Personal Data
Name: Valeria Ruggiero
Address: University of Ferrara, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, via Machiavelli 30, 44121 Ferrara, Italy
E-mail; home page

Academic Career

1978 Laurea in Mathematics (cum laude) at the University of Ferara, Italy
1979-1981 fellowship of the National Research Council (C.N.R.), Department of Mathematics, University of Ferrara
1981-1992 Researcher in Numerical Analysis, Department of Mathematics, University of Ferrara
1992-1995 Associate Professor of Numerical Analysis, Department of Mathematics; Engineering Faculty, University of Modena
1995-2000 Associate Professor of Numerical Analysis, Department of Mathematics; Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Faculty, University of Ferrara
2000-present Full Professor of Numerical Analysis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Ferrara
2002-2008 President of the Degree Committee of the Bachelor and the Master of Science in Computer Science, University of Ferrara
2004-2010 Vice Chancellor of the University of Ferrara; from May 2010-September 2010, temporary Chancellor of the University of Ferrara
2004 -2013 Member of the Board of PhD program in Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Ferrara;
2012-2013 Chair of the Board of PhD program in Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Ferrara;
2015-present Member of the Board of PhD program in Mathematics - University of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Parma
2022-present Director of The INdAM Unit at the University of Ferrara
2023-present Chair of the Board of PhD program in Mathematics - University of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Parma

Other Activities and Services

Individual member of Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI) and Gruppo Nazionale di Calcolo Scientifico (GNCS)
2000-present Member of the Editorial Board of Annali dell'Università di Ferrara, Sezione VII, Scienze Matematiche
2018-present Member of Editorial Board of Computational Optimization and Applications
2013-2021 Director of the Gruppo Nazionale di Calcolo Scientifico of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM)
2004-present Member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Ferrara
2009-2012 Member of the Board of Governors of Consortium GARR for Fondazione CRUI
2010-2019 Member of Scientific Advisory Board of CINECA for Supercomputing Resource Allocation
2012-2016 Member of the Performance Assessment Committee of the University of Brescia
2013-2018 Member of the Performance Assessment Committee of the University for Foreigners of Perugia
2016-2017 Member of the Performance Assessment Committee of the IMT School for Advanced Studies of Lucca
2001-2004 Member of the Scientific Board of the Gruppo Nazionale di Calcolo Scientifico(GNCS)
2015 Disciplinary expert for area 01 of ANVUR agency
2015 Member of the assessment board (CEV) of ANVUR for the institutional accreditation of University of Torino
2018 Member of the Selection Panel PE1-PRIN 2017
2022 Member of the support commission MAT/08 to CUN advisers for updating SSD declarations and the constitution of the new GSDs 2022-present Member of the UMI Research Observatory
Member of the Italian research group OASIS
Member of the UMI group “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”,

Scientific Activity
Most of the research activity concerns the development and the analysis of numerical methods for large scale systems, parallel computing, nonlinear optimization and related applications. In particular theoretical and computational results have been obtained about the Inexact Newton interior point method for nonlinear programming problems and nonlinear systems, including the analysis of different iterative solvers for inner linear symmetric indefinite systems. Non monotone strategies are analyzed also for the semi-smooth case, with application to optimal control problems and variational inequalities. More recent research interests are in non smooth convex optimization methods for inverse problems in image reconstruction and stochastic optimization methods in machine learning. Contributions are obtained on first-order forward-backward and primal-dual metric methods and on step selection rules for stochastic algorithms. The results of her research activity are described in about 60 publications in international scientific journals, proceedings and books, in several software packages and in a number of communications to conferences.
As coordinator of research projects, she organized meetings and workshops on mathematical software, parallel computing and numerical optimization. From 2008 she is member of the Italian research group OASIS (

Research Projects
1991 C.N.R. finalized project Sistemi informatici e calcolo parallelo; subproject 1 (see Moltedo, Salvetti, Laforenza: Calcolo Parallelo: Metodi, Simulazioni Numeriche, Elaborazione di Immagini)
1997 C.N.R. project Metodi di decomposizione per calcolatori paralleli, coordinator
1996 MURST project (PRIN) Analisi Numerica e Matematica Computazionale, local coordinator
1997-2000 MURST project (PRIN) Numerical Analysis: Methods and Mathematical Software, national coordinator
1998-1999 C.N.R. project Sistemi di grandi dimensioni e calcolo parallelo, coordinator
1999-2000 MURST project (PRIN) Numerical methods for evolutionary problems, local coordinator
2000 G.N.I.M. project Metodi iterativi per sistemi di equazioni non lineari e problemi di ottimizzazione di dimensione finita, coordinator
2001 G.N.C.S. project Metodi iterativi per sistemi di equazioni non lineari e problemi di ottimizzazione di dimensione finita, coordinator
2000 Agency 2000 project Griglie Computazionali e Applicazioni; coordinator of the subproject Metodi di calcolo parallelo per il calcolo scientifico di grandi dimensioni
2002 FIRB project Parallel Algorithms and Numerical Nonlinear Optimization", national coordinator (
2004-2005 MIUR project (PRIN) Numerical Methods and Mathematical Software for Applications ( brugnano/Cofin2004)
2006-2007 MIUR project (PRIN) Numerical optimization methods for inverse problems
2008-2012 MIUR project (PRIN) Optimization methods and software for inverse problems, national coordinator (
2011 Regional project SPINNER 2013 High-complexity inverse problems in biomedical applications and social systems, local coordinator
2013 FIRB Futuro in Ricerca 2012: Learning meets time: A new computational approach for learning in dynamic systems
2020 Emilia Romagna Regional project for funding a post-doc position - N.2088/2019 POR FSE 2014/2020, 2019-13553/RER.
2022 GNCS Projects 2022: Adaptive optimization for machine learning (PI: S. Rebegoldi)
2023 INdAM - GNCS Projects 2023: Data-driven optimization methods: new theoretical and practical perspectives (PI: G.Franchini)
2024 Advanced MATHematical methods for Artificial Intelligence – MATH4AI, funded by the programma "Future Artificiale Intelligence – FAIR” PE0000013, CUP DJ33C22002830006 – Mission 4 Component 2, Investment 1.3 (MUR Directorial Decree no. 341 of 03/15/2022),

