
Luca Rossato, architect, graduated in 2004 at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ferrara with a thesis on urban survey and conservation for the regeneration of small colonial historic centres in the southern Brazilian state of Parana. In his capital city, Curitiba, he also worked for the Local Urban Planning Institute (IPPUC) developing expertise in documentation, conservation and urban revitalisation policies.

At the end of his 2nd level master's degree in ‘Urban and Regional Planning in Developing Countries’ attended in 2005 at the IUAV University of Venice, he defended a thesis developed on the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site by presenting a GIS documentation project for the seven monumental zones of the UNESCO site. During this research he moved to Nepal, where he stayed for 5 months working for the local UNESCO office in Kathmandu and then in Darjeeling (West Bengal, India) for the NGO PAHAR INDIA.

The following year he was a consultant for the urban documentation in two projects: for the preservation of Lubenice, Croatia, in collaboration with the IUAV University of Venice and the local municipality, and for the recovery of two small semi-abandoned mountain villages of Albe and Vallier, in the Agordino area, under the direction of the Mengoli-Pianon architecture studio of Mestre. In 2006 and 2007 he worked in London as an architect and urban designer for PTE architects, a leading UK firm in urban regeneration, collaborating on several projects mainly based in the capital's metropolitan area.

Since 2008 she started to collaborate with the DIAPReM centre of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara first as a research fellow (6 months, SSD ICAR/17) and later as a research grant holder (5 years SSD ICAR/17 Law n. 449/1997 and 2 years SSD ICAR/17 Law n. 240/2010) working on issues related to the representation and survey of architecture collaborating with several academic courses.

Adjunct professor at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara (from 2013 to 2019, SSD ICAR/17), he has been a visiting professor at Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Paranà (Curitiba, Brazil), CEPT University (Ahmedabad, India), Mackenzie University (São Paulo, Brazil) and Burgundy School of Business (Dijon, France) always dealing with topics related to the representation and documentation of Cultural Heritage. He has been a teaching member of the academic board of the IDAUP International Doctorate since 2021 at the University of Ferrara.

Since 2017, he has obtained the title of PhD (International Doctorate of the University of Ferrara, IDAUP) in Urban Planning and Architecture with the research ‘The sustainability of conservation. Integration of processes and technologies towards the valorisation of modern architecture in Brazil and India' (SSD ICAR/17).

His interest in modernist architecture led him to found the international research network I N S I D E Modern Heritage of which he has been scientific head since 2021. The initiative has created a network of academics and institutions that share the same interest in modern heritage with a multidisciplinary approach.

Since 2022 he has been RTDb researcher at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara.

He has been involved in the publishing sector for many years as a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals ‘Paesaggio Urbano/Urban Design’ and ‘Journal of Architectural Research and Development (JARD)’, and has participated in the editorial activities of the journals ‘ progetto e immagine digitale’ and ‘Architetti idee cultura e progetto’.  He is currently a reviewer for the Australian Journal of Architectural Research and Development and the MDPI editorial group for several scientific journals. Since 2017 he has been an adherent member of the scientific association UID - Unione Italiana Disegno and since 2019 a member of ICOMOS Italy and Member of the CIPA-HD National Scientific Committee.



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