
Marco Stefani graduated with honors in Geology in 1984 and obtained his PhD in 1989, discussing a thesis on the stratigraphy and sedimentology of Italian Upper Triassic units. Through the years 1989-2004, he carried out stratigraphy, sedimentology, and geochemistry research at the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the Department of Earth Science of the Oxford University, GB, the Earth and Planetary Science Department of the Johns Hopkins University, USA, the Institut Français du Pétrole et Energies Nouvelles, France. From 1995 to 2012, he served at the University of Ferrara Department of Earth Sciences, as a researcher until 2004, then as an associate professor. Since 2012, he has been in service, with the same qualification, at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara. He works to in various lines of research, including: (a) stratigraphy and depositional history of Middle Triassic carbonate platforms of the Dolomites; (b) surface and suburface geology of fluvial and deltaic bodies, in the Po Valley and the Po Delta region, in this research framework he directed the survey of the Geological Sheet CARG 50,000 187 Codigoro; (c) relationships between river evolution, depositional history, and anthropic settlements, as on the archaeological sites of Spina, the Roman Necropolis of the Fadieni at the Verginese, the urban history of Ferrara, the context of the Este’s parks and delizie; (d) local seismic response, amplification of seismic motion, and coseismic liquefaction of sand, through geotechnical analyzes and liquefaction tests induced in situ by blast tests; (e) investigations on the stratigraphic bodies seismic properties in the Po Valley subsoil, in collaboration with INGV and OGS; (f) seismic history integrating investigations on palaeo-liquefied bodies, damage to buildings, and written sources; (g) research on the use of rocks in historical architecture of Italy. He collaborated to numerous microzonation studies of seismic hazard in chain and floodplain areas, including those of Ferrara, Argenta, Poggio Renatico, Bondeno, Terre del Reno, Mirandola, Pietracamela, and is an active member of the GEOTEMA company, spin-off of the University of Ferrara. Since 1995, he has held courses on the geology of energy sources, geological cartography, the geology of alluvial plains, the earthquakes geology aspects of geology, geomorphology and petrography relevant to architecture, at the degree courses in Geological Sciences, Architecture, Manager of Cultural Itineraries, Master in Seismic Improvement, Restoration and Consolidation of Historic Buildings and Specialization School in Architectural and Landscape Heritage. He has acted as supervisor in dozens of degree and Ph.D. theses.