Born in Siena on October 14th, 1970, Paolo Tanganelli is graduated in “Lettere” at the Faculty of “Lettere e Filosofia” of the University of Siena (summa cum laude; “dignità di stampa” - publication recommended).
He obtained the PhD (“Doctor por la Universidad de Salamanca”) at the University of Salamanca (Spain) on May 30th, 2000, with the grade: “Sobresaliente Cum Laude y Premio Extraordinario del Doctorado”. He also obtained the PhD in “Ispanistica” at the University of Pisa on May 5th, 2003.
He was University Researcher of Spanish Literature at the University of Basilicata from the a.y. 2002/03 to the a.y. 2004/05.
He was Associate Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Ferrara, from November 1st, 2005, to October 30th, 2015. He is now Full Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Ferrara (since November 1st, 2015).
Main research interests: (1) Miguel de Unamuno (particularly, unpublished manuscripts and the edition of texts with multiple redactions); (2) the prose of San Juan de la Cruz (Lachmann’s method); (3) rhetorics and preaching literature in Spanish Golden Age; (4) Góngora and the Golden Age poetry.

SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBILITY for International and National research projects, with funding allocation based on peer review assessment:
1. PRIN 2007. Critica testuale ispanica: il Siglo de Oro. Duration: 24 months. Co-funding MIUR allocated: 9.600 Euros. University funding: 4114 euros.
2. PRIN 2009. Le vie del testo: la poesia spagnola del Secolo d'Oro. Duration: 24 months. Co-funding MIUR allocated: 31.500 euros.
3. PRIN 2012. Canzonieri spagnoli tra Rinascimento e Barocco. Duration: 36 months. Co-funding MIUR allocated: 46.930 euros.

PARTICIPATION in National and International research projects, with funding allocation based on peer review assessment:
1. PRIN 2005: Ecdotica e tradizione culturale in area iberica. Duration: 24 months.
2. 2010-2012. Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación (Spain), Plan Nacional I+D+I, Ref. FFI2009-10616/FILO. Recepción y Canon de la Literatura Española del Siglo de Oro en los Siglos XVIII, XIX y XX. IP: José Lara (University of Málaga). Duration: 36 months.
3. 2013-2015. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), Plan Nacional I+D+i, FFI2012-34645. Creación y desarrollo de una plataforma multimedia para la investigación de la presencia (expresa o latente) de lo erótico en la poesía española de los Siglos de Oro. IP: Javier Blasco (University of). Duration: 36 months.
4. 2014-2016. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), Plan Nacional I+D+i, FFI2013-41264-P, La novela corta del siglo XVII: estudio y edición (y II). IP: Rafael Bonilla Cerezo (University of Córdoba). Duration: 36 months.
5. 2013-2019. Para una edición digital de la polémica gongorina ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: CLEA 3-OBVIL. Civilización y Literatura de España y América de la Edad Media al Siglo de las Luces), La Sorbonne. IP: Mercedes Blanco. Funding: about 450.000 euro.
6. 2018-2021. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), Plan Nacional I+D+i, FFI2017-85417-P, La novela corta del siglo XVII: estudio y edición (y III). IP: Rafael Bonilla Cerezo (University of Córdoba). Duration: 36 months.
7. PRIN 2017: LA TRADIZIONE DEL TESTO LETTERARIO IN AREA IBERICA NEL SECOLO D’ORO, TRA VARIANTI D’AUTORE E REDAZIONI PLURIME. National Scientific Coordinator: Antonio Gargano. Unit Coordinator: Andrea Baldissera, University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”-Vercelli (duration: 20/01/2020 - 18/09/2023).

Direction of editorial collection: “Tertulia”, published by Saletta dell’uva (2005-2010).
Participation in journals’ scientific committees:
1. from 2012 to 2018: Schifanoia (Italy). ISSN 0394-5421 / ISSN 2038-6591.
2. from 2014 to the present day: Creneida (Spain). ISSN 2340-8960.
3. Rivista di Filologia e Letterature Ispaniche. ISSN: 1591-2922.
4. Cuadernos de la cátedra Miguel de Unamuno (Universidad de Salamanca). ISSN: 0210-749X.
Participation in editorial collections’ committees:
1. editorial collection “Prosa Barroca”, published by SIAL EDICIONES (Spain);
2. editorial collection “La Bolgia”, published by DELIRIO (Spain);
3. editorial collection “UNIFESTUM”, published by MIMESIS (Italy);
4. editorial collection “Biblioteca Unamuno”, published by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).

Participation in cultural institutions’ committees:
Member of the Scientific Committee of “Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali” (Ferrara) from 2011 to 2018.
2020 - ANVUR: Member of the Group of experts for journals’ evaluation (Area 10, Ancient History, Philology, Literature and Art History).

University positions at the University of Ferrara:
Director of the Department of “Studi Umanistici” (and member of the Academic Senate) from November 1st, 2018 to the present day.
Prorector for Teaching and Learning (Area EGUS - Economics, Law, Humanities and Social Sciences) from November 11th, 2015 to October 31st, 2018, and from November 1st, 2021 to the present day.

Design and direction of Double Degree Programs:
1. From the a.y. 2011/12 to the a.y. 2016/17: Coordinator of the Double Degree Program between the University of Ferrara (Master Degree in “Lingue e Letterature Straniere”, LM-387) and the University of Valladolid (Master Degree in “Estudios Filológicos Superiores”). Such Double Degree Program was awarded the prestigious LABEL MOY 2012 (during the a.y. 2012/13 and 2013/14 the Mediterranean Office for Youth granted four scholarships of 10.000 Euros each).
2. From the a.y. 2012/13 to the a.y. 2015/16: Coordinator of the Double Degree Program between the University of Ferrara (Master Degree in “Lingue e Letterature Straniere”, LM-387) and the University of Córdoba [Spain] (Master Degree in “Textos, documentos e intervención cultural”.

Supervision and co-supervision of PhD thesis at the University of Ferrara:
1. 2007. Andrea Bresadola, “Marcial en verso castellano (B. N. M. ms. 3911). Un episodio della ricezione barocca degli Epigrammi di Marziale in Spagna: edizione critica e commento di un volgarizzamento”. PhD Program in “Modelli, linguaggi e tradizioni della cultura occidentale”, curriculum linguistic-spanish (XIX cycle). External Supervisor: prof. Giuseppe Mazzocchi. Internal Supervisor: Paolo Tanganelli.
2. 2010. Filippo Tedeschi, “Unamuno e la costruzione del Sentimiento Trágico: riscrittura di progetti abbandonati e abbozzi avantestuali”. University of Ferrara. PhD Program in “Studi Umanistici e Sociali”, curriculum “Letteratura spagnola, Letteratura tedesca e Linguistica” (XXII cycle).
3. 2012. Giulia Giorgi, “Le Noches de placer di Alonso de Castillo Solórzano. Edizione critica e studio”. PhD Program in “Studi Umanistici e Sociali”, curriculum “Letteratura spagnola, Letteratura tedesca e Linguistica” (XXV cycle). Thesis in International joint supervision with the University of Córdoba (Spain). External supervisor: Prof. Rafael Bonilla Cerezo.
4. 2016. Marco Staffa. Marco Staffa. “La Epítome de la elocuencia de F.J. Artiga. Edizione critica e studio”. University of Ferrara. PhD Program in “Studi Umanistici e Sociali”, curriculum “Letteratura spagnola, Letteratura tedesca e Linguistica” (XXVI cycle).
5. 2018. Matteo Mancinelli. “Edición crítica y estudio del Examen del Antídoto de Fernández de Córdoba”. University of Ferrara. PhD Program in “Scienze Umane”, curriculum “Studi linguistici e filologico-letterari” (XXX cycle). Awarded best PhD Thesis.
6. 2019. Margherita Mulas, “Los amantes andaluces, estudio y edición crítica”. University of Ferrara, PhD Program in “Scienze Umane”, curriculum “Studi linguistici e filologico-letterari” (XXXI cycle).
7. 2019. Rocío Jodar Jurado, “Delicias de Apolo, recreaciones del Parnaso, por las tres musas Urania, Euterpe y Calíope. Hechas de varias poesías de los mejores ingenios de España (1670). Estudio y edición crítica”, PhD student of the University of Córdoba in International joint supervision
8. 2021. Victoria Aranda Arribas, “De la novela corta al metraje largo: la narrativa breve del Barroco en el cine y la televisión”. PhD student of the University of Córdoba in International joint supervision, with the grade of “Sobresaliente Cum Laude”.

