

Valentina Frighi (Ferrara, 1989) is an Architect, Expert on the subject of "Technology for Architecture" (SSD: ICAR/12), Ph.D. (IDAUP – XXXII ciclo) and Assistant Professor (Researcher) at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara.

  • In July of the 2008 she obtained the scientific high-school diploma with the mark of 100/100, at the Liceo Classico “Ludovico Ariosto” of Ferrara.
  • In July 2013 she graduated in Architecture with the highest mark at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara.
  • In February 2014 she enrolled in the Register of Architects and PPCs of the province of Ferrara, after obtaining the authorization to practice in the first applicable session
  • In June 2015 she was appointed "Cultore della Materia" (Expert on the subject) for the scientific sector of "Technology for Architecture", by the Council of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara
  • In February 2016 she won a research fellow grant at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, of the duration of 12 months, entitled: “Building envelope and non-linear performance: new components, new tools for design, construction and monitoring”, Scientific responsible: Prof. Fabio Conato.
  • Since March 2016 she is associated member of the SITdA (Italian Society of Technology for Architecture
  • Since May 2016 she act as a reviewer for many international journals and as a member of the scientific committee of the international conferences: “The International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results” and “The QUAESTI Scientific Conference - Multidisciplinary Studies and Approaches”.
  • Since November 2018 she is member of the LEM (Laboratory of Technology) active since 1996 within the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, with which she carries out national and international scientific research, dealing in particular with issues related to technological innovation, energy efficiency, construction processes, and analysis and documentation of innovative building materials and components.
  • In June 2020 she received the title of Ph.D.with the judgment: excellent cum laude, from the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara and the POLIS University of Tirana, in the framework of the International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning - IDAUP, with a thesis entitled: “Smart Architecture. Supporting the design of transparent building components towards the improvement of building envelope performance" (SSD: ICAR / 12). Tutors: Prof. Giovanni Zannoni, Prof. Arben Shtylla. External expert: Prof. Fabio Conato.
  • Since July 2021 she is Researcher within the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, after a selective procedure based on qualifications and interview.
  • Starting from the A.Y. 2021-2022 academic year she is member of the Commission for didactic tutoring, appointed by the Council of the Department of Architecture.
  • Starting from November 2021 she is Responsible for the Quality Assurance (RAQ) of the Architecture Master Degree (LM-CU) within the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara.