


Full Professor of Internal Medicine - Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna - University of Ferrara

Director of the Internal Medicine Unit (UOC) - SS.Annunziata Hospital, Cento - AUSL Ferrara

Director of the Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care Specialization School, University of Ferrara


1984: MD Degree, University of Bologna

1989-1993: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Physiology, CURE/DDC, UCLA School of Medicine, CA

1997: PhD in Gastroenterology and Pancreatology, Universities of Padua-Verona-Bologna


1984: MD Degree, University of Bologna

1985: Medical License, Bologna

1990: Specialist in Internal Medicine, University of Bologna

1997: PhD in Pancreatic Sciences, Universities of Padua-Verona-Bologna

1998-2011: Researcher in Internal Medicine, University of Bologna

2006: Specialization in Gastroenterology, University of Bologna

2011-2017: Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Bologna

2012/2013: National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology

2017: Full Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara

2017: Director of the Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care Specialization School, University of Ferrara

2018-2022: Director of the Internal Medicine Unit, S. Anna Hospital, Ferrara

2023: Director of the Gastroenterology Program, S. Anna Hospital, Ferrara

2024: Managerial Course for Complex Structure Directors, Emilia Romagna Region


“F. Schiassi” Medical-Surgical Society of Bologna (1989); “Smith Kline & Beckman Fellowship” / CURE, UCLA (1991-1992); "Roberto Farini" Foundation for Gastroenterological Research, Padua (1992); Janssen/Master Awards, Digestive Disease Week (2002); Emerging Leaders Program, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden (2002); Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGAF) (2012); “Alda Merini” and Senate President's Medal (2018); “Aldo Torsoli” and “Rome Foundation” Awards (2019).



Neurogastroenterology and Motility (2012-present); Digestive Diseases and Science (2017-present); European Medical Journal – Gastroenterology (2016-present); Diseases (2017-present); Frontiers of Enteric Neuroscience (2008-present); World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology (2009-ad oggi); Associate Editor, Pancreas (2012-present); Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2015-2021).


Italian Society of Internal Medicine (SIMI, 2012-present);  Italian Society of Gastroenterology (1989-present); Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Group of Neuro-Morphology (GISN,2018-ad oggi); Member, Educational Committee of United European Gastroenterology (UEG, 2016-2018); Steering Committee Member, European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM, 2012-2016); International Committee Member, AGA (2018-present).


ORCID: 0000-0003-0867-5873

Scopus Author ID: 7005471207


Internal medicine and gastroenterological diseases, with expertise in functional disorders (constipation, IBS, dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux disease); opioid-induced constipation; therapy for functional gastrointestinal disorders. Severe gastrointestinal tract conditions: intestinal pseudo-obstruction, gastroparesis, achalasia, and slow-transit constipation. Areas of scientific interest include celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, gluten ataxia, and their clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).


Management of human, material, technological, and financial resources, as well as reporting on projects funded by grants from the University of Bologna (R.F.O. until 2017) and from 2018 by the University of Ferrara (F.A.R. / F.I.R.); previously funded by the “Fondazione Del Monte” and the “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna” (2007–2016), the C.N.R. (National Research Council), and other agencies. Served as co-(principal investigator) PI of a European educational grant under the FP7 Marie Curie Program titled "NeuroGut" (Unit #7 – Bologna), aimed at training young researchers in neurogastroenterology (2014–2018).

In June 2015 and July 2023, Roberto De Giorgio was awarded TELETHON grants (€150,000 each) for research projects on genetic alterations in patients with severe digestive motility disorders. He received grants from the Ministry of Health for the periods 2011–2015 and 2018–2022 (€450,000). He was awarded PRIN/COFIN funding from the Ministry of University and Research in 2022 (€216,000) and secured a PNRR grant in 2024 (€850,000)




  • Hospital Assignments as First-Level Full-Time Medical Manager:

    • July 29, 1985 – July 31, 1986: Second Lieutenant Medical Officer.
    • September 1, 1989 – December 31, 1992: Digestive Disease Center (DDC/CURE), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Clinical activity equivalent to that of the Italian NHS.
    • April 23, 1994 – May 28, 1994: Internal Medicine, S. Giorgio di Piano Hospital (Bologna).
    • August 16, 1994 – April 15, 1995: Internal Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.
    • July 31, 1995 – March 30, 1996: Immunohematology and Transfusion Service, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.
    • June 28, 1996 – February 27, 1997: Internal Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.
    • June 2, 1997 – January 31, 1998: Internal Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.
    • June 29, 1998 – September 22, 1998: Internal Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.
  • 1999–2014: Clinical activity at S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital within the Unit of Internal Medicine (Director: Prof. Roberto Corinaldesi), with responsibilities as ward chief.

  • November 1, 2014 – June 1, 2015: Acting Director of the Complex Operational Unit (U.O.C.) of Internal Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna (formerly led by Prof. Corinaldesi). University structure with 26 beds and specialized services, including gastroenterological outpatient care, breath testing, and esophago-gastro-anorectal manometry.

