• Scientific high school diploma obtained on 13 July 1993 at the Liceo Scientifico A. Roiti in Ferrara with a score of 60/60.

• Graduated in physics on July 18, 1997 at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics of the University of Ferrara with a grade of 110/110 cum laude.

• Ph.D. in Experimental Physics on 19/01/01 at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics of the University of Ferrara.

Disciplinary area 02 / B1 (FIS 01 / FIS03)
122 publications (Hirsch index 29) and 2300 citations (SCOPUS).


• In 1997 I performed a historical-climatic analysis on Global Warming at the CNR of Bologna. My degree thesis is entitled " Analisi climatica della serie storica delle temperature di Bologna" and in this work the definition of "global warming" has been revised, underlining the local characteristics of the climate system. A climatic model of unstable equilibrium was investigated and experimental evidence was collected to justify the existence of other causes of global warming in addition to the anthropogenic contribution;

• from 1997 to 2001, during the Ph.D. period at the Sensors and Semiconductors Laboratory of the University of Ferrara, I was involved in environmental and industrial monitoring of polluting gases. I gained experience in thick-film technology and in the electrical, morphological and structural characterization of polycrystalline semiconductor oxides by transmission electron microscopy, thermal analysis and impedance spectroscopy and in compiling research projects. Title of the Ph.D. thesis: “Sensori per tetraidrofurano e metanolo: dal modello alla caratterizzazione”. The main objective of the thesis was to show the potential of chemoresistive sensors for gas monitoring even in an industrial environment;

•between 1999 and 2000 I was part of the project "Giovani ricercatori", launched by the University of Ferrara on the theme "Channeling in very short bent silicon" developed in collaboration with the Russian Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino. Within it, I mainly dealt with the study of the geometry of the cut to optimize silicon channeling;

• in 2001 I carried out a coordinated and continuous post-doc research collaboration with the INFM association (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia). Scope of the research was the in-depth study of the electronic properties of semiconductor oxide nanostructures and their realization on micromachined supports. In this period I worked on concentration photovoltaic systems, mainly dealing with silicon transport phenomena and studying fractal geometries for the optimization of the contact coverage in cells by concentration;

• from 2001 to 2006 I was a research fellow at the Department of Physics of the University of Ferrara. During this period I have had work experience abroad at internationally known laboratories, including:

1) from November 2002 to February 2003 I carried out a quarterly fellowship at the Sensor and Interface Laboratory of the University of Wales-Swansea under the supervision of Prof. S.P. Wilks. I learned high resolution Scanning Tuning Microscopy and Scanning Tuning Spectroscopy techniques in the field of characterization of nanostructured semiconductor surfaces. I have held seminars on semiconductor electrical characterizations and surface barrier models;

2) from November to December 2004 I worked at the Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie at the University of Tuebingen in Germany, in order to perform impedance spectroscopy measurements on thick WO3 films and to deepen the operating principle of chemoresistive sensors, discussing the crucial aspects and experimental evidence of an electronic transport model in nanostructures and holding two seminars;

3) in October 2007 I spent a stay at the "Universitad Nacional de Mar del Plata-Facultad de Ingegneria-Departamento de Fisica" collaborating with Prof. Celso M. Aldao in the analysis of the relationships between the electrical properties, the composition and the microstructure of SnO2 sensors. The transport model developed for the considered nanostructures also takes into account the corrections due to tunneling through the Schottky barrier;
• since November 2007 University Researcher in the FIS 01 sector;
• in 2010 I was associated with the Centro Emostasi e Trombosi of UNIFE;
• from November 2010 to 2016 Confirmed researcher;
• in 2011/12 I was associated with the Istituto di Acustica e Sensoristica “Orso Maria Corbino, CNR-IDASC;
• from 2014 to 2017 I was associated with the CNR-INO Institute;
• since April 2016 Associate Professor in the SSD FIS01 Area 02 / B1.


