
Personal informations.

Nationality: Italian. Birth date and place: 12 February 1983, Legnago, Verona (Italy).

Professional experience and stages.

  • January 2014 – present: Ph.D. student in Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara. Temporary thesis title: "Use of solar energy and recovery of water resources through zeolites". Supervisors: prof. G. Cruciani and prof. A. Martucci (University of Ferrara).
  • September 2014 - June 2015: Tutor course of mineralogy and laboratory of mineralogy (Bachelor Degree). March 2011 – March 2014: Adviser "Qu.Am.Si. s. a. s. "- Legnago, Verona (Italy). Consultations for localization, activation and management of industrial and craft production facilities; analysis of environmental and V.I.A. (Environmental Impact Assessment) procedures.
  • January 2011 – March 2011: Environmental consultant in collaboration with “Explogeo” - Cerea, Verona (Italy). Consultations of geological investigations.
  • June 2009 – September 2009: Stage at “Consorzio Cerea S.p.A.” – Cerea, Verona (Italy). Project title: “Geotechnical and chemical – physical characterization of artificial aggregates for civil engineering works in accordance with UN EN 13242”.
  • June 2007 – September 2007: Stage at “Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Surfaces – C.N.R.” - Padova (Italy). Project title: “Analysis of samples of zoisiti through photoluminescence”.
  • June 2005 – September 2005: Stage at “Centro Servizi Marmo” – Volargne di Dolcè, Verona (Italy). Project title: “Evidence of water absorption in metamorphic rock samples and study of thin sections of the same samples by optical microscope”.


Dicember 2010: Master Degree in “Geology, Georesurces and Territoy – curriculum: Mineralogy and petrology applied to industries, environment and cultural heritage” at University of Ferrara (Italy). Thesis title: “Single cristal X-ray diffraction study of structural modification induced by heating in uncolor, blue and yellow zoisite from Merelani Arusha (Tanzania)”.

July 2008: Bachelor Degree in “Earth Sciences” at University of Ferrara (Italy). Thesis title: “Structural and optical characterization of blue and yellow zoisite from Merelani Arusha (Tanzania): a study of the changes induced by heating”.

July 2003: Secondary School Certificate at “Liceo Classico G. Cotta” – Legnago, Verona (Italy).

Congress presentations.

  • September 2015: “Adsorption/desorption of fuel based pollutants confined within zsm-5: a combined in situ high-temperature synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction and chromatographic study” XLIV Annual Meeting of the AIC (Oral).
  • June 2015: “Adsorption/desorption of organic pollutants confined within ZSM-5: a combined in situ high-temperature synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction and chromatographic study” 6th Czech-Italian-Spanish Conference on Molecular Sieves and Catalysis (Oral).
  • September 2014:“Desorption mechanism of toluene into an organophilic zeolite ZSM-5: an “in situ” time resolved synchrotron powder diffraction study” 2st AIC-SILS joint Meeting (Poster)
  • September 2014:“Structural and spectroscopic analysis of Baltic Amber” 87th SIMP 90th SGI Congress (Poster)
  • September 2014:“Temperature - induced transformations in ZSM-5 after 1,2-dichloroethane adsorption by in situ time resolved synchrotron powder diffraction” 87th SIMP 90th SGI Congress (Poster)
  • June 2014: “Studio in situ del desorbimento di contaminanti organici sulla zeolite ZSM-5 mediante diffrazione da polveri con luce di sincrotrone” 2st Workshop Nazionale GREEN CHEMISTRY- CHIMICA SOSTENIBILE (Poster)
  • September 2010: “Single cristal X-ray diffraction study of structural modification induced by heating in uncolor, blue and yellow zoisite from Merelani Arusha (Tanzania)” 89th SIMP Congress (Oral).
  • September 2008: “Structural and optical characterization of blue and yellow zoisite from Merelani Arusha (Tanzania): a study of the changes induced by heating” 1st SIMP-AIC joint Meeting (Poster).