



Diplomas and Titles


• 1978: Scientific high school diploma at the Liceo Ippolito Nievo, Padua.

• 1985: Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Padua with experimental thesis entitled "Study of the levels of Apoproteins A-I and B and of HDL2 and HDL3 in patients with peripheral arteriosclerosis" (supervisor Prof. Renato Fellin).

• 1986: Qualification to practice medicine and registration with the Padua Medical Association.

• 1989: Specialization in Geriatrics and Gerontology at the University of Padua with a thesis entitled "Critical evaluation of functional evaluation indices in the elderly" (supervisor Prof. Gaetano Crepaldi).

• 1995: Research Doctorate (PhD) in Experimental Medicine (Arteriosclerosis Group) at the University of Siena, with a thesis entitled "Use of genetic markers in the diagnosis of dyslipidemia" (supervisor Prof. Giorgio Weber).

• 2004: Eligibility for 2nd level Professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector MED/09 at the University of Florence


Scientific training


• 1983-1987: Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Padua.

• 1988-1989-1990: Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA (Director Prof. Joseph L. Goldstein). Worked in collaboration with Prof. Helen H. Hobbs (ANNEX 1 and 2)

• Since 1991: Institute of Internal Medicine, Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Clinical & Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara.




• 1988-1989-1990: Assistant Instructor (faculty position) at the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA. (3-year VISA J-1) (ANNEX 1 and 2)

• 1991-2004: Level I Medical Assistant at the Institute of Internal Medicine of the University of Ferrara (Director Prof. Renato Fellin).

• Since 2005: Associate Professor in Internal Medicine at the University of Ferrara.

• Since 2010: Director of U.O.L. of Internal Medicine, Gerontology and Clinical Nutrition, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara.

• 2010-2014: Head (acting) at the U.O. University Internal Medicine (MIU), Arcispedale S. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara, with achievement of the agreed objectives (respect for budget and human resources objectives).

• Since 2010: Director of the School of Specialization in Internal Medicine at the University of Ferrara.

• Since 2013: Coordinator of the Degree Course in Dietetics at the University of Ferrara.

• Since 2014: Head of Complex Operating Unit, University Internal Medicine (MIU), Arcispedale S. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara.

  • Since 2017: full professor on Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara



Clinical Activity


• 1986, 1987, 1990: 3rd Acute Division of the Geriatric Hospital of Padua.

• 1991-2010: c clinical activity as an internist at the Institute of Internal Medicine of the University of Ferrara and the Medical Department of the Arcispedale S. Anna, initially as Medical Assistant (1991 - 2005) and subsequently as associate professor. He carried out outpatient activities at the Internal Medicine clinic and at the Clinic for the Study of Metabolic Diseases and Arteriosclerosis.

• Since 2000: responsible for the Day Service and the Clinic for the Study of Cognitive Disorders of the Institute of Internal Medicine of the University of Ferrara.

• Since 2000: member of the Alzheimer's Disease Expert Center-Perusini of Ferrara.

• Since 2006: Highly Specialized Assignment "Study of cognitive decline associated with metabolic diseases" at the S. Anna University Hospital of Ferrara.

• Since 2014: Head of Complex Operational Unit, University Internal Medicine (MIU), Arcispedale S. Anna University Hospital, Ferrara


Research Activities


Metabolism & Arteriosclerosis


  • Relationship between physical activity, anabolic steroids and lipid metabolism.
  • Lipid metabolism and peripheral arterial disease.
  • Familial hypercholesterolemia: search for new mutations in the LDL receptor gene.
  • Search for new genetic markers for the study of lipid metabolism.
  • Study of the genetics of primary hypercholesterolemia.
  • Relationship between metabolic syndrome, systemic inflammation, insulin resistance and mortality.




