Title Prof. First name Jacopo
Surname Alberti Mandatory X Male  Female
Department University of Ferrara – Department of Law
Position/Grade/Category Associate Professor
Accredited to supervise doctoral theses
Address Corso Ercole I d’Este, 37
Postcode 44121 City Ferrara
Country Italy
Telephone 1 +39 / 0532 455915 Telephone 2 +39 / 3493110192
Fax ++ / Website http://docente.unife.it/docenti-en/jacopofrancesco.alberti/

Email jacopo.alberti@unife.it

2014 – Ph.D. in EU Law at the University of Milan. Dissertation: Le agenzie dell’Unione europea (supervisor: Prof. Massimo Condinanzi)
2013 – Junior Academic Visitor at the University of Oxford (Department of Law). Supervisor: Prof. P. Craig
2012 – Academy of European Law (European University Institute). Course on the Law of the EU
2010 – Degree in Law at the Univeristy of Milan, summa cum laude. Dissertation: Comitology in the European Union (supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Angiolini; Prof. Massimo Condinanzi).
2007 – Erasmus student at the J. W. Goethe University of Frankfurt

2020 - Jean Monnet Module Leader "EU Specialized Judicial Protection"
2019 – Associate Professor of EU Law at the University of Ferrara
2016 – National Expert within the Jean Monnet Network on Soft Law Research (SoLaR)
2016 – Research Fellow in EU Law at the University of Milan
2016 – National Rapporteur (together with Prof. Giuseppe Tesauro) at the XXVII FIDE Congress in Budapest on Topic 3 (Division of Competences between the EU and the Member States)
2015 – Research Fellow in EU Law at the University of Pavia
2014 – ‘Banca Sella’ Research Fellow in EU Law at the University of Milan

2015 – Lawyer; enrolled at the Milan Bar. Area of Practice: EU and Administrative Law

Le agenzie dell’Unione europea, Milano, 2018, p. 488-XIV, ISBN 9788814227820

Edited books/special issues
Il private antitrust enforcement nelle Corti milanesi: una prospettiva europea, Special Issue, Eurojus, 2020, pp. 79 (with M. CONDINANZI e F. CROCI)

Exit! Il recesso dai trattati multilaterali. Crisi e nuovi slanci nella cooperazione internazionale ed europea, Special Issue, Federalismi.it, n. 17, 2020, pp. xii-174 (with I. ANRÒ, M. BUSCEMI, B. CAPPIELLO, L. CREMA, L. MAROTTI, G. VALLAR).


Introduzione alla curatela “Il private antitrust enforcement nelle Corti milanesi: una prospettiva europea”, in Eurojus, Fascicolo speciale 2020, p. 1-8 (con M. CONDINANZI e F. CROCI).

Exit! Il recesso dai trattati multilaterali. Crisi e nuovi slanci nella cooperazione internazionale ed europea, in Federalismi.it, Fascicolo speciale n. 17, 2020, p. iv-xii (con M. BUSCEMI).

La (discutibile) reviviscenza delle Convenzioni di Bruxelles e Roma nei rapporti con il Regno Unito in seguito alla Brexit, in Eurojus, 2019, p. 39-57, ISSN 2384-9169.

The draft amendments to CJEU’s Statute and the future challenges of administrative adjudication in the EU, in Federalismi.it, 2019, n. 3, p. 1-32, ISSN 1826-3534

Challenging the evolution of the EMU: the soft law measures enacted by the ECB against the financial crisis before the European Courts, in Yearbook of European Law, 2017, ISSN 0263-3264.

New developments in the EU system of judicial protection: the creation of the Unified Patent Court and its future relations with the CJEU, in Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, n. 1, 2017 ISSN 1023-263X.

When judicial dialogue needs strong institutional commitments: the peculiar case of the creation of the Unified Patent Court, in Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers, 2016.

Delegation of Powers to EU Agencies after the Short Selling Ruling, in Il Diritto dell’Unione europea, n. 2, 2015, p. 451-492.

L’ultimo atto delle tensioni euro-britanniche al Kirchberg? Il Tribunale annulla la decisione della BCE sulle clearing houses, in Eurojus, 13/03/2015, ISSN 2384-9169.

Un calabrone può trasformarsi in ape? Le conclusioni dell’Avvocato generale nel caso OMT, in Eurojus, 18/02/2015, ISSN 2384-9169.

Una scommessa da non sottovalutare. La nomina della Commissione Juncker e la sua nuova struttura interna, in Eurojus, 05/11/2014, ISSN 2384-9169.

Adottato il Meccanismo di risoluzione unico, “secondo pilastro” dell’Unione bancaria: prime considerazioni, in Eurojus, 29/07/2014, ISSN 2384-9169.

L’utilisation d’actes de soft-law par les agences de l'Union européenne, in Revue de l'Union européenne, n. 576, 2014, p. 161-169.