In two decades of research on semiconductor nanostructures I have developed electronic transport models and their sensor and photovoltaic applications. Since the end of his doctorate in January 2001, I have assisted Professor Giuliano Martinelli in coordinating the research activity of the Sensors and Semiconductors Laboratory and since 2010 I have been responsible for the Sensors Group at the same laboratory. The group I coordinate is currently made up of two post-doc research fellows, a PhD student and a graduate technician.
Due to its peculiar interdisciplinary nature, this research sector represents a field of great opportunities for the development of basic physics and chemistry. My effort has focused on trying to unify the chemical and physical approaches to the fundamental concepts of the solid-state semiconductor physics, such as, free energy, electrochemical potential, stoichiometric defects and the work function.
Some ambiguities existing in the literature, such as the distinction between Debye length and the depletion region width in the case of non-degenerate n-type semiconductors, the equivalence between the Fermi level and the electrochemical potential of electrons, as partial molar free energy plus the electrostatic contribution, have been resolved. I then developed an electronic transport model in polycrystalline nanostructures, solving first, both numerically and analytically (where possible), the Poisson equation in spherical coordinates, with the appropriate boundary conditions for the nano-grains.
The three-dimensional approach to the Poisson equation, compared to the classic one of semi-infinite junction (one-dimensional as in the presence of only one normal axis to the junction), has shown the existence of a factor of three in emptying effect of the material by the surface states. Then, it has introduced, with respect to the classical limit of the planar Schottky barrier, the curvature effects as a first-order correction in the ratio between emptying width and grain radius. It was therefore possible to determine, for the different polycrystalline semiconductors, the comparison parameter with the mean grain radius for which they can actually be considered nanostructured. More generally, the nanostructures of different geometries (nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanowires) have been characterized and the criterion of comparing the characteristic dimensions with the width of the emptying zone has been introduced. I have also developed many topics concerning electrical and electronic, optical and microstructural properties of the materials made, using investigation techniques such as Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM), Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS), X-ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infra Red, photoluminescence and work function. I used Impedance Spectroscopy to acquire information on the capacitive response of the materials in question. With the STS technique I have obtained experimental evidence of the fact that the energy density of the surface states drastically decreases below the critical radius in semiconductor oxide nanostructures. It was then shown, thanks to an exchange project of researchers with the University of Mar del Plata (Argentina), that the contribution of the tunnel effect to the conductance of nanostructured oxides is comparable with the thermionic contribution, which was the only one treated from existing models in the literature. Finally, I estimated the shape of the intergranular barrier in the presence of a non-uniform profile of defects, caused by the diffusion of oxygen in the bulk of the material and simulated the conductance values experimentally observed in the samples.
I analyzed a material that lends itself well to the modification of the grain size (TiO2), to identify if the increase in response was mainly attributable to geometric effects rather than phase transitions. The experimental evidences found have proved that the crystalline phase has a secondary role compared to the size of the grains as regards the electrical responses.
I studied the effects of photocatalysis and photo activation of innovative nanostructured materials (such as WO3 and CdS) in industrial projects and for applications related to the removal of atmospheric pollutants. Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy measurements in the UV-vis-NIR region have for example been carried out on MoO3-WO3, a mixed oxide with semiconductor properties, and have demonstrated consistency with electrical and surface barrier measurements in the decrease in the number of oxygen vacancies (or in any case of donor-type defects) in the presence of an oxidizing atmosphere and their restoration in the presence of reducing agents. From photoluminescence measurements and through a model with a single configurational coordinate, we identified a local phononic field through Stokes-shift in the presence of defects such as oxygen vacancies in titanium dioxide.
From 2000 to 2010 I worked on concentration photovoltaics in projects related to the properties of semiconductor nanostructures for new generation photovoltaic cells, in particular in the study of concentration and separation systems of the solar spectrum. The main objective is aimed at reducing costs and at increasing efficiency for large-scale energy production. The concentration of solar radiation, through appropriate optical solutions, has allowed a significant decrease in the amount of material necessary for the photovoltaic receiver. To increase the conversion efficiency, however, concentration is not enough, the spectral separation line of the incident beam was therefore chosen: the spectral separation in fact allows to send to the cells, connected in parallel, the portion of the spectrum that optimizes the photovoltaic conversion based on the band-gap of the material. This line of research has mainly focused on the development of low cost substrates for high efficiency concentration photovoltaic cells, based on III-V semiconductors to cover the various portions of the solar spectrum. An interesting cell typology for this application is represented by those based on quantum confinement. Quantum confinement occurs, as in the case of "quantum well" (QW), when a thin layer of material with a given band-gap is deposited between two layers of material with different band-gap. Our approach is that of QW structures based on Si/Ge hetero-junctions grown for Low Energy Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (LEPECVD), in the attempt to create a two-dimensional electron gas. Such low-dimensional quantum structures can overcome the limitations of the indirect Si band-gap (thanks to the "suppression" of the phononic field) and are compatible with the standard microelectronics industry.
Regarding the "third mission", that is technology transfer, I have identified some procedures for the optimization of materials for the sensing of volatile compounds, exploiting the theoretical and experimental knowledge on the properties (microstructural, chemical-physical, optical, etc.) of the gas-semiconductor interfaces. By modifying these properties, I obtained a better control of sensitivity, selectivity and stability, which allows the device to be used on field (after the feasibility study demonstrated in laboratory) with low costs compared to traditional instrumentation. An approach to the problem of selectivity has also been faced through an analysis of the sensor responses to various interferers, in particular the partial pressure of water vapor, and analytical separation into main components. The results of the proposed models contributed to the achievement of the stability of the sensor response in the long term, by removing the transient effects. It has therefore been possible in recent years to fully implement the technology transfer of sensor control units (used directly on field), within numerous regional, national and European projects, industrial contracts and research agreements with companies.


