CV Ivan Callegari

Ivan has a vast experience in fieldwork geology and mapping geology and he works in the fields of: exploration, analysis and modelization of complex geological systems, basin research, tectonics and geochemical mapping for nuclear geophysics. Since his degree, he has developed stratigraphic and structural fundamental knowledge, both in the field and for the theoretical aspects, both for national and international research and for the engineering geology sector. His work is based on multidisciplinary approach (field data with the support of remote sensing data, GIS database system, geophysical interpretation and use of GPS system). Most of his research jobs are fund in partnership with industry or national companies. He has about fourteen years of experience using ArcGIS software. His academic research track started in 1998 at the University of Padova with Prof. G.V. Dal Piaz (Alpine Structural Geologist), where he used multidisciplinary analysis methods for brittle-tectonic model reconstruction, as Remote sensing data, with the collaboration of Prof. Pascal Allemand (Structural Geologist), University of Lyon. At the beginning of 2000, he started at the University of Siena a long period of fieldwork and he has produced many geological maps at scale 1:10,000 and 1: 50,000 of a wide area comprising: Tuscany, Marche, Abruzzo, minor sector of Emilia-Romagna and Umbria. In Tuscany region, he has realized 45 geological maps at scale 1:10,000 as the data base for the PhD thesis, in the Marche region he has realized 16 geological maps at scale of 1:10,000 and 2 at scale 1:50,000, linked with the Italian National Cartography Project (CARG). He has carried out geological project all over the world: Libya, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia and Mexico. From 2008 until the beginning of 2014, he was the leader of the Geological Survey Laboratory at Center for GeoTecnologies. (CGT-University of Siena). The Laboratory consists of a team of five Geologists and four Applied Geologists able to operate combining traditional field techniques with advanced technology as GPS, photogrammetry and remote sensing. The Laboratory has produced geological maps covering more than 25.000 km2 of land, and has created a high number of geothematic maps at different scales. These latter were utilized to support activities like: regional tectonics reconstruction, basin analysis, research of minerals, measurement the natural radioactivity of rocks and soils, for the extraction of high values rocks and materials, for the monitoring and management of water resources and for the construction of railways and underground infrastructures. Ivan is actually a geologist team’s component of a geophysical research group at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Laboratory for Nuclear Technologies Applied to the Environment (University of Ferrara - In the last year he has worked mainly for the ITALRAD Project (ITALian RADioactivity mapping project- – Italian web site), based on the realization of the national geochemical map of radioisotope (U238, Th232 and K40) content in rocks and soil. Furthermore, his research work is focused on the geological-geochemical characterization of the accessible upper crust in geoneutrinos research and in geological and mineralogical characterization of NORM (Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials).


M.Sc., University of Ferrara, 1996, in Geological Sciences. Italy; title of the thesis: Facies analysis of carbonate sequence in corallinacee facies of Upper Eocene, Vicenza (Italy) – Supervisor: Prof. Loriga Broglio. Furthermore, 30 km2 of fieldwork with geological mapping of the Dolomiti Bellunesi (Southern sector of Dolomites).

Ph.D., University of Siena, 2005, in Earth Sciences – Title of the PhD thesis: Multidisciplinary studies for stratigraphic and structural reconstruction of a Northern Apennines Sector, Southern Tuscany (post-collisional and neo-tectonics reconstruction), with field data and remote sensing analysis and use of GIS – Supervisor: Prof. Carmignani.


· 2014-now: Fixed-term research position at the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics-Legnaro National Laboratories (INFN-LNL,

· 2005-2013: Post-doc position, University of Siena. Leader of the Geological Survey Laboratory at Center for GeoTecnologies. (CGT).

· 2001-2005: PhD fellowship in Earth Sciences, University of Siena. Supervisor: Prof. Carmignani.

· 2000-2001: Post-graduated fellowship, University of Siena. Geological fieldwork in Marche region – Supervisor: Prof. Carmignani.

· 1999-2000: Post-graduated fellowship, University of Padova. Brittle tectonic models reconstruction. Supervisor: Prof. Dal Piaz.

· 1997-1998: Fellowship at the University of Padova. Geological fieldwork and remote sensing analysis. Supervisor: Prof. G.V. Dal Piaz.