Il parere della Corte di giustizia sul Tribunale dei brevetti europeo e comunitario (The opinion of the ECJ on the European and Community Patents Court), in Il Diritto dell'Unione europea, n. 2, 2012, p. 367-396.

Legittimità comunitaria e costituzionale del nuovo IMAIE: può sussistere un interesse pubblico a tutela del monopolio? (Constitutional legitimacy of the “nuovo IMAIE”: is there any public interest for such a monopoly?), in Annuali Italiani di Diritto d’Autore, 2011, p. 405-437 (with F. ROSSI DAL POZZO).

The position of Boards of Appeal: between Functional Continuity and Independence, in A. VOLPATO, M. CHAMON, M. ELIANTONIO (eds), EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal, 2021, Oxford University Press (forthcoming)

Judges, Public Authorities and EU Soft Law in Italy: How You Cannot Tell a Book by Its Cover, in M. ELIANTONIO, E. KORKEA-AHO, O. STEFAN (eds), EU Soft Law in the Member States: Theoretical Findings and Empirical Evidence, Hart Publishing, 2021, forthcoming (with M. ELIANTONIO).

New Actors On The Stage: The Emerging Role Of EU Agencies In Exercising Sanctioning Powers, in S. MONTALDO, F. COSTAMAGNA, A. MIGLIO (eds), European Union Law Enforcement: The Evolution of Sanctioning Powers, Routledge, 2020, p. 27-50 (forthcoming).

L’impatto del soft law dell’Unione europea sui giudizi interni. Un’analisi sul campo, in G. Palmisano (a cura di), Il diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea nei giudizi interni (atti del XXIV Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale e di Diritto dell'Unione Europea), Naples, 2020; also published in Il Diritto dell’Unione europea, 2020, p. 271-316 (with F. CROCI).

The unbearable lightness of ESMA’s soft law. An Italian perspective, in M. Buscemi, N. Lazzerini, L. Magi, D. Russo (eds.), Legal Sources in Business and Human Rights. Evolving Dynamics in International and European Law, 2020, Brill, p. 302-331.

A new era for EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal? A Preliminary Assessment of the Recent Reform of CJEU’s Statute and its Implication on EU Administrative Adjudication, in M. Conticelli, M. De Bellis, G. Della Cananea (eds), EU Executive Governance: Agencies and Procedures, Torino, 2019, p. 204-232 (this chapter is the updated version of an article published on the same year in Federalismi.it).

Articolo 204 del Regolamento di Procedura della Corte di giustizia, in M. CONDINANZI, C. AMALFITANO, P. IANNUCCELLI (eds.), Commentario allo Statuto e ai Regolamenti di Procedura di Corte di giustizia e Tribunale, Naples, 2017.

Division of competences and regulatory powers between the European Union and the Member States – Italian Report, in XXVII FIDE Congress (Conference proceedings), Wolters Kluwer Hungary, 2016 (with G. TESAURO); the Italian version has been published in Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario, 2016, p. 635-684, ISSN 2499-250X.

La partecipazione della Svizzera alle agenzie dell’Unione europea: verso una nuova dimensione dei rapporti bilaterali? (Swiss’ participation in EU agencies: towards a new dimension in EU-Switzerland relations?), in M. CONDINANZI (editor), Unione europea e Svizzera tra cooperazione ed integrazione, Giuffré, 2012, p. 259-304.

Book reviews
Jean-Claude Piris, The Future of Europe: towards a two-speed EU?, in Studi sull’integrazione europea, 2014, p. 401-404.

Articles on newspapers
Ma sui brevetti Londra si sente ancora europea, in Il Sole 24 ore, 20 December 2016 (with M. CONDINANZI).

Come «disboscare» la giungla finanziaria, in Il Sole 24 ore, 24 March 2016 (with M. CONDINANZI).

2011 (ongoing): Member of the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI)
2018 (ongoing): Member of the Italian Society of EU Law (AISDUE)

Editorial Duties
2014 (ongoing): Managing editor (2014-2020) and Member of the steering committee (2021) of the online scientific Journal Eurojus (www.eurojus.it), ISSN 2384-9169

2019 (ongoing): Editor of the online scientific database Giurisprudenza Antitrust Milanese (http://gam.eurojus.it)

2016-2018: Member of the steering committee of the Young Research Platform of the Jean Monnet Research Network “The Agencification of EU executive”

Conferences’ speeches
10 November 2020 Il caso Sharpston - La Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea tra limiti di giurisdizione e principio di indipendenza del giudice
Università di Ferrara

21-22 September 2020 The Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies
Maastricht University
Title: The position of Boards of Appeal: between Functional Continuity and Independence

7-10 September 2020 Ciclo di seminari di formazione in diritto dell’Unione europea per dottorandi
Università di Ferrara – Scuola di dottorato in scienze giuridiche
Organiser and speaker

