

Stefano Trillo has received the Laurea degree (110/110 cum laude) in EE and Ph.D in Applied Electromagnetisms from the University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, in 1982 and 1987 (first cycle of newborn PhD program in Italy), respectively. In 1983 he has been Associate Researcher at INFN, Laboratori di Frascati. Then he joined the staff at Fondazione Ugo Bordoni in Rome, where he has been senior researcher until 1998. In 1997, he has been appointed Professor in the Italian University system in the area of Electromagnetics (Campi Elettromagnetici, ING-INF/02). He joined the University of Ferrara as Associate Professor first (1998 - 2007), and then as Full Professor (2007 - ), where he teaches different courses in optics and e.m. propagation. Since 2007 he is also director of the PhD program in Engineering Sciences, which counts among the different curricula more than 40 students over the 3-years program. He has served also in the national board of evaluation for the italian habilitation to professorship (associate and full) in the area of Electromagnetics.

International Experience
He has several ongoing research collaborations (main ones at U. of Lille and Dijon, France; Buffalo State Univ., US; Aston U., UK) and a long-standing international experience in research management including the participation to several technical committees of major international conferences in optics and nonlinear waves: CLEO Europe, Nonlinear Guided Waves , Nonlinear Photonics, CLEO/QELS (USA), all run by Optical Society of America (OSA), ICONO, SIAM Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, and involvement in the Editorial Board of journals such as Optics Letters, OSA (1998-2004; highest IF in optics at that time) and the recently started Photonic Research (2013-2018), OSA, as well as International Journal of Optics, Hindawi (2009 - ). He has also performed several research stages abroad (main ones at ETH, Zurich; OSC, University of Arizona; CREOL, U. of Central Florida, U. of Dijon, France; U. of Lille, France). He has organised several international workshops and PhD schools.

His research activity started on free electron lasers (first european experiment on a storage ring), and then embraced quantum electronics, photonics, e.m. propagation, light-matter interactions, nonlinear optics and nonlinear waves in general, and more recently water waves. In the field of nonlinear optics he is recognized as a leading scientist worldwide, having achieved several seminal results: to name a few, the experimental demonstration and theory of spatial instabilities in nonlinear propagation along optical fibers, the characterization of nonlinear stage of four-photon mixing phenomena and related Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence, a unified approach to treat trapping in parametric conversion (second-harmonic generation), the theory and observation of X waves in nonlinear propagation phenomena, the prediction of trapping and filamentation in generic soft matter, and the observation of spatial and temporal undular bores (dispersive shock waves) both in optics and water tanks.

His contributions in these areas are witnessed >550 contributions which counts >230 papers on peer-review international journals, 21 book chapters, one book on spatial solitons (Springer, co-editor with W.E. Torruellas), and >300 on conference proceedings among which several invited papers to international conferences. Papers in top-ranked journals: 26 Phys.Rev.Lett., 2 Phys. Rev. X, 1 Phys. Rep., 1 Nature Photonics, 1 Nature Commun., 1 PNAS.

Bibliometric data:

H-index: 55 (Google Scholar); 49 (Scopus); 47 (ISI WofS);
citations: >12K (GS); >8.5K (WofS, Scopus).

He is has been nominated Fellow of Optical Society of America in 2009 “for pioneering contributions in solitons, instabilities, and nonlinear waves in various systems”.

Projects and funding:

Since 1998 he has led the research unit in Ferrara in several projects funded at different level (from regional to european). Main project:

- European STREP project “Copernicus (Compact Otdm-wdm oPtical rEceiveRs based on photoNic crystal Integrated CircUitS), 2010-2012, theme ICT-2009.3.8 (Organic photonics and other disruptive photonics technologies); 8 EU partners coordinated by Thales, France; total budget 3 M€; role: team leader;
-PI (National Coordinator), national project PRIN 2009 “Optical shock waves: theory and experiments”, 3 italian universities), 300K€.

-PI (National Coordinator), national project PRIN 2012 “Extreme events in nonlinear optics and hydrodynamics”, 4 italian universities), 240K€.

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