  • Val Vibrata Aging Project: study of successful or disabled aging (topics: lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, lipoperoxides and plasma antioxidants, coagulation, anthropometric parameters, predictors of cardiovascular mortality)
  • Studio I.R.A. (Senior Retirement Institute): study of disability markers and mortality predictors in the elderly; relationship between nutritional status, disability and mortality
  • Dementia: risk factors for dementia; lipid metabolism and dementia; genetic polymorphisms in dementia [ACE, MTHFR, paraoxonase, apo E and apo (a) genes]; plasma cytokines and oxidative stress in dementia; dementia and comorbidities; BACE1 and dementia; AChEI in the treatment of dementia
  • VaSA Study: “successful vascular aging” (topics: lipid metabolism, antioxidant systems and plasma lipoperoxides; genetic factors).
  • Ischemic stroke: treatment of ischemic stroke in the acute phase; predictors of short-term mortality.
  • Delirium: relationship with acute pathologies; subsyndromal delirium


Main scientific results


  • Description and characterization of a new form of hypercholesterolemia with autosomal recessive transmission, called “Autosomal Recessive Hypercholesterolemia” (ARH) (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man OMIM n. 603813) = (European Journal of Clinical Investigation 1995; Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 1999; American Journal of Human Genetics 2000; 2001; Lancet 2002; Human Molecular Genetics 2002) (BIBLIO: 31,53,58,75,77,80,81,85).
  • Identification and characterization of a new class of genetic markers called "Alu-Sequence Related Polymorphism" in the human genome = (American Journal of Human Genetics 1990) (BIBLIO: 17).
  • Identification of new polymorphisms in the genes of: HMG-CoA reductase, Apo B-100, Apo C-III, LDL Receptor, Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL), Cholesterol Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) and LDL-receptor Related Protein (LRP) = (BIBLIO: 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 25).
  • Identification of 3 new mutations in the LDL receptor gene (FH-Algeria, FH-Kuwait, repeat 1 promoter) = (REFERENCES: 41).
  • Metabolic characterization of successful aging: identification of vitamin E and plasma lipoperoxides as predictors of cardiovascular mortality; factors associated with successful cardiovascular aging = (BIBLIO: 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 45,46,49,52,66).
  • Identification of HDL-C as a marker of disability/frailty in the elderly = (BIBLIO: 35,50,61,65,70,91,103,104,112).
  • Characterization of oxidative stress in Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment = (BIBLIO: 144,163,180,183,184,190).

Teaching Activities

Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara

- Internal Medicine II: 5th year (Ministerial Decree 270) (3 CFU)

- Internal Medicine III: 6th year (Ministerial Decree 270) (1 CFU)

- Active Primary Prevention (6th year, Ministerial Decree 270, Ferrara-Maastricht exchange - 2 CFU)

- Course "The syndrome of frailty in the elderly" (6th year Ministerial Decree 509) (1 CFU)

Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, University of Ferrara

- Professor of Internal Medicine (MED-09): from 2006 to 2011 (2 CFU)

Degree Course in Nursing, University of Ferrara

-Teacher of Internal Medicine (MED-09) in the integrated course of Clinical Nursing applied to the geriatric and neurological area until 2014 (1 CFU)

Degree Course in Dietetics, University of Ferrara (Course Coordinator)

- Teaching holder of the Physiopathology of Malnutrition and Nutrition in the Geriatric Age course (2 CFU)

Degree Course in Physiotherapist, University of Ferrara

- In charge of teaching Geriatrics (MED-09) in the integrated course of Rehabilitation Methodology of the III age. (1 CFU)

Degree Course in Professional Health Educator, University of Ferrara & Trento

- Rovereto branch (TN): Analysis of needs and planning of interventions - Mod.2 Course in Geriatric Medicine (MED-09) (2 CFU)

Degree Course in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Therapy, University of Ferrara

- Geriatrics (MED-09) during the integrated Rehabilitation course applied to the area of ​​Neurology, Geriatrics, Neuropsychiatry (1 CFU)

School of Specialization in Endocrinology and Replacement Diseases, University of Ferrara

- Teaching of Internal Medicine (MED-09)

- Years 1999-2002: in charge of teaching Medical Statistics.

- Since 2002: teaching of Metabolic Diseases III.

