

Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum




Vincenzo Bruno was born on 04/08/1962


1981 Graduated from the High School in Naples (Italy) (Maturità Scientifica)

1981-1986 Student at the Dental School, 2nd Medical School, Federico II, University of Naples

1986-23/07 D.D.S. degree (Dentistry and Dental Prostheses), summa cum laude, with a presentation of clinical and experimental thesis on “Pulp-Periodontal Syndrome”, under the supervision of the Dean and Prof. Dr. G. Valletta.

1987-1988 Post-graduate fellowship in the course of “Periodontal Reconstructive Surgery”, in the Department of Periodontics, where he obtained his Certificate, (Dir. Prof. S. Matarasso), Dental School, 2nd Medical School, Federico II, University of Naples.

1992 3-day Basic Course in “Osseointegration in Clinical Dentistry” focusing on the surgical and prosthetic aspects of the Brånemark System, Rome, Italy.

1993 Clinical Training Course, May 24-28 covering the surgical aspects in treating edentulism according to the principles of Osseointegration ad modum Brånemark, Brånemark Clinic, Gothenburg, Sweden.

1995 Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Osseointegrated Implants at the University of Umeå and Lapland, Sweden, August 20-24.

2006 All-on-4 and Immediate Function, Malo’ Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal, September 25-26.

2008-2010 Oral Surgery Specialist. Dr. Bruno earned his specialization, a three year, course in “Chirurgia Odontostomatologica” (Oral Surgery) on the 31st of March 2010 at Dental School, 2nd Medical School, Federico II, University of Naples with a grade of 70/70 presenting a thesis on:“ A new technique to realize an immediately loaded full-arch provisional implant restorations using temporary full arch bridge in patients treated with implant computer-guided surgery: a pilot study.” In these years he has attended the Department of Oral Surgery, headed by Prof. Dr. Gilberto Sammartino.

2008-2012 Master of Science in Dental Implantology (MSc, Postgraduate Taught Master), University of Bristol, United Kingdom; with a dissertation:” Assessment of the quality of bone using a CBCT or a CT and the clinical relevance in relation to dental implant stability“. He has completed the first year Certificate and the second year Diploma.



Throughout these years of study and research he has continually participated in National and International Courses as well as Seminars and Conferences.




1986-2002 Clinical Instructor and Lecturer in Prosthodontics, Dental School, 2nd Medical School, Federico II, University of Naples, Italy.

1988-1990 Tutor at Prosthodontics Department at the University of Turin, Dental School, Italy. Chairman: Prof. Dr. Giulio Preti. In that period he collaborated in teaching and research activities.

1989-1990 Clinical Instructor and Lecturer for the course of Removable Prosthodontics at the Ferrara University, Dental School, Italy.

1990 Counsellor for the organization of “IV OPEN MEETING Craniomandibular Disorders Update of the European Academy of Craniomandibulars Disorders”; Turin, Italy 13th-15th of September 1990.

1996-2002 Lecturer for the post-graduate course in Prosthodontics, Dental School, 2nd Medical School, Federico II, University of Naples, Italy.

1997-1999 in collaboration with the University of Bari, Italy, Dr. Bruno was a researcher at the Italian Science and Technology Park PASTIS-CNRSM of the National Centre for the Research and Development of Materials, located in Mesagne, Brindisi. The project was: “Design and Development of an innovative dental implant and Design and Development of a membrane for tissue regeneration.”

2010-Present Honorary Lecturer, Course of Master in Dental Implantology, University of Bristol (UK).

2013-Present Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Ferrara, IT

2014-Present Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, IT

2015-13 March, Programme De Formation en Chirurgie & Prothese Implantaire. Faculté de Médecine Dentaire de Monastir, Monastir – Tunisie. La Prothese Implanto-Portee. V. Bruno


Active Member of the Italian Society of Osseointegration.


Since 1990 he has been in own private dental practice (Naples) (Rome until 2008) with limitation on periodontics, implant surgery, prosthetics and esthetic restorations.

2008-Present GDC Fully registered (164663).

He treats patients for single, partial and full edentulism with implants.

He performs GBR, Immediate Implants, Sinus Lift and CT Guided Surgery.



