronic Engineering Department):  "Principles of Thermodynamics and applications"

Academic Year 2008-2009 (Electronic Engineering Department):  "Classical Mechanics and exercises"



Supervisor of Grad and PhD students

Dec. 2017 Supervisor of Bachelor Degree:   Lisa Ferro

Dec. 2016 Assistant supervisor of Master Degree:  Jacopo Romano

Sept. 2016 Supervisor of Bachelor Degree:  Giovanni Volta

March 2016 Supervisor of Bachelor Degree: Sabrina Lorena Porini

March 2014 Supervisor of Bachelor Degree: Filippo Nobili

2010-2013: Assistant supervisor of PhD Thesis: Vincenzo Liccardo

2010-2013: Assistant supervisor of PhD Thesis: Vineeth Valsan

October 2010: Assistant supervisor of Bachelor Degree Thesis: Christian Gulmini

October 2005: Assistant supervisor of Master Degree Thesis:  Elisa Venier


Public lectures and outreach activity

2014-2016 - Laboratori di Fisica Moderna

2015: SperimentEstate 2015

2008-2013:  Progetto Ministeriale "Lauree Scientifiche"

2006-2016: "Porte Aperte a Fisica"


Informatic skills

WINDOWS: knowledge of the OS. General use of the WORKS package with use of Power-point, Word, Excel, Access. European Computer Driving License (ECDL)

LINUX and MacOS: use of the Linux/Unix based OS (Fedora, Red Hat, Mandriva, Ubuntu), system update/upgrading, s/w installation from source package or from binary pre-compiled code. Use of keynote, texmaker. Use of hard-disk partitioning tools.

General Programming Languages:  Practice with Monte Carlo codes with \textsc{python}, c, c++, \textsc{perl}. Good expertise in Unix Bourne Again SHell (BASH), C shell. Frequent use of the markup language \LaTeX.  Basic employ of IDL (Research Systems). Good knowledge of  QDP, Root, labVIEW, Matlab.

Website languages: Good knowledge and use of the \textsc{html} language. Basic knowledge of PHP and MySQL database management system for web development. Excellent use of the Content Management System (CMS) wordpress.


Scientific services

Referee for Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (JOAA), Experimental Astronomy, Astronomy & Astrophysics

17-19 September 2013  Co-organizer of conference (LOC) Congresso Nazionale Oggetti Compatti CNOC VIII

14-16 September 2011  Co-organizer of conference (LOC): X-ray Astrophysics up to 511 keV

11-12 September 2009  Co-organizer of conference (LOC) Black Holes in Binary Systems: Observations versus Theory


Contribution to National and International Conferences

7-8/11/ 2016  Workshop on Soft $\gamma$-ray Astronomical Telescopes - DTU - Copenaghen

2016 - Invited Seminar: European Sinchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF - Grenoble

2015 - Talk: of Marcel Grossmann Conference - Rome 12-18 July

2013 - Talk: SPIE Conference, San Diego - USA

2013 - Invited talk: Congresso Nazionale Oggetti Compatti CNOC VIII

2013 - Talk:  XCIX Congresso Nazionale Societa Italiana di Fisica, Trieste

2012 - Talk:  Medical applications for Laue lenses -- Bioindustry park, Ivrea

2012 - Talk:  XCVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Napoli

2012 - Invited talk: \bf International Workshop on Astronomical X-ray Optics


Author of 25 paper in different peer reviewed Journals and other not reviewed Proceeding of Conferences