School of Specialization in Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara (director of the school)

- Since 1997: in charge of teaching Clinical Methodology (MED-09).

School of Specialization in Clinical Pathology, University of Ferrara

-Since 2001: in charge of teaching Geriatrics (MED-09).

School of Specialization in Occupational Medicine, University of Ferrara

-Since 2004: in charge of teaching Internal Medicine (MED-09) and Emergency Medicine.

School of Specialization in Cardiology, University of Ferrara

- In charge of teaching Internal Medicine (MED-09).

School of Specialization in Anesthesia and Resuscitation, University of Ferrara

- In charge of teaching Internal Medicine (MED-09).

- Head of the COMMON TRUNK of Internal Medicine for all medical specialization schools, University of Ferrara.

MASTER II LEVEL in Geriatric Medicine, University of S. Marino (RSM) & University of Ferrara.

- Scientific director of the Master

- Holder of 3/10 teaching blocks (2 CFU)

II level Master's Degree in Prevention & Health, University of Ferrara

- Teacher of the “Lipids and Atherosclerosis” course.

External member of the Research Doctorate (PhD) commission “Neuroscience Brain Aging”, University of Graz, Austria, years 2012-14.




• Three-year scholarship (1988-1990) supported by Merck Sharp & Dohme for a three-year stay at the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA.


Cover Letters & Certificates

• Prof. Joseph L. Goldstein: director of the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA (ANNEX 1)

• Prof. Helen H. Hobbs & Prof. Joseph L. Goldstein, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA (ANNEX 2)


Editorial activity

• Associate Editor of BMC Geriatrics

• Associate Editor of Annals of Gerontology and Geriatric Research

• Gerontology Journal Editorial Committee (SIGG official body)


Peer Reviewer activity for the following scientific journals:


1. Aging Clinical Experimental Research

2. Neuroscience Letters

3. Journal of Gerontology, Medical Sciences

4. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

5. American Journal of Epidemiology

6. European Journal of Clinical Investigation

7. Journal of the American College of Nutrition

8. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics

9. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism

10. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease

11. American Journal of Medical Genetics

12. Vascular Health and Risk management

13. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging

14. Biomarkers Inside

15. Acta Diabetologica

16. Archives of Medical Sciences

17. Journal of Internal Medicine

18. CNS Neurosciences & Therapeutics

19. Atherosclerosis

20. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids

21. European Journal of Neurology

22. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity

23. Internal and Emergency Medicine

24. Renjuvenation Research

25. Diabetes Research

26. International Journal of Alzheimer's disease

27. BMJ Open

28. JAMA

29. American Journal Alzheimer Disease

30. Plos One

31. Neurobiology of Aging

32. Lipids in Health and Disease

33. Medicines

34. Int J Immun and Pharm


Scientific reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), year 2014

• Scientific reviewer for ZonMw - The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development, year 2015

• From 1991 to 1998: member of the GIFA research group (Italian Group of Drug Epidemiology in the Elderly), multicenter study coordinated by the Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG)

• Since 1998: member of the scientific committee of the InChianti study (Tuscany region, INRCA Ancona, NIA-NIH Bethesda, USA)


Affiliations to national & international Scientific Societies


1. Italian Society of Internal Medicine (SIMI)

2. Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG)

3. Gerontological Society of America (GSA)

4. Italian Association of Psychogeriatrics (AIP)

5. Metabolic Diseases and Atherosclerosis Study Group

6. Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis (SISA)


Member of the SISA Board of Directors, Emilia-Romagna section (2000-2004)

- Member of the SIGG Board of Directors, Emilia-Romagna section 2010-2014; 2015-2017

- President in office SIGG Emilia-Romagna section years 2015-2017

- Member of the National Board of Directors of the Italian Psychogeriatrics Association (AIP)


Bibliometric Indicators


  • Scientific publications: 315
  • Total citations: 9783 (Scopus 1996-2024); 14444 (Google Scholar 01.2024)
  • H Index: 50 (Scopus:1996-2024); 62 (Google Scholar 01.2024)
  • Invited participation in congresses and conferences: 132