
Michele Bottarelli is an engineer and associate professor in Applied Physics (IIND-07/A) at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara (UNIFE), where he teaches in all courses of study. In June 2021 he obtained the the Italian National Scientific Qualification as full professor in Thermal sciences, energy technology, building physics and nuclear engineering (GSD 09/IIND-07).

He is the author/co-author of several articles published in indexed journals, awarded by the International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies (Oxford University Press), keynote speaker in several international conferences. He obtained the Seal of Excellence from the European Community for the project proposal submitted under the Horizon 2020’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie action n.794118: Coupled Flat GHE Investigation of a dual air and ground source heat pump coupled with a novel Flat-Panel Ground Heat Exchanger for energy harvesting in smart buildings

He carries out review activities for indexed journals, the British EPSRC and the Italian MUR. He is a member of the editorial board of indexed journals.

He was MC Member in the Action COST TU0802- Next generation cost effective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings (NeCoE-PCM) and in the Action COST TU01401- Renewable energy and landscape quality (RELY). He was also a member of the scientific committee of the observatory on industrial brownfields, established by the University L. Bocconi (2006-2010).

He was/is a member of the Research Council (2012-13, 2015-16), the Research and Third Mission Council (2023-2026), the Academic Senate (2018-19), the Sustainability Commission (2024-26) at UNIFE, the Scientific Committee of TekneHub and numerous commissions of the Department of Architecture (FAR, VQR, SUA_RD, Research Referents).

He is a member of the Collegiate of the IDAUP Doctoral School and supervisor of PhD students.

He is the founder and head of the RELY laboratory (REsearch Laboratory on energY conversion, storage and heat transfer) at the TekneHub, one of the four laboratories of the UNIFE Technopole belonging to the High Technology Network of the Emilia Romagna Region. RELY carries out research on the thermal exploitation of renewable energies (solar, geothermal) and on overcoming their discontinuity through the use of phase change and thermochemical materials. In this field he is the author of 3 patents.

He was/is the scientific coordinator of the UNIFE partnership in the following projects funded by competitive calls:

- HEROTILE High Energy savings in building cooling by ROof TILEs shape optimization toward a better above sheathing ventilation (2015-2018, LIFE+)

- IDEAS - Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced Climatically Tunable Renewable Energy Systems (2019-2022, H2020)

- ECHO - Efficient compact modular thermal energy storage system (2023-2026, Horizon Europe)

- HEGOS - New heat pumps for EnerGeticO Harvesting in Smart buildings (2016-2018, FESR)

- CLIWAX - phase change materials for energy harvesting (2019-2021, FESR)

- ALLIANCE - Active-passive Plug&Play; Integrated Technologies for Facades of PEBs (2024-2026, FESR)

- SACER - Development and integration of innovative Accumulations in Renewable Energy Communities (2024-2026, FESR)

Overall, the projects were funded with approximately 17M€, of which 3M€ as UNIFE share.