  • June 2, 2015 – August 31, 2017: Resumed role as ward chief, Internal Medicine Unit, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna (formerly led by Prof. Corinaldesi). Continued responsibilities in a 26-bed university structure with specialized gastroenterological services.

  • 2015–2017: Held a High Professional Qualification position for Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases at S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, providing consultancy and divisional outpatient services.

  • August 1, 2018 – September 30, 2022: Director of the Simple Operational Structure (S.S.D.) of Hospital Internal Medicine-2 (MIO-2) at the Arcispedale S. Anna in Ferrara. Oversaw a 46-bed hospital unit with various outpatient services, including Vascular Ultrasound Diagnostics for internal and specialist medicine. Developed expertise in managing complex patients, collaborating with other units and the Emergency Department, and enhancing team integration in Internal Medicine emergencies. Promoted evidence-based medicine and multidisciplinary teamwork. Fostered professional development through organizing courses, meetings, and clinical discussions, while maintaining strong relations with patient associations, such as the G.I.P.S.I. (Italian Group for Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction).

  • October 1, 2023 – Present: Director of a Gastroenterology Program with a focus on functional digestive diseases and complications arising in acute clinical scenarios, such as diverticulitis, cholecystitis (and other biliary complications), pancreatitis, and peptic disorders (often progressing to surgical intervention). These clinical aspects aim to support a broader scientific and educational strategy for establishing the Gastroenterology Residency Program at the University of Ferrara.

  • June 1, 2024 – August 31, 2024: Gastroenterology outpatient and consultative activities within the specialized DAI departments, offering services to Internal Medicine and Surgery wards.

  • September 1, 2024: Appointed as Director of the Complex Operational Unit (UOC) of Internal Medicine, SS. Annunziata Hospital – Cento, AUSL Ferrara




  • Internal Medicine Course (37 hours of lectures, course code 09151), part of the Integrated Course in Special Pathology of Odontostomatology and Pharmacology (course code 90130), Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Hygiene (qualifying for the profession of dental hygienist), School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, Academic Years 2010-2011 to 2015-2016.
  • Internal Medicine Course (8 hours of lectures), part of the Integrated Course "Genetic Medicine (42527)," Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, Academic Years 2010-2011 to 2012-2013.
  • Internal Medicine and Geriatrics I° Course (course code 90402 Module 2) (16 hours of lectures), part of the Integrated Course "Internal Medicine (21106)," Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (qualifying for the profession of nurse), School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, Academic Year 2011-2012.
  • Emergency Medicine and First Aid Course (course code 21355, 16 hours of lectures), part of the Integrated Course "First Aid (20953)," Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (qualifying for the profession of nurse) and Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery (Ravenna Campus), School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, Academic Year 2012-2013.
  • Rational Therapeutic Approach to Gastrointestinal Diseases Course (course code 70973, 24 hours of lectures), part of the Integrated Course "Rational Use of Pharmacological Therapy in Internal Medicine (70971)," Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, Academic Years 2012-2016.
  • Physiological and Pathophysiological Mechanism of Digestive Functions Course (course code 711089, 24 hours of lectures), part of the Integrated Course "Physiological and Pathophysiological Aspects of Neuro-Immune Interactions in the Alimentary Canal and Relative Clinical Implications (70787)," Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, Academic Years 2012-2016.
  • Chronic Intestinal Diseases Course (course code 71135, 25 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Year 2023-2024.
  • Diseases of the Endocrine, Renal, and Gastrointestinal Systems Course (course code 47915, 24 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Years 2018-2024.
  • Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Course (course code 71416, 75 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Year 2021-ongoing.
  • Clinical Methodology Course (course code 46568, 25 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Years 2020-ongoing.
  • Clinical Nutrition Course (course code 52669, 16 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics (qualifying for the profession of dietitian), University of Ferrara, Academic Years 2018-2024.
  • Clinical and Biotechnologies of Nutrition Course (course code 75774, 36 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnologies for Translational Medicine, University of Ferrara, Academic Year 2022-2023.
  • Internal Medicine and Oncohematology Course (course code 97812, 42 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Years 2017-2022.
  • Microbiota and Intestinal Microbiome: Clinical and Biotechnologies of Nutrition Course (course code 75759, 40 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnologies for Translational Medicine, Academic Year 2021-2022.
  • Clinical Methodology II Course (course code 46959, 36 hours of lectures), Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Years 2017-2021.
  • Responsible for the Tutoring Module in Semiotics and Clinical Methodology, Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Years 2020-ongoing.
  • Member of the Faculty Board of Specialization Schools in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Pulmonology, Neurology, and General Surgery, University of Ferrara, Academic Year 2016-ongoing.
  • Member of the Faculty Board of the Doctorate in Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology, University of Ferrara, Academic Year 2019-ongoing.
  • Director of the Emergency Medicine and Urgency Specialization School, University of Ferrara, from November 1, 2017 – ongoing; currently coordinating 58 residents involved in the intra- and extra-hospital emergency training networks of AUSL Ferrara and the province, as well as AUSL Romagna. Coordination of scientific projects, clinical procedure simulations, and promotion of continuous education events (e.g., Fridays for POCUS)