  • 13-14 October 1989 Ceva (Cn) IV Giornate di Aggiornamento Culturale di Clinica Protesica Presentazione di un caso clinico di riabilitazione protesica con impianti osteointegrati esemplificativo di una nuova metodica protesica. V. Bruno
  • 24-26 Novembre 1989 Torino V Convegno Scientifico AIO (Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri) Stato attuale dell’implantologia. Protesi totale ad appoggio osteointegrato. V. Bruno


  • 02-04 March 1990 Napoli Seconda Dental Mediterranea Fiera D’Oltremare. 9.00 – 11.30 Implantologia Oggi: Valutazioni Critiche R. Modica, G. Preti, F. Modica, G. Muci e V. Bruno
  • 24-25 April 1990 Montecassino (Fr) Incontri Scientifici Odontoiatrici Protesi su impianti, valutazione critica. V. Bruno
  • 01-03 June 1990 Torre Canne (Br) V Convegno Regionale AMDI Puglia Il connettore mandibolare principale: problemi e soluzioni. V. Bruno


  • 01-03 March 1991 Napoli Terza Dental Mediterranea Fiera D’Oltremare. 17.30 – 18.30 Principi dell’allestimento del complesso occluso-articolare in protesi rimovibile. V. Bruno


  • 9-10 December 1994 Napoli “La celiachia”, Tavola Rotonda: “Non solo Intestino”. V. Bruno


  • 25 November 1995 Napoli Università degli Studi di Napoli ”Federico II” Simposio Internazionale Osteointegrazione ed Overdenture – Tendenze Attuali e Prospettive Future 15.15 –16.30 Considerazioni funzionali e biomeccaniche per attacchi a barra. L. Galasso e V. Bruno


  • 11-12-13 October 1996 Bari Palace Hotel 7° Congresso Nazionale AIDI (Associazione Igienisti Dentali Italiani) 16.15 – 16.45 Il ruolo dell’assistente alla poltrona e dell’igienista dentale nella terapia chirurgica e di mantenimento degli impianti osteointegrati. N.F. Testa e V. Bruno


  • 24 March 2001 Caserta 3° Congresso Regionale. Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Mediterraneo Presente e futuro in implantologia.; 17:15-18:00 Il pilastro TiAdapt e la metodica  Procera nei casi  semplici e complessi. V. Bruno


  • 16 November 2002 Venafro (Is) 1° Memorial Vincenzo Petrucci Aggiornamento sulle Metodiche implantari. Con il patrocinio dell’ANDI e dell’ANTLO. V. Bruno e V. Cerrone


  • 08 March 2003 A.O.R.N “A. Cardarelli” di Napoli. Dal Carico Immediato alle Soluzioni Protesiche Individualizzate. 12.30 – 13.00 Versatilità delle soluzioni protesiche individualizzate Cad-Cam su piattaforme a connesione interna trilobata e ad esagono esterno. V. Bruno
  • 13-14 June 2003 Padula (Sa) Aula Consiliare Riabilitazione in protesi fissa e mobile su impianti. 09.00 – 14.00 La riabilitazione implantare fissa: Sistemi a confronto. Con il patrocinio dell’ANDI V. Bruno


  • 05-06 May 2006 AIO III Congresso Interregionale Focus on Profession. Gli impianti nel trattamento dell’edentulismo totale: dall’overdenture al NobelGuideTM. 10.30-11.15 V. Bruno e G. Muci


  • 4-6 October 2007 Pisa. 1st ICOI Italy Meeting. Consensus Conference: Success Criteria in Implantology. Main Podium. Guided Implantology: clinical treatment options using NobelGuideTM. 16.20-16.50 V. Bruno


  • 14 May 2008 Implantologia: Chirurgia Avanzata vs Tecnica Tradizionale, Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri, Napoli 19.00-23.00 L. Ramaglia e V. Bruno (rif 8016507)
  • 6-8 November 2008 Cairo, Egypt. The 5th SENAME and the 3rd ESOR International Congress Computer Aided Dentistry: Implantology and Prosthodontics. 12.45-13.15 V. Bruno


  • 30 October 01 November 2009. Marrakech, Maroc. The 6th SENAME and the 1st CORTES International Congress State of the Art in Implantology and Modern Dentistry. Occlusion: are there some rules? 17.00-17-30 V. Bruno


  • 28-30 October 2010 Beirut, Lebanon. The 7th SENAME International Congress State of the Art in Implantology and Modern Dentistry of the Art in Implantology & Modern Dentistry. CT Guided Implantology: Advantages and Limits. 14.30-15.00 V. Bruno


  • 28-29 September 2013 Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisie. The 10th SENAME International Congress de la Sename, V Congres de L’ATORECD, Etat de l’art en implantologie et dentisterie moderne. L’implantation immediate dans le secteur esthetique. 18.15-19.00 V. Bruno


