-) I was born in Ferrara on 28/03/1963
-) I graduate at Ferrara University on 19/12/1988
-) I obtained the PHD at ISAS (Miramare Trieste) on 1993
-) I have been a post doc in the Department of Theoretical Physics of Oxford University from November 1993 to january 1995
-) I have been a post doc in the Department of Physics of Southampton University from january 1995 to january 1996
-) I have been a post doc in the Department of Physics of Ferrara University on 1997
-) I have been a Marie Curie fellow in the CERN-TH division from
1998 to 1999
-) I am staff at Ferrara University since June 1999

I have carried out research work in the areas:
-) Neutrino Physics. Neutrino oscillations in vacuum and in matter (related to the solar neutrino problem). Neutrino magnetic moment (phenomenology and model building).
-) Supersymmetric models. I have studied the low energy phenomenology of a class of string inspired supersymmetric models.
-) Collider Physics. I have worked on event generation for the high energy colliders. I have proposed and implemented an algorithm (ALPHA) for the authomatic evaluation of scattering matrix elements in quantum field theory. This algorithm is one of the key feature of the event generators which I have coauthored (ALPGEN, NUNUGPV,...)

The last years of my scientific activity have been entirely devoted
to collider physics phenomenology. In collaboration with Francesco Caravaglios I proposed an original algorithm, ALPHA, based on an
iterative procedure which has proven to be very effective for the calculation of leading order scattering amplitude in quantum field theory, allowing to tackle processes with huge (and unprecedented) computational complexity.

ALPHA is based on the recursive solution of the equations of motion of a given lagrangian. This allows to reduce the computational complexity of the problem avoiding the calculation of single Feynman diagrams whose number grows factorially with the number of external legs. ALPHA has anticipated of ten years recent progress on leading order matrix element calculations based on twistor inspired techniques.

In late 1997 I have applied to the European Union for a Marie Curie Grant. The successful proposal was based on the exploitation of the ALPHA algorithm.

The most striking application of the ALPHA algorithm has been ALPGEN (done in collaboration with M.L.~Mangano, F.~Piccinini, R.~Pittau and A.D.~Polosa), a complete library of elementary particle processes of great interest for hadron colliders.

The capability of ALPGEN in computing high multiplicity final states is entirely based on the effectiveness of ALPHA in tackling highly complex matrix elements.

ALPGEN is nowadays official Monte Carlo Tool in the main experimental
hadron collider collaborations (CDF, D0, CMS, ATLAS). In particular
the studies on the Higgs particle (the missing building block of the
Standard Model of particle physics) searches by the Tevatron
collaborations, make use of ALPGEN to extract the Higgs signal from
the background.

ALPHA and its main consequence, ALPGEN, have had a strong impact on
the scientific literature.

The availability of complex matrix element has opened the possibility of ``matching'' Parton Shower and matrix element descriptions. In brief the aim is to split the phase space into a ``soft/collinear'' region to be described with parton shower approximation and a ``hard'' region to be described with LO matrix element approximation. Following a suggestion by M.~Mangano this has been implemented in ALPGEN.

We have started a systematic program to assess the uncertainty of the procedure (which provides a successful description of TEVATRON W,Z+jets rate and distributions) studying top pair production at the hadronic colliders and comparing the result with other existing approaches. This was done in collaboration with M.~Mangano, F.~Piccinini and M.~Treccani.

We have also used the feature provide by {\tt ALPGEN} to perform
phenomenological studies of fairly complex signals at the LHC.

#) associated top pair and Higgs production with Higgs decaying
into photon pairs (a rare process, but very clean and which might remain the only handle to measure top yukawa coupling if the detection of Higgs decay into bottom pair will prove to be unfeasible)

#) Higgs boson production in associations with two jets
(and eventually a photon) with emphasis on: jet veto efficiency to reduce background to Weak Boson Fusion (WBF) production, dijet spin correlation (a measure of CP nature of the Higgs boson), measurement of the bottom yukawa coupling. All the above items are studied including showering effects. Both the above channel are currently studied from both CMS and ATLAS collaboration.

I have also used the ALPHA code, in collaboration with Pavia group, for studies at lepton colliders:

#) photons plus missing energy production (the NUNUGPV monte carlo code turned out to provide the best description of LEP data)

#) studies (among the first to be performed) of six fermions productions at a linear collider.