Teaching Activity
- From 1980 to 1984, Algorithms and Data Structure at the post-graduate course in Computer Programming of the University of Bologna.
- Lectures at School on Algorithms in Parallel Computing, sponsored by SASIAM, Bari, 1987.
- From 1993 to 2003 she contributed to the Summer School on Parallel and Vector Computing at CINECA to Summer School on Parallel and Vector Computing at CINECA
- In 1990, lectures on Parallel Methods of Linear Algebra at the PhD program in Computational Mathematics of the University of Padova
- In January 2016, September 2018, February 2020, February and July 2021, lectures at the PhD program in Mathematics of the University of Ferrara-Modena Reggio Emilia-Parma
- Since 1991, she held courses on Numerical Analysis, Parallel Computing, Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics, Numerical optimization methods at the Universities of Bologna, Modena and Ferrara, in Degree and
Master degree programs in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering and Economics.
- Summer School Mathematical Methods in Data Science, Bari, July 2019, lecture: Data Science: un punto di vista matematico.

Organization of workshops (from 2000)
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 17th Learning and Intelligence Optimization Conference, Nice (France), June 4-8 2023.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Optimization Techniques for Inverse Problems IV, International Workshop, Modena (Italy), September 6-7, 2021.
- Member of the Scientific Committee: The 14th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference, Athens, May 24-28, 2020.
- Member of the Organizing Committee: GNCS2020, INdAM Scientific Computing National Group, Conference 2020, Montecatini (Italy), February 11-13, 2020.
- Member of the Scientific Committee: Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, International Workshop, Isola di Capo Rizzuto, June, 2019.
- Organizer with G. Toraldo of Minisymposium First order methods, 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Bordeaux, Luglio 1-6, 2018.
- Member of the Organizing Committee: INDAM Intensive Period, Computational Methods for Inverse Problems in Imaging, Como, June, 12, 2018.
- Member of the Technical program committee: LION 12, LION 12, Learning and Intelligence Optimization conference, Kelemata (Greece), June 10-15, 2018
- Member of the Organizing Committee: GNCS2018, INdAM Scientific Computing National Group, Conference 2018, Montecatini (Italy), February 14-16, 2018
- Member of the Technical program committee: LION 11, 11th International Conference, LION 11, Nizhny Novgorod (Russian), June 19-21, 2017
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Optimization Techniques for Inverse Problems III, International Workshop, Modena (Italy), September 19-21, 2016
- Organizer with G. Toraldo of Minisymposium Computational Optimization and Applications, SIMAI 2016, Milano (Italy), Septemper 2016
- Member of the Scientific Committee: Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, International Workshop, Pizzo Calabro (Italy), June 19-25, 2016
- Member of the Organizing Committee: GNCS2016, INdAM Scientific Computing National Group, Conference 2016, Montecatini (Italy), February 2-4, 2016
- Member of the Scientific Committee of New Trend in Numerical Analysis, Falerna ,June 18-21, 2015.
- Member of the International Program Committee: International Workshop on Parallel Optimization using High Performance Computing, POMM 2014, Bologna, July 21-25, 2014.
- Member of the Organizing Committee: GNCS2014, INdAM Scientific Computing National Group, Conference 2014, Montecatini (Italy), February 19-20, 2014
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, International Workshop, Falerna (Italy), June 17-23, 20-21, 2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Optimization Techniques for Inverse Problems II, International Workshop, Modena (Italy), September 20-21, 2012
- Organizer with L. Zanni of Minisymposium Optimization methods for inverse problems in imaging and machine Learning, SIMAI 2012, Torino, June 2012
- XIX Congresso dell'UMI, Bologna, September, 12-17, 2011, Chairman of the section Numerical Algebra and Optimization
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the workshop Infinite and Infinitesimal in Mathematics, Computing and Natural Sciences, Cetraro, May, 17-21, 2010
- Member of the Organizing Committee of Optimization Techniques for Inverse Problems, International Workshop, Modena (Italy), April 28-29, 2008
- Chair of the Organizing Committee of the International Workshop Opt2003, Numerical Methods for Local and Global Optimization: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms, Cortona, July, 14-20, 2003, sponsored by INdAM -
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi"
- Member of the Organizing Committee: GNCS2002, INdAM Scientific Computing National Group Annual Conference 2002, Ferrara (Italy), February 12-13, 2002
- Chair of the Organizing Committee of the workshop Numerical Analysis: Methods and Mathematical Software, Ferrara, January, 19-21, 2000