
Velio Tralli received the Dr.Ing. degree in Electronic engineering (with honors) and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic engineering and Computer science from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. From 1994 to 1999, he was a Researcher of the National Research Council (CNR) at CSITE, University of Bologna. In 1999, he joined the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara, Italy, where he is an Associate Professor since 2001.
From 2020, he is Research affiliate at Wilab, CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni).

His research interests are within the areas of wireless communications, digital transmission and coding, including radio resource management, cross-layer design and optimization, multiantenna systems, and cooperative communications. In his scientific career he mainly contributed to the following fields of the Telecommunications:

  • performance of digital communication systems with fading and interference,
  • characterization of OFDM and CDMA communications over nonlinear channels,
  • evaluation of coding techniques for fading channels,
  • resource allocation in cellular systems and wireless networks,
  • optical wireless communications.


He published nearly 150 papers in refereed journals, including Transactions of the IEEE, and international conferences. For the doctoral course of Engineering Science at the University of Ferrara he has been the supervisor of 6 PhD students. In December 2013, he received the Italian National Scientific Qualification for full professor in telecommunication engineering.

He participated in several national and European research projects addressing short-range communications systems, wireless sensor networks, 3G wireless networks, wireless video communications, optical wireless on-chip communications.

He was responsible of the research unit at the University of Ferrara for the following research projects:

  • NEWCOM (NoE on Wireless Communications - EU Sixth Framework Program), from 2004 to 2007;
  • NEWCOM++ (NoE on Wireless Communications - EU Seventh Framework Program), from 2008 to 2011;
  • OPTIMIX (“Optimisation of multimedia over Wireless ip links via x-layer design” - EU Seventh Framework Program), from 2008 to 2010;
  • e-GAP2 (International joint project, Royal Society, UK), from 2010 to 2011;
  • CONCERTO (“Content and context aware delivery for interactive multimedia healthcare applications” - EU Seventh Framework Program), from 2012 to 2014;
  • WINOT (“Wireless Networks through on-chip Optical Technology – national PRIN2015 program) from 2017 to 2020.

He also participated from 2000 to 2015 to the following COST activities in the area of wireless communications:

  • COST 273 “Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks”, from 2001 to 2006;
  • COST 2100 “Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications”, from 2007 to 2011;
  • COST IC1004 “Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments”, from 2012 to 2015. 

He is a Senior Member of IEEE where he serves as a reviewer for Transactions/Journals
and Conferences, and as a TPC member for several international conferences.
He is
an associate Editor for the European Transactions on Emerging Technologies. He also served as a Co-Chair for the Wireless Communication Symposium of ICC2006 and for the Communication Theory Symposium of ICC2013.

Since academic year 1993/1994 he is teaching official courses of the Engineering Faculty at the University of Ferrara in the area of Telecommunications: signal theory, digital communications, communication systems, Information theory and coding, wireless systems.

Since 2015 he is the Coordinator of the academic courses in the areas of electronic and computer engineering at the University of Ferrara.

He was a member of the managing committee of CNIT from 2011 to 2016.

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