
Degree in Dentistry on October 29th 2004 with a grade of 110/110 cum laude from the University of Palermo with the experimental thesis entitled "Electromyographic study of the activity of the masseter and anterior temporal muscles in subjects right-handed and left-handed”.

License to practice the dental profession at the University of Palermo in the second session of 2004.

Registration with the Register of Dentists with the order of Doctors and Dentists of Agrigento in 2004.

Participation in the Tweed Study Course held in Tucson (USA) at the Charles Tweed international Foundation for Orthodontic -research in April 2016.

Specialist in Orthodontics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Ferrara with a grade of 50/50 cum laude with the experimental thesis entitled "Evolution of jet family devices through skeletal anchorage".

Research fellowship at the University of Ferrara entitled "Non-compliance in orthodontics through the use of miniscrews for skeletal anchorage " in the years 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2010, 2011-2012.

Assistant Professor (RTD/a) with a fixed-term employment contract lasting 36 months with a full-time commitment regime pursuant to letter a) of the art. 24, paragraph 3 of Law December 30 th 2010 n. 240, Competition Sector 06/F1, Scientific-Disciplinary Sector MED/28 at the Department of Medical, Surgical Disciplines of Communication and Behavior of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Ferrara from September 1 st 2012 until September 30 th 2015.

Assistant Professor (RTD/b) with fixed-term employment contract with full-time commitment regime at the Department of Specialized Biomedical and Surgical Sciences starting from September 2016 pursuant to letter b) of the art. 24, paragraph 3 of Law December 30 th 2010 n. 240, Competition Sector 06/F1, Scientific-Disciplinary Sector MED/28.

Associate Professor (Competition Sector 06/F1, Scientific-Disciplinary Sector MED/28) in service at the Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna of the University of Ferrara since January 02nd 2019.

Full Professor (Competition Sector 06/F1, Scientific-Disciplinary Sector MED/28) in service at the Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna of the University of Ferrara since 2023.

Chairman of the Postgraduate School Orthodontics of the University of Ferrara from October 11th 2019 to today.

Vice-Coordinator of the Graduation Course in Dentistry of the University of Ferrara from July 2021 to October 2021.

Coordinator of the Graduation course in Dentistry at the University of Ferrara from 11/1/2021.

As Coordinator of the Graduation Course he is also a member of the “Gruppo di Riesame”, member of the “Comitato di Indirizzo” and member of the “Commissioni per la valutazione dei crediti, accesso anni successivi”.

Director of the Master in Orthodontic Sciences of the University of Ferrara for the academic years 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.

Director of the Continuing Education Course “Four seasons in Orthodontics” for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 organized by the Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca.

- Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Electron Microscopy since 2018.

- Member of the Board of Directors of the Research Center in Digital Dentistry from 2021 until today.

-SIDO member (Italian Society of Orthodontics) since 2005.

-Ordinary member of AIDOR (Italian Academy of Orthodontics) since 2011.

- ASIO member (Italian Association of Orthodontic Specialists) since 2007.

-President of AIOL (Italian Association of Lingual Orthodontics) for 3 years from November 2012.

- Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics (ASIO) for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012.

-President of the Italian Association of Orthodontic Specialists (ASIO) in 2012.

-Member of the scientific committee of the Italian Academy of Orthodontics for the years 2016, 2017 and 2019.

-President of the Italian Academy of Orthodontics for the year 2018.

-Active member of the Angle society of Europe since 2020.

-President Leading Alliance 2021-2022.

-Associate editor of Progress in Orthodontics (official journal of the Italian Society of Orthodontics) from 2019 to today.

-Associate editor of Seminar in Orthodontics from 2022 to today.

-Reviewer of articles for various international multidisciplinary scientific journals including:

-American journal of Orthodontics and Dentafacial Orthopedics

-Angle Orthodontist -European Journal of Orthodontics

-Journal of World Federation - Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research