
  • E. Angelini, M. Bonfanti, F. Felici, M. Lavaggi, “Bounding the volume of e-log canonical weak del Pezzo surfaces” (2013), in preparazione
  • E. Angelini, “Logarithmic bundles of multi-degree arrangements in Pn” (2014), inviato per la pubblicazione, (arXiv:1410.8770v1 [math.AG])
  • E. Angelini, “Logarithmic bundles of hypersurface arrangements in Pn”, Collectanea Mathematica, volume 65, issue 3 (2014), 285-302 (arXiv:1304.5709v3 [math.AG])
  • E. Angelini, “The Torelli problem for Logarithmic bundles of hypersurface arrangements in the projective space”, Ph. D. thesis (2013)
  • E. Angelini, poster “The Torelli problem for Logarithmic bundles of hypersurface arrangements in the projective space”, presentato in occasione di Workshop “Varietà reali e complesse: geometria, topologia e analisi armonica”, SNS Pisa (28/02/2013-03/03/2013)
  • E. Angelini, poster “Logarithmic bundles attached to arrangements of conics”, presentato in occasione di “Arrangements in Pyrénées” - School on hyperplane arrangements and related topics, Laboratoire de Mathematiques Appliquées, Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour, (11/06/2012 - 15/06/2012)
  • E. Angelini, “Higher secants of spinor varieties”, Bollettino U.M.I. (9) IV (2011), 213-235 (arXiv:1011.2337v1 [math.AG])
  • E. Angelini, “Varietà secanti alle varietà spinoriali”, Tesi di laurea specialistica (2009)