27 March 2020 Industrial Property Course – Patents, 2020 Edition
Politecnico di Milano
Title The Court of Justice of the European Union

13 November 2019 - The Use of Soft Law by National Courts and Public Authorities: An EU-China Comparison
Peking University – School of Transnational Law; Shenzen (Cina)
Title: The Unbearable Lightness of the Soft Law of the European Securities and Markets Authority: The Reception of EU Financial Soft Law in Italy and Other Member States

17-18 October 2019 - Final Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on Soft Law Research
Aix-Marseille Université - Faculté de droit et de science politique
Title: Is Eu Soft Law Still Soft Before Italian Courts? (con M. ELIANTONIO)

4 October 2019 - Il private antitrust enforcement nelle Corti milanesi: una prospettiva europea
Università degli Studi di Milano

5-6 June 2019 - Il diritto internazionale ed europeo nei giudizi interni – XXIV° Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale e dell’Unione europea
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Title: L’impatto del soft law europeo nei giudizi interni: un’analisi sul campo (con F. CROCI)

1 April 2019 - Exit! Il recesso dai trattati multilaterali
Università degli Studi di Milano

29 March 2019 - Industrial Property Course – Patents, 2019 Edition
Politecnico di Milano
Title: The role and organisation of the Court of Justice of the European Union

28-29 March 2019 - European Union Law Enforcement: The Evolution of Sanctioning Powers
Università degli Studi di Torino – Campus Luigi Einaudi
Title: New actors on the stage: The emerging role of the EU agencies and bodies in exercising sanctioning powers

23-24 November 2018 - ICON-S Italian Chapter Inaugural Conference “Unità e frammentazione dentro e oltre lo Stato”
Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione, Roma, via Maresciallo Caviglia 24
Title: L’insostenibile leggerezza delle guidelines di ESMA

11-12 October 2018 - EU Competition and State Aid Soft Law and its Reception in the Member States
New University of Ljubljana
Title: Report on Italy (con F. CROCI)

18 July 2018 - Procedures of EU agencies: financial services and public utilities
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Title: EU agencies' Boards of Appeal: current and future challenges

23 April 2018 - XIV Edizione dell’Incontro di studio fra giovani cultori delle materie internazionalistiche “La sfida dei diritti umani per l’attivita’ di impresa”
Università di Firenze
Title: L’insostenibile leggerezza degli atti di soft law adottati da ESMA

7 December 2017 - Workshop “EU Financial Regulation Soft Law and its Reception in the Member States”
Centre of European Law, The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College of London
Title: Report on Italy

20 November 2017 - Early career researchers’ workshop “Current and future challenges of EU agencification”
Maastricht University

27-28 June 2017 - Conference “External dimension of EU agencies and bodies”
University of Luxembourg

16 December 2016 - Conference “La riforma delle regole di procedura dei giudici dell’Unione europea”
Università degli Studi di Milano

10-11 November 2016 - Conference “Constitutionality, powers and legitimacy of EU agencies or agency-like bodies”
European University Institute

1-2 February 2016 - Workshop “Conceptualisation of EU Agencification”
ARENA Centre, University of Oslo
Title: ‘Prophets of integration’. EU Agencies and their international roots

19 – 20 November 2015 - Conference “Soft law before the European courts: a common pattern?”
Maastricht University
Title: Recent developments in the justiciability of soft law: the case of the ECB policy actions against the financial crisis

23 – 26 September 2015 - 1st Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop “Dialogue Between Judges: The Court of Justice of the European Union and Other International Courts”
Centre d'études juridiques européennes – University of Geneva
Title: When judicial dialogue needs strong institutional commitments: the peculiar case of the creation of the Unified Patent Court

10 April 2015 - Modulo Jean Monnet “La circolazione dei lavoratori nella regione insubrica”
Università dell’Insubria, Varese, Facoltà di Economia
Title: I rapporti tra la Svizzera e le agenzie dell’Unione europea: una cooperazione economica senza cessione di sovranità?

3 June 2014 - Scuola Superiore dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, via Moscova 2, 20121, Milano
Title: Concorrenza tra ordinamenti e libertà di stabilimento della sede sociale

4 April 2014 - Corso di preparazione all’esame di abilitazione all’esercizio della professione forense
Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano, via Freguglia 1, 20122 Milano
Title: L’adattamento del diritto dell’Unione europea all’ordinamento interno

28 March 2014 - Workshop “European Agencies: Challenges ahead”
Maastricht Centre for European Law
Title: Setting the limits of EU agencies' powers

24-25 June 2013 - Colloque international de jeunes chercheurs “La soft law en droit de l'Union européenne”
Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique, Université de Rennes 1
Title: Soft-law in the EU legal order: the case of EU agencies