Associate Professor of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy, Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna, University of Ferrara.
Contracted as Chief Biologist at the UOC of Nuclear Medicine, with a highly specialized role "Quality Assurance in Radiopharmacy" at the UOC of Nuclear Medicine of the Integrated Onco-Hematology Department, University Hospital of Ferrara.
1989 - Degree in Biological Sciences (110/110 cum laude), University of Ferrara
1994 - PhD in Chemical Sciences (VI Cycle, 1990-1993), University of Ferrara.
1994-1995: Annual research fellowship at the Ferrara Research Consortium at the Department of Experimental Clinical Medicine - Nuclear Medicine Section, University of Ferrara - Ferrara Research Consortium.
1995-1997: Annual research fellowship, renewed in 1996, for post-doctoral research activities at the Department of Experimental Clinical Medicine - Nuclear Medicine Section, University of Ferrara.
1997-1998: Coordinated and continuous scientific training collaboration for research activities. Collaboration on a research program funded by Nhion Medi-Physics LTD (Japan) at the Department of Experimental Clinical Medicine - Nuclear Medicine Section, University of Ferrara - Ferrara Research Consortium.
1998-2003: Graduated Technician, category D, economic position D1, technical-scientific and data processing area at the Department of Experimental Clinical Medicine - Nuclear Medicine Section, University of Ferrara.
2004-2020: Confirmed Researcher, scientific disciplinary sector MED/36 at the Department of Morphology, Surgery, and Experimental Medicine, Section of Diagnostic Imaging, University of Ferrara.
2020-present: Associate Professor, scientific disciplinary sector MED/36 at the Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna, University of Ferrara.
Since 2001, she has been contracted by the UOC of Nuclear Medicine, Arcispedale S. Anna, University Hospital of Ferrara.
The studies that characterize the entire scientific production focus on the development of original and innovative synthesis procedures to label, with radioactive isotopes, molecules of diagnostic or therapeutic interest. These procedures have been patented and subsequently applied to the labeling of organic and inorganic molecules for the production and biological evaluation "in vitro" and "in vivo" (preclinical and clinical studies) of radiopharmaceuticals.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY (Source: Scopus, January 2025)
Publications in peer-reviewed international journals: 109
Total citations: 2344
h-index: 30
Book chapters: 4
Invited speaker at national/international conferences
Organizer or member of the Scientific Committee for numerous congress and training events.
Currently a member of the PhD College titled “Advanced therapies and experimental pharmacology” and tutor for the academic year 2023-24 for the project: “Targeted radionuclide therapy for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis: preclinical study of the therapeutic efficacy of the radionuclides 64Cu and 67Cu.”
Role: Collaborator
1996-1999: R/NMP/DUA/4/96, Client: Nihon Medi-Physics Co., LTD, title: "The development of a procedure for labelling biologically active molecules by Tc-99m" extension until December 1999: R/NMP/DUA/6/98, Client: Nihon Medi-Physics Co., LTD, title: Extension of the Contract “The development of a procedure for labelling biologically active molecules by Tc-99m”
1999-2001: R/NMP/DUA/8/00, Client: Nihon Medi-Physics Co., LTD, title: Extension of the Contract “The development of a procedure for labelling biologically active molecules by Tc-99m”
2003-2004: R/NMP/DUA/15/03, Client: Nihon Medi-Physics Co., LTD, title: "Development of Tc(III) Radiopharmaceuticals".