  • 20-22 June 2014, Tirana. Albany. The 11st SENAME International Congress de la Sename. The State of the Art in Implantology and Modern Dentistry. Change your Smile: Composite or Porcelain Veneers. 18.35-19.05 V. Bruno


  • 20-22 June 2014, Tirana. Albany. The 11st SENAME International Congress de la Sename. The State of the Art in Implantology and Modern Dentistry. Change your Smile: Composite or Porcelain Veneers. 18.35-19.05 V. Bruno
  • 7 November 2014, Cairo, Egypt. Army Scientific Day (Advanced); First International Advanced Scientific Day of the Dental services of the Egyptian Armed Forces. The Conference centre of the Specialised Dental Hospital of the Egyptian Army. Management of Edentulous Aesthetic Zone; Surgical and prosthetic perspective, 13:00 – 17:00 G. Sammartino and V. Bruno


  • 14-15 Mars 2015, Mahdia, Tunisie. VI ATORECD, III ATREO, I Recontres Tuniso-Italiennes. La Transdisciplinarite’ au Service d’une Esthetique Optimale du 1/3 Inferieur du Visage. 15.00-16.00 Rehabilitation with porcelain veneers: clinical strategies for successful treatment. V. Bruno
  • 14-15 Mars 2015, Mahdia, Tunisie. VI ATORECD, III ATREO, I Recontres Tuniso-Italiennes. La Transdisciplinarite’ au Service d’une Esthetique Optimale du 1/3 Inferieur du Visage. 17.10-18.00 CAD/CAM Prosthodontics: Technology and Art. V. Bruno


Workshop, Seminars and Tutorials



  • 06 April 1989 Corso di Protesi Totale presso l’Università di Perugia Adattamento dei valli e scelta clinica della dimensione verticale d’occlusione, montaggio dei denti diatorici, V. Bruno
  • 08-10 June 1989 Corso di Protesi Totale Torino: G. Preti. Criteri estetici per il montaggio dei denti frontali, montaggio dei denti diatorici. V. Bruno
  • 06-08 July 1989 Corso di Protesi Totale Milano: G. Preti. Criteri estetici per il montaggio dei denti frontali, montaggio dei denti diatorici. V. Bruno


  • 12-14 July 1990 Corso di Protesi Totale Milano: G. Preti. Criteri estetici per il montaggio dei denti frontali, montaggio dei denti diatorici. V. Bruno


  • 11-14 April 1991 Bari Corso di Protesi Totale AMDI G. Preti e V. Bruno


  • 24 May 1997 Taranto Grand Hotel Delfino Implantologia Osteointegrata 11.30 – 13.00 La riabilitazione protesica su impianti osteointegrati: materiali, procedimenti clinici. Con il patrocinio dell’ANDI V. Bruno


  • 30 January 1998 Napoli Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università Federico II Corso di aggiornamento: l’impronta in protesi: principi, tecniche, stato dell’arte. A. Barlattani, M. Procaccini, F. Bambini, F. Zarone, E. Epifania e V. Bruno


  • 26 Marzo 2006 Ferrara, Seminario: La semplicita’ e la funzione immediata nella routine quotidiana. L’implantologia e la Protesi Computer Guidata. Cattedra di Protesi, Università di Ferrara. V. Bruno
  • 20 May 2006 Bari Corso: NobelGuideTM Programma di training – Soluzioni basate su modello Dr. V. Bruno, Odt. V. Cerrone
  • 29 May 2006 Lecce AIO Serate culturali Nuove tecniche di abbreviazione dei tempi chirurgici e di riabilitazione. V. Bruno
  • 28 February 2006 Napoli Seminario Immediate FunctionTM nella routine quotidiana: un reale beneficio per Voi e i Vostri pazienti V. Bruno


  • 16 Maggio 2012 Ferrara, Seminario: Guided Dentistry: Prosthodontics; Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing; Cattedra di Protesi, Università di Ferrara. V. Bruno


  • 14-15 Mars 2015, Mahdia, Tunisie. VI ATORECD, III ATREO, I Recontres Tuniso-Italiennes. La Transdisciplinarite’ au Service d’une Esthetique Optimale du 1/3 Inferieur du Visage. 08:30-11.00 Workshops: Prosthese sur implants. V. Bruno and Imene Ben Afia.
  • 14-15 Mars 2015, Mahdia, Tunisie. VI ATORECD, III ATREO, I Recontres Tuniso-Italiennes. La Transdisciplinarite’ au Service d’une Esthetique Optimale du 1/3 Inferieur du Visage. 11:30-14.00 Workshops: Facettes. V. Bruno and Moncef Omezzine.