Marcello Farneti was born in Legnago (Verona) on the 9th of March, 1975.

He graduated in Law (J. D.) on the 14th of October, 1999 at University of Ferrara with full marks (110/110).

After graduating, he began his collaboration with the Faculty of Law, University of Ferrara, carrying out research activities and lecturing on general aspects of Private Law.

Since 2003 he is member of the Bar (Ordine Avvocati di Verona).

Ph.D. degree in Private Law on April 2005, University of Padua, Comparative Law Department.

Since 1st November 2008, he is tenured researcher of Private Law (SSD IUS/01), Law Faculty, University of Ferrara.

Since academic year 2008/2009, Marcello Farneti is Assistant Professor of Private Law at the University of Ferrara, in charge with the fundamental Course (granting 12 academic credits) "Istituzioni di Diritto privato" (Private Law I), included in the first year of the 3 years Law Degree (Corso di Laurea triennale "Operatore dei servizi giuridici").

During the academic year 2010/2011, Marcello Farneti was in charge with the fundamental Course (granting 8 academic credits) "Istituzioni di Diritto privato (Private Law I), included in the first year of the Business Degree, School of Economics, University of Ferrara.

Since 2003 is member of the drafting and editorial Staff of the Law Journal "La nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata", ed. Cedam.

Since 2009 is member of the drafting and editorial Staff of the Law Journal "Le nuove leggi civili commentate", ed. Cedam.

Since 2010 is member of the Board of Directors for the Doctorate Course in "Comparazione giuridica e storico-giuridica", Faculty of Law, University of Ferrara.