1995-1996: R/CIS/DUA/1/95, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Synthesis, characterization, and biological evaluation of technetium nitride complexes with phosphine-thiols"
1995-1996: R/CIS/DUA/2/95, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Study of Tc99/99m complexes involved in redox processes"
1996-1997: R/CIS/DUA/3/96, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Study of redox processes of Tc99 and Tc99m hypoxia-dependent complexes"
1997-1998: R/CIS/DUA/5/97, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Study of a new method for labelling biological substrates"
1998-1999: R/CIS/DUA/7/99, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Development of an original method for labelling biologically interesting molecules (receptor ligands, peptides) with the motif (TcN)2+ and M3+, M=Tc or Re"
2000-2001: R/CIS/DUA/9/00, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Development of an original method for labelling biologically interesting molecules (receptor ligands, peptides) with the motif (TcN)2+ and M3+, M=Tc or Re"
2001: R/CIS/DUA/10/01, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Labelling of a kit containing a peptide (Neospect tm) with the Elumatic III generator from CIS Bio International"
2002-2003: R/CIS/DUA/12/02, Client: CIS BIO International, title: "Physicochemical characterization of degradation products and impurities of TcN-NOET"
2002-2005: R/SAG/DUA/14/02, Client: SHERING, title: "Study carried out on the development of a new chelator system for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals containing a terminal rhenium multiple bond"
2004-2005: R/SAG/DUA/16/04, Client: SHERING, title: Extension of the Contract “Study carried out on the development of a new chelator system for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals containing a terminal rhenium multiple bond”
2005: R/SAG/DUA/17/05, Client: SHERING, title: "Implementation of 12 training sessions on the topic 'Radioprotection standards, calibration, and labelling of beta-emitting radiocompounds'"
Coordinated Research Projects (CRP): Research projects assigned by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a United Nations institution based in Vienna, aimed at promoting and supporting scientific research activities in public and private institutions in developing countries, with a focus on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer:
Development of Tc-99m Based Small Bio-Molecules Using Novel Tc-99m Cores (2003-2006).
Development of Tc-99m Radiopharmaceuticals for Sentinel Node Detection and Cancer Diagnosis (2007-2010).
Development of Radiopharmaceuticals based on Re-188 and Y-90 for Radionuclide Therapy (2008-2011).
2012-2014: APOTEMA PROJECT (Accelerator-driven Production of Technetium-99m/Molybdenum-99 for Medical Applications, 2012-2014). Premiated project by INFN.
2015-2017: TECHNOSP PROJECT (TECHNetium for hOSPitals local supply). Premiated project by INFN.
2018-2020: METRICS PROJECT (Multimodal PET/MRI Imaging with Cyclotron-produced 52/51Mn Isotopes). Premiated project by INFN.
2023-2026: CUPRUM-TTD PROJECT (67/64Cu Production and Use in Medicine – Target Technology Development), Premiated project by INFN.
2023–2025: PRIN 2022 PNRR “APHRODITE-155” (Application of Physics to the Research on Oncological Diagnostics: Investigations on Terbium-155)
2018-present: FENET2016 (Phase II, non-sponsored spontaneous study): "Radioreceptor Therapy with Radiolabeled Somatostatin Analogs in Tumors with High Somatostatin Receptor Expression". This clinical research project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Ferrara in October 2016 and by the competent authority (AIFA) on February 22, 2018. The specific role initially involved collaboration in the production and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals for the drafting of the IMPD and the validation of the labeling process. Later, the activities included training of the personnel. Currently, I serve as the primary operator and responsible for Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
2019-2022: Neo.Lu.Pa.NET (Phase II, sponsored): "Prospective Phase II Single-arm Study on Neoadjuvant Radioreceptor Therapy (PRRT) with 177Lu-DOTATATE followed by surgery for patients with resectable pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors", Eudract number: 2019-002196-34, Sponsor: San Raffaele Hospital, Milan-Italy. The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of PRRT with [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE in a neoadjuvant setting, followed by surgical resection, in resectable pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) that are non-functional and at high risk of recurrence. The final data of the study are currently under processing.
2021-2023: REAL-LU (Observational, sponsored). Multicenter observational study titled "Italian Prospective Observational Study Assessing the Effectiveness and Outcomes Associated with Lutathera Treatment in GEP-NETs (REAL-LU)". This two-stage observational study aims to evaluate the efficacy and outcomes associated with Lutathera treatment ([177Lu]Lu-oxodotreotide) in adult patients with non-resectable, metastatic, progressive, well-differentiated (G1 and G2) gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) positive for somatostatin receptors. Sponsor: AAA.
2024-present: OMPC (Phase III, sponsored). International Prospective Open-label, Multi-center, Randomized Phase III Study comparing SBRT followed by [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 versus SBRT followed by Observation ± SBRT to delay castration in adult male patients with Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer (OMPC). The study aims to compare 177Lu-PSMA therapy with observation for delaying castration or disease recurrence in adult male patients with oligometastatic prostate cancer (OMPC) positive for prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). Sponsor: Novartis.
2017: Award for Best Poster at the Italian National Congress of Nuclear Medicine – Radiochimistry/Radiopharmacy Section, March 2-5, 2017, Palacongressi in Rimini. The award was granted for the research titled “A New Solvent-Extraction Module for a Local Routine Production of Technetium-99m by Medical Cyclotron.”
2024: Award for Best Poster at the Italian National Congress of the Italian Association of Interdisciplinary Radiopharmaceutical Group, April 12-14, 2024, Grescia. The award was granted for the research titled “Cyclotron Production of 52Mn-Radiopharmaceuticals and on Phantom PET Imaging.”
2010-2011: Appointment as AIMN Responsible for the AIMN Commission for the Implementation and Updating of NBP-MN (Good Practice Guidelines for Radiopharmaceutical Preparation in Nuclear Medicine).
2010 - 2012: Invited Member of the Working Group on Radiopharmaceuticals established at the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA). The working group aimed to ensure proper regulatory management by AIFA regarding radiopharmaceuticals, especially those known as “pre-’92,” a term that includes radiopharmaceuticals marketed before the enactment of Legislative Decree no. 178/91 and temporarily regulated by Ministerial Decree December 13, 1991. The group also provided consultation, support, and guidance to AIFA’s Technical-Scientific Committee (CTS) and the Committee for Research and Development Promotion (CRS), as well as coordination with the Ministry of Health’s Directorate-General for Drugs and Medical Devices. Attached is the AIFA determination.
2021: Citation of the article “Toward the Discovery and Development of PSMA Targeted Inhibitors for Nuclear Medicine Applications” in Chapter 5 “Advances in PET/CT Imaging” (pp. 60-75) of the EANM Technologists’ Guide 2021. This guide is an annual publication of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), written by the Technologist Committee. This citation is number 19 out of 29 on page 75.
2022: Recognition for research conducted on radiochemical methods for the separation of radioisotopes, as highlighted in the publication “Highlight Selection of Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy Developments by Editorial Board,” Bernardes et al. EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry (2022) 7:9 ( The EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry Editorial Board selects articles every two years that represent trends in radiopharmaceutical development. The selected articles include: 1) Martini et al., “Perspectives on the Use of Liquid Extraction for Radioisotope Purification” (Molecules, 2019); 2) Martini P, Uccelli L, Duatti A, Marvelli L, Esposito J, Boschi A., “Highly Efficient Micro-Scale Liquid-Liquid In-Flow Extraction of 99mTc from Molybdenum” (Molecules, 2021).
2022: Invited Member of the Scientific Committee of the AIMN Study Group "Nuclear Medicine Therapy, Radiobiology Dosimetry, and Radioprotection.”
March 15, 2023: Selection in the Editor’s Choice Articles of the Year 2022 for the journal Biomedicines (IF=4.76) for the scientific paper titled “The Role of [18F]F-Choline PET/CT in the Initial Management and Outcome Prediction of Prostate Cancer: A Real-World Experience from a Multidisciplinary Approach.”
2023: Recognition for scientific activity in radiopharmaceutical/nuclear medicine research, specifically regarding Tc-99m technetium, awarded by Expertscape’s PubMed-based algorithms, which recognized the researcher as a global expert in Technetium from 2013-2023, ranking 23rd among over 7,700 authors (
2008: A. Boschi, C. Bolzati, A. Duatti, L. Uccelli, F. Refosco, F. Tisato: “Radiopharmaceutical for Diagnostic Imaging Containing a Technetium-99m Nitride Heterocomplex.” Patent US 2008/0267868 A1, also published as no. WO0209771, no. EP1307239, no. CA2417392, no. TW240634B, no. AU2001276677B, no. WO2008046493. In collaboration with NIHON MEDIPHYSICS CO LTD (JP).
2008: A. Duatti, J. Cyr, L. Uccelli, A. Boschi, A. Srinivasan, R. Pasqualini: “Radioactive Metal Complexes Comprising a Tridentate Complexing Sequence.” European Patent no. EP1913959. Publication date: April 23, 2008, also published as PCT/EP2007/008334 and WO 2008/046493A3. In collaboration with SHERING AG (DE).
2000: A. Duatti, C. Bolzati, L. Uccelli, R. Franceschini, A. Boschi: “Method for the Reduction of Oxygenated Compounds of Rhenium or Technetium.” Patent no. US6127530, also published as WO1998014219A2, WO1998014219A3, IT1289660, EP1028755, ITTO960805.
1996: Editorial committee direction and participation in writing the volume Guidelines for the Preparation and Quality Control of Radiopharmaceuticals – Publication of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN), Tipografia Editrice Pisana.
2008: A. Duatti, L. Uccelli, “Radiopharmaceuticals,” III Update of the II Edition of the Encyclopedia of Italian Medicine, Uses Scientific Editions, UTET, pp. 3370-3384.
2011: Participation in the editorial committee of the volume Quality in Radiopharmaceutical Preparation – Clinical Practice Guidelines ( – Imaging & Training Series, Springer, 2011. In the same volume, authored two chapters: A.L. Viglietti, L. Uccelli, N. Rutigliani, M. Santimaria “Sterility and Asepsis: Methodologies, Validation, and Testing,” pp. 115-133; L. Uccelli, A.L. Viglietti, A. Boschi “Production and Quality Control of Radiopharmaceuticals Produced with Kits,” pp. 135-150.
2018-2019: Editorial direction of the special issue “New Trends in Production and Applications of Metal Radionuclides for Nuclear Medicine” in the scientific journal Molecules (open-access journal, indexed in Scopus and WOS).
2020: Participation in the creation of the volume Compendium of Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy (Minerva Medica Editions, 2020). The work aims to provide a “symbolic” overview of trends in the discipline ( In the volume, author of Chapter 11: “Technetium-99m Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals.”
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Pharmaceuticals (ISSN 1424-8247, IF=5.215, MDPI), particularly in the “Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Section” (
2011 to present: Collaboration with the research group at the National Laboratories of Legnaro of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (LNL-INFN Labs), Legnaro (Padua).
2014 to present: Collaboration with various pharmaceutical research groups, University of Ferrara – Prof. R. Guerrini, Prof. E. Esposito, Prof. M. Marti, Prof. K. Varani, Prof. F. Vincenzi, Prof. Ruzza.
Italian Society “Interdisciplinary Group of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry” (GICR)
She serves as a referee for several international journals.
She is a member of the Editorial Board for the journal Pharmaceutics.
Teaching activity in the context of three-year and master's degree courses at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
Teaching activity in the context of post-graduate study courses at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
Teaching activity in the context of international IAEA study courses.
2011 to present: Member of the Departmental VQR Commission (Research Quality Evaluation) for the 2011-2014, 2015-2019, and 2020-2024 periods at the Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna.
2013-2016: Member of the Departmental Joint Commission representing the study program “Health Professions for Diagnostic Health Professions”
2014-2015: Departmental Delegate to the International Mobility Commission for the Department of Morphology, Surgery, and Experimental Medicine.
2014-2021: Erasmus Coordinator for medical study programs within the Department of Morphology, Surgery, and Experimental Medicine-UNIFE (Medicine and Surgery and Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Health Professions).
2014 to present: Member of the Credit Commission for the Study Program in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy and for the Study Program in “Health Professions for Diagnostic Health Professions.”
2014-2016: Member of the Research Council.
2016-2020: Member of the Review Committees for the Study Program in “Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy” and for the Study Program in “Health Professions for Diagnostic Health Professions.”
2016-2022: Member of the Steering Committee of the Center for Communication Technologies, Innovation, and Distance Learning.
2016-2022: Rector's Delegate for activities related to the internationalization of the medical field at the university, particularly regarding international teaching projects, international mobility, and international communication.
2017-2019: Member of the Academic Senate.
2018 to present: Member of the Commission for Admissions to the Years Following the First Year for the Study Program in Medicine and Surgery.
2019 to present: Member of the Board of Directors.
2019 to present: Member of the Cultural Commission.
2024 to present: Member of the University Strategic Interest Center called the Centralized Laboratory for Preclinical Research (LARP) as the Head of the Nuclear Imaging and Computed Tomography Laboratory (LINC).