• European Project V Framework Program (CRAFT) “Solid state sensors for the detection of ethanol and ethylene given off by horticultural products in storage and ripening chambers” (obtained funding for the years 1999-2001);

• Technical-scientific activity in the European Project V Framework Program, entitled: "Identification and Development of the Optimum Si-cells Concentrator Technology for PV Power Systems", in collaboration with the University of Madrid and BP Solar (project years 2002- 2006);

• Research activities (reported about 200 man-hours/year) in the European Project VII Framework Program, APOLLON Project, “Multi-approach for high efficiency integrated and intelligent concentrating PV modules (systems) Project”, (2008-13).


• Regional Program for Industrial Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer. Measure 4 "Sviluppo di rete" Action A - LaRIA research and technology transfer laboratories - Laboratorio Regionale per l’Innovazione nel controllo della qualità dell’Aria since 2003;

• from 2004 to 2006 I carried out industrial research aimed at the technological transfer of chemoresistive sensors to Pirelli Lab, studying in particular the effects of temperature and absolute humidity of sensors for gas monitoring, within three research annual contracts;

• Prriitt - Measure 3.4 Action A " Laboratori di ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico", call of 26/11/2007 (DGR n, 1853/2007) ENVIRONMENTAL-NET;

• I carried out research and dissemination of results in the PRIN 2007 project (22/09/2008): “Materiali e tecniche per sistemi di conversione fotovoltaica di nuova generazione”. (Scientific coordinator Prof. Giuliano Martinelli);

• I participated in the project " Deflessione di particelle negative relativistiche mediante channeling e fenomeni correlati in cristalli deformati" coordinated by Professor V. Guidi. (MUR 2008-10 co-financing);

• I was part of PRIN 2008, coordinated by Prof. V. Guidi, entitled “Progettazione, realizzazione e sperimentazione di cristalli di silicio per esperimenti di channeling con fasci di cariche negative”.

• coordination of the electrical, morphological and structural characterization activities for the company Smaltiflex S.p.a. for “Realizzazione di lamiere smaltate funzionalizzate con polveri nano strutturate per attivare processi ossido riduttivi di inquinanti gassosi presenti nei fumi di centrali termoelettriche” in a Research Agreement with the Department of Physics, 2010-11;

• I carried out transfer activities to local businesses (on average 200 man-hours/year from 2010 to 2013) in the Terra & AcquaTech Technopole: laboratory for sustainability, integration and productivity of hydro-agro-environmental processes and systems;

• I was coordinator of units of the project “Dispositivi fotovoltaici nanostrutturati e a film sottile per uso in sistemi a concentrazione con separazione spettrale” FIRB 2008 RBFR08P44S (Line of intervention 2) Futuro in Ricerca 2008 (January 2010-March 2013);

• I was scientific director of a research agreement with Automobili Lamborghini S.p.a. in 2012-13 entitled: "Studio di fattibilità riguardante un metodo di separazione fra differenti specie di gas emessi dallo scarico di un motore alimentato a bio-etanolo utilizzando come rivelatori sensori di gas a ossidi metallici semiconduttori (MOX)"

• supervision of electrical characterizations in the laboratory for the contract between ENI Ricerche and the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences entitled: “Caratterizzazione elettrica di materiali ECS” (since 2012);

• Appointment by the Board of Directors of the University of Ferrara (appointment of the BoD 13.7.2010 and realignment of the duration with the BoD of 29.4.2015) of scientific research as a member of the Proambiente consortium with the CNR of Bologna and with small and medium-sized enterprises in the Region Emilia Romagna in the field of environmental prevention and remedy. until November 2015;

• project manager POR-FESR 2007-2013, Activity I.1.1 - Realization of feasibility studies functional to the presentation of projects within the HORIZON 2020 program (DGR 22/2014). Approved the funding for the feasibility study: "Breath Electronic Analyzer for Tobacco Consumers Observation and Prevention of Diseases ”; 2014.

• scientific director together with Prof. Anania, of the project " Analisi di metaboliti tumorali per mezzo di sensori nanostrutturati, da colture cellulari e tessuti umani, a fini di screening oncologico" funded by the Camera di Commercio of Ferrara, 2016.

• scientific manager of the project work plan Call for health research 2016-Program 5 per thousand year 2014: "Dispositivo a base di sensori di composti organici volatili per lo screening del cancro al colon-retto: validazione clinica, raccolta dati e loro disseminazione" worth 100 thousand euros financed 50% by LILT (Lega Italiana Lotta ai Tumori). Funding for the years 2017-2018.

• scientific manager of the project approved by the Single Ethics Committee of Ferrara entitled: " Valutazione dell’accuratezza della determinazione di composti organici volatili quali biomarker di neoplasia colo-rettale nelle feci di soggetti FOBT-positivi sottoposti a colonscopia" duration 2016-2019.

• Scientific coordinator of the project entitled " Startup per la realizzazione e distribuzione di dispositivi per lo screening tumorale basati su sensori nanostrutture chemoresistive" POR FESR 2014-2020. POR FESR 2014-2020. BANDO PER IL SOSTEGNO ALLE START UP INNOVATIVE IN ATTUAZIONE DELL'ATTIVITA' 1.4.1.

• Project with the Quisisana clinic in Ferrara entitled " Applicazione di un dispositivo di prescreening del cancro al colon-retto, basato su sensori di gas", 2021-2022.

In addition to the aforementioned coordination roles in research projects, I have been president and internal member of numerous commissions for the awarding of research grants, scholarships and project contracts.


• I am referee of numerous scientific journals, including: Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, Materials Science and Engineering, Measurements Science Technology, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Analytical Letters, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Applied Surface Science, Material Research Bullettin, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Physica Status Solidi, Physica Scripta, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Applied Physics, European Physical Journal Applied Physics, Physical Chemistry; International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Materials Research Bulletin.

• since 2011 member of the editorial board of the ISRN Nanotechnology magazine;

• since 2011 member of the editorial board of the magazine Modern Istruments (MI);

• since 2012 member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Material and Mechanic Engineering;

• since 2013 member of the editorial board of Instrument Science magazine;

• since 2013 member of the editorial board of Precision Instrument and Mechanology (PIM) magazine;

• since 2014 member of the editorial board of Evolving Trends in Engineering & Technology magazine (Oxford University Press);

• since 2018 editor of CPQ Microbiology

• since 2018 editor of International Journal of Engineering and Technologies

• enrolled in the MIUR Register of Auditors from 2010 to today.


• M. Lezziero, C. Malagù, A. Parretta, M. Stefancich, Patent n. BO2009A000703 "Device for measuring the degree of polarization of diffused sunlight"

• M. Lezziero, C. Malagù, A. Parretta, " Codice "SKYPOL1" per la gestione di un polarimetro", request for registration with SIAE, Special Public Register for Computer Programs, Progressive number 007192, Order D006420, 25 May 2009;

• Cesare Malagù, Alessio Giberti, Sandro Gherardi, Andrea Gaiardo, Giulia Zonta, Nicolò Landini patent n. RM2014A000595 “Dispositivo per lo screening preliminare di adenomi al colon-retto”. The European patent application for this device was also accepted (currently internationalized in Germany and the United Kingdom, with European patent number: 3210013);

• Cesare Malagù, Gabriele Anania, Giorgio Rispoli, Barbara Fabbri, Alessio Giberti, Sandro Gherardi, Andrea Gaiardo, Nicolò Landini, Lucia Scagliarini, Giulia Zonta, patent no. 102015000057717 " COMBINAZIONE DI MATERIALI SEMICONDUTTORI NANOPARTICOLATI PER USO NEL DISTINGUERE CELLULE NORMALI DA CELLULE TUMORALI"

• founding partner of the innovative startup SCENT S.r.l., (SemiConductor based Electronic Network for Tumors) since April 2015 registered with the Ferrara Chamber of Commerce. SCENT S.r.l. became a company in 2020.


• Sapio 2008 Award: “Concentrazione solare e separazione spettrale per sistemi fotovoltaici di nuova generazione” (project team: D. Vincenzi, C. Malagù, A. Antonini, S. Baricordi);

• the " Fotovoltaico a concentrazione e separazione spettrale abbinata a supporti virtuali di germanio su silicio " project was selected nationally among the ten projects presented at the " L’energia spiegata" Lecce Energy Festival (20-23 / 05 / 2010);

• winner (ex aequo) of the Research Festival in Ferrara (24 September 2010), with the research entitled: “Unpinning of the Fermi level and tunneling in metal oxide semiconductors”;

• I was the beneficiary of a donation, provided by the National Federation of Knights of Labor - Emiliano Romagnolo Group, for a research grant/scholarship aimed at activities entitled: " Fotovoltaico a concentrazione e separazione spettrale abbinata a supporto virtuali di germanio su silicio "(2010);

• winner (ex aequo) of the Research Festival in Ferrara 24 September 2011 in the group of Dr. Donato Gemmati for the research entitled: "Estensibilità ed Elasticità delle fibre di fibrina in presenza di un particolare cross-linker: potenziale utilizzo terapeutico nelle malattie cardiovascolari"

• first prize UnifeCup 2013 - Technology transfer of UNIFE “call for ideas” with a startup entitled: SCENT, “Realizzazione di un dispositivo portatile per la diagnosi del cancro al colon-retto”;

• winner of the first phase of the StartCup2014 call - the “SemiConductor-based Electronic Network for Tumors” project was first (on a par with 5 other project ideas) out of 120 projects presented in the Emilia Romagna region;

• winner of the international award Franci @ INNOVation Award Start-Up of the French Embassy, delivery of the award February 2, 2015 Palazzo Farnese - Rome;

• winner of the first prize INNOVAMI 2015, A NEW BUSINESS IDEA for the best business idea with the startup SCENT S.r.l. (value 11,500 Euros);

• winner of the 2015 Marzotto award for technological innovation with the startup SCENT S.r.l. (value 300,000 euros).

• I was the beneficiary of a donation, provided by the Lega Italiana Lotta Tumori (LILT), for the co-financing of the doctorate entitled: " Sensori chemoresistivi per lo studio di campioni fecali e linee cellulari per la rivelazione di composti volatili indicatori di tumori"(2017);

• CNA Ferrara Premio Cambiamenti 30 October 2017.

• CNA Ferrara recognition for the regional final of the Premio Cambiamenti 2018.

• Third position at the Unicredit Start Lab 2019 award, Life Science commission, 6 June 2019, at the UniCredit Tower - Milan.


1. C. Malagù, “Mechanisms of response of chemoresistive gas sensors applied to colorectal cancer screening” 3rd International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2017), 20-22 September 2017, Moscow, Russia.
2. C. Malagù et al. “Screening per la prevenzione e la diagnosi precoce dei tumori al colon-retto mediante FOBT e sensori di gas” GISCOR, XI Convegno Nazionale, Firenze 10-11 novembre 2016.
3. C. Malagù et al. “Devices for screening and monitoring of tumors based on chemoresistive sensors” EUROSENSORS 2016 - XXX edition-September 4 - 7, 2016, Budapest, Hungary.
4. C. Malagù et al. “Intra-grain oxygen diffusion influence on conductivity of polycrystalline semiconducting compounds” IMCS XV- 16-19 Marzo 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
5. B. Fabbri, S. Gherardi, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, C. Malagù “Sensing of Gaseous Malodors in Landfills and Waste Treatment Plants” AMA Conference 2013 14-16 May 2013 Nürnberg Exhibition Centre, Germany;
6. C.Malagù, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, “Spectroscopic and electrical evidence of transition to nanostructured behaviour in SnO2” IMCS 2012 - The 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors May 20 - 23, 2012, Nürnberg/Nuremberg, Germany;
7. Cesare Malagù “Tunneling through surface barrier and oxygen in-diffusion in nanostructured SnO2 gas sensors” (ISOEN 2011) May 2-5, 2011 Rockefeller University New York City, USA.
8. Cesare Malagù, Alessio Giberti “Conductivity of nanostructured tin oxide modulated by intergrain oxygen diffusion” AISEM 2011- Rome, 7-9 February 2011;
9. Cesare Malagù “Surface states and oxygen in-diffusion in nanostructured SnO2” Solid State Surface and Interfaces 22-25 Nov. 2010, Smolenice (Slovacchia);
10. C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, C.M. Aldao, M.A. Ponce and G. Martinelli “Tunneling through surface barrier and modified mass action law in nanostructured metal oxide semiconductors.” Semiconductor Gas Sensors 7th, 12-16 settembre 2010 Krakov (PL);
11. C.Malagù, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta and G. Martinelli “conductance variation under UV: a surface barrier modification” AISEM 2010, Messina , 8-10 Febbraio 2010;
12. C. Malagù, C.M. Aldao, M.C. Carotta, M.S. Castro, M.A. Ponce and G. Martinelli “Tunneling and thermionic contributions to conductivity in nanostructured SnO2” Semiconductor Gas Sensors-6th International Workshop-Zakopane, Antałówka Conference Centre - Poland September 14-19, 2008;
13. C. Malagù, M.Ponce, G. Martinelli and C.M. Aldao, “Field assisted thermionic emission in polycrystalline SnO2” AISEM 2008, Roma, 19-21 February 2008;
14. IMCS 2006, Brescia, 16th-19th July 2006;
15. C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, S. Morandi and G. Martinelli “Impedance spectroscopy on WO3 and MoO3-WO3 thick-film gas sensors” Electroceramics X, Toledo (Spain), 19-22 June 2006;
16. C. Malagù, M. Benetti, M.C. Carotta, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, L. Milano and G. Martinelli “Investigation of the humidity effects on SnO2-based sensors in CO detection” MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 17-21 April 2006;
17. C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, S. Morandi, G. Ghiotti, S. Gherardi, A. Giberti, G. Martinelli “surface barrier modulation of MOO3-WO3 thick films for NO2 detection.” Eurosensors XIX, Barcelona, Spain, 10-13 September 2005;
18. AISEM 2005, Firenze, 15-17 February 2005;
19. C.Malagù, M.C. Carotta, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, L. Milano, M. Piga, and G. Martinelli “Dependence of response of SnO2 based thick film gas sensors on flow rate” Eurosensors XVIII, September 13-15, 2004 Italy – Rome;
20. C. Malagù, M. C. Carotta, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, B. Vendemiati and G. Martinelli “AC measurements and modelling of WO3 thick film gas sensors” IMCS 2004, 11-14 July 2004, Tsukuba, Japan;
21. AISEM 2004, Ferrara, 8-11 February 2004;
22. C.Malagù, M.C. Carotta, V.Guidi, G. Martinelli, H. Fissan, F.E. Kruis, M.K.Kennedy, T.G.G. Maffeis, G.T. Owen, and S.P. Wilks, “Evidence of band bending flattening of 10 nm polycrystalline SnO2 using scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy techniques” Eurosensors XVII September 21 - 24, 2003 Guimarães-Portugal;
23. C.Malagù, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, M.K.Kennedy, G. Martinelli, T.G.G. Maffeis, G.T. Owen, S.P. Wilks, “Surface state density decrease in nanostructured polycrystalline SnO2: modelling and evidence via Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and electrical characterisation” E-MRS 2003 Spring Meeting June 10-13, 2003 - Strasbourg (France);
24. C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, M. Ferroni, S. Gherardi, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, and G. Martinelli, “Model for the Schottky barrier height and the surface state density in SnO2 and TiO2 thick-film gas sensors” AISEM 2002, Trento, 12-14 February 2003;
25. C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, M. Stefancich and G. Martinelli, “Surface state density in nanostructured thick-film SnO2 and TiO2 sensors” IMCS 2002, Boston (USA) 7-10 July 2002;
26. C. Malagù, G. Martinelli and M. C. Carotta, “Relation between the Debye length and the depletion depth in nanostructured sensing materials”, AISEM 2001, Pisa, 3-7 February 2001;
27. C. Malagù, M. C. Carotta and G. Martinelli, “Relation between the Debye length and the depletion depth in nanostructured sensing materials”, 19th European Conference on Surface Science, Madrid, Spain, September 5 - 8, 2000;
28. C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, G. Martinelli, “A theoretical model for band bending in a p-n junction, applied to the nanostructured particles of Thick-Film sensors”, INFMeeting, Genova, 12-16 June 2000;
29. Eurosensors XII, 13-16 September 1998, Southampton.