International Conferences:
-“Con llama que consume y no da pena. El hispanismo integral de Giuseppe Mazzocchi” (Ferrara, 4-7 June 2019).
-“Fuentes y modelos en la novela corta del Barroco: de Cervantes a Luis de Guevara (Ferrara, 22-23 October 2013).
-“Los poetas de los rétores. Canon poético del Siglo de Oro” (Ferrara, 23-24 May 2013).
-“Jardines de Elocuencia. Retórica y predicación en el Barroco español” (Ferrara, 3-4 June 2010).
-“Filología en el Siglo XXI. Aplicación y nuevas perspectivas” (Córdoba, 27-28 November 2008).
-"Il Furioso in Spagna. Traduzione e ricezione" (Ferrara, 29-30 March 2007).
-"Ridendo castigat mores: sátira y parodia en el Siglo de Oro" (Ferrara, 9-11 May 2007).
-"Dalle rovine della Penisola Metafisica. Itinerari letterari per il pensiero ispanico moderno" (Ferrara, 29 November 2007).

Book exhibitions:
“Damas, armas, amor y empresas canto. Il Furioso dall'Italia alla Spagna”. Biblioteca Ariostea, Ferrara, 28/03/2007 - 30/05/2007.

International teaching experiences:
• Professor in the following international courses: “Introducción a la crítica textual”: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Sevilla), 2013; Università di Pavia, 2015; Università di Pavia, 2019;
• Professor in the international course on “Filología de autor y crítica de las variantes”, IV Curso Cilengua/Cátedra de Español de Alta Especialización Filológica, San Millán de la Cogolla, La Rioja 2019.

Invited talks in International Conferences in the last 6 years (selection):
1. Ecdótica y hermenéutica en la novela corta del Barroco, Université de Gèneve (2021);
2. Castillo Solórzano, novelador, Universidad de Córdoba (2017);
3. Cancioneros del Siglo de Oro. Forma y formas, Università del Piemonte Orientale (2016);
4. Sátira y encomiástica en las artes y letras del siglo XVII español, Università di Udine (2015);
5. DEUTSCHE HISPANISTENTAG (XX Congreso de la Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas), Heidelberg (2015);
6. ATELIER DE PHILOLOGIE ET D’ÉDITION DIGITALE, Université Paris Sorbonne (2014);
7. Conceptos e ideas en la prosa española del siglo XVI, Universidad de Granada (2013).

Awards and scientific impact:
The PhD thesis “Hermenéutica de la crisis en la obra de Unamuno entre finales del XIX y principios del XX: la crisis del 97 como posible exemplum de la crisis finisecular” was awarded the “Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado del curso 1999/2000” at the University of Salamanca and was published as a volume: “Unamuno fin de siglo. La escritura de la crisis”.
The monograph Soledades ilustradas. Retablo emblemático de Góngora by R. Bonilla Cerezo and P. Tanganelli has been reviewed in the following scientific journals: 1) Calíope, Vol. 19, n. 2, 2014. 2) Dicenda. Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica, vol. 32, 2014. 3) Revista de Literatura, vol. LXXVI, n. 151, 2014.
The critical edition of Mojiganga del gusto en seis novelas by Andrés Sanz del Castillo (R. Bonilla Cerezo, A. Bresadola, G. Giorgi and P. Tanganelli, eds.) has been nominated for the “Premio Real Academia Española 2021 (investigación filológica)”. It has been reviewed by J. M. Escudero Batzán, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 98-4 (2021), pp. 668-670; and L. Gómez Canseco, Revista de filología española, 101-2 (2021), pp. 537-539.