
Current positions: Associate Professor, MED/28, Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna, University of Ferrara, Italy

Holder of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Full Professor of the Ministry of Education, University and Research of the Italian Republic (MIUR)[Validity: from 31/05/2021 to 31/05/2030]


Languages spoken: Italian, French, English


Previous University Positions and Work Experience

2021-2024: Full Professor (French title: Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier, PU-PH) at the Dentistry Service of the Rothschild University Hospital (AP-HP), and the UFR d'Odontologie, Université Paris Cité, France. Discipline: Periodontology.

Director of the Pathology, Oral and Periodontal Surgery Unit (UOC) of the Dentistry Service of the Rothschild University Hospital (AP-HP).

2020-2024: Director of the European Postgraduate Program in Periodontology and Implantology accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), at the Dentistry Service of the Rothschild University Hospital (AP-HP), and the UFR d'Odontologie, Université Paris Cité, France.

2020-2021: Responsible (Chargé de mission) International Affairs dell'UFR d'Odontologie- Garanciere of the University of Paris (ex Université Paris Cité), France

Responsible (Chargé de mission) for media and communication at the UFR d'Odontologie- Garanciere de l'Université de Paris, France

2017-2021: Associate Professor (French title: Maitre de Conferences des Universités – Praticien Hospitalier, MCU-PH) at the Dentistry Service of the Rothschild University Hospital (AP-HP), and the UFR d'Odontologie, Université de Paris, (formerly Université Paris Diderot) Paris, France. Discipline: Periodontology.

2017-2021: Director of Certificat d'Etudes Supérieures (CES) of Periodontology at the University of Paris, France

2014-2017: Full-time Assistant Professore, (French Title: Assistant Hospitalier-Universitaire, AHU) at the Dentistry Service of the Rothschild University Hospital (AP-HP), and the UFR d'Odontologie – Guaranciere of the Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France. Discipline: Periodontology

2008-2012: PhD student, University of Parma, Italy and Université de Montreal, Canada.



2007:   Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (DDS), Faculty of Dentistry, University of Parma, Italy. Final grade: 110/110 cum laude

2012:   PhD, University of Parma and Université de Montreal, Canada

2014:   Master (MSc) in Science, Technology, Health, Cell Biology, Physiology and Pathology. Specialty: Oral Clinic. Paris Diderot University, France

2013: Certificate of Higher Studies (CES) in Periodontology, University of Paris Diderot, France.

2014: University Diploma in Clinical Periodontology. Director: Prof. P Bouchard, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France

2015: University Diploma in Advanced Periodontology and Implantology. Director: Prof. P. Bouhcard, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France

2016: - Certificate of Completion of Specialized Training [CCST] in Periodontology - Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, by European Federation of Periodontology (EFP).



Scientific production and editorial activity:

Author of numerous scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals.

Associate Editor del Journal of Periodontal Research (since 2024)

Member of the Scientific Committee of EMC Médecine Buccale de Elsevier Masson (since 2018)

Responsible of the special issue Sleep Dentistry of Realités Cliniques (2022)

Responsible of the special issue Dental Medicine of Sleep of Information Dentaire (2019)