1. Invited Chairman at “XXXVII International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids (DyProSo2019)” Ferrara 8-12 settembre 2019.
2. Cesare Malagù “Sensori nanostrutturati per la rivelazione di composti organici volatili di interesse oncologico” FERRARA CITTA’ DELLA PREVENZIONE, Nuovo Polo Biomedico ‘Mammuth’ Via Luigi Borsari, 12- 12 OTTOBRE 2017.
3. Cesare Malagù at “Sensors for Sustainable Life Quality: From Environmental Monitoring to Cancer Screening”, invited seminar at COMMUNICATING SUSTAINABILITY, University Institute for Higher Studies - IUSS - Ferrara 23-27 MAY 2016.
4. Cesare Malagù “Non oxide semiconductors to reduce oxygen in and out-diffusion: characterizations and applications as gas sensors” invited at The International Workshop on Semiconductor Gas Sensors (SGS 2015), 16-19 December 2015 Zakopane (Poland);
5. Cesare Malagù “Transport mechanisms in polycrystalline tin oxide: field-assisted and thermionic emission, intra-grain oxygen diffusion and non parabolic barriers.” Invited at The International Workshop on Semiconductor Gas Sensors (SGS 2012), 11-15 September 2012 Cracow;
6. Cesare Malagù Invited Chairman at Zeroemission 2011, 14-16 September 2011, Rome. “The seasons of solar energy: CPV efficiency and competitiveness” Opening of the session and introduction by the Chair;
7. Cesare Malagù “L’illusione del fotovoltaico?” Relazione su invito al convegno “Smart City/Città creativa: idee in movimento” Sala Polivalente-Regione Emilia-Romagna, Viale Aldo Moro 50, Bologna 24 giugno 2011;
8. Cesare Malagù “Fotovoltaico a concentrazione con separazione spettrale.” Seminario su invito tenuto in occasione di: OIKOS Fonti di energia e tecnologie di conversione Ferrara, 14 marzo 2011, Nuovi Istituti Biologici;
9. Invited seminar “CO sensors based on WO3 nanoparticles” at the Universitad Nacional de Mar del Plata-Facultad de Ingegneria-Departamento de Fisica, October 2007;
10. Invited Chairman at AISEM 2006, Lecce, 8-10 February 2006;
11. Invited seminar “Some steps in Poisson’s equation solution in n-type semiconductors” at Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie University of Tuebingen November 2004;
12. Invited seminar “Model for the Schottky barrier and built-in potential in n-type metal-oxyde semiconductors”. Sensor and Interface Laboratory University of Wales-Swansea January 2003.