Born in Ferrara, Italy; October 13, 1957
1976 High School Diploma: Liceo-Ginnasio Statale “L. Ariosto”, Ferrara
1982 Medical Degree from the University of Ferrara, with honors
1982 Italian License to Practice Medicine
1985 Specialization in Endocrinology, University of Modena, Italy
1990 Specialization in Internal Medicine, University of Parma, Italy
2004 Specialization in Cardiology, Ferrara, Italy
2019 PhD Doctorate in Biomedicine, University of Cordoba, Spain
1987 Pediatric Endocrinology (chief: F.Cassorla), N.I.H. Bethesda: Endocrinology & Diabetology (chief: S.Rosenstock), Texas Heart Center Dallas
1990 Medical Assistant, Emergency Department, St Anna General Hospital of Ferrara (1988-1990)
1990 Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara (1990-2008)
2001-2005 Vice-Director of the Department of Medicine of St Anna General Hospital of Ferrara
2006-2011 Head, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital of the Delta, Lagosanto, Ferrara, Italy
2008 (Dec 29) Associate professor of Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara, Italy (Confirmed: 29/12/2011).
01/11/2010-today: Head, Clinica Medica Unit, Az. Ospedaliera-Universitaria S.Anna, Ferrara, Italy
01/11/2010-30/6/2011: Director, School of Specialization in Nephrology, University of Ferrara, Italy.
2012-2015 Coordinator, University School for Nursing, University of Ferrara
2013 National Scientific Abilitation for Full Professorship, Internal Medicine.
2015 Full Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara School of Medicine
2017-2019: Director, Department of Medical Sciences,University of Ferrara
Chairman and Invited Lecturer in the Scientific Sessions of many International and National Conferences (>150 invited lectures)
-Internal Medicine, Degrees of: Nursing; Physiotherapist; Obstetrics; Ophtalmology; Logopedist; psychiatric Rehabilitation; Medical biotechnologies, University of Ferrara, Italy
-Internal Medicine, C.L. di Ostetrica, University of Ferrara, Italy
-Board of Directors, Ital Soc Int Med (Emilia-Romagna-Marche): 1997-2008;
-Board of Directors, Ital Soc Chronobiol: 1997-2000
-Board of Directors, Ital Nation Assoc Professors of Internal Medicine: 2004-2007
-Board of Directors, Vascular Diseases Centre, University of Ferrara, Italy: 2004-2007; and 2008-2010
Advisory Editor of: International Journal of Critical Illness & Injury Science (2010-today)
Editorial Board: Journal of Geriatric Cardiology - Cardiology and Cardiovascular Therapy - The American Journal of Emergency Medicine - Journal of Acute Diseases.
Referee for: Am J Cardiol; Am J Hypertension; Am J Med; Atherosclerosis; BMC Nephrology; BMJ; Chronobiol Int; Circulation; Circ Res; Emerg Med J, Eur J Neurol, Intensive Care Med, Nature Cardiol, Nature Commun, Respir Med, Stroke & others

-Ital Soc Int Med; Ital Soc Chronobiol; Intern Soc Chronobiol; Ital Soc Cardiol; Amer Assoc Med Chronobiol Chronother: Academy of Sciences of Ferrara
-Division of Cardiology and Internal Medicine (prof. K.A. Eagle), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA; Vascular Disease Prevention Clinics (prof. D.P. Mikhailidis), University College London, UK
Total: >1000
- in Impact Factor Journals: >500; Citations: scopus >9800; Google scholar >16200
H-INDEX: Scopus 51: Google Scholar 64.
- Books: 3
- Book chapters: 20
- Abstracts in National & International Congresses: 450